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Lionel Hutz
22 April 2020 19:51:23

Large scale gatherings ban has been extended in Germany until October 24th. It’s going to be a long time until we see full football stadiums anywhere in Europe.

Originally Posted by: speckledjim 

What's particularly notable there is that that measure has been taken in a country where they have dealt well with the virus. Never mind finishing this season, you really worry when the next season will start now.

Lionel Hutz
Nr.Waterford , S E Ireland
68m ASL

22 April 2020 19:53:25


What's particularly notable there is that that measure has been taken in a country where they have dealt well with the virus. Never mind finishing this season, you really worry when the next season will start now.

Originally Posted by: Lionel Hutz 

  I think they will possibly get if finished albeit in empty stadiums but if one player comes down with it then there’s no chance

Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
John p
22 April 2020 19:53:40


It’s a pretty sensible question actually and the US CDC explain the answer quite nicely here

It is essentially a best guess to an extent which explains its sometimes limited success in any one season.

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

Thanks Michael 👍

Camberley, Surrey
22 April 2020 19:57:46


I haven't seen the statistics but I would imagine they're in a minority and far outweighed by those that develop serious health problems. If that wasn't the reality it wouldn't be seen as a major public health issue and there wouldn't be a drive to reduce it.


Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 



There are exceptions to the rule.  We had a Geography teacher ("Bunter")  who was  definitely in the obese  category.   Yet he could run and  swim faster than most.  Although he seemed old to us as school kids, I guess he would have been mid to late 20s.    If he sustained that weight I very much doubt  he  would have been in the "fit" category by his 40s.  He  really was huge - when he  dived into the swimming pool, a lot  of he water got out !

In the past  I've allowed myself to become  overweight, by reference to my BMI.  At these times exercise has always been more of a trial and I get out of breath easily.   I've  recently taken action  to bring myself  well inside  my recommended BMI range.  I can now power walk for 11KM with no problem, I don't even get out of breath  on steep hills.  I   honestly believe I  could do 2 or 3 times that distance without problem if time allowed and I'm hardly in the first flush of youth !

From my perspective,  getting breathless easily and not getting breathless easily  could be quite a "big deal"   with this virus, given it's mode of killing !




Chris (It,its)
Between Newbury and Basingstoke
"When they are giving you their all, some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy banging your heart against some mad buggers wall"
Gandalf The White
22 April 2020 20:01:25


....I will, naturally, be getting my coat 

Originally Posted by: Bugglesgate 

Would that be the one of many colours?


Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Maunder Minimum
22 April 2020 20:07:00

Interesting article in The Times this evening:

"China prevented French experts from overseeing safety at its first high-security virus laboratory, which is now facing claims that it was the origin of the coronavirus pandemic, according to French officials.

The laboratory in the city of Wuhan, where the Covid-19 outbreak began last year, was the first in China to have a biosafety level 4 (BSL 4) rating, which is reserved for institutions working with potentially fatal agents. It was conducting research into coronaviruses, some derived from bats, from which the pathogen is thought to have originated.

The facility opened in 2015 after being built in partnership with France, which was meant to supply the technical expertise with 50 high-level French researchers due to work there between 2017 and 2022. They did not do so as the Chinese came to dominate the arrangements, according to the officials.

French specialists have knowledge in building and running BSL 4 laboratories, which were described by a senior civil servant in Paris as a “bacteriological atomic bomb”. But French firms got only minor roles in the building of the laboratory, according to Le Figaro and France Inter, the state broadcaster.

France Inter said that Technip, the French company supposed to certify that the building complied with safety standards, refused to do so after pulling out of the project in 2015. In the same year Alain Mérieux, the French pharmaceutical tycoon, resigned from the joint chairmanship of the committee heading the project. The French government has refused to say whether the 50 French researchers meant to move to Wuhan were blocked by the Chinese authorities or whether Paris failed to provide the funding.

US diplomats reportedly questioned the facility’s safety procedures, and intelligence suggested that a failure to respect safety protocols there could have allowed the virus to escape during research into diseased bats. Most experts agree the virus appears to have a natural origin, passing from bats to a mammal, and on to humans."

New world order coming.
Gandalf The White
22 April 2020 20:07:53
Raab is so out of his depth.

On the issue of PPE shortages the best he can do is offer "we're doing the best that we can"

I was wondering how that would go down if you had a car crash and your defence was, "I was asleep at the wheel and when I woke up I forgot to apply the brakes. But in th circumstances I did the best that I could."

Best read to the background sound of a jail door being slammed shut....

He's the acting PM, FFS. I wonder if he even knows what a buck looks like, never mind knowing where it stops.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Polar Low
22 April 2020 20:12:28

Did you see this

Raab is so out of his depth.

On the issue of PPE shortages the best he can do is offer "we're doing the best that we can"

I was wondering how that would go down if you had a car crash and your defence was, "I was asleep at the wheel and when I woke up I forgot to apply the brakes. But in th circumstances I did the best that I could."

Best read to the background sound of a jail door being slammed shut....

He's the acting PM, FFS. I wonder if he even knows what a buck looks like, never mind knowing where it stops.


Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

Maunder Minimum
22 April 2020 20:22:25

Yes - PHE is a useless bureaucracy as has been repeatedly stated. Government Ministers are out of their depth for sure, but they have a machine designed in the 1940s to coax into action and it is found desperately wanting. Kafaesque is the word to describe the bovine behaviour of the massive NHS/PHE bureaucracy.


New world order coming.
Whether Idle
22 April 2020 20:22:59

Raab is so out of his depth.

On the issue of PPE shortages the best he can do is offer "we're doing the best that we can"

I was wondering how that would go down if you had a car crash and your defence was, "I was asleep at the wheel and when I woke up I forgot to apply the brakes. But in th circumstances I did the best that I could."

Best read to the background sound of a jail door being slammed shut....

He's the acting PM, FFS. I wonder if he even knows what a buck looks like, never mind knowing where it stops.


Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 


Back when he was Brexit secretary he didnt even know about the importance of cross channel trade.  He is another stupid little prick of a man.

Him and Hancock are a good pair.

Dover, 5m asl. Half a mile from the south coast.
Polar Low
22 April 2020 20:24:19

Do they have any safety procedures or conduct audits over there it is all cost to them is it stuffed in a draw with the incorrect procedure issue being used or is the argument it is stored electronically so we don’t have up keep it Nothing sound new.

Interesting article in The Times this evening:


US diplomats reportedly questioned the facility’s safety procedures, and intelligence suggested that a failure to respect safety protocols there could have allowed the virus to escape during research into diseased bats. Most experts agree the virus appears to have a natural origin, passing from bats to a mammal, and on to humans."

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

Whether Idle
22 April 2020 20:29:55


There is no argument that the Johnson administration’s obsession with the Brexit jizzfest meant that it was completely blind sided by CV19. No argument. Whatever it is trying to do now, this Government’s insouciance between late Jan and March 23 has ended up costing thousands and thousands of lives.

This is not a political point. It is a self-evident fact and when there is the inevitable public inquiry, will be plain as day

Originally Posted by: Justin W 

I hope the truth gets exposed about how they have caused thousands of deaths through their blind stupidity, and we can be rid of this bunch of  spineless tossers forever.


Dover, 5m asl. Half a mile from the south coast.
Maunder Minimum
22 April 2020 20:33:13

Interesting post by someone called Helen Taylor on The Times website:

"There's a particular issue with some groups of people - particularly Asian and Middle Eastern, as their cells have a larger proportion of a type known as Ace2, which is used by this virus to gain entry to cells. This is well documented in the literature."

I am not qualified to know the truth of the statement, but if true, it could help explain why COVID-19 has hit some ethnicities harder than others.

P.S. Looks as though she is correct, reading the following article:


The result indicates that the ACE2 virus receptor expression is concentrated in a small population of type II alveolar cells (AT2). Surprisingly, we found that this population of ACE2-expressing AT2 also highly expressed many other genes that positively regulating viral reproduction and transmission. A comparison between eight individual samples demonstrated that the Asian male one has an extremely large number of ACE2-expressing cells in the lung.


New world order coming.
22 April 2020 20:44:11


Maunder Minimum
22 April 2020 20:44:39

Another Times article - this one indicates that we are nowhere near getting to herd immunity:


Studies from France, California and Wuhan, where the pandemic originated, suggested that only a fraction of the population in each region had contracted the virus. Relatively few appeared to have developed the antibodies that would be expected to prevent infection and a second wave.

In Britain the government believes that only about five per cent of people have been infected.


Research at the Zhongnan Hospital in Wuhan found that about 2.4 per cent of its employees and a similar share of recent patients had developed antibodies. That is far short of the 60-70 per cent likely to be needed for a population to acquire “herd immunity”, where the virus is unable to gain a foothold.

In France the Pasteur Institute estimated that less than 6 per cent would have been exposed to the pathogen by May 11, when a national lockdown is due to end. That made a resurgence of the virus highly likely if restrictions were lifted, analysts said.


In Germany, they have already detected that the infection rate has started to increase again:


The German authorities have been alarmed by a rise in one measure of the infection rate amid signs that the public is beginning to tire of its lockdown. As shops across the country resume trading and thousands of pupils go back to school this week, the reproduction number — the number of new cases generated, on average, by each infected person — has risen to 0.9, just short of the point where the disease would begin to grow again.

Angela Merkel has warned that if the number reaches 1.1, hospitals will be overwhelmed by October, or by July if it hits 1.2.

One of the country’s most prominent virologists, Christian Drosten, said that there was a danger of a second wave of infections that could be unexpectedly strong. The reproduction number had fallen to 0.7, indicating that the disease was retreating, in the week after Easter, but picked up again at the weekend.

There are some signs that the public may be letting its guard down.


New world order coming.
John p
22 April 2020 20:48:57


Originally Posted by: JHutch 

Was just about to post that! It really does seem as though many Americans are absolutely insane.

Camberley, Surrey
  • pfw
  • Advanced Member
22 April 2020 20:54:43


Originally Posted by: JHutch 

He is Lord Farquaad AICMFP




Polar Low
22 April 2020 20:56:50

China find 33 mutations of virus in warning to vaccine developers


Scientists in China have discovered more than 30 mutations of the new coronavirus, which they say may partly explain why it has been more deadly in certain parts of the world.

Gandalf The White
22 April 2020 21:16:07

China find 33 mutations of virus in warning to vaccine developers


Scientists in China have discovered more than 30 mutations of the new coronavirus, which they say may partly explain why it has been more deadly in certain parts of the world.

Originally Posted by: Polar Low 

Those findings are so hugely at variance with everything else that has been reported that I'd be very cautious about accepting it as fact.

Other studies have sound the virus to be very stable, with only three main strains.  As you will know it depends on the nature of the mutation; some may be insufficiently different to matter.

On the other hand, if there's a clearly less dangerous variant which happened to confer some immunity to the others then it might be a positive finding.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Polar Low
22 April 2020 21:19:23

Should SD be 4 metres new China  study reports

To determine distribution of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in hospital wards in Wuhan, China, we tested air and surface samples. Contamination was greater in intensive care units than general wards. Virus was widely distributed on floors, computer mice, trash cans, and sickbed handrails and was detected in air ≈4 m from patients.

Brian Gaze
22 April 2020 21:22:48

It's long been a worry for pet owners, but now it's been confirmed: domestic cats can contract the coronavirus and show symptoms.


In the statement, the CDC and USDA urged people not to abandon their pets, because "there is no evidence that pets play a role in spreading the virus in the US". Instead, they recommend keeping cats indoors where possible.


Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Gandalf The White
22 April 2020 21:23:23

Interesting article in The Times this evening:

"China prevented French experts from overseeing safety at its first high-security virus laboratory, which is now facing claims that it was the origin of the coronavirus pandemic, according to French officials.

The laboratory in the city of Wuhan, where the Covid-19 outbreak began last year, was the first in China to have a biosafety level 4 (BSL 4) rating, which is reserved for institutions working with potentially fatal agents. It was conducting research into coronaviruses, some derived from bats, from which the pathogen is thought to have originated.

The facility opened in 2015 after being built in partnership with France, which was meant to supply the technical expertise with 50 high-level French researchers due to work there between 2017 and 2022. They did not do so as the Chinese came to dominate the arrangements, according to the officials.

French specialists have knowledge in building and running BSL 4 laboratories, which were described by a senior civil servant in Paris as a “bacteriological atomic bomb”. But French firms got only minor roles in the building of the laboratory, according to Le Figaro and France Inter, the state broadcaster.

France Inter said that Technip, the French company supposed to certify that the building complied with safety standards, refused to do so after pulling out of the project in 2015. In the same year Alain Mérieux, the French pharmaceutical tycoon, resigned from the joint chairmanship of the committee heading the project. The French government has refused to say whether the 50 French researchers meant to move to Wuhan were blocked by the Chinese authorities or whether Paris failed to provide the funding.

US diplomats reportedly questioned the facility’s safety procedures, and intelligence suggested that a failure to respect safety protocols there could have allowed the virus to escape during research into diseased bats. Most experts agree the virus appears to have a natural origin, passing from bats to a mammal, and on to humans."

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

The highlighted part completely undermines the allegation that SARS-Cov2 was the result of an accidental release from the Lab. To suggest it went from a Lab employee and into a pangolin which then found its way into a wet market in Wuhan and then into another human being is so improbable as to be dismissed as the fantasy it is.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Gandalf The White
22 April 2020 21:24:28

It's long been a worry for pet owners, but now it's been confirmed: domestic cats can contract the coronavirus and show symptoms.


In the statement, the CDC and USDA urged people not to abandon their pets, because "there is no evidence that pets play a role in spreading the virus in the US". Instead, they recommend keeping cats indoors where possible.


Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

I was thinking about that when they showed Hancock doing his photo opportunity with the No.10 cat today.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Polar Low
22 April 2020 21:27:48

That puts MM border control out of the window


It's long been a worry for pet owners, but now it's been confirmed: domestic cats can contract the coronavirus and show symptoms.


In the statement, the CDC and USDA urged people not to abandon their pets, because "there is no evidence that pets play a role in spreading the virus in the US". Instead, they recommend keeping cats indoors where possible.


Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Polar Low
22 April 2020 21:33:18

Yes there is a report today on yahoo  that says the same interesting read but I cant find it at the minute.



The highlighted part completely undermines the allegation that SARS-Cov2 was the result of an accidental release from the Lab. To suggest it went from a Lab employee and into a pangolin which then found its way into a wet market in Wuhan and then into another human being is so improbable as to be dismissed as the fantasy it is.

Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

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