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  • four
  • Advanced Member
17 May 2020 09:29:09

Another thing occurs to me. If the warmer weather is starting to significantly reduce the infection rate we should be using that to our advantage and pushing even harder to "stamp out" the virus in the UK. It could be possible for us to be in a similar position to New Zealand by the time winter arrives. If so it would make border control effective.   

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Yes but that's not allowed or even possible is it.
That's what should have started about 1st Feb - not wait till it gets pretty bad then go nuclear and close everything in an attempt to get back to where were were about ... 1st of February so we can then impose border controls.

Living with Coronavirus and its descendants are the new normal, or rather that is how it always was. Only this time mass hysteria has been orchestrated.

The Beast from the East
17 May 2020 09:29:11

If so, it would be a big hope for somewhere like USA, as their Summer weather (except for the far NW) are similar to that of Africa or India (especially temperatures). Obviously, less of a hope for the UK, but let's hope this summer will be a hot one here.

Originally Posted by: ozone_aurora 

Infection rates in Texas and Florida are rising again, inspite of the heat and sunshine

Brazil, Mexico and Ecuador have been very badly effected. Lot of excess deaths reported in Indonesia even though the official death toll is very low - many deaths in poor hot countries are going undetected to due combination of no testing and Govt cover up


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Brian Gaze
17 May 2020 09:30:32

Excellent and very unfashionable piece by Jeremy Hunt and David Milliband in the ST today. The tub thumping "charity begins at home" nationalists won't like it of course.

As nations squabble over the virus, Britain should lead the way on foreign aid

We must help the world’s most vulnerable at a time of crisis

For two decades, economic and political power has been shifting around the world, challenging the dominance of the West in the post-Second World War order. Covid-19 is now giving us a taste of crisis management in a world of competing power centres, and it is not a pretty picture.

Without urgent action, the prospects for the world’s most vulnerable are frightening: a chilling double emergency of Covid-19 contagion, often undetected and unrecorded, and economic shocks piling on the pain, while the most powerful and richest countries in the world squabble.
Some will say we need to focus on the home front. Others will say our failings at home mean we are the last people able to help abroad. We disagree. Britain has the policy and programme chops, and the financial muscle, to make a difference globally. We need to put our expertise to good effect abroad as well as at home.


Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
The Beast from the East
17 May 2020 09:31:59

Yes but that's not allowed or even possible is it.
That's what should have started about 1st Feb - not wait till it gets pretty bad then go nuclear and close everything in an attempt to get back to where were were about ... 1st of February so we can then impose border controls.

Living with Coronavirus and its descendants are the new normal, or rather that is how it always was. Only this time mass hysteria has been orchestrated.

Originally Posted by: four 

Our borders are still open with no checks at airports

Did you watch P*ers Corbyn speech yesterday?

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
17 May 2020 09:32:56

Why aren't you allowed to see them? I thought Boris has given the green light to travel anywhere to exercise etc

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

The main reason is that only two people each weekend are allowed to go there and of those one is a senior handler (I'm not one of those). It's also not exactly an essential journey and with only two people being down there's no exercise - we need 7 people to take the wolves out.

The two person cap will only be lifted once restrictions on gatherings generally are eased... perhaps in July.



Leysdown, north Kent
  • four
  • Advanced Member
17 May 2020 09:35:53


Our borders are still open with no checks at airports

Did you watch P*ers Corbyn speech yesterday?

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

I know
And no

The Beast from the East
17 May 2020 09:36:24

Excellent and very unfashionable piece by Jeremy Hunt and David Milliband in the ST today. The tub thumping "charity begins at home" nationalists won't like it of course.

 Britain should lead the way on foreign aid



Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 


This Govt has just thrown homeless people back onto the streets, there is as much chance of Boris Johnson staying faithful to Carrie as foreign aid increasing

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
  • four
  • Advanced Member
17 May 2020 09:37:35


How much public money does your farm get?

Originally Posted by: Devonian 

How much are you being paid furlough?
You tried this form of attack before and it didn't end well, you should make notes.
Oh you do.

17 May 2020 09:37:58

Yes but that's not allowed or even possible is it.
That's what should have started about 1st Feb - not wait till it gets pretty bad then go nuclear and close everything in an attempt to get back to where were were about ... 1st of February so we can then impose border controls.

Living with Coronavirus and its descendants are the new normal, or rather that is how it always was. Only this time mass hysteria has been orchestrated.

Originally Posted by: four 

More codswallop.

Like MM, and the rest of us, you're not going to try and infect yourself with SARS-Cov-2. No, you two just like to pretend otherwise so you can sound tough and attack others as weak.

Get back to counting your Govt hand out £s...

  • four
  • Advanced Member
17 May 2020 09:39:25


Get back to counting your Govt hand out £s...

Originally Posted by: Devonian 

I could call you something back there but you wouldn't like it.

17 May 2020 09:39:59


Infection rates in Texas and Florida are rising again, inspite of the heat and sunshine

Brazil, Mexico and Ecuador have been very badly effected. Lot of excess deaths reported in Indonesia even though the official death toll is very low - many deaths in poor hot countries are going undetected to due combination of no testing and Govt cover up


Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 


Hopefully we will get to see good stats on States that have eased lockdown more than others as it will give us some very valuable data

Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
Polar Low
17 May 2020 09:40:09



More codswallop.

Like MM, and the rest of us, you're not going to try and infect yourself with SARS-Cov-2. No, you two just like to pretend otherwise so you can sound tough and attack others as weak.

Get back to counting your Govt hand out £s...

Originally Posted by: Devonian 

  • four
  • Advanced Member
17 May 2020 09:42:50
Why would anyone go out to try infect themselves.
The point is you can do most of the sensible things to avoid it without having your life micro-managed nationwide by government dictat.

17 May 2020 09:43:36

How much are you being paid furlough?
You tried this form of attack before and it didn't end well, you should make notes.
Oh you do.

Originally Posted by: four 

I'm not furloughed. And I've been working...

You've tried whinging on about how people get propped up by state aid when we both know you'll be getting £ thousands per year in state aid.


The Beast from the East
17 May 2020 09:43:44

As Starmer surges ahead of Bozo in approval ratings, this is all the Mail can do to him


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
17 May 2020 09:44:38

I could call you something back there but you wouldn't like it.

Originally Posted by: four 

Feel free, or tell me you don't get, or send back,  a RPA single payment.

17 May 2020 09:46:49

Why would anyone go out to try infect themselves.

Originally Posted by: four 

Because you think it's all 'hysteria'...

The point is you can do most of the sensible things to avoid it without having your life micro-managed nationwide by government dictat.

, so you're doing just what the rest of us are - but you can't get away from your hatred of Govt (even though it pays you money).

  • DEW
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
17 May 2020 09:49:40

Now why isn't the Government really being held to account over care home deaths?

There have been 18,000 excess deaths in care homes since the end of March (IMO a more reliable estimate of Covid deaths than the 8,000  mentioned on the death certificate)   410,000 people live in care homes   so approx 1 in 23 have died.

There are about 10m people over 70 in the UK (Google) and about 35000 total deaths from Covid at time of posting.(Google) Even if we assume that all these deaths are those to people aged over 70, that's 17000 deaths  outside care homes in a population of 9.6 m, again outside care homes, or 1 in 560. 

Of course, those in care homes are more vulnerable owing to poorer health - but by the same token, they should be in a position to get better care. 

This is all very imprecise, but the contrast between 1 in 23 and 1 in 560 is too stark to be overlooked

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
  • four
  • Advanced Member
17 May 2020 09:54:23


Feel free, or tell me you don't get, or send back,  a RPA single payment.

Originally Posted by: Devonian 

Why do you find this remotely appropriate in this thread.
I think lockdown is making you hysterical.
More even than usual which is saying something.

Of course I claim from the RPA and the funding has been from the EU not UK in the past as you ought to know.
If it ends I would be fine if you must know.

17 May 2020 10:01:36


I've always wondered do we as a nation have a higher % of PL than others? Are we that different?

Originally Posted by: speckledjim 

In my experience, having traveled extensively, yes we do. To offset that we do possibly have a higher percentage of polite and charitable caring people but then this Country has to rely disproportionately on Charity to look after the less fortunate.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
17 May 2020 10:09:00

The chief medical officer for the WHO this morning on Andrew Marr saying we will probably have to learn to live with the virus for at least five years - does not sound optimistic about a viable vaccine being able to kill it (just like influenza).

Clearly we cannot have societal lockdown for five years, so we have to have the strategies for living with the virus being omnipresent - that includes testing, contact tracing and havin processes to protect those most at risk - something like what is already done for the winter flu. 

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

I find it hard to see that " living with it" for five years is an end of the world scenario. Even if there is no vaccine it would be remarkable if there weren't better treatments and understanding of the virus. Our control methods would be refined as well. Even this Government should have worked out a coherent strategy by then. Remember we are always having to "live with" diseases including the common cold and to an extent flu with no vaccine.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
17 May 2020 10:10:04


It is not about “no risk” and I don’t think anyone has said that, it is about effective risk management. Surely that is a good thing?

The suggestion is that such mensures are not there at the moment. I could make a list but I doubt anyone who has made up their mind would either care or read it. It is fine to make blanket bkack and white statement but the situation is far more nuanced and complicated than that.

We have no effective contact tracing and testing system in place but do have thousands of identified new cases each day. Opening schools may very well turn out to be totally unproblematic but who will be answerable if it turns out not to be the case. A betting man of course will be up for a bet where they don’t pay if they make the wrong decision.

Edit: I answered your question previously Maunder (although I cannot find my answer ). There are numerous reasons why after summer makes sense and 2 weeks time does not:

The evidence from the impact of school openings elsewhere, the bigger picture of the spread and more likely control of the virus, tracking and testing will hopefully be in place, risk assessments will have been carried out, adaptations to school buildings will have been put in place.

The list is massive.

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

I'm in full agreement with your posts on this subject, Michael. I'd also add that 150 cases of the Kawasaki-like illness when children are off school and in lockdown is very worrying when thinking about what might happen if/when more children get covid-19 as schools return.

[email protected]
17 May 2020 10:12:32


I'm in full agreement with your posts on this subject, Michael. I'd also add that 150 cases of the Kawasaki-like illness when children are off school and in lockdown is very worrying when thinking about what might happen if/when more children get covid-19 as schools return.

Originally Posted by: NickR 

Thanks Nick, that’s appreciated. 

And yes the Kawasaki-like condition is definitely a concern and something that needs very close attention.

17 May 2020 10:15:50

Exactly - why do the teacher unions think things will be any different in September? I posed that question yesterday.

There is always risk in life and the best way to mitigate it is to stay in bed all day in a nuclear bunker - but bunker mentality achieves nothing in the end.

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

It is easy to spout when you feel safe yourself. Let me give you a typical example that could be going through the minds of many. My son-in law is in his early fifties. His cousin who he was very close to and also in his fifties has died of CV and had no underlying health conditions. He was in bits. He probably has some genetic make up in common.

He has mild asthma and and 18 year old son waiting to find out about Uni and a 14 year old son waiting to hear about school. So it is a very real situation for him and a clear dilemma. If his son infects him and he dies can you imagine what the mental impact of that would be on his son and the family?

That is why people are being cautious about sending their children back to school whatever you or the Government think.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
17 May 2020 10:19:58

Why do you find this remotely appropriate in this thread.
I think lockdown is making you hysterical.
More even than usual which is saying something.

Of course I claim from the RPA and the funding has been from the EU not UK in the past as you ought to know.
If it ends I would be fine if you must know.

Originally Posted by: four 

They you go again...

Clue: I'm no more hysterical than you. Like you I'm taking sensible measures to avoid getting SARS-Cov-2...I'm just NOT trying to make out I'm somehow a tough guy and the rest of us 'hysterical'.


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