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22 December 2023 19:34:58

Barely anyone in here had ever heard of a SSW prior to this. Now it’s all anyone talks about in winter, lol

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

After the OPI went out of fashion in 2014 after 2 months at the top of the flops (remember that one !) the SSW became fashionable in 2018 prior to the Beast from the East. It was all going so well until the next SSW came along that saw us reach 70f+ in Feb 2019.

I've heard the West African BE ratio is being trailed as the next straw clutch. This should be up and running from November 2024  
Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

Saint Snow
22 December 2023 20:22:23
Whatever happened to mountain torque?

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Brian Gaze
22 December 2023 20:59:31
GEFS 12Z dropped the "cold" signal at least for southern locations. I've seen it do this a number of times recently.

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Saint Snow
22 December 2023 22:52:55
I need a break from the models and forecasts in general.

It's seriously depressing/angering me.

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Karl Guille
22 December 2023 22:59:06
The colder outlook on the 6z GEFS came largely without warning so I guess the fact that the 12z didn't follow it up is hardly surprising with the largely mobile outlook persisting.  Hints of a ridge of HP disrupting the flow on the 18z Op but this fails to take hold and normal service resumes.  What the ensembles produce is anyone's guess but the mobile theme is always the favourite! 
St. Sampson
23 December 2023 01:21:02

I need a break from the models and forecasts in general.

It's seriously depressing/angering me.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Its a sad state of affairs for all who love the weather how it was from the 60s to the 80s. Alex Deacon on the BBC did a little piece on the prospects of a white Christmas and stated openly how white christmases will soon be relegated to our dreams, with snowfall / snow lying incidents and duration Have fallen decade on decade and the same for Europe. Moreover, NASA research shows that despit the prospects for a super solar minima developing, like the one that caused the last mini-ice age - of Charles Dickens fame, the effect would be just 0.3 degrees of cooling, and this would be cancelled out by human created (fossil fuel) generated warming in just 3 years. Since stopping use of fossil fuels now would not prevent a new equilibrium from being reached well in excess of 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels, the actual figure would be 2.5, the fact is that very little progress has been made and with 2050 being a loose target for net zero, we’l be having turkey on the beach within our lifetime. I think its the saddest thing that all this was known about 20 years ago, we were debating it on this forum for much of it. Nothing was done. So much misinformation and funding for pseudo science to pour cold water on the facts and divert, distract, subvert and deny, that it worked - to stop action being taken. We are then left with memories and old videos. I share your model pain. Its SSWs and very rare Synoptics that can deliver lasting cold to the south of the UK, not impossible, but getting rarer every year.
Brecklands, South Norfolk 28m ASL
The Beast from the East
23 December 2023 03:14:37

Its a sad state of affairs for all who love the weather how it was from the 60s to the 80s. Alex Deacon on the BBC did a little piece on the prospects of a white Christmas and stated openly how white christmases will soon be relegated to our dreams, with snowfall / snow lying incidents and duration Have fallen decade on decade and the same for Europe. Moreover, NASA research shows that despit the prospects for a super solar minima developing, like the one that caused the last mini-ice age - of Charles Dickens fame, the effect would be just 0.3 degrees of cooling, and this would be cancelled out by human created (fossil fuel) generated warming in just 3 years. Since stopping use of fossil fuels now would not prevent a new equilibrium from being reached well in excess of 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels, the actual figure would be 2.5, the fact is that very little progress has been made and with 2050 being a loose target for net zero, we’l be having turkey on the beach within our lifetime. I think its the saddest thing that all this was known about 20 years ago, we were debating it on this forum for much of it. Nothing was done. So much misinformation and funding for pseudo science to pour cold water on the facts and divert, distract, subvert and deny, that it worked - to stop action being taken. We are then left with memories and old videos. I share your model pain. Its SSWs and very rare Synoptics that can deliver lasting cold to the south of the UK, not impossible, but getting rarer every year.

Originally Posted by: BJBlake 

Great post. Hope its not moved to the moaning thread. I wonder if readers of the Star and Express will remember what their papers were forecasting just 10 days ago not based on any credible forecaster. 
"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
23 December 2023 04:26:37

Whatever happened to mountain torque?

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

It's still going on. The trouble with it is, much like the angular momentum stuff, MJO , stratospheric wind weakening, ENSO, sunspot numbers, the AMO , QBO  and so forth - it's just one piece of a much bigger puzzle, one which nobody - nobody - understands fully.

One of the chaps who frequents NW (which has always been the place to go to see buzzwords) posted this back on the 3rd Dec, on X:

As expected we have a +EAMT event underway. Essentially, +Mountain Torque takes momentum from the earths orbit & dumps it into the atmosphere, in this case, the Pacific jet. The jet extends east causing large wave-breaking events which ripple downstream. LATE DECEMBER COLD! 

EDIT: And tying with BJBlake's post above, it's my view that if you view each of the things I've mentioned above as a switch, on or off (in our favour or not), in the 60s to 90s you could get cold weather with just a few switched on. These days it seems to take pretty much everything switched on, and that very seldom happens - or, in more scientific terms, we're constantly moving right on the bell curve, meaning a 1% chance becomes a 0.5% chance, a 0.1% chance and so on.

I'm still intrigued as to why we don't get Scandinavian Highs in midwinter any more. Clearly something's fundementally changed, presumably due to the warming trend, but it's odd. Maybe eventually once warming continues apace they might reappear, as whatever's blocking them from forming moves even further north?

We still see them modelled from time to time, although usually as a one off event, rather than the self-reinforcing, repeating version as seen in the last Scandinavian High outbreak, in 2005. It's why it's even harder to get them - not only do we need one to form, we need the rest of the pattern in our part of the world to enter that self-sustaining mode. It can do it, effortlessly, when it comes to the Azores High, of course!
Leysdown, north Kent
Tim A
23 December 2023 06:42:01


I'm still intrigued as to why we don't get Scandinavian Highs in midwinter any more. Clearly something's fundementally changed, presumably due to the warming trend, but it's odd. Maybe eventually once warming continues apace they might reappear, as whatever's blocking them from forming moves even further north?

Originally Posted by: Retron 

I had a similar thought a few days ago when I was tormented by Iberian heights . Whatever has caused them to increase in winter might be further disrupted as it gets warmer. Or something else might change that is actually in our favour in winter. Obviously within the bigger picture that it will still be getting warmer overall. It is our only hope I think.
NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
23 December 2023 07:04:28
UserPostedImageInteresting set up for early January but you can see the squeeze on the northern arm....
Favourite snowstorm
Famous channel low
Dec 31st 1978
Hastings East Sussex
Foot of level snow severe drifting
Next day max temp -4 degrees Celsius
23 December 2023 07:41:45
Ally Pally Snowman
23 December 2023 07:43:40
A nudge lower this morning.  Are we shuffling to a early January cold spell? 


Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
23 December 2023 07:57:16

A nudge lower this morning.  Are we shuffling to a early January cold spell? 

10 of the 21 pert’s end with a cold scenario...which has risen from 30% to 49%, so the chances of something colder for January are increasing...fingers crossed.



Originally Posted by: Ally Pally Snowman 

Brecklands, South Norfolk 28m ASL
23 December 2023 08:06:10

Its a sad state of affairs for all who love the weather how it was from the 60s to the 80s. Alex Deacon on the BBC did a little piece on the prospects of a white Christmas and stated openly how white christmases will soon be relegated to our dreams . . .  

Originally Posted by: BJBlake 

What a brilliant submission. As a species we are capable of such wonder and have achieved so much in a relatively short time, but our woeful attempts to limit the burning of fossil fuels will see the end of us. The change in the weather is one of many signs that the mismanagement of our world means our tenure here is nearly over. 
Happy Christmas!
Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
Ally Pally Snowman
23 December 2023 08:09:15

What a brilliant submission. As a species we are capable of such wonder and have achieved so much in a relatively short time, but our woeful attempts to limit the burning of fossil fuels will see the end of us. The change in the weather is one of many signs that the mismanagement of our world means our tenure here is nearly over. 
Happy Christmas!

Originally Posted by: nsrobins 

Ding dong merrily on high....
Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
23 December 2023 08:16:25
WX charts - in week 1 most of Europe (exc Scandinavia and Iberia) is well above average for the time of year; in absolute rather than comparative terms the freezing boundary lies from S Scandinavia to the N Caspian. In week 2 the freezing boundary doesn't change much but parts of the cold area become much colder, and Europe as a whole (incl Britain) cools down by a couple of degrees. Pptn as yesterday in week1, Atlantic across Britain to the Baltic but a change in week 2 as the wet area moves S to N Spain, S France, Italy and Balkans. Britain almost dry.

GFS Op starts with W-lies between HP S France and LP Shetland (cool in N, mild in S) but on Wed 27th the Atlantic throws an LP at Britain 975mb Hebrides (FAX says 978 mb S Ireland with trailing fronts over England) moving away E-wards and filling but replaced by another 965mb  N Ireland Sat 30th. This transmutes into a shallow trough W Norway to English Channel Wed 3rd with N-lies generally before toppling ridge of HP displaces it later that week.

ECM agrees with GFS until the 27th but treats the approach of LPs differently; Thu 28th (not 27th) 990mb Irish Sea, deepening rather than filling so 975 mb Denmark on Fri and trailing a trough over Britain with earlier N-lies; brief HP before deep LP near Iceland projects a trough S-wards Tue 2nd. 

GEFS shows temps dropping by stages to norm or a little below by Wed 27th  and staying there with agreement between ens members for about a week before beginning to diverge; from Wed 3rd first the op then joined by the control take a colder view. Heavy rain frequent for the S for the week beginning 27th, slightly drier later; in the N the wet period is a couple of days earlier, drying up more definitely later.  Only Inverness offering snow row figures > 50%, some chance of snow in the rest of Scotland.
War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
23 December 2023 08:16:34

On topic. An unsettled and mild period of weather coming up. Cold air will never be too far away from central Scotland northwards giving those guys transitory high ground snow events on the north side of passing depressions.

Off topic...this link breaks my heart but gives me a sense of huge gratitude that I was around to recall these events and piece together bits of my childhood with synoptics that led to some wonderful memories.

Back in the day when snow regularly fell even on the ones that rarely get mentioned. (79/80, 80/81, 82/83) etc and seemingly at a time when it used to snow decently as soon as the -5 850Hpa moved over. 
Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

23 December 2023 08:19:31
The chances of a (technical) White Christmas have increased a little in the last day or so for northern parts. This image is based on the GEFS 00z ensemble data but other output is similar:


It’s nice to see there is a small chance (especially when there is snow falling and the ground is white as a type this here not far from sea level).

Beyond the mild next couple of days for many it is looking quite seasonal and unsettled.
Gandalf The White
23 December 2023 08:44:17

I had a similar thought a few days ago when I was tormented by Iberian heights . Whatever has caused them to increase in winter might be further disrupted as it gets warmer. Or something else might change that is actually in our favour in winter. Obviously within the bigger picture that it will still be getting warmer overall. It is our only hope I think.

Originally Posted by: Tim A 

A continued weakening or shut down of the NAD (Gulf Stream) would shift us left on the Bell Curve. As well as the lower sea temperatures there are the knock on effects of increased snow cover in our vicinity.  But I doubt any of us will be here to see it.
Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

23 December 2023 10:00:44
Clustering for days 14-16 on both GEFS and ECMWF offer a tickle of interest this morning.  One to keep an eye on maybe.  But don't blink......
Gandalf The White
23 December 2023 10:38:51
Has anyone else noticed the 10hPa wind reversal across North America?  Is it purely coincidence that there’s also high pressure there, away from the NE corner?  In the second half of the 06z run the  core of the wind at that height is barrelling down over the North Pole, straight towards Iceland and down to the west of Ireland, slowly moving eastwards.  I’m pretty sure that’s not a normal pattern.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Brian Gaze
23 December 2023 10:47:23

It's still going on. The trouble with it is, much like the angular momentum stuff, MJO , stratospheric wind weakening, ENSO, sunspot numbers, the AMO , QBO  and so forth - it's just one piece of a much bigger puzzle, one which nobody - nobody - understands fully.

One of the chaps who frequents NW (which has always been the place to go to see buzzwords) posted this back on the 3rd Dec, on X:

As expected we have a +EAMT event underway. Essentially, +Mountain Torque takes momentum from the earths orbit & dumps it into the atmosphere, in this case, the Pacific jet. The jet extends east causing large wave-breaking events which ripple downstream. LATE DECEMBER COLD! 

EDIT: And tying with BJBlake's post above, it's my view that if you view each of the things I've mentioned above as a switch, on or off (in our favour or not), in the 60s to 90s you could get cold weather with just a few switched on. These days it seems to take pretty much everything switched on, and that very seldom happens - or, in more scientific terms, we're constantly moving right on the bell curve, meaning a 1% chance becomes a 0.5% chance, a 0.1% chance and so on.

I'm still intrigued as to why we don't get Scandinavian Highs in midwinter any more. Clearly something's fundementally changed, presumably due to the warming trend, but it's odd. Maybe eventually once warming continues apace they might reappear, as whatever's blocking them from forming moves even further north?

We still see them modelled from time to time, although usually as a one off event, rather than the self-reinforcing, repeating version as seen in the last Scandinavian High outbreak, in 2005. It's why it's even harder to get them - not only do we need one to form, we need the rest of the pattern in our part of the world to enter that self-sustaining mode. It can do it, effortlessly, when it comes to the Azores High, of course!

Originally Posted by: Retron 

Great post which everyone should read!
Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Brian Gaze
23 December 2023 10:51:22
GFS 06Z looks like a crowd pleaser.

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Polar Low
23 December 2023 10:54:06

But then again most of didn’t expect the warming or the extreme world wide weather events that have came to fruition.

North Atlantic density due to ice melt has been talked about for a long time it could and maybe should accelerate the decrease of the momentum of the Gulf Stream.
I’ve read if it did ever stop drops of between 10 and 15 degrees in Europe or pro rota in decrease.
It’s an interesting read.
Imo there’s no need to get depressed about lack of cold it will come again 87 2010 are good examples and in the weather clock nothing in time.

A continued weakening or shut down of the NAD (Gulf Stream) would shift us left on the Bell Curve. As well as the lower sea temperatures there are the knock on effects of increased snow cover in our vicinity.  But I doubt any of us will be here to see it.

Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

The Beast from the East
23 December 2023 11:18:49

GFS 06Z looks like a crowd pleaser.


Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Not supported. ECM 10 day mean looks like non stop atlantic muck. Deja vu from last winter. Personally I would rather have a northerly displaced Bartlett and record mild temps. My roses are already budding
"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
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