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16 April 2020 05:34:41

My turn to open up this morning - off you go

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
16 April 2020 05:35:35

Something to cheer you up to start with! Serves him right, I say.

An Australian hoarder has been left high and dry after his local supermarket refused to refund him for more than £5,000 worth of goods he tried to sell online, including 132 packs of toilet paper rolls.

The Adelaide man recently attempted to return the toilet paper and 150 one-litre bottles of hand sanitiser to Drakes Supermarkets.

The man hoarded the goods at the beginning of coronavirus panic buying, which saw supermarket shelves emptied of toilet paper, hand wash, sanitiser, tinned food, pasta and other goods.

Drakes Supermarkets director John-Paul Drake said the man was part of a team of hoarders planning to profiteer from shortages, but his attempts to sell the goods online fell flat.

Mr Drake told ABC Radio that the shopper had bought around $10,000 worth of goods with his “team” about one month ago and claimed he ran into trouble when his “eBay site (was) shut down”.

Mr Drake described the shopper’s actions as “absolutely disgraceful”

Leysdown, north Kent
John Mason
16 April 2020 05:45:07

Gotta look on the bright side I guess... that's probably one item the guy will not have to buy again for many, many years!

Brian Gaze
16 April 2020 06:30:21
Seems like the big push in the UK is to get schools reopened. The logic is it will allow parents to go to work. However, the lockdown is expected to be extended for 3 weeks so it won't happen for a while.
Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
16 April 2020 06:33:41

Seems like the big push in the UK is to get schools reopened. The logic is it will allow parents to go to work. However, the lockdown is expected to be extended for 3 weeks so it won't happen for a while.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

........which will presumably give a bit of time to see how the Danish "experiment" is working.

"Life with the Lions"

TWO Moderator
Brian Gaze
16 April 2020 06:45:06

IDS and Gerard Lyons are calling for a traffic light system to reopen the economy in stages. Each last 3 weeks. Pubs and large events would resume in June. They say we can't afford to wait for testing and contact tracing to be scaled up. 

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
  • DEW
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16 April 2020 06:47:06

Seems like the big push in the UK is to get schools reopened. The logic is it will allow parents to go to work. However, the lockdown is expected to be extended for 3 weeks so it won't happen for a while.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

The National Education Union is mounting a campaign amongst its members to delay any re-opening. Recent email received from Branch Secretary (I get these as a retired member). Earlier emails from National HQ were more strongly phrased.


Hope you are well. Please right click on the link below to urge the Government not to re-open schools before it is safe to do so.

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
16 April 2020 06:48:42

IDS and Gerard Lyons are calling for a traffic light system to reopen the economy in stages. Each last 3 weeks. Pubs and large events would resume in June.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze

"The only argument in favour of using age in the unlocking is focused on nurseries, schools and universities. Most advisers don’t believe that schools spread the virus, however, they do play an important part in unlocking the economy as people with children will be freer to return to work. This would need to be gradual."

Well, sounds like an experiment about to happen! There is no way, for example, that you can stop 1600 kids from mingling with each other - enforcing social distancing would be all but impossible.

At least we'll have the benefit of seeing what happens elsewhere, but even if the kids themselves don't spread it (something I'd find remarkable, TBH, if true) the same cannot be said for staff. Larger schools will have in excess of 200 staff on site.

Still, time will tell!

(EDIT: this bit makes me wonder, too. "Masks would be mandatory on public transport."

Are IDS and Lyons blissfully unaware that there aren't enough masks for medical / care staff, let alone millions of people on public transport? )

Leysdown, north Kent
16 April 2020 06:51:16

IDS and Gerard Lyons are calling for a traffic light system to reopen the economy in stages. Each last 3 weeks. Pubs and large events would resume in June. They say we can't afford to wait for testing and contact tracing to be scaled up. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 


So ......  in  effect they reckon by June  it's a case of "nothing to see here, move along" - sorry that's absolute bollox !!!  Do that and by  Aug the NHS will be totally bricked making the  current daily death tolls look like nothing !

What, precisely,  will have changed by June ??? Just what planet are these idiots on ?

Chris (It,its)
Between Newbury and Basingstoke
"When they are giving you their all, some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy banging your heart against some mad buggers wall"
marco 79
16 April 2020 06:51:41
Lockdown looks set to continue...yet the likes of Pret a Manger ...KFC..etc seem to be keen on opening up stores for takeaway only..yet adding to footfall in our towns and cities..which is exactly what shouldn't be happening..Pret say there opening up close to hospitals?...hope they are thinking of free food for NHS workers then ?
Home : Mid Leicestershire ...135m ASL
16 April 2020 06:54:44

Lockdown looks set to continue...yet the likes of Pret a Manger ...KFC..etc seem to be keen on opening up stores for takeaway only..yet adding to footfall in our towns and cities..which is exactly what shouldn't be happening..Pret say there opening up close to hospitals?...hope they are thinking of free food for NHS workers then ?

Originally Posted by: marco 79 

2 of our local pubs are doing take away - one is also offering a local delivery service  and restricting  self collection to  appointment only.

I agree that large City based  non-delivery take away shouldn't be allowed.  It's not a necessary service and creates a considerable risk.  Aside from the queues, it will  fire up local Public Transport !


Chris (It,its)
Between Newbury and Basingstoke
"When they are giving you their all, some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy banging your heart against some mad buggers wall"
16 April 2020 06:58:28

Lockdown looks set to continue...yet the likes of Pret a Manger ...KFC..etc seem to be keen on opening up stores for takeaway only..yet adding to footfall in our towns and cities..which is exactly what shouldn't be happening..Pret say there opening up close to hospitals?...hope they are thinking of free food for NHS workers then ?

Originally Posted by: marco 79 

A very tiny fraction have or are reopening and for delivery only

And yes there will be people that turn up for a takeaway, but they are probably the idiots that are already out there anyway.

Heavy Weather 2013
16 April 2020 07:04:30

I remain convinced that the rush worldwide to lift lockdowns and try and move forward will be our undoing.

Those wanting the economy to start up again will soon realise the damage will be far worse when we have a second wave and have to start this whole process again.

Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
16 April 2020 07:05:50

Seems like the big push in the UK is to get schools reopened. The logic is it will allow parents to go to work. However, the lockdown is expected to be extended for 3 weeks so it won't happen for a while.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

If it was me I'd just send the older years back to school to limit the risk initially , to have every year in every school go back will increase the risk and make parents a tad nervous IMO 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

16 April 2020 07:08:05

I remain convinced that the rush worldwide to lift lockdowns and try and move forward will be our undoing.

Those wanting the economy to start up again will soon realise the damage will be far worse when we have a second wave and have to start this whole process again.

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 

I totally agree - take the hit now , nothing wrong with being over cautious , to have a second or third wave of this would be an absolute disaster .

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

16 April 2020 07:10:23

IDS and Gerard Lyons are calling for a traffic light system to reopen the economy in stages. Each last 3 weeks. Pubs and large events would resume in June. They say we can't afford to wait for testing and contact tracing to be scaled up. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Idiotic IMO 

June is 6 weeks away , what a pair of  morons

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

16 April 2020 07:11:39


If it was me I'd just send the older years back to school to limit the risk initially , to have every year in every school go back will increase the risk and make parents a tad nervous IMO 

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

I assume all school staff will provided with full PPE on a daily basis? Children may not be at high risk but those who would spend all day with hundreds of them may very well be.

Heavy Weather 2013
16 April 2020 07:15:29


I assume all school staff will provided with full PPE on a daily basis? Children may not be at high risk but those who would spend all day with hundreds of them may very well be.

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

I don’t think government ministers have considered that teachers deserve every right to have the same level of protection as other key workers on the front line

Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
16 April 2020 07:17:37


I assume all school staff will provided with full PPE on a daily basis? Children may not be at high risk but those who would spend all day with hundreds of them may very well be.

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

Valid point Michael -

My comments were based on if the decision was made for schools to return  , I would also throw in to the mix social distancing ,surely that can't be dropped instantly?

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

16 April 2020 07:19:15

I assume all school staff will provided with full PPE on a daily basis? Children may not be at high risk but those who would spend all day with hundreds of them may very well be.

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

As if! Strangely enough my school has been doing the opposite, they've been making visors for local care homes on their 3D printers (a member of DT staff came in to do it) and even the science goggles have been donated to the council - apparently all the schools in the area have donated theirs too!

I do plan, when we go back, to make sure my IT team leaves the office as little as possible. We've always had an open door culture - just pop in and see us if you have an IT problem - but that might have to change in the short term.

In other news, the Tele has an interesting article about what happens when we ease the lockdown. The link in this bit takes you to the report on what should be done.

Preventing pet cats from roaming outdoors, making shoppers pick up products with tongs and telling people to walk clockwise around parks are among 275 suggestions made by Cambridge University for reducing the spread of coronavirus after the lockdown.


The team suggests cafe owners could open outdoor areas only at first, and that pedestrians should be urged to walk on the right side of the pavement and only allowed to enter parks at specific times of day depending on their age. 

Patients with doctors appointments could be asked to wait in their cars outside the surgery until called in, while music could be turned off in shops so people do not need to move closer to each other to be heard. 

Leysdown, north Kent
16 April 2020 07:24:01



So ......  in  effect they reckon by June  it's a case of "nothing to see here, move along" - sorry that's absolute bollox !!!  Do that and by  Aug the NHS will be totally bricked making the  current daily death tolls look like nothing !

What, precisely,  will have changed by June ??? Just what planet are these idiots on ?

Originally Posted by: Bugglesgate 

I think mass gatherings will be way down the line when it comes to lifting restrictions. Not one country has mentioned lifting them anytime soon and Merkel made the point yesterday saying they would not be allowed until the end of august. 

Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
16 April 2020 07:24:04


Valid point Michael -

My comments were based on if the decision was made for schools to return  , I would also throw in to the mix social distancing ,surely that can't be dropped instantly?

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

Yes you’re right Marcus. The idea of implementing social distancing in a secondary class is probably enough of a challenge but in a junior primary class over a school day is incomprehensible. Anyone with young kids will know that. 

I assume those making the decisions will know this and have models that will come up with what is believed to be an acceptable risk/price.

Darren perhaps all classroom teachers should be supplied with two-metre sticks? 

16 April 2020 07:25:06

IDS and Gerard Lyons are calling for a traffic light system to reopen the economy in stages. Each last 3 weeks. Pubs and large events would resume in June. They say we can't afford to wait for testing and contact tracing to be scaled up. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Is there no limit to their idiocy? 

16 April 2020 07:32:25

Lockdown looks set to continue...yet the likes of Pret a Manger ...KFC..etc seem to be keen on opening up stores for takeaway only..yet adding to footfall in our towns and cities..which is exactly what shouldn't be happening..Pret say there opening up close to hospitals?...hope they are thinking of free food for NHS workers then ?

Originally Posted by: marco 79 

They are only opening for delivery and will be donating food to the NHS and others.

Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
Brian Gaze
16 April 2020 07:34:30


So ......  in  effect they reckon by June  it's a case of "nothing to see here, move along" - sorry that's absolute bollox !!!  Do that and by  Aug the NHS will be totally bricked making the  current daily death tolls look like nothing !

What, precisely,  will have changed by June ??? Just what planet are these idiots on ?

Originally Posted by: Bugglesgate 

Seems odd to me too! They and some others seem to be assuming there will not be a second wave if restrictions are lifted. I don't understand it at all. Perhaps they think the transmission of the virus will be massively slowed by the summer weather or the Oxford study which suggested close to 50% may have already been infected was correct.

I also get the impression they are putting out feelers for the government because it is struggling to scale up testing and contact tracing sufficiently. Until recently those two elements were considered essential components of an exit strategy. 

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
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