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28 March 2020 15:06:51

I haven't read these threads for 24h now, but it's rubbish to say that the govt has handled this well. Our government has failed in 2 important ways:

  • the lack of preparation for the NHS (it should have started major ('just in case') preparations back from early Feb

  • the herd immunity shambles, the poor testing and the subsequent delay in enforcing a lockdown

We are now getting the predicted 100s of deaths daily and many of those poor people will have been infected ~3 weeks ago, when we still had indoor gigs, Cheltenhams and all places still open. Even 2 weeks ago we still had restaurants and pubs open. And we cannot say there was no warning or that we had to wait until the data got bad, the Italian doctors at the frontline were begging all European countries to shut down everything immediately in order to avoid their shambles and their hell.

Saying that the govt is responsible for many people dying prematurely is not political scoring, it is the cold reality.

This will now get worse and will last longer.


28 March 2020 15:07:02

As others have said, some grim figures today. We're definitely heading into the same territory as Italy and Spain now.

I seriously hope all those people who treated the lockdown as a free holiday early in the week are happy...

Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
28 March 2020 15:07:51


My folks are really struggling to get any food, let alone fresh, in Kent. No slots at all. They are >70 with underlying health conditions.

Meanwhile in Durham, there are numerous independent shops where you can order stuff. I had a search yesterday, found a local greengrocer, and have 40 quids' worth of fresh fruit and veg coming this afternoon!

Cheese and yoghurt are the things that are problematic. My yoghurt has run out. Cheese - got about 2 weeks' worth left. Could order fancy stuff but very expensive. Supermarket seems only place to get basic cheddar for the kids. Main issue with the yoghurt is that without it, it's hard to find something to eat my chia seeds with... the lot of the middle classes.

Originally Posted by: NickR 

My brother lives in Durham and is a local councilor there and confirmed things not too bad. Whenever I go there I tend to find the people above average intelligence though 

S.Essex, 42m ASL
  • RobN
  • Advanced Member
28 March 2020 15:08:09

In the absence of publicly available tests, a good reason to have a glass or two of red wine each evening - just to check...

Coronavirus: loss of smell and taste reported as early symptoms of COVID-19

In the flatlands of South Cambridgeshire 15m ASL.
28 March 2020 15:11:44



Quite right, the tax-dodging tw*t.

I'm hoping that after this, and using the cash-starved NHS as a figurehead, there's a renewed campaign by tax justice groups to flag how millionaires and billionaires dodge paying their fair share of tax through use of offshoring, trusts and other loopholes.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Well there was one  - it was called the EU, who were clamping down. One of the reasons Boris and Mogg wanted out.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
The Beast from the East
28 March 2020 15:12:27

Suggestions now we could see the peak next weekend with our death toll staying below 6,000


"Experts have offered hope that Britain's coronavirus outbreak could peak as early as next Sunday, with the nationwide lockdown over by summer.

Originally Posted by: Gavin D 

Was it really worth wrecking the economy for? Other reports say half the population have already had it, so there is no need to extend the lockdown any longer than is necessary. I'm please that both Trump and Boris hope to get things moving again ASAP

When Boris and Prince Charles recover without incident, the public will become a little less hysterical about this.

The Cure must never lead to a worse outcome than the original problem. You don't demolish your house because you a bit of damp.

I know everyone here disagrees, but there will be many more deaths from economic collapse and poverty related issues, not to mention mental health, suicide and physical health issues arising from forced isolation - obesity, drug abuse, alcoholism. also domestic violence. You cannot lock people down for long, as we may find out soon

Just from anecdotal evidence, I can see the strain and stress in people's faces when I go for my walks and I go to Tesco and other shops that are open. In the mornings, the booze aisle in Tesco if fairly full, when I come back at 9pm it's been cleared. People are self medicating.

This is not sustainable and I pleased King Boris seems to agree with me


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
28 March 2020 15:15:53


I cannot for the life of me understand how we are going to see the peak of this in 7 days. When new cases are surging and the lag in death rate.

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 

Totally agree , I don't see how someone has come to that conclusion

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

28 March 2020 15:17:30


That's an interesting one. Not all millionaires dodge things by setting up trusts and offshoring, indeed I know a couple who don't. Similarly, I know of at least one that has set up a trust for their family, thus dodging tax. The others I'm not sure about.

(Remember, as of a couple of years ago at least, 20% of pensioners are millionaires!

"In contrast, the total wealth of people aged over 65 rose to an average of £1.1 million.")



Originally Posted by: Retron 

I guess that includes their house. In the S.E an average semi can be worth £400k and double that in London. I agree it's a high percentage but it's not quite as rich as it sounds though probably better than most income groups as a whole. I suspect, being one, that a large number of  pensioners that own their home are reasonably comfortable financially.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
John p
28 March 2020 15:17:59


Was it really worth wrecking the economy for? Other reports say half the population have already had it, so there is no need to extend the lockdown any longer than is necessary. I'm please that both Trump and Boris hope to get things moving again ASAP

When Boris and Prince Charles recover without incident, the public will become a little less hysterical about this.

The Cure must never lead to a worse outcome than the original problem. You don't demolish your house because you a bit of damp.

I know everyone here disagrees, but there will be many more deaths from economic collapse and poverty related issues, not to mention mental health, suicide and physical health issues arising from forced isolation - obesity, drug abuse, alcoholism. also domestic violence. You cannot lock people down for long, as we may find out soon

Just from anecdotal evidence, I can see the strain and stress in people's faces when I go for my walks and I go to Tesco and other shops that are open. In the mornings, the booze aisle in Tesco if fairly full, when I come back at 9pm it's been cleared. People are self medicating.

This is not sustainable and I pleased King Boris seems to agree with me


Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

I see you haven’t learned a thing from your ban ffs. 

Camberley, Surrey
The Beast from the East
28 March 2020 15:18:08

I haven't read these threads for 24h now, but it's rubbish to say that the govt has handled this well. Our government has failed in 2 important ways:

  • the lack of preparation for the NHS (it should have started major ('just in case') preparations back from early Feb

  • the herd immunity shambles, the poor testing and the subsequent delay in enforcing a lockdown

We are now getting the predicted 100s of deaths daily and many of those poor people will have been infected ~3 weeks ago, when we still had indoor gigs, Cheltenhams and all places still open. Even 2 weeks ago we still had restaurants and pubs open. And we cannot say there was no warning or that we had to wait until the data got bad, the Italian doctors at the frontline were begging all European countries to shut down everything immediately in order to avoid their shambles and their hell.

Saying that the govt is responsible for many people dying prematurely is not political scoring, it is the cold reality.

This will now get worse and will last longer.


Originally Posted by: xioni2 

It will get worse, but be over  soon. April 12 may be the peak as latest forecasts suggests

We see cases in S Korea up again today. We cant contain this, just let it rip and get it over with. That's my sincere view, but I know most people disagree

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
28 March 2020 15:18:28

In the absence of publicly available tests, a good reason to have a glass or two of red wine each evening - just to check...

Coronavirus: loss of smell and taste reported as early symptoms of COVID-19

Originally Posted by: RobN 


My cousin (who's been tested positive)   has  a profound loss of a sense of smell and taste.    She's hoping both will return but she's over the worst of it now and so far neither have. :(

Chris (It,its)
Between Newbury and Basingstoke
"When they are giving you their all, some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy banging your heart against some mad buggers wall"
28 March 2020 15:19:58

Sorry for being stupid but how can a forecast of the peak be given when we haven't got a clue where the virus currently is and our testing numbers are so low?

To be there in 7 days seems very optimistic 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

The Beast from the East
28 March 2020 15:20:00


I see you haven’t learned a thing from your ban ffs. 

Originally Posted by: John p 

I should be allowed to express an opinion? Yes?

The Swedish approach is perhaps the best compromise between containment and mental health of citizens


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
28 March 2020 15:25:58 

Scum like these should not be prosecuted, they should be isolated in a wooden box 6 feet underground in the interests of public safety !!
The Beast from the East
28 March 2020 15:29:21

Scum like these should not be prosecuted, they should be isolated in a wooden box 6 feet underground in the interests of public safety !!

Originally Posted by: Steve 

The local chavs round here are still hanging around in groups and shouting abuse as usual, yet no rozzers in sight. Perhaps they are too busy going after people driving to beauty spots to go for walks


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Heavy Weather 2013
28 March 2020 15:31:17

Sorry for being stupid but how can a forecast of the peak be given when we haven't got a clue where the virus currently is and our testing numbers are so low?

To be there in 7 days seems very optimistic 

Originally Posted by: Gooner 


Someone is government has been briefing this to the government. The numbers speak for themselves. We have many weeks of new cases and deaths. 

Sometimes this country is so arrogant. We thought we could do it differently to everywhere else and it failed, and now we have this briefings saying it will peak by next weekend as if we are different from all other European nations.


Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
28 March 2020 15:31:43


Was it really worth wrecking the economy for? Other reports say half the population have already had it, so there is no need to extend the lockdown any longer than is necessary. I'm please that both Trump and Boris hope to get things moving again ASAP

When Boris and Prince Charles recover without incident, the public will become a little less hysterical about this.

The Cure must never lead to a worse outcome than the original problem. You don't demolish your house because you a bit of damp.

I know everyone here disagrees, but there will be many more deaths from economic collapse and poverty related issues, not to mention mental health, suicide and physical health issues arising from forced isolation - obesity, drug abuse, alcoholism. also domestic violence. You cannot lock people down for long, as we may find out soon

Just from anecdotal evidence, I can see the strain and stress in people's faces when I go for my walks and I go to Tesco and other shops that are open. In the mornings, the booze aisle in Tesco if fairly full, when I come back at 9pm it's been cleared. People are self medicating.

This is not sustainable and I pleased King Boris seems to agree with me


Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

I think there is some wisdom in your words Beast- looking at the longer term picture is important. I have a personal struggle, illogical but endemic, about accepting sacrifice of human life for a bigger economic picture- but that's not a disagreement.

I will say in the shorter term, families here are rediscovering each other, walking and talking together, cycling and gardening. Children seem more desperate to get outside, because they can't; they're growing radishes in 3-storey-flat window boxes and dancing in their little gardens. It heartens me, because I sometimes wonder if we've got the bigger picture wrong and it's in a harsh way, being mended right now.

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
Retire while you can still press the 'retire now' button.
28 March 2020 15:32:07

Just one off, but first confirmed case of the virus passing from a human to a cat in Belgium. The cat developed diarrhoea, vomiting and breathing difficulties, but it's not know if she died.

28 March 2020 15:32:24


It will get worse, but be over  soon. April 12 may be the peak as latest forecasts suggests

We see cases in S Korea up again today. We cant contain this, just let it rip and get it over with. That's my sincere view, but I know most people disagree

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

I don’t agree with “let it rip” but I absolutely believe we need to let the virus run it’s course as quickly as possible (whilst balancing the pressures on the NHS). If the vulnerable groups remain isolated like they are supposed to then the rest of us can get it and the vast majority of us will just have mild flu like symptoms. 

Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
Heavy Weather 2013
28 March 2020 15:32:36


I should be allowed to express an opinion? Yes?

The Swedish approach is perhaps the best compromise between containment and mental health of citizens


Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

Well, they are back tracking on their approach pretty speedily I hear.

Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
The Beast from the East
28 March 2020 15:33:33

The free Cheques being sent out to every American will also have Trump's signature on them. He will definitely be re-elected now


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
28 March 2020 15:34:34

 Sometimes this country is so arrogant. We thought we could do it differently to everywhere else and it failed, and now we have this briefings saying it will peak by next weekend as if we are different from all other European nations.


Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 

Exactly, arrogance and a strong sense of exceptionalism can often cause problems, but occasionally they can be lethal too. Our politicians, journalists and even scientists should show more humility.

The Beast from the East
28 March 2020 15:35:38


Well, they are back tracking on their approach pretty speedily I hear.

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 

pubs, bars and restaurants still open with social distancing rules

That seems sensible. You cant lock people down for too long as we will find out soon in Italy etc

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
28 March 2020 15:36:07



My cousin (who's been tested positive)   has  a profound loss of a sense of smell and taste.    She's hoping both will return but she's over the worst of it now and so far neither have. :(

Originally Posted by: Bugglesgate 


My wife and I have been isolating at home for the last week, both of us with many of the symptoms of this virus and its not been a pleasant experience.

We are slowly recovering, but both of us have completely lost our senses of taste and smell for the last 2 or 3 days.

This morning, i made a good strong espresso and finally there was a very slight taste of coffee, so I'm hoping things are starting to return. But eating and drinking have just been a necessary activity with no real enjoyment!

28 March 2020 15:36:49


Was it really worth wrecking the economy for? Other reports say half the population have already had it, so there is no need to extend the lockdown any longer than is necessary. I'm please that both Trump and Boris hope to get things moving again ASAP

When Boris and Prince Charles recover without incident, the public will become a little less hysterical about this.

The Cure must never lead to a worse outcome than the original problem. You don't demolish your house because you a bit of damp.

I know everyone here disagrees, but there will be many more deaths from economic collapse and poverty related issues, not to mention mental health, suicide and physical health issues arising from forced isolation - obesity, drug abuse, alcoholism. also domestic violence. You cannot lock people down for long, as we may find out soon

Just from anecdotal evidence, I can see the strain and stress in people's faces when I go for my walks and I go to Tesco and other shops that are open. In the mornings, the booze aisle in Tesco if fairly full, when I come back at 9pm it's been cleared. People are self medicating.

This is not sustainable and I pleased King Boris seems to agree with me


Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

This is what I wrote   in response to someone who came the same line as you via email - i.e  stuff all the old and vulnerable people - I want to get on with my life !

A civilised society *always* seeks to look after its most vulnerable people.  It's baked into the actual word civilisation.

 - to bring out of savagery or barbarism into a state characteristic of civilization.

The cult of the individual over the entire  community is one of my major bones of contentions  with Thatcherism.   Bringing the time frame up-to-date you can see her wretched  attitude in the likes of the odious Tim Martin, who despite overwhelming scientific advice, sought to keep his  "Spoons" pub chain open until his hand was forced by the Govt.   Another one was the revolting Mike Ashely  (also known for treating his workers like something he trod in) trying   to be an exception to the rule for personal gain.

I seriously don't want to be  bracketed with these wretched creatures and side with money maximisation over the welfare  of a vulnerable section of society.

Widening  it all out philosophically,  just "bashing on" and  condemning  a minority to die is  just hideous and the thin end of a  massive wedge.  I know we all  snig*er at the clumsy way "politically correct"  stuff  is portrayed, but it's fundamentality  the way to go.  Everyone must be treated equally,  the old, and  those with underling health issues would certainly be treated as  a lower class if we just let "nature take its course".  Once that precedent has been set, what are we left with ?  Different people in society having different "worth" and a correspondingly different levels  effort made  to ensure their welfare ?  You end up with an unmodified  Indian caste system - is that really acceptable in the 21st Century ?  Extrapolate it a bit further and you end up  with groups being actively disadvantaged  and stigmatised - that continuum ultimately  leads to the cattle trucks and Dachau  :(

This will change things without a shadow of a doubt but   I'm surprised and encouraged by  the Govt. approach and I agree with it 100%. - especially the support being given to individual and businesses.  Changing the Excel Centre into a hospital in that time scale  is brilliant - and we sneered at our ability to do that kind of thing  when the Chinese did similar !

The economy will recover, but it will be different.  People will adapt.  I am already massively encouraged  by the support that is being shown to  local communities by local business.  Our local shop will take phone orders and deliver to older  at risk people.  The local pub  has started a  substantial take away   service in the village.  In the adjective village , there is a  prescription   delivery service, fruit and  veg boxes from  another pub   with a volunteer delivery service and Scats  are delivering dog food.   All this is in real contrast the  niggardly  "lets sacrifice them all" POV "so we can carry on with our life without annoyance and inconvenience".




Chris (It,its)
Between Newbury and Basingstoke
"When they are giving you their all, some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy banging your heart against some mad buggers wall"
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