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28 June 2024 17:59:31
As I have mentioned before one of the biggest effects of climate change here seems to be that the weather gets stuck in long spells of the same type. After an endlessly cool and wet Spring (day time maxes) we have now had no rain at all for two weeks and unlikely to get any in the foreseeable. It plays havoc with the fruit and vegetable growing. The former causes rot and slug fests and low germination then when the stuff finally comes through with the warmth you have to perpetually start watering.
S.Essex, 42m ASL
Tom Oxon
28 June 2024 22:50:26

Today highlights my issue with cooler weather in summer perfectly. The cooler temperatures themselves are no issue. Sometimes they can actually be quite pleasant after a hot few days, in fact. But why do they always have to come with a bloody 30mph wind and rain laden skies? I've hardly seen any sunshine at all today.Is a 19-22 °C day with sunshine a light winds really that much to ask?

Originally Posted by: Bolty 

Should get some of that roughly in my neck of the woods tomorrow.

I think light winds at 21C is not super typical of late June/early July, any light winds and prolonged sunshine will probably see temps around 23/24 just by virtue of the strength of the sun.  It's the blowing winds that make our average!
S Warwickshire countryside, c.375ft asl.
30 June 2024 09:38:02
One hot day on Monday to be followed by a whole new level of grotfest grey horror. Utterly dire day after day with miserable ugly depressing skies and yet another crap weekend.
Not a single weekend since the start of April has managed 50% sun. I just can't ever remember such a grim depressing run. It's more than just demoralising. It's like living in the Faeroe Islands. Even Saturday 30th June 2012 was better than just about any weekend weather this year. Certainly leagues ahead of the revolting overcast, cool windy garbage we are enduring today for the umpteenth Sunday in the past 18 months. Last year had the worst Sunday sun levels I have ever recorded and this year is putting up a credible attempt to beat that awful record. It's just incredulous.
Just got a reminder that this time last year I was in the Algarve and the difference in weather conditions couldn't be more stark. Couldn't do better than the wonderful blue skies and comfortable temperatures you get there whereas you couldn't do any worse than the foul cold grey unpleasant poison I'm looking out the window at today.
Both the highest 7-day and 30-day sun totals are the lowest in my records and can't see them being beaten now with July guaranteed to be a dreadful month these days. Once again comparison with the 1960s is unfavorable. That decade used to be thought of as the worst summer could be yet the July's of 1964, 1966, 1967 and 1969 were all sunnier than every one of the dross experienced over the past decade except for 2018. 
21st Century summers truly are the absolute pits with nothing as comparably awful in recorded history. 
Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
2024 - 2023 without the Good Bits
01 July 2024 13:03:01
A diabolical day with rain and stuck in the low-to-mid teens. It's not looking like a particularly great week either, with more of the same likely. Those couple days of warmth and sunshine at the beginning of last week are already feeling like a distant memory.
Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
  • Col
  • Advanced Member
01 July 2024 14:28:37

Should get some of that roughly in my neck of the woods tomorrow.I think light winds at 21C is not super typical of late June/early July, any light winds and prolonged sunshine will probably see temps around 23/24 just by virtue of the strength of the sun.  It's the blowing winds that make our average!

Originally Posted by: Tom Oxon 

It depends where you are. In NW England 21C with light winds would be very typical of a pleasant summer's day.
Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl
Snow videos:
03 July 2024 10:09:56
It's supposed to high summer and our warmest month of the year on average.

Yet, I've still had to wear a jumper to keep the chill out when I've been out and about.

Absolutely ridiculous!!😡
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
03 July 2024 10:28:00

It's supposed to high summer and our warmest month of the year on average.Yet, I've still had to wear a jumper to keep the chill out when I've been out and about.Absolutely ridiculous!!😡

Originally Posted by: johncs2016 

Saw lot of plebs wearing coats today in Nuneaton when we went shopping.  Another cold summer to fight off with and keeping ourserlves warm instead of using fans or AC to keep us cool over high summer.  Car temps was 13C so that definitely severe cold for July as it average 23C here so that 10C lower but same boring temps in winter months. 
03 July 2024 10:36:50
Another dismal drizzly cool start to a summers day with a spell of heavier rain just passing through. My perception is that we have had incessantly excessive amounts of cloud here in inland south east England since (and including) last summer. I agree with Jiries - boring and a complete waste of what should be lovely long summer days. Hoping for some IoW sunshine next week...
Salfords, Surrey
03 July 2024 10:55:14

Saw lot of plebs wearing coats today in Nuneaton when we went shopping.  Another cold summer to fight off with and keeping ourserlves warm instead of using fans or AC to keep us cool over high summer.  Car temps was 13C so that definitely severe cold for July as it average 23C here so that 10C lower but same boring temps in winter months. 

Originally Posted by: Jiries 

Looks like July will be a write-off. I think August will remain mostly cool and rainy too. I still think it will settle down and be warm and sunny for September, once the kids get back to school!
03 July 2024 11:04:40

Looks like July will be a write-off. I think August will remain mostly cool and rainy too. I still think it will settle down and be warm and sunny for September, once the kids get back to school!

Originally Posted by: ozone_aurora 

No doubt it'll warm up in time for the winter though.🤢
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
Tim A
03 July 2024 21:21:19
Shocked to see 52mph winds forecast for tomorrow afternoon here. Horrendous. Will have to move loads of things and the garden flowers will get battered. 
NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
03 July 2024 21:44:49

Shocked to see 52mph winds forecast for tomorrow afternoon here. Horrendous. Will have to move loads of things and the garden flowers will get battered. 

Originally Posted by: Tim A 

Even today, we had wind gusts up to 43.8 mph from the WSW at Edinburgh Gogarbank and so, I wouldn't be surprised if tomorrow was even worse than, possible even with 50+ mph gusts in this part of the world.

That has happened before at this time of year and just to give a very good example of that, the last year in which the Open Championships was played at St. Andrew's in the golf was back in 2015 and I can remember that there was one day during that particular event which was cancelled altogether due to high winds even though the Sun shone there right throughout that day.

As a coincidence, that was also within our last cooler than average summer and this summer appears to be panning out just like that.

The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
Crepuscular Ray
04 July 2024 06:45:42
Edinburgh, in the frost hollow below Blackford Hill
04 July 2024 13:17:04
The Sun has come out again after some earlier showers but as far as the temperature is concerned, this is just getting ridiculous now.🤢

It's after 2pm in what is supposed to be high summer and the warmest month of the year yet the temperature here in Edinburgh has dropped to just an absolutely abysmal and miserable 11°C, and we've had warmer days than this even in the depth of winter.🤢

Absolutely pathetic!!😡

The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
Crepuscular Ray
04 July 2024 15:04:46
I agree John, it's so poor. My maximum by 4pm is 14 C but it's down to 11 C in showers with gusts of wind over 40mph. My garden never recovered from the brutal Spring and what plants did flower are being wrecked in this autumn weather.
No wonder there are no bees or butterflies, they have been battered to death this year!
Edinburgh, in the frost hollow below Blackford Hill
04 July 2024 15:07:49
Have to say, here in Warwickshire it is a very usable day, yes there are some clouds, it’s quite breezy with some strong gusts, but it is weather you can get out and do things in. 

In the sun it is pleasant if you can keep out of the breeze, it is looking like next week will not be as chilly as first thought for the time of year. But have to agree overall it’s been poor this year. It’s almost like it is autumn for 10 months of the year now, seasons just do not seem to be what they were once 😕
04 July 2024 15:24:35

I agree John, it's so poor. My maximum by 4pm is 14 C but it's down to 11 C in showers with gusts of wind over 40mph. My garden never recovered from the brutal Spring and what plants did flower are being wrecked in this autumn weather.No wonder there are no bees or butterflies, they have been battered to death this year!

Originally Posted by: Crepuscular Ray 

Whilst the busiest part of this site today has been the General Election thread over on the UIA forum for obvious reasons, I've been watching a bit of the tennis at Wimbledon which reminded me that at this time of year, I would normally be sweltering whilst indoors and often having to take a nice ice cool drink or some ice cream to cool me down.

In addition to that, it was also in this same month just two years ago that the temperature in SE England exceeded 40°C with temperatures above 30°C being recorded even here in Edinburgh.

All of that seems like a very distant memory now though because instead of that, I'm now having to put a jumper on to keep warm and keep the chill off whilst I'm watching the tennis, which is something which I wouldn't normally be expected to be doing until the end of September going into the start of October.🤢

The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
04 July 2024 16:09:15
No, UK weather is not being manipulated

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
04 July 2024 17:00:51

Whilst the busiest part of this site today has been the General Election thread over on the UIA forum for obvious reasons, I've been watching a bit of the tennis at Wimbledon which reminded me that at this time of year, I would normally be sweltering whilst indoors and often having to take a nice ice cool drink or some ice cream to cool me down.In addition to that, it was also in this same month just two years ago that the temperature in SE England exceeded 40°C with temperatures above 30°C being recorded even here in Edinburgh.All of that seems like a very distant memory now though because instead of that, I'm now having to put a jumper on to keep warm and keep the chill off whilst I'm watching the tennis, which is something which I wouldn't normally be expected to be doing until the end of September going into the start of October.🤢

johncs2016 wrote:

If you have a conservatory facing south then it will do a good job to keep your house warm,  Today was 26-27C in doors and that normal high summer indoor temps so it feel very comfortable warm and not humid indoors.  Also need to store the warmth indoors as I see stupid 16c max after tomorrow so house stay warm enough.  It very tiring to battle to keep warm all summer whne we should be using either fans or AC with this global warming nonsense. 23C at Santa Claus village, Arctic circle area in Finland so that warmer than whole of UK.
05 July 2024 07:04:06
Well the Met Office latest update this morning  is pure gloom and doom for much of July exceptionally wet in the south and well below average temperatures. It couldn't be worse .......
05 July 2024 07:10:15

Well the Met Office latest update this morning  is pure gloom and doom for much of July exceptionally wet in the south and well below average temperatures. It couldn't be worse .......

Originally Posted by: cultman1 

Care to post said update? The one I can see for the second half of July says temperatures are more likely to be average to above average. While I'd LOVE a "well below average" July, I just can't see it.

As can often be the case at this time of year, predictability at this range is exceptionally low. There is a roughly even chance of rainfall being both below average and above average, whilst around average to above average temperatures are slightly favoured.

Leysdown, north Kent
05 July 2024 07:50:52
It's on The Met Office app under ' long range forecast '  following the week ahead daily forecasts . The emphasis in my opinion is a downgrade since their previous entry earlier this week 
05 July 2024 08:01:21

It's on The Met Office app under ' long range forecast '  following the week ahead daily forecasts . The emphasis in my opinion is a downgrade since their previous entry earlier this week 

Originally Posted by: cultman1 

Which will be the same as I've just quoted, I suspect. In other words, not "exceptionally wet" and not "well below average"...

As it's the moaning thread, I'll have another moan - for the millionth time, stop exaggerating! 😉
Leysdown, north Kent
05 July 2024 08:51:49
We are all entitled to our interpretation Retron . Anyway out of respect  for you let's move on  and await with interest how July eventually unfolds . 
05 July 2024 19:02:17
Been ok today with quite a bit of sunshine earlier on and sent indoor tempseratures to normal high summer indoor temps of 25-26C.    Did the painting the conservatory walls with pure brilliant white early this morning whlie it cool enough to paint, did some yesterday on and off.  Now very bright and dazzling as I love white walls as we do in Cyprus all houses have white walls, hate those coloured walls i see some indoors of other houses before.   
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