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The Beast from the East
09 April 2020 16:53:35

If the PM is making the progress they say he is with each update, I’d imagine he’ll be cycling back to Downing St on a Boris Bike😀

Originally Posted by: John p 

That might actually be the plan

Brilliant PR move if Cummings is well enough to co-ordinate it

But I suspect King Boris will come out half the man he was and will be in no position to even make a public appearance for a few weeks


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Gandalf The White
09 April 2020 16:54:20



I actually think the balance is pretty correct at the moment. 

The issue is one of enforcement. The universal softly-softly approach isn't deterring those selfish pillocks who blatantly flout the restrictions (they mainly seem to fall into two categories, at different ends of the social spectrum). There needs to be tougher punishments on the more serious transgressions like parties, organised gatherings and second-home jollies.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Apparently even enforcement doesn't always work...

"One woman in Bury became the first person in Greater Manchester to be charged under the Coronavirus Act 2020 after police had to repeatedly shut down one of the parties."


Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Brian Gaze
09 April 2020 16:54:30

Fury as M5 caravan convoy defy government advice, causing crash and loose dog

People have been told to stay at home whilst the UK is on lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic


Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Heavy Weather 2013
09 April 2020 16:56:41

Fury as M5 caravan convoy defy government advice, causing crash and loose dog

People have been told to stay at home whilst the UK is on lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic


Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Rabb was far to soft with his messaging for this weekend I felt. 

Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
09 April 2020 16:56:55

91% support extending the lockdown (yougov) 

09 April 2020 17:00:09

This policeman seems to think he will have enough time to go round checking everyone's shopping trolleys in supermarkets to judge how necessary their shopping is! (Has since retracted the comment (although he did blame the media for it) and been criticised by Patel).


Brian Gaze
09 April 2020 17:01:16

Raab has not spoken to PM
Oliver Wright from the Times asks if Acting PM Dominic Raab has had any contact with Boris Johnson since he went into hospital.

"Not yet," replies Raab, adding: "I think it is important to let him focus on the recovery - we in the government have got this covered."


Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
09 April 2020 17:02:06

Raab has not spoken to PM

Oliver Wright from the Times asks if Acting PM Dominic Raab has had any contact with Boris Johnson since he went into hospital.

"Not yet," replies Raab, adding: "I think it is important to let him focus on the recovery - we in the government have got this covered."


Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Significant, but honest

"Life with the Lions"

TWO Moderator
John p
09 April 2020 17:03:53
Something that concerns me and I haven’t really seen answered satisfactorily anywhere....
Cases are going down because of the lockdown - i.e because people aren’t mixing as much.

This will still leave a huge pool of people who have not had the virus (probably the majority), plus also a larger pool of contagious people out there ready to infect others.

Therefore doesn’t it stand to reason that as soon as the lockdown is lifted, cases will rocket again (after a week or two) as the underlying fundamentals won’t have changed? The only option I can see is rolling lockdowns (4 weeks on, 4 weeks off?).
Camberley, Surrey
09 April 2020 17:04:12

Went out on my bike yesterday evening and it was incredibly quiet, even going through central Tooting. Clapham Common was surprisingly busy the previous evening, even a few groups of 3-4 people having kickarounds, although i doubt people were generally within 2 metres of each other

The Beast from the East
09 April 2020 17:06:04

 Last night's Horizon, if you watched it, was a rerun of one broadcast in 2009. 

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

Thanks for the heads up! Just downloaded it and will watch now! I think I may have seen it the first time as it sounds familiar


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Gandalf The White
09 April 2020 17:12:12


Rabb was far to soft with his messaging for this weekend I felt. 

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 

I don't think any amount of 'messaging' will prevent a minority choosing to be selfish.  

It may seem improbable but I suspect there's still a minority that hasn't heard the message or only heard or seen it once. Then there will be the people who think they can ignore the rules because it won't matter if a few abuse the system.

I posted earlier that one woman in the Manchester area was visited several times for holding a party but still kept it going until finally she was arrested.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Phil G
09 April 2020 17:15:48


There was one young doctor in Wuhan who, IIRC, did his level best to raise the alarm about the disease and how potentially serious it could be back at the start of it. The authorities tried to silence the doctor by making threats against him. The doctor in question later died from the effects of the disease.

The Chinese authorities back then weren't giving a damn about the well being of their own people or that of people elsewhere in the world, and very clearly were doing all they could to cover it up. I simply don't believe them if they are now saying "We didn't know".

Originally Posted by: David M Porter 

Any western apologists still defending the Chinese now? Now you can see why we will never see any remorse from them. And to think some people think Trump is public enemy No.1! We have learnt a lot about them in the past few months, and its bad, very bad!

  • pfw
  • Advanced Member
09 April 2020 17:20:15

This policeman seems to think he will have enough time to go round checking everyone's shopping trolleys in supermarkets

Originally Posted by: JHutch 

The police are in a very difficult position at the moment but some of them seem to have got confused about the difference between the law and just carrying out ministers wishes or guidelines. I've seen some pretty animated discussion about this on other UK sites! IANAL but I don't think the police have the power to do what he is suggesting based on the current legislation.

This guy is a lawyer, here's his take:

(Here in Canada there have been a few fines issued for people visiting public parks and so on but nothing major I'm aware of. This Easter will be an interesting test. I'm really hoping that common sense on all sides will prevail - the last thing I want is draconian laws and/or heavy handed enforcement).

09 April 2020 17:26:23

I just had to carefully Google that acronym Paul (IANAL) as it is not one I was familiar with. 

  • pfw
  • Advanced Member
09 April 2020 17:27:49

I just had to carefully Google that acronym Paul (IANAL) as it is not one I was familiar with. 

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

 Lol  - sorry AFAIK it's SFW but YCNBTC

09 April 2020 17:28:14

I just had to carefully Google that acronym Paul (IANAL) as it is not one I was familiar with. 

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

Yes, I wasn't sure if they was an acronym or just a bit of extra info.

09 April 2020 17:29:14


 Lol  - sorry AFAIK it's SFW but YCNBTC

Originally Posted by: pfw 

Gandalf The White
09 April 2020 17:29:45

From the BBC ticker:
"China denies 'cover-up' and defends WHO
The Chinese government has rejected “unfair and unjust” allegations that it tried to “cover up” the coronavirus outbreak in the city where it began.
Zhao Lijian, a foreign ministry spokesman, said China had been “open, transparent and responsible” in informing the world about the epidemic.
He said it “took us some time before we knew more about” the virus, which was officially first detected in the city of Wuhan, in Hubei province, late last year.
China is widely considered to have concealed the extent, severity and even existence of Covid-19 during the early stages of the outbreak".

I thought their own doctors were shouting out saying they had something very bad there, but the govt there tried to silence.

Originally Posted by: Phil G 

Sorry, but that is just completely predictable and means absolutely nothing. It is a matter of record that they covered up Covid-19 for at least a month and then obfuscated about the seriousness: the silencing of the first doctor to flag the outbreak; the censoring of any social media posts raising concerns; the claim that person-to-person transmission wasn't occurring.

It is just another aspect of China's propaganda effort. Please don't let people be gullible enough to fall for this rubbish.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Gandalf The White
09 April 2020 17:31:59

I just had to carefully Google that acronym Paul (IANAL) as it is not one I was familiar with. 

Originally Posted by: doctormog 


I assume in normal usage it is followed by the word 'but'...


Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
09 April 2020 17:37:34

Something that concerns me and I haven’t really seen answered satisfactorily anywhere....
Cases are going down because of the lockdown - i.e because people aren’t mixing as much.

This will still leave a huge pool of people who have not had the virus (probably the majority), plus also a larger pool of contagious people out there ready to infect others.

Therefore doesn’t it stand to reason that as soon as the lockdown is lifted, cases will rocket again (after a week or two) as the underlying fundamentals won’t have changed? The only option I can see is rolling lockdowns (4 weeks on, 4 weeks off?).

Originally Posted by: John p 

Yes, that has been mentioned and I think that’s what they’ll have to do to prevent an NHS overload. They know they won’t stop it they’re only trying to slow it down. 

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
Brian Gaze
09 April 2020 17:46:23

Antibody testing apparently underway already in Germany. I'm not sure what to make of this article in the Tele.

1) Surely 15% is miles away from the 60% to 70% needed for herd immunity

2) Even if the 15% is correct it can not be extrapolated to the rest of Germany because Gangelt had a higher rate of infection

3) How does a combination of 1 and 2 lead to the belief the lockdown can now be eased?

4) Immunity will be in the range of 12 to 18 months - it true people who get it now will still need to be vaccinated since a vaccine isn't likely to be widely available for another 12 months or so

Perhaps my understanding is lacking or some elements of the article have got lost in translation.

I've provided the key bits below:


Many people may already have immunity to coronavirus, German study finds

Lots of people may have been infected without knowing it and that means the lockdown could soon be lifted, scientists in Germany say

Many more people may have been infected with the coronavirus and acquired immunity than previously thought, according to a groundbreaking study in Germany.

Scientists studying the town at the epicentre of Germany's first major outbreak said they had found antibodies to the virus in people who had shown no symptoms and were not previously thought to have been infected.

Initial results released on Thursday suggest as many as 15 per cent of the town may already have immunity — three times as many as previous estimates.

The findings suggest the mortality rate for the virus in Germany is just 0.37 per cent — five times lower than current estimates.

“This means a gradual relaxation of the lockdown is now possible,” Prof Hendrik Streeck, the virologist leading the study told a press conference.
Initial results based on around half the tests found 2 per cent of inhabitants are currently infected and 14 per cent had antibodies to the virus. Allowing for overlap that suggests 15 per cent of people in the town now have immunity — compared to the previous estimate of 5 per cent.


"The 15 percent is not that far from the 60 per cent we need for herd immunity," Prof Gunther Hartmann, another of the study's leaders, said.

“With 60 to 70 per cent herd immunity, the virus will completely disappear from the population. Then the elderly are no longer at risk.”

The figures cannot be extrapolated to the rest of Germany because Gangelt had a higher rate of infection. But the study's authors said they were grounds for cautious optimism. An immunity rate of 15 per cent is already enough to slow the spread of the virus significantly, they said in a joint statement.

It is unclear how long any immunity to the virus conferred by a previous infection will last, although experience with similar viruses suggests it will be in the range of a year to 18 months.


Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Heavy Weather 2013
09 April 2020 17:46:26
I don’t know about anyone else. But I couldn’t wait to get on the beers today. I started at 16:30. Not good.
Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
09 April 2020 17:57:26

Fury as M5 caravan convoy defy government advice, causing crash and loose dog

People have been told to stay at home whilst the UK is on lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic


Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

My sister, who lives on the coast near the Dorset/Hants border, reports a jet-ski crash between boy racers a couple of days ago. Not only did they have to be rescued, but the lifeboat was out of action for some time while it was deep cleaned.

And radio 4 this evening had an interview with a PC who had stopped a car loaded with canoes whose occupants had driven some 80 miles to get there (and were sent packing).

More idiots!

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
09 April 2020 18:04:29


Vallance says probably 2 weeks off. That's a long time. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

A bloody long time

And a drive home from work through Banbury tells me people aren't getting it , roads are busy many people walking through town , local shops have their car parks FULL.

If this is indicative of the UK then oh dear 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

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