Getting one of those of model periods where the ops are consistently very different (in this case cooler) than the other ensemble members on both ECM and GFS (and GEM).
In all 3 cases the ensemble mean gives us a mini heatwave next weekend - ECM 12C 850s, GFS and GEM both 14 with some members up closer to 20, but the ops peak at 10, 12 and 12 respectively and only fir a few hours, associated with a load of rain.
Originally Posted by: TimS
Typical of this time of year when tropical storms are getting into the Atlantic - the models always have problems with these.
I'd missed that is now doing a 16-day forecast even though it still calls itself a 10-dayer; however, it's showing a big cool-down for Europe N of the Alps (that's us as well) for the last week of August. Rain in the west to start with, then a large amount moving SE across France in that last week and catching the S Coast.
Take a quick look at the snow and ice chart both the NW and NE Arctic passages well clear of ice.
Current computer models:
GFS - LP moving in from Atlantic Thu 20th (though briefly bringing up some warmth as it approaches, the mini heat wave referred to elsewhere) and after visiting the NW coast eventually end up in Norway Mon 24th; spell of westerlies resolving into deep LP Fri 28th 985 mb Hebrides which leaves a legacy LP moving S 990 mb Brittany Mon 31st. Between them these last two Lp drag in a lot of cool N-ly air.
GEFS - Mini heat wave for S Thu 20th otherwise most runs agree on a decline into a cool spell through to Fri 28th after which much disagreement between runs. Rain peaks Mon 17th and Fri 21st and then more generally from Mon 24th. Fo Scotland and N England the mini-heat wave is only just detectable though the rest of the temp profile is similar, and rain occurs fairly frequently throughout.
ECM synoptics follow GFS at least to Tue 25th (the chart for 26th is still yesterday's 12z at time of posting)
FAX keeps pressure generally low throughout and the LP on Thu 20th is deeper (969mb) and hints at heading more to our SW.
War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell
Chichester 12m asl