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Gandalf The White
21 March 2020 07:50:49

Just looked at the Tesco website and the message at the top says:


Really good to see.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

21 March 2020 07:57:16

Profiteering. Sickening. Yes, this is real.

"As soon as we abandon our own reason, and are content to rely on authority, there is no end to our troubles." - Bertrand Russell 
Rob K
21 March 2020 08:01:49

Profiteering. Sickening. Yes, this is real.

Originally Posted by: Ulric 

If people are staying at home they don’t need hand sanitiser anyway. Good old soap and water is better. 

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
21 March 2020 08:03:19

Profiteering. Sickening. Yes, this is real.

Originally Posted by: Ulric 

It is disgusting and preying on people’s fears. The prices are similar online. As Rob says, where practicable soap and water does the job perfectly.

Lionel Hutz
21 March 2020 08:04:16

New infections in South Korea rising again.

Originally Posted by: Justin W 

I hope that's due to more testing. 

Lionel Hutz
Nr.Waterford , S E Ireland
68m ASL

Rob K
21 March 2020 08:04:34

Antibody testing remains the key to unravelling the extent of the infection. We're now reaching the stage where huge numbers of people are convinced they had it in January or February. I'm very sceptical. Other respiratory infections are always widespread in the winter months. We still eagerly await the results from Holland. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

It would be great if they were right and that a lot of people are already immune. But the spread we are seeing now makes it look almost certain to me that cases where essentially zero before early Feb. 

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
Heavy Weather 2013
21 March 2020 08:08:22
Looking at the dashboard and SK have seen the highest number of cases in one day that the last week.

Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
21 March 2020 08:15:42


I hope that's due to more testing. 

Originally Posted by: Lionel Hutz 

Unfortunately not, their testing is up and down - 10845 yesterday but last week it was 12-13k per day. The % increase in new cases though is consistently below 10%.

Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
21 March 2020 08:22:16

The Italians seem to believe that the virus was circulating much more than they knew in early Feb; this could mean that the UK is more than a month behind Italy (no two countries will be the same anyway).


Lionel Hutz
21 March 2020 08:23:03


Unfortunately not, their testing is up and down - 10845 yesterday but last week it was 12-13k per day. The % increase in new cases though is consistently below 10%.

Originally Posted by: speckledjim 

That's bad news so. That's the big fear about the virus. I'm pretty sure that the lockdown will steadily reduce the number of cases. However, when will we be to let down our guard and get back to normal? 

Lionel Hutz
Nr.Waterford , S E Ireland
68m ASL

21 March 2020 08:24:40


That's bad news so. That's the big fear about the virus. I'm pretty sure that the lockdown will steadily reduce the number of cases. However, when will we be to let down our guard and get back to normal? 

Originally Posted by: Lionel Hutz 

I would imagine not until we have a vaccine or herd immunity.....

Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
Phil G
21 March 2020 08:25:07

Regarding the idea of banning trolleys in supermarkets, not everyone trying to buy large amounts of food is “panic buying”. What about families with two or three teenagers? Have you seen how much they eat? If you limit people to a basket of groceries they will have to go to the shops almost every day, which is surely counterproductive when we are trying to limit exposure!

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

If people just returned to their 'normal' weekly shop habits, we will be okay. When they are several items short, they return a few days later and buy more stuff than they would have.

Phil G
21 March 2020 08:28:32

I’m not sure why supermarkets don’t introduce a reverse price differential to grossly discourage bulk buying. For instance, one pack normal price but two for five times the price.
It would instantly stop the hoarding of the ignorant masses and allow everyone to get a few basics in.

Originally Posted by: nsrobins 

Great idea. Would virtually stop that.

I seemed to remember Morrison's were running short of bog rolls well before this all kicked off.

  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
21 March 2020 08:29:29

Some rather cold comfort suggesting headline figures for deaths, especially for the elderly,  are inflated due to double counting

Originally Posted by: DEW 

This is something I’ve flagged up too.  The difference in mortality rates in various countries begs the question of whether they’re all using the same criteria and whether they’re all accounting for comorbidity.

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
21 March 2020 08:33:08

The virus has spawned some ingenuity locally.

  • A local catering supplies company, shorn of its usual schools and restaurant customers, is doing home delivery of its products for those within 30 miles of Maidstone. I got a slot for Tuesday, result!

I'm sure this is going on all over the country. In times of crisis, there will always be opportunity!

(Day 4 of self-isolation here. The milkman didn't have any eggs or bake-at-home bread this morning, but luckily those plus more will now be coming courtesy of that farm company in a few days' time.)



Leysdown, north Kent
Gandalf The White
21 March 2020 08:34:19


That's bad news so. That's the big fear about the virus. I'm pretty sure that the lockdown will steadily reduce the number of cases. However, when will we be to let down our guard and get back to normal? 

Originally Posted by: Lionel Hutz 

I think we just need to look at the wide range of viruses that floated around the population causing disease and death before the days of vaccination programmes. It’s within the lifetimes of anyone over 65 that we lived with measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, influenza, tetanus and many more. Even polio was still feared back in the 1950s. 

The point is that we have overcome a range viruses only by widespread vaccination programmes to achieve herd immunity. It may well be the only option for SARS-Cov2.  The questions are how long to find a vaccine and how long to complete a programme that requires perhaps 5 billion shots globally.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Roger Parsons
21 March 2020 08:39:54

I think we just need to look at the wide range of viruses that floated around the population causing disease and death before the days of vaccination programmes. It’s within the lifetimes of anyone over 65 that we lived with measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, influenza, tetanus and many more. Even polio was still feared back in the 1950s. 

The point is that we have overcome a range viruses only by widespread vaccination programmes to achieve herd immunity. It may well be the only option for SARS-Cov2.  The questions are how long to find a vaccine and how long to complete a programme that requires perhaps 5 billion shots globally.

Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

I think I have mentioned that a neighbour got polio in the 50s. His dad was a farm worker and had to do lone work on the farm for the duration while his boy was in isolation!


West Lindsey district of Lincolnshire
Everything taken together, here in Lincolnshire are more good things than man could have had the conscience to ask.
William Cobbett, in his Rural Rides - c.1830
21 March 2020 08:44:58

This whole horrific nightmare that is unfolding has become very real for me today.

I learned this  morning that a very close friend of mine has contracted Covid19 while working in Germany last week.

He developed symptoms earlier this week and has deteriorated rapidly and is now in intensive care in a coma and a very critical condition.

This guy is a fantastic man, newly married, and he is 35 with no underlying health conditions that I am aware of.

This is REAL guys. This is just the start. I am very very upset today. Until I heard this news this morning, I thought, this won't affect me. I thought, this is something that afflicts the elderly and infirm. 

Absolutely not. My friend was fit and healthy and young. He is now fighting for his life, and the next 24 hours is critical. I am praying for him, I feel so helpless. His wife cannot visit him, today is his birthday.

Please, everyone on TWO, pray for my friend. Positive thoughts are all I have right now. I pray that my friend pulls through.

Witney, Oxfordshire
100m ASL
John p
21 March 2020 08:49:24

This whole horrific nightmare that is unfolding has become very real for me today.

I learned this  morning that a very close friend of mine has contracted Covid19 while working in Germany last week.

He developed symptoms earlier this week and has deteriorated rapidly and is now in intensive care in a coma and a very critical condition.

This guy is a fantastic man, newly married, and he is 35 with no underlying health conditions that I am aware of.

This is REAL guys. This is just the start. I am very very upset today. Until I heard this news this morning, I thought, this won't affect me. I thought, this is something that afflicts the elderly and infirm. 

Absolutely not. My friend was fit and healthy and young. He is now fighting for his life, and the next 24 hours is critical. I am praying for him, I feel so helpless. His wife cannot visit him, today is his birthday.

Please, everyone on TWO, pray for my friend. Positive thoughts are all I have right now. I pray that my friend pulls through.

Originally Posted by: moomin75 

Sorry to hear that, I hope he pulls through.

This is terrifying that he is young and no underlying conditions.  Could the virus be mutating to affect the young?

Camberley, Surrey
Justin W
21 March 2020 08:49:33

Bloody hell, Moomin. That is terrible. I really hope your friend pulls through this.

Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?
Lionel Hutz
21 March 2020 08:50:46


I think we just need to look at the wide range of viruses that floated around the population causing disease and death before the days of vaccination programmes. It’s within the lifetimes of anyone over 65 that we lived with measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, influenza, tetanus and many more. Even polio was still feared back in the 1950s. 

The point is that we have overcome a range viruses only by widespread vaccination programmes to achieve herd immunity. It may well be the only option for SARS-Cov2.  The questions are how long to find a vaccine and how long to complete a programme that requires perhaps 5 billion shots globally.

Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

To be honest, I had managed to convince myself that the lockdown would bring results and that we might be getting back to normal in a few weeks time. While I still think that the lockdown will transform the situation, I now fear that normal will be a lot slower coming back. My milestone will be whether I can take my holiday in Italy in July. It's a milestone for me not just for selfish reasons. If it's safe to holiday in Italy then the world is back to normal. The world economy will remain banjaxed unless tourism can get back up and running. Does anyone believe that my family holiday in Italy will go ahead?

Lionel Hutz
Nr.Waterford , S E Ireland
68m ASL

Justin W
21 March 2020 08:53:13


To be honest, I had managed to convince myself that the lockdown would bring results and that we might be getting back to normal in a few weeks time. While I still think that the lockdown will transform the situation, I now fear that normal will be a lot slower coming back. My milestone will be whether I can take my holiday in Italy in July. It's a milestone for me not only for selfish reasons. If it's safe to holiday in Italy then the world is back to normal. The world economy will remain banjaxed unless tourism can get back up and running. Does anyone believe that my family holiday in Italy will go ahead?

Originally Posted by: Lionel Hutz 

I would like to say it is possible but, realistically, it has to be unlikely 

Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?
Lionel Hutz
21 March 2020 08:56:02


I would like to say it is possible but, realistically, it has to be unlikely 

Originally Posted by: Justin W 

Yes and I am coming around to that view too. Which, quite frankly, scares me. 

Then again, Moomin's post puts things in perspective. I hope your friend pulls through, Moomin.

Lionel Hutz
Nr.Waterford , S E Ireland
68m ASL

Heavy Weather 2013
21 March 2020 08:59:31
Moomin I am terribly sorry to hear that. I hope he pulls through.

Lionel, I think your holiday is unlikely to go ahead. I think that things will take a lot longer to get back to normal. While things will peak here an in other places in next 60 days. I think there is going to be a lot of nerves throughout the world.
Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
  • NMA
  • Advanced Member
21 March 2020 09:00:15

For anyone who thinks the aviation industry will be the same as it was by Easter/Christmas/next year.

Like the lady in the garden centre the other day who really thinks it will be over by Easter/Christmas and life returns to 'normal'.

I don't think we will forget flying, maybe just the cheap mass flying we have become used to over the past forty years.


Vale of the Great Dairies
South Dorset
Elevation 60m 197ft
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