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Heavy Weather 2013
30 April 2020 09:26:01

The worst soundbites from government ministers during this Pandemic has been 'straining every sinew'

Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
Saint Snow
30 April 2020 09:26:56


disappointing and he has clearly been got at by the medical lobby and his own experience is clouding his judgement.

Perhaps the party donors and Barclay brothers need to persuade him to step aside and install Sunak

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 


Seems the long-term effects on Bozo are way more serious than we're being told. Coronavirus seems to have cost him his left hand:


Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
30 April 2020 09:27:43


 I am no expert in Human virus transmission but i have experience of eradicating diseases in cattle. If you have a naive herd and do not have or do not use a vaccine you are at permanent risk of a virus sweeping through your herd. Whereas the Herd with some inbred immunity or continually vaccinating will not suffer in anything like such a serious way.

 A country like New Zealand is ideally placed to adopt the former tactic but until a vaccine is available has to remain cut off . How many have immunity here is unknown as yet especially as it can spread in such a mild form but is it the Lockdown or increasing herd  immunity that is slowing it down.?

Originally Posted by: bledur 

So, you'd be happy for the next outbreak of foot and mouth to be left so herd immunity built up? No, you wouldn't...

Rob K
30 April 2020 09:29:42
I hear that the restrictions on exercise in Spain are being relaxed, cycling etc which were completely banned are to be allowed within certain hours, as from Saturday.
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
Gandalf The White
30 April 2020 09:41:07


I don't accept this kind of argument at all. If you want to prioritize vulnerable groups fine, vulnerable individuals; even better. But a group that society arbitarily deems the underdog? No.

Originally Posted by: Quantum 

That's absurd. Nobody has suggested an arbitrary determination: it's evidence based.


Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

30 April 2020 09:51:12 

Wuhan a month after lockdown was lifted, still in what we would consider lockdown

30 April 2020 09:52:01

Drove to Whitstable yesterday to leave groceries outside my mother-in-law’s front door. Even though I’ve seen increasing traffic levels, I was surprised by the number of cars on the A299. The volume was about 80% of normal, I reckon.

Most of the drivers and passengers I observed were older - many of them clearly over 70. And that is my experience: the older people are the ones who are more likely to not care about the lockdown or the risk.

If, as Xioni says, the aim is to keep deaths to a minimum, I do wonder why all these elderly people round here appear not to give a stuff. Some of our neighbours think the whole thing is a big joke. It makes me angry, I have to say. Why am I and many others sacrificing business and livelihood for people who don’t appear to give a damn? For them, it is business as usual.

Originally Posted by: Justin W 

Totally the opposite here in South Essex. Traffic is down at least 50%. Almost all my friends are around the 70 mark and they are totally strict to the letter. I have not known any of them do anything risky. In fact we are quite scared and obsessive because we've seen the odds if we get  it.

We were saying how little money we have spent and how our cars have only done about 10 miles in 6 weeks.

The only people I've seen breaking the lockdown have been a few chavvy families and joggers being inconsiderate.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
Maunder Minimum
30 April 2020 09:55:21

New world order coming.
30 April 2020 09:55:57


It is becoming a total shambles. Buckland has apparently said it may not be possible to lift the lockdown next week. However, the government is making little effort to stop increasing levels of traffic and it appears to be encouraging the resumption of more economic activity. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Yesterday or was it the day before at the briefing it was noted that traffic had gone up a bit. The response to that was along the lines "..can you try not to, if possible, please".

S.Essex, 42m ASL
30 April 2020 09:58:23


So much surmising, hindsight, certain strategies are right, even though we are nowhere near the end of this. What a mess. What angers me....... What is the role of the funded WHO? Countries seem to be left to their own devices. If one or a few countries have 'got this right', why don't all countries adopt the same policy. We all have to come out of this together or be beating the same drum. What angers me shouldn't WHO been over this like a rash in the first place. What is their role? What is the point of them if countries don't actually listen to advice. We are left with blame games, strategies that we don't know which are the best. The 'better' looking ones now may come back to bite a bullet later on. Still after this time the world looks for solid instructions. It seems at this point in time, the truth is no one knows what to do for the best. The points raised on both sides show that. It's all just best endeavours where there wasn't one co-ordinated response from WHO. 

Originally Posted by: Phil G 

Well there was. But we and most over countries chose to ignore it because it was too strict. They can't enforce anything on other Countries, less so than the United Nations even.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
Phil G
30 April 2020 10:01:32


Totally the opposite here in South Essex. Traffic is down at least 50%. Almost all my friends are around the 70 mark and they are totally strict to the letter. I have not known any of them do anything risky. In fact we are quite scared and obsessive because we've seen the odds if we get  it.

We were saying how little money we have spent and how our cars have only done about 10 miles in 6 weeks.

The only people I've seen breaking the lockdown have been a few chavvy families and joggers being inconsiderate.

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

I can only endorse living not too far away with a mixture of young and elderly population. Just popped out for an 'essential' to the post office. Hardly any traffic in what is usually a busy Island, I'd say 20% on what it normally is. Straight in, no queuing, straight out, much the same journey back. I heard from someone that knows a man that knows a man that at present we aren't doing too badly here as an Island, but no one is becoming complacent, no sirree! 

30 April 2020 10:02:47


There have been lots of studies, showing different possible levels of immunity, some not nearly as positive as the ones you cite. Picking a couple at this stage and prioritising them above others smacks of cherry-picking.

Originally Posted by: NickR 

The scientific evidence is that it produces immunity in primates and produces anti-bodies in humans. The length of immunity can't be certain scientifically because it's only been out a few months! But based on other coronaviruses that have behaved the same thus far there is circumstantial evidence that there will be immunity and most likely up to two years.

Frankly the cherry picking is the speculation that it won't, for which is there is little evidence as it appears that those cases cited earlier had some false test results.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
30 April 2020 10:24:42


Beast,this is one of your ridiculous posts again!

Originally Posted by: springsunshine 

Which bit? Most is fact, the last sentence could be debatedthough.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
30 April 2020 10:27:50



Seems the long-term effects on Bozo are way more serious than we're being told. Coronavirus seems to have cost him his left hand:


Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

If he carries on with the lockdown he'll soon be losing the Right.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
Polar Low
30 April 2020 10:32:42

Now that would be a disaster now a Little one is about


If he carries on with the lockdown he'll soon be losing the Right.

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

30 April 2020 10:35:09

I hear that the restrictions on exercise in Spain are being relaxed, cycling etc which were completely banned are to be allowed within certain hours, as from Saturday.

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

When it is time to start lifting our restrictions I would like to see there being more thought to allowing enjoyable activities. It seems there is some kind of pleasure police out there that seem to think any form of enjoyment increases transmission risk automatically.

So to that end I would like to see obviously low risk activities like fishing, tennis and golf, as examples to be allowed. I would have stipulations like clubhouses cannot be open and social distancing must apply but that would be simple in those instances. (And before anybody questions "pleasurable? "  I don't participate in them myself, well apart from golf occasionally! 

S.Essex, 42m ASL
30 April 2020 11:05:01


Totally the opposite here in South Essex. Traffic is down at least 50%. Almost all my friends are around the 70 mark and they are totally strict to the letter. I have not known any of them do anything risky. In fact we are quite scared and obsessive because we've seen the odds if we get  it.

We were saying how little money we have spent and how our cars have only done about 10 miles in 6 weeks.

The only people I've seen breaking the lockdown have been a few chavvy families and joggers being inconsiderate.

Originally Posted by: fairweather 


I have met a few  older people who don't appear to be taking it at all seriously - some completely blatantly  !

The worst offenders around here though are women with children - allowing the children from (apparently) separate groups  to mingle while  they block up the pavement gossiping !

I had   to go into work yesterday.  My comments on traffic is the main routes are certainly busy, but  predominantly with commercial vehicles (HGV's, white van man, delivery vans (etc).  The middle of the village was bit daft - people appear to be reverting to wanting to drive to be 2 Yards from where they want to get to)  but the minor roads   still seem quiet.



Chris (It,its)
Between Newbury and Basingstoke
"When they are giving you their all, some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy banging your heart against some mad buggers wall"
Brian Gaze
30 April 2020 11:07:03

More good news wrt remdesivir :

Researchers say the preliminary results from UCL trials to treat Covid-19 with the drug remdesivir are “really promising,” but acknowledged that there was “a little way to go”.

They said that “in principle” the treatment could assist in the process of easing the UK lockdown but that it would depend more on dealing with transmission within the community. They added that more informative results would be available near to the end of May. [source:Guardian]

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Sharp Green Fox
30 April 2020 11:08:19

Drove to Whitstable yesterday to leave groceries outside my mother-in-law’s front door. Even though I’ve seen increasing traffic levels, I was surprised by the number of cars on the A299. The volume was about 80% of normal, I reckon.

Most of the drivers and passengers I observed were older - many of them clearly over 70. And that is my experience: the older people are the ones who are more likely to not care about the lockdown or the risk.

If, as Xioni says, the aim is to keep deaths to a minimum, I do wonder why all these elderly people round here appear not to give a stuff. Some of our neighbours think the whole thing is a big joke. It makes me angry, I have to say. Why am I and many others sacrificing business and livelihood for people who don’t appear to give a damn? For them, it is business as usual.

Originally Posted by: Justin W 

This is interesting Justin. I live in a semi rural area, and go for a 2 mile walk every day in lockdown, varying my routes. I have the usual problems with joggers and cyclists but also cars (on the lanes). Some of the routes I use include a part of the walk on the pavement of a main road.

This week I have noticed that the main road has significantly less cars on it. Previously I noted most of the drivers were male, middle aged and the type of car was dis-proportionally high end value cars compared with pre lockdown. Last week I noticed several police cars on this road and wondered if this had anything to do with what is a reduction of vehicles this week. I do live near a beauty spot and wondered if the police have been stopping people. Word that this is happening may have got through. If the level of cars goes back up again next week, my theory may be right. I haven't noticed a significant amount of over 70's on the roads and lanes.

30 April 2020 11:10:46


But I asked WHY we couldn't do what SK, NZ, Portugal, Greece, etc. have done. All I ever get is statements like the one in bold. That's not an answer, certainly not without actual details and reasoning.

Originally Posted by: NickR 

I wonder if we have greater numbers of nationals in other countries at any time? Business links, people with families in other countries, charity workers? Just a thought- it would make it more difficult to close borders.

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
Retire while you can still press the 'retire now' button.
30 April 2020 11:50:26

Some info from my school regarding the free laptops. Note the dates mentioned in bold!

We have been told by the DfE a maximum of 145 Year 10 pupils across the Trust qualify for the funded device scheme.  I have requested all 145 devices and we are awaiting further information including a breakdown of the numbers per school.
My understanding is that these devices will not be available until June/July.
Based on that, unless the government has a new policy of giving laptops away each year (unlikely), it would suggest that we're not going to see schools back to normal this academic year.
Leysdown, north Kent
Gavin D
30 April 2020 11:53:10

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon confirms 60 new deaths and 21 new admissions to hospitals whilst ICU patients are down by 5

30 April 2020 11:54:32


I can only endorse living not too far away with a mixture of young and elderly population. Just popped out for an 'essential' to the post office. Hardly any traffic in what is usually a busy Island, I'd say 20% on what it normally is. Straight in, no queuing, straight out, much the same journey back. I heard from someone that knows a man that knows a man that at present we aren't doing too badly here as an Island, but no one is becoming complacent, no sirree! 

Originally Posted by: Phil G 

I agree. I've been surprised how good people have been round here to be honest. I just read somewhere that a survey showed that Brits were the most compliant Nation to a lockdown. I assume that meant outside communist Countries. 

S.Essex, 42m ASL
Rob K
30 April 2020 11:59:21
Yes, roads are still largely empty here. One of my local exercise loops on my bike goes via a bridge over the M3 and it has been extremely quiet, never totally empty but usually less than a dozen vehicles within sight at any one time, and most of those are lorries etc on essential business.

I have seen more evidence of social gatherings though, mostly making some token attempt at distancing.
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
The Beast from the East
30 April 2020 12:01:42



Probably Acyclovir. I had it too and it worked. Took a couple of weeks, but definite improvement almost immediately. 

Originally Posted by: chelseagirl 

Yes, that was it. I just found the packet, I still have a few left as I didnt complete the dose. Out of date now though! 


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