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Gandalf The White
22 April 2020 21:49:44


Yes - PHE is a useless bureaucracy as has been repeatedly stated. Government Ministers are out of their depth for sure, but they have a machine designed in the 1940s to coax into action and it is found desperately wanting. Kafaesque is the word to describe the bovine behaviour of the massive NHS/PHE bureaucracy.


Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

Is the government in charge or not?  If this is so obviously an issue then Hancock should have put together a high level team and told to sort out the procurement side.

Frsnkly, I'm amazed that you're still beating your favourite drum when you should be chastising the government for not sorting it out.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

noodle doodle
22 April 2020 22:06:16

Interesting post by someone called Helen Taylor on The Times website:

"There's a particular issue with some groups of people - particularly Asian and Middle Eastern, as their cells have a larger proportion of a type known as Ace2, which is used by this virus to gain entry to cells. This is well documented in the literature."

I am not qualified to know the truth of the statement, but if true, it could help explain why COVID-19 has hit some ethnicities harder than others.

P.S. Looks as though she is correct, reading the following article:


The result indicates that the ACE2 virus receptor expression is concentrated in a small population of type II alveolar cells (AT2). Surprisingly, we found that this population of ACE2-expressing AT2 also highly expressed many other genes that positively regulating viral reproduction and transmission. A comparison between eight individual samples demonstrated that the Asian male one has an extremely large number of ACE2-expressing cells in the lung.


Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 


So why hasn't the virus hit Asia and the Middle East especially hard then? Rather it's hit the western nations hardest.



Phil G
22 April 2020 22:26:11

Should SD be 4 metres new China  study reports

To determine distribution of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in hospital wards in Wuhan, China, we tested air and surface samples. Contamination was greater in intensive care units than general wards. Virus was widely distributed on floors, computer mice, trash cans, and sickbed handrails and was detected in air ≈4 m from patients.

Originally Posted by: Polar Low 

I don't know if there have been any tests done with good quality air purifiers which take 99.95% of pollutents, particules, pollens etc and replace with clean filtered air. If by washing your hands goes someway in stopping spreading the disease, if these purifiers can at least take some of the virus away can only be a good thing rather than ward staff getting multiple hits and increasing their risk.

David M Porter
22 April 2020 22:32:26


There is no argument that the Johnson administration’s obsession with the Brexit jizzfest meant that it was completely blind sided by CV19. No argument. Whatever it is trying to do now, this Government’s insouciance between late Jan and March 23 has ended up costing thousands and thousands of lives.

This is not a political point. It is a self-evident fact and when there is the inevitable public inquiry, will be plain as day

Originally Posted by: Justin W 

There is no doubt at all that once this crisis is finally over, many lessons are going to have to be learned to make sure something like this never takes place again. In my view, learning the lessons of this will require many difficult and searching questions to be asked about what preparations were made for the arrival of the virus in the UK.

One thing is for sure: Governments around the world must do all they can in the future to make sure, as much as is humanly possible, that a deadly worldwide pandemic like this can never happen again.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
Phil G
22 April 2020 22:58:25


I hope the truth gets exposed about how they have caused thousands of deaths through their blind stupidity, and we can be rid of this bunch of  spineless tossers forever.


Originally Posted by: Whether Idle 

I expect many of us are more aware and engaged in politics and Parliament than we ever have been in the last few years. What has become apparent is that to be a politician you have to be a different beast, but not necessarily the smartest. The wages testify this where an MP can usually earn anything from £70k to £100k, with the most senior on a bit more.

The people running actual businesses, on say at least £500k+ are the ones who are more capable of better decision making for the country. Who in their right mind would want to do an MPs job with the responsibility for their pay. They should get paid more than a weeks wages of a footballer.

While there are a number on here who have never got over Brexit and never will, given a choice I am still so pleased it wasn't Labour who got in.

What I see on a day to day basis now in the updates are people trying to defend themselves which by its own action seems on occasions like a party political broadcast. Sometimes they have not made the right decisions, but in these very difficult circumstances I mostly mostly see people who genuinely are trying to do the best they can. Often there are events outside of their control, but rather than blame shitty testing equipment that does not work or difficult Turks, they perhaps wrongly should be more upfront about these.

But when is all said and done, I trust I hope that despite a few short comings our people have tried to do their best.

While there is a blame game from a number on here, I just hope they remember who caused this nightmare in the first place, who is responsible for this mess but has not shown any remorse just aggression from anyone who challenges or threatens them financially, that's all they care about.



22 April 2020 22:58:40


There is no argument that the Johnson administration’s obsession with the Brexit jizzfest meant that it was completely blind sided by CV19. No argument. Whatever it is trying to do now, this Government’s insouciance between late Jan and March 23 has ended up costing thousands and thousands of lives.

This is not a political point. It is a self-evident fact and when there is the inevitable public inquiry, will be plain as day

Originally Posted by: Justin W 

Completely true but there won't be any sort of enquiry. You're going back to the days of integrity, honesty and democracy. It ain't gonna happen and the plebs couldn't care less about the truth anyway.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
22 April 2020 23:01:49


Originally Posted by: JHutch 

Good luck with that !

S.Essex, 42m ASL
22 April 2020 23:03:29

The MP for Rochdale, Tony Lloyd, has left intensive care after being in it for over two weeks with covid 19

The Beast from the East
22 April 2020 23:31:13



So why hasn't the virus hit Asia and the Middle East especially hard then? 



Originally Posted by: noodle doodle 

It probably has, but being covered up and lack of testing so we don't know

Trump said today that Pakistan have begged him for Ventilators and he is sending them 

The UK Gov is allowing unlimited commercial flights from Pakistan with no checks at the airport


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
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