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The Beast from the East
25 April 2020 14:30:03



Confirmed rate for positive tests is 21.25%

Originally Posted by: Gavin D 

A big drop, so good news

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
25 April 2020 14:30:18

Why are we still testing just 23k? This is such a joke. 

Phil G
25 April 2020 14:32:45


I wasn't expecting such a sharp rise today 

Originally Posted by: SJV 

Our new cases figures aren't good and haven't been for a while. Hope I'm wrong of course but I am sadly expecting these numbers to continue for a while until we sort out what is driving the between 4-5k new cases every day since April 12th.

Joe Bloggs
25 April 2020 14:33:18


We knew this was coming back in January but denied it

With planning why not ? One member of the household to the shop once a week , so that only 2 visits , hardly difficult is it. 

In the harshest of Winters people stay inside so why would the two weeks of Easter be any different .

Yes of course the military would have had to be involved 

Yes I appreciate the logistics would be hard ……………………..but how  hard are the logistics of a relaxation going to be , equally as , but still have to be done.


Originally Posted by: Gooner 

I’m not saying you’re wrong, I’m just trying to clarify what you mean by an actual lockdown. 

FWIW, I think if you banned exercise you would achieve something resembling a true lockdown. Exercise is what is getting most people out and about - maybe this should be banned as it is what appears to be causing most of the grief in most people’s eyes here. That means though that nobody can do their runs, jogs, cycles, even if it’s 5 in the morning or in the countryside. Tough sh*t. 

Shopping for essentials only, one person per household. Only other people allowed out are NHS and social care workers. You would need the military to help and it would come with huge problems but that would be a lockdown. 

Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

Gavin D
25 April 2020 14:33:26

The Beast from the East
25 April 2020 14:33:38

 Could be that someone develops some kit, some filters perhaps containing bleach that destroys the virus before it enters our system.

He did not actually say down bleach. Sorry but it just goes to show how fucking stupid some people are.

Originally Posted by: Phil G 

You could soak your facemask with bleach before you put it on? But then get a skin graft afterwards



"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
25 April 2020 14:36:22

As yourself and many others have mentioned Justin, it seems fairly clear that the 'lockdown' is slowly crumbling of its own accord. It's by no means a return to normal but compared to the first few weeks the increase in traffic and numbers of people out and about are very noticeable. There also seems to be lots more shops open with varying degrees of social distancing being observed.

It will be very interesting to see if there is a rise in new cases in a couple of weeks time. If there is I'm not sure where we'd go from there?

Originally Posted by: Northern Sky 

I agree that people are starting to slowly creep back to ‘normal’ now and I think this is how it will be, rather than the government doing it for the majority.  I do still think there will be some restrictions, such as pubs and schools staying closed, probably like ‘lockdown light’. 

On another note, I’ve just been to do my weekly Morrisons shop and almost everyone was complying with social distancing, politely waiting for others to take from the shelves before stepping in.  Then an elderly woman came bustling up right beside my hubby and get this - she was wearing a face mask!   

I felt like explaining to her she’d be better ditching the mask and opting for 2 metre distancing!

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
25 April 2020 14:39:44

813 UK deaths
4.9K positive tests

The ‘lockdown’ continues to crumble here when the government should be keeping enforcement going.

What was the point in the extending of the lockdown when you have government ministers briefing the press in private going on about getting back to normality. All this does is influence the public psyche that it’s BAU.

The rush in the UK and Europe to get back to BAU will I fear be our downfall

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 

It does seem that each country is in a race to get their economy back up and running.  Perhaps none want to be left behind. 

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
Gavin D
25 April 2020 14:42:03

Pillar 1 - 3,583

Pillar 2 - 1,330

Total 4,913

25 April 2020 14:45:31


You could soak your facemask with bleach before you put it on? But then get a skin graft afterwards



Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

  • four
  • Advanced Member
25 April 2020 14:45:39
He didn't even mention bleach he said disinfectant which can be a range of things some are not particularly harmful e.g. iodine but you wouldn't inject it.
He didn't exactly suggest injecting it either but I guess twisting anything that makes him sound ignorant suits some agendas (whether he is or not)
25 April 2020 14:49:29

813 UK deaths
4.9K positive tests

The ‘lockdown’ continues to crumble here when the government should be keeping enforcement going.

What was the point in the extending of the lockdown when you have government ministers briefing the press in private going on about getting back to normality. All this does is influence the public psyche that it’s BAU.

The rush in the UK and Europe to get back to BAU will I fear be our downfall

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 

Imagine seeing the 20,000 positive after a 100,000 tests its a grim read 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

25 April 2020 14:53:19

Coronavirus: UK hospital deaths pass 20,000


25 April 2020 14:55:36


As yourself and many others have mentioned Justin, it seems fairly clear that the 'lockdown' is slowly crumbling of its own accord. It's by no means a return to normal but compared to the first few weeks the increase in traffic and numbers of people out and about are very noticeable. There also seems to be lots more shops open with varying degrees of social distancing being observed.

It will be very interesting to see if there is a rise in new cases in a couple of weeks time. If there is I'm not sure where we'd go from there?

Originally Posted by: Northern Sky 

The populist plebs are fed up with the lockdown and they won't believe it till a few of  their friends and relatives drop dead around them. Just spoke to a not particularly close relative who live in Christchurch and she said everybody down there thinks the restrictions are too much and nobody knows anybody who has had the virus. These people don't look at statistics and most are in the "I'm alright jack" sector of humanity. And just to make my day worse a female cousin of mine who lives in Texas, after I'd posted on my Facebook page about Trump's idiotic disinfectant comments, defended him and said that ozone pumped into the blood cures cancer. Doh ! I really do give up.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
Gavin D
25 April 2020 14:58:36
Priti Patel will lead the government's update from Downing Street today she'll be joined by Stephen Powis and Lynne Owens, director general of the National Crime Agency.
25 April 2020 15:01:05


I think most people are aware of the seriousness of the situation

Originally Posted by: JHutch 

Change "most" to "some" !!   People on this forum are not a typical cross section of the general public. 

S.Essex, 42m ASL
25 April 2020 15:01:45

It had been mentioned before that London's peak of cases occurred earlier than elsewhere in the country, on 4th April, and given the time lag between infection and cases this may have occurred significantly before the start of the lockdown. As the backfilling has continued this date is now not the peak. London's total number of deaths on 8th April is 219 whereas on 4th April it was 218.This is obviously a very small difference and could change back tomorrow. However, the 3 day total 7-9 April is 600 whereas on 3-5 April it was 571 so i think the peak day was likely to have been 8th April. I guess roughly two weeks would be back to about the start of the lockdown?

Gandalf The White
25 April 2020 15:04:13

He didn't even mention bleach he said disinfectant which can be a range of things some are not particularly harmful e.g. iodine but you wouldn't inject it.
He didn't exactly suggest injecting it either but I guess twisting anything that makes him sound ignorant suits some agendas (whether he is or not)

Originally Posted by: four 

I think you’ll find he did imply injecting it but I know you prefer to be selective in what you hear and remember.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

25 April 2020 15:04:47


Originally Posted by: Phil G 

Wrong type of household cleaner! He did not suggest, he said they would look at, explore, he was 'brainstorming', hoping for a light bulb moment. Ever been in a meeting where brainstorming is going on. It's just saying things out loud in the hope someone gets an idea, a light bulb moment. Could be that someone develops some kit, some filters perhaps containing bleach that destroys the virus before it enters our system.

He did not actually say down bleach. Sorry but it just goes to show how fucking stupid some people are.

One of the key ingredients of brainstorming is having a brain in the first place 

S.Essex, 42m ASL
25 April 2020 15:06:51


The populist plebs are fed up with the lockdown and they won't believe it till a few of  their friends and relatives drop dead around them. Just spoke to a not particularly close relative who live in Christchurch and she said everybody down there thinks the restrictions are too much and nobody knows anybody who has had the virus. These people don't look at statistics and most are in the "I'm alright jack" sector of humanity. And just to make my day worse a female cousin of mine who lives in Texas, after I'd posted on my Facebook page about Trump's idiotic disinfectant comments, defended him and said that ozone pumped into the blood cures cancer. Doh ! I really do give up.

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

Did you see what Giuliani said the other day?


Gandalf The White
25 April 2020 15:07:06


Yes that's true, but he is now Govt spinner in chief

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

Moronic yet again.

Are you incapable of rational thought?


Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

25 April 2020 15:09:22

I agree that people are starting to slowly creep back to ‘normal’ now and I think this is how it will be, rather than the government doing it for the majority.  I do still think there will be some restrictions, such as pubs and schools staying closed, probably like ‘lockdown light’. 

On another note, I’ve just been to do my weekly Morrisons shop and almost everyone was complying with social distancing, politely waiting for others to take from the shelves before stepping in.  Then an elderly woman came bustling up right beside my hubby and get this - she was wearing a face mask!   

I felt like explaining to her she’d be better ditching the mask and opting for 2 metre distancing!

Originally Posted by: Caz 

That will be the issue if we make masks mandatory. People will think they are invincible and think they can't transmit anything. As you say, it will probably be worse.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
25 April 2020 15:10:21


Change "most" to "some" !!   People on this forum are not a typical cross section of the general public. 

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

I agree , I follow it on here and get some good info and stats / quotes etc - the majority of people are clueless

Oxfordshire - population of 700,000 yesterdays count of 1300 cases , so its a tiny % of people who know of someone , most think " what's the fuss about " 

The wife's mother in her late 70's thinks its blown out of proportion 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

25 April 2020 15:16:40

I wonder if home deliveries will increase if we have 2 or 3 weeks of wet weather , I cant see many people standing in a queue  getting wet through

+ will they have the resources  

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Gavin D
25 April 2020 15:17:13
16,411 in hospital with Covid-19 down from 17,049 yesterday
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