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Roger Parsons
12 April 2020 20:31:16

We could bomb their boats just like we bombed their cities. That might deter them.

Somehow though, I think blowing them up in the Channel might be a little bit too close to home for the general public to ignore.

I've got it! Let's send them home. Then blow them up.

Originally Posted by: Ulric 

You are being very naughty, Ulric.

I suspect you are amongst the most moral and tolerant citizens on the forum, as well as having a refined grasp of irony.


West Lindsey district of Lincolnshire
Everything taken together, here in Lincolnshire are more good things than man could have had the conscience to ask.
William Cobbett, in his Rural Rides - c.1830
  • RobN
  • Advanced Member
12 April 2020 20:31:33


No, in the other parties at the time. Keep up!

Originally Posted by: Phil G 

You need to express yourself more clearly. It sounded like you were talking about the shambolic press conferences.

In the flatlands of South Cambridgeshire 15m ASL.
Phil G
12 April 2020 20:37:10
I live on an Island where there is a community spirit. Recently, and its been on TV a large number of people from the Jewish community have moved onto the Island from North London. Basically, you have families of 8-10 people per household. They keep themselves to themselves which is fine, so much for integration but there you go, but today many of them grouped together on one of our beaches and flouted the law. They are also ALL attending their centres in large groups for prayers.
Again, its their business and if they are going to spread the virus amongst themselves expecting their god to help them out then that's their business. But, they also enjoy visiting our local supermarkets often which there are only a few. While I know everyone else here is abiding by the law, why should these people think above the law. Going to the supermarket is really the only risk for many here as we don't come into much other contact presently. But that risk is being made much higher by the actions of these people. I just hope they have been reported and told in no uncertain terms what the position is, religion or no religion.
noodle doodle
12 April 2020 20:39:16

Guardian saying more than 30 NHS workers have already died from COVID-19.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 


Just to hold the cat's arse to the fire for a bit....


Given there's 1.5 million NHS workers, that's a death rate of only 1 in 50,000 - it actually seems curiously low...

The death rate for the general population is now about 1 in 6,000

Yeah, the vast majority of deaths are 70+, and the front-line NHS are more at risk than the back office staff, but if you want a real shocker for deaths in a workforce the figures for London Transport workers look far worse, 14 out of 27,000 (more than 1 in 2,000). Some reports now say that 20 have died -




12 April 2020 20:46:53

I live on an Island where there is a community spirit. Recently, and its been on TV a large number of people from the Jewish community have moved onto the Island from North London. Basically, you have families of 8-10 people per household. They keep themselves to themselves which is fine, so much for integration but there you go, but today many of them grouped together on one of our beaches and flouted the law. They are also ALL attending their centres in large groups for prayers.
Again, its their business and if they are going to spread the virus amongst themselves expecting their god to help them out then that's their business. But, they also enjoy visiting our local supermarkets often which there are only a few. While I know everyone else here is abiding by the law, why should these people think above the law. Going to the supermarket is really the only risk for many here as we don't come into much other contact presently. But that risk is being made much higher by the actions of these people. I just hope they have been reported and told in no uncertain terms what the position is, religion or no religion.

Originally Posted by: Phil G 

Society is breaking down so it must be the Jews?

Are you for real?

"As soon as we abandon our own reason, and are content to rely on authority, there is no end to our troubles." - Bertrand Russell 
12 April 2020 20:49:02


I tell you what, I am pleased he is in charge when you looked at those politicians around him. 

Originally Posted by: Phil G 

Me too!

S.Essex, 42m ASL
Saint Snow
12 April 2020 20:49:25

I live on an Island where there is a community spirit. Recently, and its been on TV a large number of people from the Jewish community have moved onto the Island from North London. Basically, you have families of 8-10 people per household. They keep themselves to themselves which is fine, so much for integration but there you go, but today many of them grouped together on one of our beaches and flouted the law. They are also ALL attending their centres in large groups for prayers.
Again, its their business and if they are going to spread the virus amongst themselves expecting their god to help them out then that's their business. But, they also enjoy visiting our local supermarkets often which there are only a few. While I know everyone else here is abiding by the law, why should these people think above the law. Going to the supermarket is really the only risk for many here as we don't come into much other contact presently. But that risk is being made much higher by the actions of these people. I just hope they have been reported and told in no uncertain terms what the position is, religion or no religion.

Originally Posted by: Phil G 


The Jewish and Islamic communities have been disproportionately hit by CV19 deaths. As well as the multi-generational family units, many have, as you say, deliberately flouted the temporary laws against  meeting up in order to continue their backwards religious crap.

Like I said previously, a kind of ironic Darwinism in progress.



Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Saint Snow
12 April 2020 20:50:59


Society is breaking down so it must be the Jews?

Are you for real?

Originally Posted by: Ulric 


That isn't at all what he's saying and your inference is rather immature, with undertones that are verging on the offensive.


Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
  • RobN
  • Advanced Member
12 April 2020 20:58:24



That isn't at all what he's saying and your inference is rather immature, with undertones that are verging on the offensive.


Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

And your reference above to "backwards religious crap" wasn't offensive? I think you need to look in the mirror more often.

In the flatlands of South Cambridgeshire 15m ASL.
Saint Snow
12 April 2020 21:02:31


And your reference above to "backwards religious crap" wasn't offensive? I think you need to look in the mirror more often.

Originally Posted by: RobN 


There's a huge difference. Ulric was infering anti-Semitism.

I was just deriding a bizarre blind belief in fairy stories. I have the same scorn for flat-Earthers.

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
12 April 2020 21:03:04


Wrong. Maybe an essential journey then, but certainly not now! What are you thinking of! We are all in this together, remember, or it won't work!

Originally Posted by: Phil G 

Right. He cannot pass on an infection. He cannot receive an infection. So the risk is a very small one - presumably of an RTA? Fair enough. But in his case it provides some well needed respite from a stressful situation. As an older person with two knee replacements I could drive a mile and walk round a place I know in complete isolation. Or I can walk outside my house, risk having to keep crossing the road to keep my distance but more likely trip on the uneven pavement or down the kerb and break my wrist or ankle. For elderly people this is a higher risk. Should they not be allowed to exercise? Both cases the risks are tiny. You have to use common sense and understand risk management and a bit more about isolation than a lot of people seem to.

Do not accuse me of not being in this collectively - I have been out just once a week in the last month and I voluntarily started social distancing two weeks before the lockdown.  

S.Essex, 42m ASL
Phil G
12 April 2020 21:09:12


Society is breaking down so it must be the Jews?

Are you for real?

Originally Posted by: Ulric 

Haha. My word, I am not sure how your brain processes. I thought my post was quite clear. It could have been anyone, but in this case it happens to be those who we accepted within our community, even though they don't want to integrate with us. There hasn't been a problem with them until now, but now it happens to be a matter of life or death. Are you saying their behaviour is okay? It seems with you whatever minority groups do is okay, but anyone challenging that is bad like its bad to be someone idigineous to these shores.

I am not embarrassed to be white and living in the UK.

Phil G
12 April 2020 21:12:25


Right. He cannot pass on an infection. He cannot receive an infection. So the risk is a very small one - presumably of an RTA? Fair enough. But in his case it provides some well needed respite from a stressful situation. As an older person with two knee replacements I could drive a mile and walk round a place I know in complete isolation. Or I can walk outside my house, risk having to keep crossing the road to keep my distance but more likely trip on the uneven pavement or down the kerb and break my wrist or ankle. For elderly people this is a higher risk. Should they not be allowed to exercise? Both cases the risks are tiny. You have to use common sense and understand risk management and a bit more about isolation than a lot of people seem to.

Do not accuse me of not being in this collectively - I have been out just once a week in the last month and I voluntarily started social distancing two weeks before the lockdown.  

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

At this unprecedented time, to take your kid out in the car to get them asleep IS NOT an essential journey. It's against the law. Do you understand the simple rules?

  • RobN
  • Advanced Member
12 April 2020 21:14:50



There's a huge difference. Ulric was infering anti-Semitism.

I was just deriding a bizarre blind belief in fairy stories. I have the same scorn for flat-Earthers.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

So you're one of those "round Earth" conspiracy theorists.

Now that is a bonkers religion


In the flatlands of South Cambridgeshire 15m ASL.
12 April 2020 21:16:27

I live on an Island where there is a community spirit. Recently, and its been on TV a large number of people from the Jewish community have moved onto the Island from North London. Basically, you have families of 8-10 people per household. They keep themselves to themselves which is fine, so much for integration but there you go, but today many of them grouped together on one of our beaches and flouted the law. They are also ALL attending their centres in large groups for prayers.
Again, its their business and if they are going to spread the virus amongst themselves expecting their god to help them out then that's their business. But, they also enjoy visiting our local supermarkets often which there are only a few. While I know everyone else here is abiding by the law, why should these people think above the law. Going to the supermarket is really the only risk for many here as we don't come into much other contact presently. But that risk is being made much higher by the actions of these people. I just hope they have been reported and told in no uncertain terms what the position is, religion or no religion.

Originally Posted by: Phil G 

I agree totally, a clear cross transmission risk, hopefully they are reported. 

S.Essex, 42m ASL
Saint Snow
12 April 2020 21:17:58

Watched Bozo on the BBC News.

I'm sort of incredulous - but also totally not - that a right-wing, anti-public services Tory is calling the NHS, which his party has ensured has been underfunded for 10 years so it was criminally underprepared (30 NHS workers dead, largely through a failure to ensure they had sufficient PPE), the 'beating heart of the nation'.

He then, as a key spearhead for a movement that has fostered an aggressive antipathy towards workers from outside of Britain, and seeks to ban workers from the EU having the freedom to move to and work in the UK, praised two immigrant nurses, one of which was from the very EU he has worked to demonise and denigrate with his misanthropic shyster cronies.

Sadly, I'm just a lonely voice, crying "Does nobody else see this? Is it only me????"

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
12 April 2020 21:24:19

Talking of conspiracy theories, Opinium polling shows that 7% of the population think that 5g is reponsible for coronavirus. I like to think that quite a few of that 7% just put it down for a laugh but you never know.

Quite an extensive list of conspiracy theories here, 7% is the same as the number of flat earthers out there apparently, but less than the chemtrails lot.


Phil G
12 April 2020 21:28:26
Manchester isn't exactly covering itself in glory. After hundreds of recent gatherings that had to be broken up comes this.

"Protective kit stolen from UK medical practice
Police are investigating after personal protective equipment (PPE) was stolen from an NHS building in Manchester.
They were called to the Care Homes Medical Practice in Salford - which cares for patients living in nursing and residential homes - soon before 08:00 BST on Sunday.
Laptops and petty cash were also taken.
A spokesperson for Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust said: "We are shocked and saddened that one of our community bases has been burgled and belongings stolen, including some items of PPE equipment.
We will support Greater Manchester Police in their ongoing inquiries."

Wonder if Manchester is or will become a virus hotspot.
12 April 2020 21:30:15


At this unprecedented time, to take your kid out in the car to get them asleep IS NOT an essential journey. It's against the law. Do you understand the simple rules?

Originally Posted by: Phil G 

Which law was that?  Your judgement of essential is different to mine. Maybe you never had a two year old "kid" screaming and crying indoors for hours. That is where the problem lies. We do not want the cure to be worse than the problem. What was the risk?? What if a person who is say a manic depressive and needs to be kept occupied to prevent himself committing suicide  goes to the supermarket to buy a tin of paint to decorate a room - is that wrong? Not if in his mind it is essential.

Now is the time for common sense, tolerance and understanding. Concentrate on the blatant, like your Jewish friends and give people like Rob a break.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
12 April 2020 21:34:00

Watched Bozo on the BBC News.

I'm sort of incredulous - but also totally not - that a right-wing, anti-public services Tory is calling the NHS, which his party has ensured has been underfunded for 10 years so it was criminally underprepared (30 NHS workers dead, largely through a failure to ensure they had sufficient PPE), the 'beating heart of the nation'.

He then, as a key spearhead for a movement that has fostered an aggressive antipathy towards workers from outside of Britain, and seeks to ban workers from the EU having the freedom to move to and work in the UK, praised two immigrant nurses, one of which was from the very EU he has worked to demonise and denigrate with his misanthropic shyster cronies.

Sadly, I'm just a lonely voice, crying "Does nobody else see this? Is it only me????"

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 


S.Essex, 42m ASL
Saint Snow
12 April 2020 21:36:17

Manchester isn't exactly covering itself in glory. After hundreds of recent gatherings that had to be broken up comes this.

"Protective kit stolen from UK medical practice
Police are investigating after personal protective equipment (PPE) was stolen from an NHS building in Manchester.
They were called to the Care Homes Medical Practice in Salford - which cares for patients living in nursing and residential homes - soon before 08:00 BST on Sunday.
Laptops and petty cash were also taken.
A spokesperson for Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust said: "We are shocked and saddened that one of our community bases has been burgled and belongings stolen, including some items of PPE equipment.
We will support Greater Manchester Police in their ongoing inquiries."

Wonder if Manchester is or will become a virus hotspot.

Originally Posted by: Phil G 


Manchester and its surrounding towns are riddled with crime. I live between Liverpool & Manchester and work in Manchester, but I find Manchester to have far more scumbags who'd sell their granny for a few quid.

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Joe Bloggs
12 April 2020 21:38:45

Manchester isn't exactly covering itself in glory. After hundreds of recent gatherings that had to be broken up comes this.

"Protective kit stolen from UK medical practice
Police are investigating after personal protective equipment (PPE) was stolen from an NHS building in Manchester.
They were called to the Care Homes Medical Practice in Salford - which cares for patients living in nursing and residential homes - soon before 08:00 BST on Sunday.
Laptops and petty cash were also taken.
A spokesperson for Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust said: "We are shocked and saddened that one of our community bases has been burgled and belongings stolen, including some items of PPE equipment.
We will support Greater Manchester Police in their ongoing inquiries."

Wonder if Manchester is or will become a virus hotspot.

Originally Posted by: Phil G 

This is a horrible story, clearly this was perpetuated by extremely sick individuals. 

As for the gatherings, I wouldn’t necessarily believe that Manchester is any worse than anywhere else with regards to social distancing - maybe GMP are just more vocal.  

Although it stands to reason that areas with more poverty and social problems won’t fair as well.

The Manchester local authority area wasn’t a hot spot last time I checked, not sure of the Manchester City region as a whole. 

Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

Joe Bloggs
12 April 2020 21:39:47



Manchester and its surrounding towns are riddled with crime. I live between Liverpool & Manchester and work in Manchester, but I find Manchester to have far more scumbags who'd sell their granny for a few quid.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Whereas on Merseyside everything is rosy. 

Not that I want to become tribal 😉 . 

Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

Joe Bloggs
12 April 2020 21:43:45
Saint Snow
12 April 2020 21:44:23


Whereas on Merseyside everything is rosy. 

Not that I want to become tribal 😉 . 

Originally Posted by: Joe Bloggs 


Well, obviously not. No major city is lacking in scumbags. But having experience of both, I genuinely feel more uncomfortable in many areas of Manchester (I also think Liverpool 'self-polices' itself better)

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
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