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25 April 2020 22:23:52

Ms Patel said police had been called to respond to some "extraordinarily dangerous driving" as motorists take advantage of the quieter roads "as their own personal race track".

She said: "We've seen speeds of up to 151mph clocked on the M1 and 134mph in 40mph zone in London.

"Police and fire (services) continue to put their arms around people and our communities by taking people shopping and taking prescriptions to the elderly.


Originally Posted by: Polar Low 

On the other hand my friend has just received a £50 insurance rebate from Admiral because they are making such a profit with there being a massive reduction in accidents. I must admit i was amazed they did that voluntarily - I might ask my insurance Company for one.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
Polar Low
25 April 2020 22:24:34

I wonder if this will be a new Government measure over the next week or so compulsory use of masks in Towns and City’s 


For everyone else, the importance of social distancing, mask-wearing and good hygiene is only greater, since these practices not only decrease infectious spread but also tend to decrease dose and thus the lethalness of infections that do occur. While preventing viral spread is a societal good, avoiding high-dose infections is a personal imperative, even for young healthy people.

 For transient interactions that violate the rule of maintaining six feet between you and others, such as paying a cashier at the grocery store, keep them brief — aim for “within six feet, only six seconds.”

Polar Low
25 April 2020 22:31:41

I did here last week it would be £25.00 But you have to ask for it



On the other hand my friend has just received a £50 insurance rebate from Admiral because they are making such a profit with there being a massive reduction in accidents. I must admit i was amazed they did that voluntarily - I might ask my insurance Company for one.

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

25 April 2020 22:31:48

Pleased with that Peter not so good here I’m afraid but I must say lots of police about tonight in Chelmsford looks like it’s time to get rough.



Originally Posted by: Polar Low 

It's weird - just down the road in the normally notoriously chavvy South Essex it seems to be very good. Maybe I've not been out as much as you but even our usually not great neighbours further down the road were celebrating a family members birthday and it looked like they just went to the front and sang happy birthday from the pavement, let a few fireworks ff in the back garden, had a bit of a laugh and said their goodbyes.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
25 April 2020 22:35:19


Peers Morgan is what most of sound mind would call something beginning and ending in 'T', and filled by the two letters 'w' and 'a'. 

Originally Posted by: Chunky Pea 

Yes I agree - but he seems to be suffering from sort of personality transplant of late !

S.Essex, 42m ASL
Phil G
25 April 2020 22:35:27


It's weird - just down the road in the normally notoriously chavvy South Essex it seems to be very good. Maybe I've not been out as much as you but even our usually not great neighbours further down the road were celebrating a family members birthday and it looked like they just went to the front and sang happy birthday from the pavement, let a few fireworks ff in the back garden, had a bit of a laugh and said their goodbyes.

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

Oi! Careful! Good as gold down here 😄

No really on the whole it seems that most are complying. We deal with our own!

Polar Low
25 April 2020 22:39:23

To be honest Chelmsford not what it was hence my love for mountain dogs also Melbourne end and Westlands hard core a hard job for police to sort out probably have reinforcements today as once residents have something in mind they stick together.

Nothing to do with me but apparently WHUFC had to shy away enough said





It's weird - just down the road in the normally notoriously chavvy South Essex it seems to be very good. Maybe I've not been out as much as you but even our usually not great neighbours further down the road were celebrating a family members birthday and it looked like they just went to the front and sang happy birthday from the pavement, let a few fireworks ff in the back garden, had a bit of a laugh and said their goodbyes.

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

Gavin D
25 April 2020 22:42:20
Scientists hail game-changing immunity test: Government orders 50MILLION antibody testing kits that work in 20 minutes and could be ready by June as Boris Johnson returns to work on Monday 
Brian Gaze
25 April 2020 22:48:26

The number of new cases of Covid-19 being diagnosed is still much too high to allow any easing of the lockdown soon, leading scientists have warned, as the virus death toll in UK hospitals passed 20,000 on Saturday.


Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Saint Snow
25 April 2020 22:49:21

I did here last week it would be £25.00 But you have to ask for it

Originally Posted by: Polar Low 


It's £25 per policy/car. And you don't have to ask for it; they sent me an email yesterday telling me they sending the £25 rebate (it's technically my wife's car) 

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Polar Low
25 April 2020 22:50:56

Ok,Martin I asked for mine I was not aware of that.



It's £25 per policy/car. And you don't have to ask for it; they sent me an email yesterday telling me they sending the £25 rebate (it's technically my wife's car) 

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

25 April 2020 22:52:00

Interesting piece in a earlier  NYT about how important and risk exposure is


Originally Posted by: Polar Low 

Now that is a good article and answers a lot of the questions I've been asking. Something else crossed my mind. How many times in the past have we soldiered on through a cold or even mild flu, got drugged up and still gone to e.g a party we didn't want to miss. I think we have learned we can survive by missing some looked forward to events and in the future this kind of "soldiering on" will be seen as anti-social.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
Saint Snow
25 April 2020 22:54:42

Ok,Martin I asked for mine I was not aware of that.

Originally Posted by: Polar Low 

I'd heard they were giving the refund but didn't have chance to look into the procedure, then got this:


Thank youfor staying at home
People like you are helping to save lives by staying at home. In recognition of this, we’re refunding £110 million to our car and van customers.
With fewer cars on the roads during the UK lockdown, we’re seeing a reduction in the number of claims coming in. We want to give the money we would’ve used to pay these claims back to our loyal customers in this difficult time.
If your car or van is one of the 4.4 million vehicles insured with us on 20 April 2020, you’ll get an automatic £25 refund per vehicle.
You don’t need to contact us or do anything at all at this stage, we’ll be in touch between now and the end of May with more details about the refund.
If you have any questions in the meantime, please take a look at our Stay at Home Refund page which answers questions around the refund


Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
25 April 2020 22:55:23


Oi! Careful! Good as gold down here 😄

No really on the whole it seems that most are complying. We deal with our own!

Originally Posted by: Phil G 

I know - severely punished, not let off the Island for six months 

S.Essex, 42m ASL
Polar Low
25 April 2020 22:56:32

Can’t see it being a game changer if it only picks up the severe end of covid if true with what I’ve read.


Scientists hail game-changing immunity test: Government orders 50MILLION antibody testing kits that work in 20 minutes and could be ready by June as Boris Johnson returns to work on Monday

Originally Posted by: Gavin D 

Polar Low
25 April 2020 23:00:11

 I heard first on TV something about it so I gave them ring they had my card no so can’t knock it done it straight away.


I'd heard they were giving the refund but didn't have chance to look into the procedure, then got this: 

Thank you
for staying at home
People like you are helping to save lives by staying at home. In recognition of this, we’re refunding £110 million to our car and van customers.

With fewer cars on the roads during the UK lockdown, we’re seeing a reduction in the number of claims coming in. We want to give the money we would’ve used to pay these claims back to our loyal customers in this difficult time.
If your car or van is one of the 4.4 million vehicles insured with us on 20 April 2020, you’ll get an automatic £25 refund per vehicle.
You don’t need to contact us or do anything at all at this stage, we’ll be in touch between now and the end of May with more details about the refund.



Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Saint Snow
25 April 2020 23:03:24

Can’t see it being a game changer if it only picks up the severe end of covid if true with what I’ve read.

Originally Posted by: Polar Low 


Exactly. Chocolate teapot time if it's only for people who already know they've had a serious dose.

It's the asymptomatic ones, along  with those who are thinking "that cough/fever/fatigue/fly-by thing I had in Feb/March... I wonder..." who need the antibody test. An army of [almost certainly] immunes to get the country back up and running.


Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
The Beast from the East
25 April 2020 23:14:47


I agree he has his moments,  but I honestly think you’ve misread his post there. 

Originally Posted by: John p 

He has. Of course I meant it was a shame that she died! She was a childhood icon of mine growing up watching her on Watchdog


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
The Beast from the East
25 April 2020 23:20:26


On the other hand my friend has just received a £50 insurance rebate from Admiral because they are making such a profit with there being a massive reduction in accidents. I must admit i was amazed they did that voluntarily - I might ask my insurance Company for one.

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

I got an email from Admiral telling me I am eligible, but details on how to claim will follow

Good PR for them

Edit - just seen Saints post - that's the email I got. 

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
The Beast from the East
25 April 2020 23:32:47

The number of new cases of Covid-19 being diagnosed is still much too high to allow any easing of the lockdown soon, leading scientists have warned, as the virus death toll in UK hospitals passed 20,000 on Saturday.


Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Scientists would have us locked down all year! 

In my local Tesco they now have ample supply of hand gel and wipes. The first time since early March. The clearest sign yet that the plebs have had enough of this and are bored of Covid and no longer afraid of it. 

As Saint mentioned in his earlier anecdote, social distancing seems to be waning, especially among lower classes and Ive seen fewer people in masks walking around

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
The Beast from the East
25 April 2020 23:44:45

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Saint Snow
26 April 2020 00:30:30

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 


Have these people no pride?

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Roger Parsons
26 April 2020 04:47:38


Scientists would have us locked down all year! 

In my local Tesco they now have ample supply of hand gel and wipes. The first time since early March. The clearest sign yet that the plebs have had enough of this and are bored of Covid and no longer afraid of it. 

As Saint mentioned in his earlier anecdote, social distancing seems to be waning, especially among lower classes and Ive seen fewer people in masks walking around

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

We did a trek to our nearest Tesco this week for their "oldies" slot and they were brilliant - can't praise the staff highly enough. The queuing and aisles were all clearly marked and signed to provide a 1-way system, even a map available. The trolley and basket team was constantly cleaning their returning equipment, and staff were welcoming and greeting customers, ready to guide or help. There was a bit of a bottleneck at the checkouts, but this was well overseen by another helpful member of staff. The checkouts themselves were well organised and all the staff were making a real effort to be helpful. As far as I saw folks were keeping their distance in queues, but uncertain about "overtaking".


West Lindsey district of Lincolnshire
Everything taken together, here in Lincolnshire are more good things than man could have had the conscience to ask.
William Cobbett, in his Rural Rides - c.1830
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