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17 November 2022 20:48:41

surprise that its slightly less mild than currently

Neilston 600ft ASL
17 November 2022 22:25:49

surprise that its slightly less mild than currently

Originally Posted by: dagspot 

Yes this definitely looks less mild. In fact almost wintry in places for a time

18 November 2022 08:15:26

GFS Para is worth checking out...the run finishes with a Scandi high that migrates to Iceland. A very different scenario to the Op. As I haven’t put the heating on yet, I am also at two minds as to the desirability of this...but if it comes along, I dare say Ill be excited and need to spend more time gthering logs😂

Brecklands, South Norfolk 28m ASL
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
18 November 2022 08:24:19

WX summaries show the 0C isotherm retreating steadily over the next two weeks, eventually well back into Russia and N Scandinavia. But Britain is getting a modest cool down from the direction of the N Atlantic, settling at about seasonal average. Heavy rain continues for Atlantic coastal countries from Britain S-wards for the next two weeks, plus central Med week 1 or W Med week 2.

GFS Op shows current LP NE England filling, replaced by new Atlantic trough reaching C England 975mb Tue 22 Nov. The parent depression moves to be off SW Ireland 965mb Fri 25th then running NE to Shetland leaving a shallow trough lingering over England 1000mb Mon 28th. The next LP arrives at the Hebrides 975mb Thu 1st again with an extended trough over Britain. Just a hint of HP in final frame over France Sun 4th but (Eeyore moment) even that not as well developed as yesterday's chart. EDIT and the 06z is different again with LP 995mb N Sea linking back to a parent centre N of Norway with N-ly winds setting in!

ECM copies GFS up to Fri 25th but then quite different as pressure rises strongly 1025mb Channel  Sun 27th moving N 1040mb S Norway the following day with strong S/SE winds

GEFS temps are close to seasonal norm throughout, slightly cooler week 1, slightly warmer week 2 (but control contributing a very mild run) and rain always in one ens member or another, concentrated around Fri 25th ( a dry window this weekend in the S while E Scotland recovers from the present downpours, for the rest wettest in the W, perhaps the occasional gap in the E)

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
18 November 2022 11:00:24

A decent signal for a mild start to December is possibly beginning to emerge from the noise. Runs against most expectations for the early part of the winter so very much a case of wait and see.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Just because December is mild, doesn't mean it won't be the coldest winter month  

Personally I've long since given up on prolonged spells of cold and snow.  A brief hour or so of slush - like winter 2020/1 - is the best I expect these days.   Entirely snowless (like last winter) being the new norm.

Evesham, Worcs, Albion - 35m asl
Weather & Earth Science News 

Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job - DNA
18 November 2022 11:12:50
Decent potential on the OP run for a Northerly outbreak
18 November 2022 11:23:03

I might be misinterpreting models here, but the GFS, with each successive run, seems to bring that NE/E ly cold incursion a litlle nearer, for a little longer; the MetO Fax maintains a Cooler SEly flow above the low over the far north too.

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
Retire while you can still press the 'retire now' button.
Brian Gaze
18 November 2022 11:36:02

I might be misinterpreting models here, but the GFS, with each successive run, seems to bring that NE/E ly cold incursion a litlle nearer, for a little longer; the MetO Fax maintains a Cooler SEly flow above the low over the far north too.

Originally Posted by: Bertwhistle 

Don't really agree with this.

On Tuesday I mentioned that some of the MOGREPS-G ensembles were pulling colder air in from the east across the northern half of the UK, at least for a time, early next next. The GFS ops have flirted with that option too and suggested the possibility of some snow in northern Britain for a time on Monday. However, the latest GFS keeps the cold offshore:


The possible snow event on Monday is really now just for the Scottish hills if it is correct.

Edit: GFSP all firming up on a milder scenario in the medium term.


Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
18 November 2022 11:41:34

Decent potential on the OP run for a Northerly outbreak

Originally Posted by: ballamar 

Don't know whether to react or. The 06z which shows this northerly just wasn't there when I did the review based on the 0z.

Probably the 0z and 06z will both be wrong

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
18 November 2022 11:45:13


Don't know whether to react or. The 06z which shows this northerly just wasn't there when I did the review based on the 0z.

Probably the 0z and 06z will both be wrong

Originally Posted by: DEW 

not to believe any output at the moment ! Keeps changing as it usually does this time of year. At least it is not showing endless south westerly’s from the Azores!

Lionel Hutz
18 November 2022 12:42:48


not to believe any output at the moment ! Keeps changing as it usually does this time of year. At least it is not showing endless south westerly’s from the Azores!

Originally Posted by: ballamar 

Yes, I agree with you there. While I don't share your optimism about building blocks for cold, there doesn't seem to be anything too mild in the ensembles either. Nothing wrong with a bit of optimism, mind!

The Op. and control have hinted at something milder early next month but only tentatively and that's still a long way off. After so many above normal temperatures, I'll gladly take a spell of average temperatures.


Lionel Hutz
Nr.Waterford , S E Ireland
68m ASL

Brian Gaze
18 November 2022 12:49:14


Yes, I agree with you there. While I don't share your optimism about building blocks for cold, there doesn't seem to be anything too mild in the ensembles either. Nothing wrong with a bit of optimism, mind!

The Op. and control have hinted at something milder early next month but only tentatively and that's still a long way off. After so many above normal temperatures, I'll gladly take a spell of average temperatures.


Originally Posted by: Lionel Hutz 

The jury is out at the moment IMO. Recent years have often seen interesting patterns developing during the second half of the autumn before they flattened out in December and January. What seems clear at this stage is the La Nina / IOD pattern isn't firing across the North Atlantic in the way some were expecting. 

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
18 November 2022 17:36:37
Looks like things are firming up on a mild start to December. No surprise there then....
NW Leeds - 150m amsl
Rob K
18 November 2022 17:52:03
GFS parallel 12Z serves up a nasty storm next weekend. Main run keeps it well clear.
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
19 November 2022 07:27:59
ECM offers some hope today for a decent block, the rest give more impetus to the Atlantic.
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
19 November 2022 08:04:57

WX temp summary showing cold air withdrawing to Russia ,  even leaving Scandinavia to some extent, and instead spreading S-wards towards the Caspian. Just a hint of milder weather in week 2 spreading N-wards up the Atlantic seaboard. Rain continuing on Atlantic coasts incl Britain (a permanent feature these days!) but the Med, wet in week , drying up in week 2.

GFS Op - fleeting HP for today (and even that spoiled by stalled front on E coast) but LP pushing in from the west 995mb E Anglia Tue 22nd, then dominating British980mb  weather from the Atlantic, closer 975mb Hebrides Sat 26th, 980mb Rockall Wed 30th. While this is going on, a HP block develops over W Russia 1045mb Sat 26th, drifting W-wards and linking with Azores to form a centre over France 1030mb Fri 2nd allowing W-lies to drive over the N side deep into Siberia (hence displacing cold weather S to Caspian as above)

ECM - like GFS to Sat 26th but then the Russian HP links to a new centre N Norway, by Mon 28th 1040mb and strong S/SE-lies over UK, forming an effective block to the Atlantic

GEFS - mean temps near norm, perhaps slightly above at end of month, rain on and off in most ens members; biggest totals and most frequent in SW, very little in NE by end of week 2

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
19 November 2022 08:15:14

Looks like things are firming up on a mild start to December. No surprise there then....

Originally Posted by: Taylor1740 

All forecasting for UK really worst than you see in 3rd world countries which have better accuracy and their own Met offices.  What happened to the 2C touted for this morning?  6C and cloudy not 2C and clear skies forecasted.  Window forecast is the only way to see right now.   

19 November 2022 08:55:15


All forecasting for UK really worst than you see in 3rd world countries which have better accuracy and their own Met offices.  What happened to the 2C touted for this morning?  6C and cloudy not 2C and clear skies forecasted.  Window forecast is the only way to see right now.   

Originally Posted by: Jiries 

Long clear periods and frost with rural -4C forecast for NI and that is what happened. -4.2C in Co Down which is he lowest in the UK so far this Autumn.

The orange County of Armagh.
19 November 2022 10:32:51
Just looks to me like a Scandi High could set up from this. I know Atlantic is favourite but…
Brian Gaze
19 November 2022 10:51:09

Perhaps it could but it doesn't.

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Ally Pally Snowman
19 November 2022 11:20:13

Yet another very mild spell looking more and more likely as we end November. 


Chart image


Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
19 November 2022 11:23:28

Perhaps it could but it doesn't.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Long fetch SW winds all the way to Russia killing of any cold pooling there.  Look like Bartlett HP set up like in 1988-89.

19 November 2022 12:13:00


Long fetch SW winds all the way to Russia killing of any cold pooling there.  Look like Bartlett HP set up like in 1988-89.

Originally Posted by: Jiries 

no it doesn’t, also Bartlett highs usually get identified post event. The models do not got far enough to forecast one

19 November 2022 18:54:17
ECM ramping up potential of an Easterly - whether the cold would come in time is another question!
Rob K
19 November 2022 19:08:14
Not seeing any sign of an easterly on the ECM? Unless you live in Greece maybe.

The GFS and GFSP don't look too unseasonal in the latter stages, I certainly don't see much sign of the "very mild spell" that keeps being mentioned on here.
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
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