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Brian Gaze
24 April 2020 07:35:48


Thanks Donald 

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Maunder Minimum
24 April 2020 07:42:22

Perhaps the Swedish approach is the correct one - from the BBC:

"Anders Tegnell, Sweden's chief state epidemiologist, believes his country's decision not to impose strict lockdown measures has "worked in some aspects because our health system has been able to cope".

Sweden's approach has been controversial. It has seen more infections and deaths than its Nordic neighbours, with 2,021 deaths and 16,755 cases


But Dr Tegnell has told the BBC that at least half the deaths have been in nursing homes and "it's a bit unclear to us if a lockdown would have stopped this from happening or not". He also argued that the decision not to impose strict restrictions meant that there was an immunity level of up to 20% in the capital, Stockholm, "so we hope this will make it easier for us in the long run"."

- the point is that the strategy concentrated on preventing the Swedish health service from being overwhelmed, rather than in saving lives.

New world order coming.
24 April 2020 07:45:49

More utter idiots - and this sort of reply doesn't help.

"Enough. I havent seen my kids and grandchildren in over 4 weeks. Sorry but enough is enough. I plan to travel and see them. If it ends up in court, as i will refuse to pay any fines, i will simply site precedence that contact is allowed and apparently encouraged."

Leysdown, north Kent
24 April 2020 07:58:41

Perhaps the Swedish approach is the correct one - from the BBC:

"Anders Tegnell, Sweden's chief state epidemiologist, believes his country's decision not to impose strict lockdown measures has "worked in some aspects because our health system has been able to cope".

Sweden's approach has been controversial. It has seen more infections and deaths than its Nordic neighbours, with 2,021 deaths and 16,755 cases


But Dr Tegnell has told the BBC that at least half the deaths have been in nursing homes and "it's a bit unclear to us if a lockdown would have stopped this from happening or not". He also argued that the decision not to impose strict restrictions meant that there was an immunity level of up to 20% in the capital, Stockholm, "so we hope this will make it easier for us in the long run"."

- the point is that the strategy concentrated on preventing the Swedish health service from being overwhelmed, rather than in saving lives.

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

I think that is key as our health system would never have able to cope without a lockdown. They’re a much healthier nation too compared with us.

Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
  • RobN
  • Advanced Member
24 April 2020 08:03:03

More utter idiots - and this sort of reply doesn't help.

"Enough. I havent seen my kids and grandchildren in over 4 weeks. Sorry but enough is enough. I plan to travel and see them. If it ends up in court, as i will refuse to pay any fines, i will simply site precedence that contact is allowed and apparently encouraged."

Originally Posted by: Retron 

This point was made in the thread late yesterday. If members of the emergency services openly flout the rules then you can understand why the rest of society can't understand why they are bound by them.  It's no surprise the lockdown is starting to unravel when people see this. The law has to be seen to apply to everyone otherwise it is held in contempt.

In the flatlands of South Cambridgeshire 15m ASL.
24 April 2020 08:07:08


The tweet only mentions a 5-10% increase. 


Originally Posted by: westv 

You say that like it's a good thing. What if it keeps increaing by 5-10% during the 'lockdown'? 

Also, I assume Mark meant to type anecdotes.

24 April 2020 08:07:30

Anyone remember the character Frank Drebin from Police Squad and the Naked Gun films? 

Trump is the political version of this character and he's the President! It would be hilarious if it  so many lives weren't at stake. 

Someone put it perfectly, he suggested about light and getting it into the body is because he thinks he's perfect as he thinks the sun shines out of his backside.

Originally Posted by: KevBrads1 

He most definitely should me miked up when he goes to the toilet for a number 2. It would be the only honest thing that comes out of him and probably the most presidential. 

24 April 2020 08:08:50


I think that is key as our health system would never have able to cope without a lockdown. They’re a much healthier nation too compared with us.

Originally Posted by: speckledjim 

Yes, and there are other factors previously mentioned that make it easier, for want of a better word, for Sweden.

24 April 2020 08:09:50


Apparently nicotine patches are being tested. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

 Try Snus ,that strong stuff blows your head off.

What is snus? Previously used by Jamie Vardy and banned amid ...

The Beast from the East
24 April 2020 08:13:16

Anyone remember the character Frank Drebin from Police Squad and the Naked Gun films? 

Trump is the political version of this character and he's the President! It would be hilarious if it  so many lives weren't at stake. 

Someone put it perfectly, he suggested about light and getting it into the body is because he thinks he's perfect as he thinks the sun shines out of his backside.

Originally Posted by: KevBrads1 

I loved those movies. The character in Back to the Future - Biff Tannen is actually based on Trump. In the second movie, he takes over America as a Casino tycoon and mistreats Marty's mum and gives her a boob job

But seriously, the actual expert standing next to Trump did say that UV light and humidity is very effective and explains why so many tropical countries have few cases, and also why Miami and other US cities in the South have been less badly affected than New York and Chicago

During the Summer, this will peter out, despite lockdown being lifted, But it may return in Autumn when things cool off



"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
The Beast from the East
24 April 2020 08:16:00


Perhaps dipping a cigarette in disinfectant before smoking it would provide the ultimate vaccine and cure in one package? 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

You may mock, but we have him for 4 more years. The plebs love him and he is going to smash "Sleepy Joe" who has got dementia (allegedly)

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Maunder Minimum
24 April 2020 08:22:14


 Try Snus ,that strong stuff blows your head off.

What is snus? Previously used by Jamie Vardy and banned amid ...

Originally Posted by: bledur 

So that is how Sweden did it! Snus is very popular in Sweden - many men use it at least (and we know men are more susceptible to the virus).

I have tried it myself when in Denmark - it is vile, tastes nasty and I would not recommend it. Apparently, long term use can lead to cancer inside the mouth too.

But those who use it, stick the pouch in the upper mouth between the teeth and the cheek, leading to a hamster look.

New world order coming.
noodle doodle
24 April 2020 08:23:57


Also good - there are now 5 countries/territories who are now virus free (having had it), Greenland, St Lucia, St Barts, Mauritania and Yemen. 

Originally Posted by: speckledjim 


I very much doubt Yemen is covid free. More like the civil war means there's no testing to know.

  • DEW
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
24 April 2020 08:24:05

Beware random isolated preliminary scientific studies. There is a relationship over time between the renin-angiotensin system and smoking and even between nicotine and ACE2 receptor expression. The significance of that and Covid-19 is unknown. The potential long term harm for a short term knee jerk unproven fix is very disturbing.

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

It was firmly believed in the Great Plague in London in 1665 that smoking prevented you from catching the disease, because (it was said) that no tobacconist had ever died from the plague. Yes, I know that was bacterial, not viral, but the foundation for the belief sounds on a par with Trump's knowledge.

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
Maunder Minimum
24 April 2020 08:29:19

More evidence (if it were needed) that intubation and ventilators are not the panacea they were touted to be:

The push for mass ventilator production appears to have been misdirected  - the CPAP machine produces a far better survival rate.

However, it is impossible to determine how many of those put on ventilators would have survived if CPAP had been used instead.

From the article:

"Little more than a tenth of Covid-19 patients who have been put on ventilators survive, according to the largest and most comprehensive study of sufferers in the United States who were admitted to hospital..."

New world order coming.
The Beast from the East
24 April 2020 08:30:30

Reading about Cummings and Harries. Don't know what their underlying health is like but C19 sounds bloody awful. Even if you don't require hospitalisation.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Who is Harries?

If it takes hold and you don't get rid of it within a week, it can do serious damage. We need more studies on T cells. If it has done damage to these, then you will be more vulnerable to other things


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
The Beast from the East
24 April 2020 08:32:53


  • 43% of those infected were asymptomatic

  • They found no statistical significance in the viral load between asymptomatic and symptomatic carriers


Originally Posted by: xioni2 

Shows what an amazing virus this thing is and why it spreads so well



"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Brian Gaze
24 April 2020 08:32:59

Just looking at smoking rates by country but am not sure how reliable the figures are. Austria and Germany have the highest percentage of smokers in western Europe as far as I can tell. Greece which may be classed as "west European" politically but not geographically has a significantly higher percentage.  

Greece 42.65%
Austria 35.15%
Germany 30.35%

Spain has a slightly lower percentage of people who smoke than Germany. Italy and the UK have significantly lower percentages. 

Spain 29.20%
Italy 24.00%

Sweden 20.6%
United Kingdom 19.15%


As ever cause and effect. However, there does seem to be the possibility of a correlation between higher levels of smoking and lower levels of corona virus infection. Many other factors come into the equation, e.g population density, living conditions, lockdown. 

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Maunder Minimum
24 April 2020 08:34:31

Just looking at smoking rates by country but am not sure how reliable the figures are. Austria and Germany have the highest percentage of smokers in western Europe as far as I can tell. Greece which may be classed as "west European" politically but not geographically has a significantly higher percentage.  

Greece 42.65%
Austria 35.15%
Germany 30.35%

Spain has a slightly lower percentage of people who smoke than Germany. Italy and the UK have significantly lower percentages. 

Spain 29.20%
Italy 24.00%

Sweden 20.6%
United Kingdom 19.15%


As ever cause and effect. However, there does seem to be the possibility of a correlation between higher levels of smoking and lower levels of corona virus infection. Many other factors come into the equation, e.g population density, living conditions, lockdown. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

You need to be careful in all seriousness about the Swedish figure - it is genuine that sucking on SNUS is very popular there.

New world order coming.
Brian Gaze
24 April 2020 08:38:30


You need to be careful in all seriousness about the Swedish figure - it is genuine that sucking on SNUS is very popular there.

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

 I forget that. According to Wiki about 12% of Swedes use SNUS. ( Therefore, it could (obviously don't know if many people do both) mean tobacco use levels are similar to those in Germany and Austria.

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
24 April 2020 08:40:51


But where are these people going?

Originally Posted by: John p 

DIY stores for house repairs rather than renovations.

Food shopping

Short drive to somewhere to walk

Topping up the battery

pre ordered take away

etc. etc.



At least it will be mild!
Gavin D
24 April 2020 08:42:39

B&Q are reopening 155 branches as part of the UKs essential service stores that can open.

Hairdressers face the prospect of having to close for 6-months as they can't avoid close contact.

24 April 2020 08:44:44

B&Q are reopening 155 branches as part of the UKs essential service stores that can open.

Originally Posted by: Gavin D 

I think they would have never closed in the first place if they had been able to sort out the "social distancing" aspect earlier.

At least it will be mild!
Justin W
24 April 2020 08:45:03

Did a click and collect for a load of builders sand at Wickes in Ashford (for ‘repairs’ to a wall). Was surprised by the amount of cars out and about. Seems to me that the lockdown is petering out.

Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?
The Beast from the East
24 April 2020 08:47:20

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
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