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  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
26 March 2020 17:00:06

The London Eye will turn blue tonight as people are asked to do a one minute clap for the NHS at 8 o clock tonight!  Frazer Group stores are also turning their store window screens blue.  I think this doorstep clap is a really good idea to show our appreciation to those who are working on the frontline!  

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
26 March 2020 17:00:52

The temptation for many if they are employing a trades person is to take the offer of paying in cash to avoid VAT. 

Tough luck now for such self-employed together with those who've never payed a penny in tax or NI in the first place !

Originally Posted by: llamedos 

They are the bane of my life. You think it would be easier now. I just say, sorry mate, never carry cash. But just had my patio done and discussed payment - bank transfer. When I go to do it it's not in the company name but a personal current account! I will be very glad if those people do badly out of this after ripping off the UK tax system with no pressure from governments via HMRC not to do so.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
Gandalf The White
26 March 2020 17:06:45


They are the bane of my life. You think it would be easier now. I just say, sorry mate, never carry cash. But just had my patio done and discussed payment - bank transfer. When I go to do it it's not in the company name but a personal current account! I will be very glad if those people do badly out of this after ripping off the UK tax system with no pressure from governments via HMRC not to do so.

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

You need to be careful with that: if you've got an invoice from the business and it's a limited company then technically the liability isn't settled if you pay a third party unless the company confirms the arrangement (which I assume it won't..).  It also makes you a party to a potential fraud.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

26 March 2020 17:08:56

I see the anti-self employed mob are wheeling out all the old cliches today.

Many many many of us declare our income and pay our fair share of tax. But you carry on with your stereotypes.

Originally Posted by: Justin W 

Quite right as well. If only  they were cliches. Here in Essex it is practically impossible to get an invoice for work from a tradesman. It's not about a fair share - it is about paying every penny due as I have since I was 18 including when I was recently paid cash in hand for a few years for consultancy work. Also PAYE has no perks. No claiming this and that and for a secretary wife while she is spending her days at the Health Club.

You should be agreeing as you are paying all of your tax with no accountant "fiddles" so it is putting up your tax effectively as it does to all of us. 

S.Essex, 42m ASL
Heavy Weather 2013
26 March 2020 17:10:35
Does Laura K have special favours. Always the first question.
Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
Heavy Weather 2013
26 March 2020 17:12:50

The chancellor didn’t even answer the question about people being forced to go to work.

Actually deputy CMO answered the question.

Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
26 March 2020 17:15:02

Italy 662 deaths. Slight fall

Gavin D
26 March 2020 17:15:04
Italy have reported 6,153 new cases and 662 new deaths

New deaths down by 21 with 1,033 new cases compared to yesterday
26 March 2020 17:19:33

Hey guys.

In these dark times I just wanted to share the best of news. My friend has just posted (himself) that he is out of danger having been so critical. I can't tell you how relieved I am. This virus has the ability to wipe out young, fit and healthy people, and my mate has been through a horrific time.

He still has a long way to go to recover, but he is out of danger.

Witney, Oxfordshire
100m ASL
John Mason
26 March 2020 17:21:22

The fact that so many people had an untypical virus infection at the end of December through January needs to be taken more seriously by the medical fraternity instead of being dismissed out of hand. I had it. Loads of anecdotes the same on here. Go on other social media the same. I mentioned it at the time (remember this is pre-coronavirus in the media) to friends and family and about one in three either had it or knew somebody. Now we all seem to agree that it was nothing like flu. We all had a very bad cough, dry and unproductive. I had a fever for a day and so did most others. In fact it was the worst cough I have ever had in relation to being completely uncontrollable. Somebody posted today that they were hospitalised and put on a ventilator. If I had breathing problems I would have struggled. People don't bother going to the doctors these days with a cough because they know they will be told "it's just a virus doing the rounds and there's nothing we can do, come back in three weeks if you've still got it." So it also went through largely unreported. These symptoms tie up quite well with Covid-19. I'm not saying it was, it could be a different Corona virus or this a second wave mutated. But from an epidemiological point of view it could be very important to find out what it was. If they asked each new case if they had a cough earlier in the year and they all said "no" it would be very interesting. Then people who had the cough in January could be tested for anti-bodies and if they proved positive it could mean thousands, maybe millions already have had it. 

I don't believe in conspiracy theories as a retired scientist but there seems to be enough evidence not to dismiss it out of hand.

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

I went down with the mystery lurg after visiting Birmingham one weekend in mid January. Train Machynlleth-New Street (packed), walk through the human maelstrom of the Bull Ring, train Moor Street-Solihull (packed) and on the following day the same in the opposite direction, so I shared a lot of air.

Within a couple of days I had a raging fever, very painful muscles and joints, dry persistent cough, dry nose, diarrhoea and even at the height, urinary incontinence. That took a heck of a lot of managing I can tell you. The fever lasted 2-3 days but the cough went on and on into the following week and I was extraordinarily sleepy - like 16 hours a day. I found the last symptom remarkable, compared to any strain of flu I've had. The urinary incontinence was also something I have never experienced before.


  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
26 March 2020 17:24:31


We have just had this with the local Residents Association which is set up as a limited compnay - so we have to have an AGM. This was set for Apr 1st but of course that not possible; the laws say that an AGM has to held every year, within 15 months of the last one (i.e. from Mar 2019), and 2 weeks notice to be given. That would mean sending out notices mid-May when I can foresee we will still be in lockdown.

As there are only 12 residents who are also all the shareholders, we have done a virtual AGM, legal or not, with each person replying to the usual questions (approve accounts etc), actually only a formality. Before anyone asks, it has to be done on paper as 3 of the 12 are elderly and don't do computers!

There must be large organisations for which our solution is impossible - will they go for an exemption from from the time limits?

Originally Posted by: DEW 

Just had a notice from Rentokil as I am a shareholder. They are going ahead with their AGM 13th May but moving it from a Gatwick hotel to their Head Office i Crawley. Not sure how this makes a difference but I shan't be going along to find out.

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
Lionel Hutz
26 March 2020 17:25:31

Hey guys.

In these dark times I just wanted to share the best of news. My friend has just posted (himself) that he is out of danger having been so critical. I can't tell you how relieved I am. This virus has the ability to wipe out young, fit and healthy people, and my mate has been through a horrific time.

He still has a long way to go to recover, but he is out of danger.

Originally Posted by: moomin75 

That is good news, moomin.

Lionel Hutz
Nr.Waterford , S E Ireland
68m ASL

26 March 2020 17:34:35

Hey guys.

In these dark times I just wanted to share the best of news. My friend has just posted (himself) that he is out of danger having been so critical. I can't tell you how relieved I am. This virus has the ability to wipe out young, fit and healthy people, and my mate has been through a horrific time.

He still has a long way to go to recover, but he is out of danger.

Originally Posted by: moomin75 

That's good news Moomin! 

Gavin D
26 March 2020 17:35:06
UK ICU peak in 2 1/2 to 3 weeks according to Neil Ferguson

"LONDON — If Britain's measures for tackling the coronavirus outbreak work then intensive care demand will peak in 2 1/2 to 3 weeks time, a top epidemiologist who advised the government said on Wednesday.

If, and it's an if, we're moderately confident as I've said but can't be completely sure, if the current measures work as we would expect them to then we will see intensive care unit demand peak in approximately two and half to three weeks' time and then decline thereafter, Neil Ferguson, a professor of mathematical biology at Imperial College London, told a British parliamentary committee.

When asked how many people would be infected in the next six months, he said: It will vary a lot by geographic area it's possible that up to 5, at the outside 10, percent of the London population will have some form of infection in that time.

He said the recent data from South Korea was encouraging. We are looking at that as a model. The UK does not have the testing capability to replicate South Korea right now but it is likely in the next few weeks we will do, Ferguson said." 
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
26 March 2020 17:35:36

That's good news Moomin! 

Originally Posted by: ozone_aurora 

  I’ll second that!

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
  • llamedos
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
26 March 2020 17:36:20

Hey guys.

In these dark times I just wanted to share the best of news. My friend has just posted (himself) that he is out of danger having been so critical. I can't tell you how relieved I am. This virus has the ability to wipe out young, fit and healthy people, and my mate has been through a horrific time.

He still has a long way to go to recover, but he is out of danger.

Originally Posted by: moomin75 

Excellent news 

"Life with the Lions"

TWO Moderator
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
26 March 2020 17:37:13

My daughter just text to say her self employed partner is very happy with the government paying 80% of his wages.  

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
26 March 2020 17:41:54

  I’ll second that!

Originally Posted by: Caz 

Great news and thanks for updating.  

Brian Gaze
26 March 2020 17:43:41


Just had a notice from Rentokil as I am a shareholder. They are going ahead with their AGM 13th May but moving it from a Gatwick hotel to their Head Office i Crawley. Not sure how this makes a difference but I shan't be going along to find out.

Originally Posted by: DEW 

Reading that made me laugh. Are they utterly stupid or is the context missing here?

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
  • llamedos
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
26 March 2020 17:46:14

Data collected gathered via the NHS's 111 telephone service is to be mixed with other sources to help predict where ventilators, hospital beds, and medical staff will be most in need.

"Life with the Lions"

TWO Moderator
John S2
26 March 2020 17:54:28

BTW regarding the discussion yesterday about driving somewhere for exercise, it looks like the official advice is that this is not allowed. Makes sense I suppose as otherwise people congregate at popular spots. Although it makes exercising less appealing if you live in a concrete jungle.

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

There is still confusion about this. The following appeared on The Guardian website at 16:54 today:

'the Guardian checked with the Cabinet Office, which is overseeing the new restrictions on movement, and a spokeswoman confirmed that the guidelines do not prohibit driving somewhere for exercise or dog walking.'

I can understand the authorities not wanting people congregating in popular spots, but some police forces appear to be taking an over-zealous approach without proper authority. Proper regular exercise - ie not just a trek along local concrete and asphalt - is necessary both to keep physically healthy and for mental well being.

26 March 2020 17:56:28
Our local council have just suspended collection of garden waste and the food waste caddies.

I think refuse collection is about to become a huge problem.
"As soon as we abandon our own reason, and are content to rely on authority, there is no end to our troubles." - Bertrand Russell 
Brian Gaze
26 March 2020 17:58:46

Our local council have just suspended collection of garden waste and the food waste caddies.

I think refuse collection is about to become a huge problem.

Originally Posted by: Ulric 

Presumably they are saying food waste should now go in with the ordinary rubbish?

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Justin W
26 March 2020 17:59:56

Our local council have just suspended collection of garden waste and the food waste caddies.

I think refuse collection is about to become a huge problem.

Originally Posted by: Ulric 

Refuse collectors have not been issued with any personal protection equipment. They are bottom of the list despite facing significant risks. This is going to result in a major staffing problem.

Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?
Gandalf The White
26 March 2020 18:01:00


I went down with the mystery lurg after visiting Birmingham one weekend in mid January. Train Machynlleth-New Street (packed), walk through the human maelstrom of the Bull Ring, train Moor Street-Solihull (packed) and on the following day the same in the opposite direction, so I shared a lot of air.

Within a couple of days I had a raging fever, very painful muscles and joints, dry persistent cough, dry nose, diarrhoea and even at the height, urinary incontinence. That took a heck of a lot of managing I can tell you. The fever lasted 2-3 days but the cough went on and on into the following week and I was extraordinarily sleepy - like 16 hours a day. I found the last symptom remarkable, compared to any strain of flu I've had. The urinary incontinence was also something I have never experienced before.


Originally Posted by: John Mason 

Good God. That sounds like a check-list of Covid-19 symptoms.

Glad you've recovered.

More anecdotal evidence that the virus has been in circulation since early January if not earlier. Given it broke out in Wuhan in late November that's quite possible.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

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