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Hungry Tiger
15 July 2013 22:18:27

It's not uncommon for long runs of HP in summer to fizzle out into a 'vauge soup' in which conditions tend to be very warm to hot but also thundery at times.

GFS keeps showing a burst of strong jet energy preventing such a scenario, but has shifted it back in time with each new run. The 12z GEFS are notably slower to lower the 850's, with the mean taking two days longer to drop below 10°C - it now takes until 29th, nearly into August now.

ECM was showing a raging jet of epic proportions for it's 9-10 day evolution on the 12z of Saturday, and didn't back off much for Sunday's 12z, but tonight's 12z has toned it down substantially, with LP to the NW just hanging around in situ performing a subtle dance, waiting to see if a Euro trough fancies a swing.

I'm glad to see some interesting snyoptics looking likely to follow this prolonged very warm to hot spell of weather

Originally Posted by: Stormchaser 

Excellent and eloquent description of things there James.

Gavin S. FRmetS.
TWO Moderator.
Contact the TWO team - [email protected]
South Cambridgeshire. 93 metres or 302.25 feet ASL.

15 July 2013 22:26:10 32c for the South on Wednesday 31c on Thursday


Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Hungry Tiger
15 July 2013 22:29:10 32c for the South on Wednesday 31c on Thursday


Originally Posted by: Gooner 

Gavin S. FRmetS.
TWO Moderator.
Contact the TWO team - [email protected]
South Cambridgeshire. 93 metres or 302.25 feet ASL.

15 July 2013 22:51:58  Bugger that is a tad warm


Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

The Beast from the East
15 July 2013 23:00:49

Definitely a 1995 feeling to this heatwave rather than other more recent efforts like 2003 or 2006. Just very warm for a long time. The evolution on the 12z ECM is very reminiscent of the end of the June 95 spell.

Originally Posted by: TimS 

The following winter was quite good, so perhaps a silver lining in all this discomfort and sticky bedsheets


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Nick Gilly
15 July 2013 23:06:08


Steam Fog
16 July 2013 05:23:30
18z GFS op pushed breakdown to 28th July, 00z GFS op pushes it to 29th July.

16 July 2013 05:39:58

This time next week we are still in the heat

and the following weekend is warm also

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

16 July 2013 05:53:43

The trend of a few days ago to bring a cooler and potentially more unsettled W or NW'ly flow after 24th July is becoming less favoured as we approach the more reliable timeframe.

As Stormchaser correctly eluded last night pressure does leak away but this is not uncommon, infact the record heat in August 2003 resulted when high pressure slowly collapsed in favour of a vast but slack continental heat low. 

What is apparent is that there is no atlantic onslaught for the foreseeable anywhere in the models, instead we appear to be faced with a continution of this very warm, locally dry hot summer pattern now into August.

A reduction of pressure does not mean unsettled and cooler weather in the middle of summer, infact it could very well result in increased heat, humidity and more in the way of local thundery episodes in the longer term as a result of a great reservoir of surface heat feeding into the upper heat low.

Fascinating output now, thats for sure. 

Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

16 July 2013 06:46:32

The trend of a few days ago to bring a cooler and potentially more unsettled W or NW'ly flow after 24th July is becoming less favoured as we approach the more reliable timeframe.

As Stormchaser correctly eluded last night pressure does leak away but this is not uncommon, infact the record heat in August 2003 resulted when high pressure slowly collapsed in favour of a vast but slack continental heat low. 

What is apparent is that there is no atlantic onslaught for the foreseeable anywhere in the models, instead we appear to be faced with a continution of this very warm, locally dry hot summer pattern now into August.

A reduction of pressure does not mean unsettled and cooler weather in the middle of summer, infact it could very well result in increased heat, humidity and more in the way of local thundery episodes in the longer term as a result of a great reservoir of surface heat feeding into the upper heat low.

Fascinating output now, thats for sure. 

Originally Posted by: Gusty 

Morning Steve, yes like a normal common heat Low over the E Med that never bring rain and unsettled weather but sunny and hot with few isolated thunderstorms.

Stay hot and really hotter next weekend and early next week with increasing uppers before declining slowly back to average which had been pushed back on every run.  I would be recording 30C or more every single day to end of July.

This heatwave is exactly what Moscow went before in 2010 but they got 35-40C temps as there no sea around it to keep it at 28-32C levels that we getting available as home grown heat.

Steam Fog
16 July 2013 07:04:04
ECM warm/hot whole way through. No breakdown in 10 day range.
16 July 2013 07:24:45

ECM warm/hot whole way through. No breakdown in 10 day range.

Originally Posted by: Steam Fog 

It seem likely to carry on into early August now.  Poor W Russia have their LP stuck in same place all the time that we had this in 2010 when their HP was stuck there.

16 July 2013 07:25:45

ECM warm/hot whole way through. No breakdown in 10 day range.

Originally Posted by: Steam Fog 


Its looking amazing as far as the eye can see. Talk of a 1976 topping summer might not be silly afterall. 

16 July 2013 07:31:18

Good morning folks. Here is todays morning walk through guide to the outputs issued at midnight on Tuesday July 16th 2013 for the UK.

All models support changes to be very slow over the next 7 days or so. High pressure remains firmly in control and indeed strengthens it's stranglehold as it builds back North across the UK in the coming 48hrs allowing Northernmost areas to join in with the fine and very warm weather further South as the persistent weak flow from the Atlantic melts away. Temperatures will remain very high daily with circa 30C being a good benchmark figure to expect on most days. With such high temperatures and some rather humid conditions in places the chance of a thunderstorm in the afternoon is possible somewhere but by no means widespread and sea breezes will keep coasts refreshingly cooler each afternoon.

GFS then shows pressure slackening off next week as it falls gently with high temperatures maintained. With more instability shown aloft rather more in the way of thundery showers could break out but they still look relatively scattered. Cooler air to the NW is shown to make staggeringly slow progress SE into the UK later in the run with attendant cloud and rain but it takes quite late into the far reaches of the output to remove the last of the warmth away from the far SE.

The GFS Ensembles show a continued to trend to decline temperatures from a week or so time. Up to that point it stays fine, very warm and summery. There is then a change to more unsettled weather shown by most members in the North though this looks less defined in the South as High pressure probably remains relatively close by to the SW. The operational was one of the coldest members at the very end of the run.

The Jet Stream is show to hold well North of the UK for some considerable time to come before slipping slowly South towards the UK late in the output.

UKMO shows High pressure covering a large swathe of NW Europe by next Monday with little change expected from fine and very warm weather persisting for the vast majority of the UK.

GEM too holds High pressure in a belt across the UK right out to the end of the run. A temporary chance of the odd thundery shower could reach the SW for a time early next week before the High re-establishes it's hold over the UK yet again.

NAVGEM today shows High pressure holding firm close to Northern Britain with fine and sunny weather in a gentle Easterly breeze maintained over the UK early next week.

ECM shows incessant heat and sunny weather today as High pressure remains locked solid either over or close to the UK with prolonged sunshine and only very isolated heat of the day storms on occasion to interrupt proceedings.

In Summary this morning you don't get much better than this in the UK. All models seem to have given up on finding an end to this fine and very warm spell and returned to maintaining High pressure over or near to the UK for the foreseeable future. GFS is the only model to show any kind of change to the weather which does show support from its ensembles so we shouldn't be carried away too much. Nevertheless, I can see little or nothing to interrupt at least another 10 days and probably longer of sustained heat and summer weather.

Martin G
Kilmersdon Radstock Bath Somerset

Look up my New Facebook Weather Page  for all the latest up to the minute weather stories as they happen
Matty H
16 July 2013 08:00:56
This is quite incredible, it really is 😱
16 July 2013 08:10:32

Only subtle variations now for the next 7 - 10 days, with the fine detail dependant largely on the position of the surface high and associated flow.
As the centre drifts north, N UK will become dryer and warmer (N Scotland has had showers in the last few days) whilst an easterly develops across the south again bringing in slightly fresher air (not a bad thing for many I would think).

I am still looking at the chance of importing some real high Theta-e air up from the south increasing the chances of storms or better still imports but this isn't happening just yet. Local storms are still a risk, especially Fri perhaps across the south, but essentially it's dry, hot at times and mainly sunny for many more days yet.

Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
  • danm
  • Advanced Member
16 July 2013 08:14:30

Good morning folks. Here is todays morning walk through guide to the outputs issued at midnight on Tuesday July 16th 2013 for the UK.


Originally Posted by: GIBBY 


Hi Gibby,


Have you stopped posting your summaries on Netweather?

Home: London (NE)
Work: London (Central)
16 July 2013 08:19:05

A lot of good weather to be had in that lot

Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

16 July 2013 08:24:31

Good morning folks. Here is todays morning walk through guide to the outputs issued at midnight on Tuesday July 16th 2013 for the UK.

Originally Posted by: danm 

Hi Gibby,

Have you stopped posting your summaries on Netweather?

Originally Posted by: GIBBY 

Yes I have for no particular reason other than time taken copying and pasting each night and morning to multiple forums plus I feel TWO is the best Weather forum in the UK. You guys now have exclusivity outside of my website as a result.

Martin G
Kilmersdon Radstock Bath Somerset

Look up my New Facebook Weather Page  for all the latest up to the minute weather stories as they happen
Steam Fog
16 July 2013 08:42:36
Very lucky we are too!!! Thanks.
David M Porter
16 July 2013 08:49:52

ECM warm/hot whole way through. No breakdown in 10 day range.

Originally Posted by: RavenCraven 


Its looking amazing as far as the eye can see. Talk of a 1976 topping summer might not be silly afterall. 

Originally Posted by: Steam Fog 

Quite possibly. What I would say at this time is fairly likely going by the current output is a July along the lines of 2006 and 1983, even if it doesn't end up as hot as those two months did (CETs were 19.7 and 19.5 respectively).

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
16 July 2013 08:52:20

Good morning. Here is the report on the midnight outputs of GFS, UKMO, GEM, NAVGEM and ECM for today Sunday July 14th 2013.

There are few if any changes in the weather shown in last night's output with most areas remaining dry, warm or very warm and sunny while the NW sees generally more cloud and the chance of a little light rain. There is a slight fly in the ointment though concerning Western coasts as the High has slipped a little SW overnight allowing cool and misty low cloud to approach Western coasts which will invade tonight and be a pain to clear through the daytime's in places here early in the week. Also there could be a few midweek showers in the afternoon inland but overall a fine week for all and the low cloud and mist will depart by midweek as the High builds back over the UK.

GFS then shows the weekend fine and warm for many though a slack Northerly flow could bring a few showers into Eastern Coastal Counties and the SE later in the weekend and start of the new week. Thereafter, a trend to more of a defined NW flow with cooler and more cloudy weather is shown with the North having some rain at times while the South still sees a fair amount of dry and bright weather.

The GFS Ensembles do show a slow trend now towards cooler conditions in Week 2 of it's output with the incidence of rain increasing markedly in the North as the NW flow gains increased support from many members.

The Jet Stream maintains it's Northern location for another week or so before sliding South to topple over the British Isles in Week 2.

UKMO today shows High pressure over Scotland next Saturday with all of the UK still enjoying fine and sunny weather with temperatures well above average especially in the South and NW.

GEM this morning shows High pressure clinging on across Southern Britain as we start Week 2 but it also shows some retrogression towards the SW allowing Atlantic fronts to attack the NW soon after the start of the week.

NAVGEM this morning maintains it's stance of keeping High pressure closer to the NE of the UK with a slack east flow to start week 2 with continuing very warm and settled conditions overall.

ECM finally still shows fine weather well in control next weekend as High pressure maintains it's position across the UK. It would be very warm with good sunny spells for most in very light winds. Towards the end of the run High pressure continues to hang on with just the threat of a shower in the East as a light Northerly then Westerly drift is present.

In Summary the weather looks set fair across the UK. as always there are exceptions to this general rule and these will affect different areas on different days but as exceptions go they are fairly small in importance reflected in areas of low cloud or sea breezes along with an odd shower. There is still no clear cut indication of an end to the pattern we currently have even given that GFS has firmed up a little on a downturn from the NW in week 2. So all in all still plenty of warm and sunny weather for many to enjoy with any likelihood of rain small and insignificant for the majority.

Originally Posted by: GIBBY 


superb rundown as per usual , only gripe is your refusal to use the word HOT !!!!! Of which it certainly is

16 July 2013 08:58:39

This is quite incredible, it really is 😱

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

This is getting silly now

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Matty H
16 July 2013 09:03:54

Good morning folks. Here is todays morning walk through guide to the outputs issued at midnight on Tuesday July 16th 2013 for the UK.

Originally Posted by: GIBBY 

Hi Gibby,

Have you stopped posting your summaries on Netweather?

Originally Posted by: danm 

Yes I have for no particular reason other than time taken copying and pasting each night and morning to multiple forums plus I feel TWO is the best Weather forum in the UK. You guys now have exclusivity outside of my website as a result.

Originally Posted by: GIBBY 

16 July 2013 09:06:50

Looks like staying very warm if not locally hot for some constable time by the looks of it.

The odd storms though can be ruled out.

Loughborough, EM.

Knowledge is power, ignorance is weakness.

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