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Phil G
17 April 2020 20:13:52

The UK should have closed its borders and locked down in mid February. It is a massive failure which our supine press is letting the govt get away with because journalists are obsessed with two things.

Originally Posted by: Justin W 

As well as stopping domestic travel, China should have closed its international borders as well, but allowed it to spread.

John p
17 April 2020 20:16:31

Updated trajectory. UK now beginning to curve and fall back inline with Italy.

Originally Posted by: Gavin D 

I wonder how that would look with care home data?

Camberley, Surrey
17 April 2020 20:17:21


Population density is alot more important perhaps?

I mean NI is comparable to Ireland with similar pop density whereas England is alot worse with a much higher pop density.

Originally Posted by: Quantum 

Or the Iran figure is completely incorrect, more likely

Rob K
17 April 2020 20:18:14


I wonder how that would look with care home data?

Originally Posted by: John p 

I suspect the UK would be way above Italy - as far as I know Italy has far less of a “ship granny off to a home” culture than we do. In fact wasn’t the fact that multiple generations often live together in Italy cited as a reason why their death toll was far more disastrous than ours was going to be...?

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
Maunder Minimum
17 April 2020 20:20:41


As well as stopping domestic travel, China should have closed its international borders as well, but allowed it to spread.

Originally Posted by: Phil G 

No country comes out of this smelling of roses, with the possible exception of Taiwan.

I am furious with the government for not stopping flights to and from infected regions in February and for not implementing port screening for everyone else - but show me the western European country which did act in that way.


New world order coming.
John p
17 April 2020 20:30:11


I suspect the UK would be way above Italy - as far as I know Italy has far less of a “ship granny off to a home” culture than we do. In fact wasn’t the fact that multiple generations often live together in Italy cited as a reason why their death toll was far more disastrous than ours was going to be...?

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

I saw a study that showed 3.5% of over 65’s in the U.K. are in care homes, compared to 1% in Italy.

Camberley, Surrey
17 April 2020 20:39:45

Hospital admissions for CV19 in UK regions, Italy, Spain and the US


  • llamedos
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
17 April 2020 20:50:16

Ouch...a boss breaks cover. Hope he isn't hounded out of his job for spilling the beans. Not surprised to learn that the UK government doesn't understand what is possible in the UK. 

The director of a large NHS trust has contacted the BBC asking for the phone numbers of Burberry and Barbour because he does not have enough gowns for his staff working on coronavirus wards.


UK garment factories approached by the BBC have said the government doesn't fully understand what is possible in the UK, and which firms could produce what. This lack of understanding has caused production delays.


Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

So not a boss at all then.....

"Life with the Lions"

TWO Moderator
17 April 2020 20:52:25

Hospital admissions for CV19 in UK regions, Italy, Spain and the US

 Very interesting and shows why the NHS may be coping somewhat better with the caseload as it has been diffuse across the country rather than the huge clusters seen in Lombardy, Madrid, Catalonia and NYC

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

Chunky Pea
17 April 2020 20:56:02

The UK should have closed its borders and locked down in mid February. It is a massive failure which our supine press is letting the govt get away with because journalists are obsessed with two things:

1) Johnson as Churchill

2) When will the lockdown end?

What an absolute indictment of our country

Originally Posted by: Justin W 

You do not stand alone. Here is one of our unelected ministers speaking just last month about why we should be keeping our borders open. The logic? Because we are a 'welcoming country' (nothing to do with bringing money in... at all). And as for the 'press', they have become nothing more than the mouthpieces of the unelected and unaccountable establishment.



Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
17 April 2020 20:58:02
The real number of UK covid-19 deaths is probably double the official stats, i.e. around 28-29k. 
[email protected]
Phil G
17 April 2020 21:28:38
"The UK has announced a vaccine taskforce. It will bring together experts in government, industry and academia to speed up the search for a vaccine".

You would have thought/hoped this would have been underway some time ago.
Brian Gaze
17 April 2020 21:45:15

More alarming news:

Exclusive: NHS rationing oxygen with doctors instructed to downgrade blood saturation targets

Oxygen is being rationed to prevent hospitals running out due to the high demand from coronavirus patients, The Daily Telegraph can reveal.

NHS leaders have quietly instructed doctors to lower their targets for how much oxygen seriously ill patients should carry in their blood - a measure of fundamental health - to below levels regarded as “adequate”.


Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Maunder Minimum
17 April 2020 21:50:19
Phil G
17 April 2020 21:59:04

This will be the BBC's downfall, too political and they choose sides.

Phil G
17 April 2020 22:00:37

More alarming news:

Exclusive: NHS rationing oxygen with doctors instructed to downgrade blood saturation targets

Oxygen is being rationed to prevent hospitals running out due to the high demand from coronavirus patients, The Daily Telegraph can reveal.

NHS leaders have quietly instructed doctors to lower their targets for how much oxygen seriously ill patients should carry in their blood - a measure of fundamental health - to below levels regarded as “adequate”.


Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Sounds like the patients definitely won't be coming out then.

17 April 2020 22:09:20

The real number of UK covid-19 deaths is probably double the official stats, i.e. around 28-29k.

Originally Posted by: NickR 

a twatter link is expected to be taken seriously. lol the daily fail have more cred


17 April 2020 22:18:18


a twatter link is expected to be taken seriously. lol the daily fail have more cred


Originally Posted by: picturesareme 

Well sadly the weekly data published by the Registers of Scotland on Wednesday suggest the true picture of coronavirus deaths is two thirds higher than the hospital deaths, so the potential for the UK death toll to be twice the headline died in hospital having tested positive figure isn't an outrageous claim. 

17 April 2020 22:22:23


a twatter link is expected to be taken seriously. lol the daily fail have more cred


Originally Posted by: picturesareme 

It's a twitter link to a substantial analysis by Chris Giles in the FT.

Do you really have such a poor grasp of what Twitter is used for?

[email protected]
17 April 2020 22:22:31


Well sadly the weekly data published by the Registers of Scotland on Wednesday suggest the true picture of coronavirus deaths is two thirds higher than the hospital deaths, so the potential for the UK death toll to be twice the headline died in hospital having tested positive figure isn't an outrageous claim. 

Originally Posted by: haggishunter 

however the Scottish death toll in comparison to the English has been relatively low.. so are they

playing catch up?

Chunky Pea
17 April 2020 22:35:10

Do you really have such a poor grasp of what Twitter is used for?

Originally Posted by: NickR 

There's a lot of sh*te on Twitter I agree, but there is also a lot of good info, or links to quality info on it as well. Just a matter of shifting through. 

Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
Saint Snow
17 April 2020 22:44:57

Remarkably similar 'Russian Flu' 1890
Originally Posted by: four 



Eerily similar. Do we know for certain that pandemics of the 19th century and earlier weren't actually coronaviruses and not the more generic 'flu'?

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
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Aneurin Bevan
Gandalf The White
17 April 2020 22:47:46

Double standards, Richard.

You didn’t seem to have a problem with right-wing chat show hosts pushing a nonsense conspiracy story about the Covid-19 outbreak whilst attempting to defend Trump’s woeful performance and trying - and lamentably badly - to paint the Democrats in a poor light.

We all know the government has done an abysmal job of managing this. It’s tedious but predictable to see one of your go-to right-wing websites having another pop at the BBC over something quite trivial.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
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17 April 2020 22:51:03
We all know that criticism from the right and left must mean the BBC generally must be doing well.
At least it will be mild!
17 April 2020 23:21:59


Double standards, Richard.


Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

Am I the only one that envisages Hyacinth Bucket every time this guy's name is written? 


Crewe, Cheshire
55 metres above sea level
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