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28 January 2022 11:29:12


I doubt if anyone will ever forecast a cold winter again in the UK unless there is support from the seasonal models. Utterly extraordinary how things have panned out. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

I know - tell me about it., I really can't stress how disappointing it is! I mean what is there memorable about this winter? anyone? even with the High pressure we never saw ice days  - perhaps the only noteworthy was how mild and warm it was on NYE/NYD. There was a 'flicker of light at the end of the tunnel' in the models up until the 22nd/23rd December 2021 when we could have seen a cold and snowy Xmas and Boxing day with easterly - but that flicker of light at the end of the tunnel turned out to be a train! 

Perhaps there was storm Arwen which brought early wet snow to many parts esp the NE albeit transient wet snow but this was in Autumn at end of November - I am quite amazed at how we can go through almost 8 weeks of weather with absolutely nothing noteworthy or of any interest (even from a stormy perspective) to talk about and discuss.

There has been the occasional tease in models but that's it really.

Even during winter of 2019/20 which was notorious for the PV of doom - it was wetter however there were colder incursions and there was snow and at times quite a lot over Scotland which we could discuss but the fact there hasn't even been any snow in Scotland for weeks and months is something very eerie actually.

What is also eerie is how the temperatures in the stratosphere is cooling further and the PV is strengthening when it should be warming and the temperature in the stratosphere should be warming thus weakening the strength of the PV!

I don't know what else to say....I am lost for words.

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

28 January 2022 11:37:44

In a months time when we're staring down the barrel of a deep cold snow laden easterly we'll look back at todays posts with a smile. 

Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

Lionel Hutz
28 January 2022 11:38:24


Let's be honest about things. Even the jam on offer has been full of additives and of the budget variety.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Yes, thin gruel might have been a better description.

Lionel Hutz
Nr.Waterford , S E Ireland
68m ASL

Windy Willow
28 January 2022 11:54:23

In a months time when we're staring down the barrel of a deep cold snow laden easterly we'll look back at todays posts with a smile. 

Originally Posted by: Gusty 


Here's hoping lol 

South Holland, Lincs 5m/16ft ASL

Don't feed the Trolls!! When starved of attention they return to their dark caves or the dark recesses of bridges and will turn back to stone, silent again!
28 January 2022 12:07:25

/grouch mode

There's a fair bit of irritating stuff in this thread this morning. The 'hasn't it been a cr*p winter for cold/snow' comments may be accurate but aren't relevant to the models and would be better in the dedicated thread. They're even more irritating when they serve to reinforce the other comment purporting to be on the models but which was at best a rather poor summation of what's being shown.

The above snapshots show the projected colder blips in the generally unsettled set up. (Yes, I could equally pick the milder sectors). They'll vary from run to run but the pattern so far is consistent over the last couple of days. HP retreating to the West or South West and 2-3 day cooler interludes coming in from the west or north west, followed by milder sectors of varying duration and impact with the longest and mildest interludes affecting the far south. That'll bring snow to the high ground further north, possible the odd bit to lower ground further north and eff all down here but hopefully some sunshine and not too much rain. There will also probably be some strong winds at times too, something that needs watching as could develop the occasional quite vicious little system if they interact with the jet favourably.

The models haven't shown any noticeable chance of a colder spell or even particularly deep cold air. In the context of winter having been pants so far the setup isn't something to change that for a lot of the country but that's not really the point. Objectively the set up is one that has some interest for some, viewing it through the lens of -10 850s from the East just makes for oddly misleading comments on the charts which assuming we have any casual views to the thread probably aren't too helpful.

/grouch mode over

Home: Tunbridge Wells
Work: Tonbridge
Saint Snow
28 January 2022 12:13:08

The above snapshots show the projected colder blips in the generally unsettled set up. (Yes, I could equally pick the milder sectors). They'll vary from run to run but the pattern so far is consistent over the last couple of days. HP retreating to the West or South West and 2-3 day cooler interludes coming in from the west or north west, followed by milder sectors of varying duration and impact with the longest and mildest interludes affecting the far south. That'll bring snow to the high ground further north, possible the odd bit to lower ground further north and eff all down here but hopefully some sunshine and not too much rain. There will also probably be some strong winds at times too, something that needs watching as could develop the occasional quite vicious little system if they interact with the jet favourably.

The models haven't shown any noticeable chance of a colder spell or even particularly deep cold air. In the context of winter having been pants so far the setup isn't something to change that for a lot of the country but that's not really the point. Objectively the set up is one that has some interest for some, viewing it through the lens of -10 850s from the East just makes for oddly misleading comments on the charts which assuming we have any casual views to the thread probably aren't too helpful.

/grouch mode over

Originally Posted by: Hippydave 


Good post 



(Although the problem with this sort of set-up is that, even if it does deliver snow, that snow is vert transient - a couple of days before milder air and rain washes it all away. I'd rather one deep snowfall, then it stays on the ground for 2/3/4 weeks - of course, that's really rare)

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
28 January 2022 12:48:02



(Although the problem with this sort of set-up is that, even if it does deliver snow, that snow is vert transient - a couple of days before milder air and rain washes it all away. I'd rather one deep snowfall, then it stays on the ground for 2/3/4 weeks - of course, that's really rare)

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Yup, it's not really anything other than a fairly standard winter setup, although if it verifies it'll be good to see as the cooler end of our standard winter weather has been scarce so far. I try and look at things as some temporary snow is better than no snow, someone getting snow is better than no one getting snow and if we luck out and get something a bit more interesting that's a bonus.

As you mentioned yesterday there's a bit of a tendency for people to dismiss set ups because they're boring for their back yard. There's also a tendency to dismiss setups on the basis they're not a Feb 91, Dec 2010 etc. which given they're the exception and not the rule will lead to most winter charts most of the time being 'rubbish' in comparison.

Both I guess are understandable but the first can be mitigated by at least acknowledging the impacts elsewhere may be different. Short of moving somewhere more favourable I don't know how you fix the second

Home: Tunbridge Wells
Work: Tonbridge
Chunky Pea
28 January 2022 13:43:15

Even during winter of 2019/20 which was notorious for the PV of doom - it was wetter however there were colder incursions and there was snow and at times quite a lot over Scotland which we could discuss but the fact there hasn't even been any snow in Scotland for weeks and months is something very eerie actually.

Originally Posted by: tallyho_83 

Agree. This winter has brought and is continuing to bring just the same thing everyday. No action in the atmosphere at all. Very, very stagnant. Whatever pattern flip happened in mid-July last year, it is one that is just refusing to budge. 

Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
28 January 2022 15:03:29
In it’s own way this winter is as extreme as Jan 87 spell of Dec 10. It could go down as a nearly winter - nearly very mild and nearly cold! As it stands February could be more standard winter weather - with gales and fast moving systems. Perhaps March can put us in the freezer!
28 January 2022 18:21:29

Decent consistency from GFS 12z op - throws up slightly more in the way of sleet/transient snow for less Northern parts but ignoring the detail which will of course change, the general pattern remains consistent. Whether it'll stay that way or get watered down nearer the time is as usual TBC!

One thing not mention particularly is just how windy it's going to be for Scotland and parts of Northern England over the weekend. UKV has nudged this up a little for Saturday:-

Chart image

Sunday then has a small area of strong winds moving through southern Scotland and Northern England, with top gusts around 85 mph.

Leaving aside the potential for snow* over the higher ground, the winds look likely to be enough to cause disruption.

*Not watched them religiously this week but today's MetO forecast was first time they mentioned potential for snowfall over parts of Scotland on Sunday, before that they'd just been talking about rain...

Home: Tunbridge Wells
Work: Tonbridge
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
28 January 2022 19:54:35

Amber wind warning for E Scotland Saturday, and yellow fro the rest of Scotland that day spreading S as far as E Anglia on Sunday.

Not well picked up by the models in advance

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
28 January 2022 22:50:22

Not well picked up by the models in advance

Originally Posted by: DEW 

Nope, infact ‘completely out of the blue’ would be nearer to the mark for this area…

Neilston 600ft ASL
28 January 2022 22:53:01

Eeeeww at the 200 hrs and beyond range on the GFS 18z, windstorms after windstorms which does not appeal to me at all. Just as well that it is in the far reaches and thus fit for the bin, if the 18 z is supposed to be a "pub run", it's no wonder pubs are closing down at an alarming rate. 

Folkestone Harbour. 
28 January 2022 23:15:27

Personally I quite enjoyed this morning’s posts, and very few posts irritate me. A forum is a WIFLE outlet after all (I.e What Ever I Feel Like Expressing), be it technical, or how the models or their results make people feel.

Having been on the planet more years than most, I have learned that pointing the finger means 3 others point back at oneself - and serves only to disqualify others and discourage posting and for what - to light their candle by snuffing that of another.

We share an interest in the weather and it is a glorious subject that unites all types of people. Let’s just enjoy gassing about our fascinating, unpredictable, yet scientific passion, as we don't need any weather police.

It’s an odd phenomenon of forums that there is angst from some in them, and you see it for all sorts all of seemingly uncontentious subjects, even a diet club, where a poster lambasted another for confessing to eating some food off diet, I guess looking for support - but was attacked for it (which ensured they received the opposite of support), and was so upset they left the forum. Can we all play nicely please children.   

Brecklands, South Norfolk 28m ASL
28 January 2022 23:42:58

Amber wind warning for E Scotland Saturday, and yellow fro the rest of Scotland that day spreading S as far as E Anglia on Sunday.

Not well picked up by the models in advance

Originally Posted by: DEW 

It all rubbish models, but go back to the past via Ceefax, teletext, newspapers will forecast in advance for any strong winds or any other weather events always come off than today all is about back tracking, delay pushbacks, not picked up at all like now and etc. 

29 January 2022 01:06:25

I suppose one different and perhaps positive thing this winter is there haven't been any classic "pub runs". Especially since mid-December there hasn't really been anything indicating a severe snap even in FI. This has at least minimised the rattle throwing when as usual it doesn't materialise.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
Tim A
29 January 2022 07:06:15

Theme of higher heights and less cold next weekend this morning on ECM and GFS. Underestimated heights, the curse of UK model watching. UKMO better but a bit isolated.
GFS mean a bit better than Op but trending the wrong way.

NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
29 January 2022 07:27:58

WX summary shows that in week 1 the only bits of 'Europe' with below norm temps are N Norway and Turkey, and in week 2 the cold air withdraws further E-wards. The odd bits of pptn over C Europe/Med die out and by week 2 any rain/snow is in the Atlantic from N Scotland N-wards, still dry in S England.

Jet much stronger than previously forecast for next few days and close to N Scotland, dying away by Wed. Another burst across Scotland Sun 6th persisting for a week before fading.

GFS 0z - the HP over the UK stays around for the next two weeks with LPs skirting round the N and intensifying over Scandi where there will be persistently strong and cold N/NW-lies, occasionally affecting N/E Britain (notably this weekend, see MetO weather warnings)

GEFS - temps down Tue 1st & Sat 5th, up Thu 3rd and - with wide spread from ensemble members - up Mon7th declining t norm. A little rain in some runs in the S from Sat 5th, rather more in the N, and in the NW continual and occasionally heavy. Snow row figures consistently high for Inverness, often reaching low teens in the rest of Scotland, an occasional '10' elsewhere

ECM - similar pattern to GFS, including a deeper LP than n GFS for Scandi Tue 8th

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
29 January 2022 08:06:53

Hints of high pressure migrating more to SE Europe in the longer term. This could mean exceptional warmth hitting the UK Feb 2019 style but leaving us vulnerable to a colder incursion from N NE..which wouldn't be bad for snow in late Feb March.Alongside the usual extra convection could provide more excitement than the past 3 years put together.

Favourite snowstorm
Famous channel low
Dec 31st 1978
Hastings East Sussex
Foot of level snow severe drifting
Next day max temp -4 degrees Celsius
29 January 2022 10:42:24

Theme of higher heights and less cold next weekend this morning on ECM and GFS. Underestimated heights, the curse of UK model watching. UKMO better but a bit isolated.
GFS mean a bit better than Op but trending the wrong way.

Originally Posted by: Tim A 


Well anyway.... currently there is always the US eastern seaboard webcams I suppose🥴🥴

Brian Gaze
29 January 2022 10:44:36

Theme of higher heights and less cold next weekend this morning on ECM and GFS. Underestimated heights, the curse of UK model watching. UKMO better but a bit isolated.
GFS mean a bit better than Op but trending the wrong way.

Originally Posted by: Tim A 


 Subjective view because I don't have data to back it up, but it IMO it is another very simple rule which can be added to the forecaster's notebook. 

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
29 January 2022 10:51:45

The perpetual quasi spring continues without forseeable change.

The Beast from the East
29 January 2022 11:22:51

The perpetual quasi spring continues without forseeable change.

Originally Posted by: Devonian 

If this is climate change, bring it on. Always wanted an Olive tree in the garden

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
29 January 2022 12:18:50



Well anyway.... currently there is always the US eastern seaboard webcams I suppose🥴🥴

Originally Posted by: UncleAlbert 


Or Athens, Istanbul or Jerusalem etc..

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

John S2
29 January 2022 15:56:31

Amber wind warning for E Scotland Saturday, and yellow fro the rest of Scotland that day spreading S as far as E Anglia on Sunday.

Not well picked up by the models in advance

Originally Posted by: DEW 

Interestingly it was predicted many weeks in advance by Steeltown. It would be of benefit if mainstream organisations actively researched solar influence on extremes. 

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