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Polar Low
24 July 2013 19:23:53



very hot as u said look at that blow touch at t216 massive heat coming up from the s




The ECM maps for the near continent are frightening. I've not seen nearly 25C uppers over such a large area ever, not even in 2003. It would mean 40C+

Originally Posted by: TimS 

Hungry Tiger
24 July 2013 19:24:46

The ECM maps for the near continent are frightening. I've not seen nearly 25C uppers over such a large area ever, not even in 2003. It would mean 40C+

Originally Posted by: TimS 

And are we going to tap into any of this. if so then August 2003 is under threat.


Gavin S. FRmetS.
TWO Moderator.
Contact the TWO team - [email protected]
South Cambridgeshire. 93 metres or 302.25 feet ASL.

24 July 2013 19:33:33

Hi everyone. Here is the report from the midday outputs from GFS, UKMO, GEM, NAVGEM and ECM for today Wednesday July 23rd 2013.

All models continue to show a similar pattern between now and the start of next week. In a nutshell the weather is controlled by Low pressure to the West of the UK pulling up warm and humid weather North across the UK. Having said that there will be a lot of dry and fine weather about and in the sunshine it will feel warm. There will also be some rather more unsettled weather with outbreaks of rain tonight and showers in the North tomorrow when thunderstorms become a strong risk again over the North. The main risk of any disruption though is reserved for the weekend and mostly in the SE as a wedge of hot and humid air slides NE coupled with cooler Atlantic air trying to displace it. The net result is an explosive concoction of potentially quite severe storms on Saturday, clearing Sunday in the SE quarter of the UK. The exact track of this event is uncertain at the moment and could affect places further West or maybe further East.

GFS then shows a basic NW/SE pattern developing next week with the North and West being predominently unsettled and cooler with rain at times while the South and East though not immune from rain will see longer dry and warm spells especially in the SE closest to the continuing warmth over southern Europe.

The GFS Ensembles show the weather as being changeable with temperatures returning to the seasonal average as we move past the coming weekend.

The Jet Stream tonight continues to show a migration South of it's recent location with the gradual transition for it to flow across the Atlantic and Southern Britain in a week or so time.

UKMO continues to feed warm and humid air North across the UK early next week too with plenty of dry and bright weather. Low pressure continues to lie out to the SW though, close enough for some showers in the North and West and the very warm continental air is still close enough to the far SE to threaten thundery rain or showers here at times.

GEM looks unsettled next week with rain at times for all though some decnt dry interludes too. The current warmth looks like seaping away to nearer average temperatures as we move deeper into next week.

NAVGEM is also unsettled next week with Low pressure over the North with more Westerly winds rather than the recent Southerlies turning things steadily fresher next week with occasional rain and showers for all.

ECM tonight shows a warm and showery week next week with some sunny spells and occasional showers in warm but light SW winds. Showers would be most prevalent early in the week and in the North and West while the longest dry spells are in the shelered South. Late in the week the weather gets warmer still in the South with a further surge of thundery weather likely to move North across Southern Britain by the start of next weekend.

In Summary tonight the pattern remains a little mixed. The main thing is that it is unlikely to be particularly cold anywhere with average temperatures at worst likely. For much of the time temperatures will be in excess of that with the South and East likely to see some very warm and potentially thundery conditions at times while the North and West are more likely to see some rather cooler air at times with Atlantic fronts bringing occasional rain. When taken as a whole I think a fair assessment is to say that the weather will be reasonable for most over the coming weeks. True the intense heat and clear blue skies of last week are not replicated in any output tonight but there will still be ample spells of very useable summer weather for most with some welcome rain to keep the dust settled and even some possibilities of big storms for the SE with very warm conditions never far away over the Channel.

Martin G
Kilmersdon Radstock Bath Somerset

Look up my New Facebook Weather Page  for all the latest up to the minute weather stories as they happen
Polar Low
24 July 2013 19:35:50

intresting charts gfs saturday /sunday as it looks like a heavy spell of rain comes up from the south for s/e

Polar Low
24 July 2013 19:39:45

Thanks Martin

24 July 2013 19:56:59

intresting charts gfs saturday /sunday as it looks like a heavy spell of rain comes up from the south for s/e

Originally Posted by: Polar Low 

Thomas Schhjjdjdjaker was mentioning this although was very unsure as to where the rin and thundery activity would be.

One possible option was IMBY , the other much further East

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

24 July 2013 20:37:49

The ECM maps for the near continent are frightening. I've not seen nearly 25C uppers over such a large area ever, not even in 2003. It would mean 40C+

Originally Posted by: TimS 


When I looked at the ECM 32 tmax ensemble I thought there was an error - perhaps not!

24 July 2013 20:43:15

There's a hint that the pattern will keep stepping back west with each new trough/ridge combination. If that did happen as much as the ECM 12z op run shows... well, that's playing with fire!

ECM's day 10 chart looks like extremely severe weather across a large swathe of Europe. We must keep a close eye on the modelling of that ridge; if it proves to be any stronger - and the trend has been that way from ECM, less so from GFS - we could find ourselves on the western fringes of some very extreme weather.

If you have any problems or queries relating to TWO you can Email [email protected] 
2023's Homeland Extremes:
T-Max: 30.2°C 9th Sep (...!) | T-Min: -7.1°C 22nd & 23rd Jan | Wettest Day: 25.9mm 2nd Nov | Ice Days: 1 (2nd Dec -1.3°C in freezing fog)
Keep Calm and Forecast On
24 July 2013 20:48:40
Why is there so much bashing of this Hugo guy?? From memory in the winter his post are very knowledgeable... One of the few in here that seem to have any idea of what is/ potentially is happening.

So what if he wants to twitter what his favourite model is showing, right or wrong he is no different to many others on here who change their forecast as often as the tides... they don't get bashed. What makes it worse is its actually others on here that are posting his tweets on here and not the man himself. I also suspect those who do this are selectively posting his tweets when it suits their own agenda in the process giving the guy an unfair bad name.

I think it's quite pathetic that this continued slating of a knowledgable member is going on. Show the guy some respect.
24 July 2013 20:55:43

Hi everyone. Here is the report from the midday outputs from GFS, UKMO, GEM, NAVGEM and ECM for today Wednesday July 23rd 2013.

All models continue to show a similar pattern between now and the start of next week. In a nutshell the weather is controlled by Low pressure to the West of the UK pulling up warm and humid weather North across the UK. Having said that there will be a lot of dry and fine weather about and in the sunshine it will feel warm. There will also be some rather more unsettled weather with outbreaks of rain tonight and showers in the North tomorrow when thunderstorms become a strong risk again over the North. The main risk of any disruption though is reserved for the weekend and mostly in the SE as a wedge of hot and humid air slides NE coupled with cooler Atlantic air trying to displace it. The net result is an explosive concoction of potentially quite severe storms on Saturday, clearing Sunday in the SE quarter of the UK. The exact track of this event is uncertain at the moment and could affect places further West or maybe further East.

GFS then shows a basic NW/SE pattern developing next week with the North and West being predominently unsettled and cooler with rain at times while the South and East though not immune from rain will see longer dry and warm spells especially in the SE closest to the continuing warmth over southern Europe.

The GFS Ensembles show the weather as being changeable with temperatures returning to the seasonal average as we move past the coming weekend.

The Jet Stream tonight continues to show a migration South of it's recent location with the gradual transition for it to flow across the Atlantic and Southern Britain in a week or so time.

UKMO continues to feed warm and humid air North across the UK early next week too with plenty of dry and bright weather. Low pressure continues to lie out to the SW though, close enough for some showers in the North and West and the very warm continental air is still close enough to the far SE to threaten thundery rain or showers here at times.

GEM looks unsettled next week with rain at times for all though some decnt dry interludes too. The current warmth looks like seaping away to nearer average temperatures as we move deeper into next week.

NAVGEM is also unsettled next week with Low pressure over the North with more Westerly winds rather than the recent Southerlies turning things steadily fresher next week with occasional rain and showers for all.

ECM tonight shows a warm and showery week next week with some sunny spells and occasional showers in warm but light SW winds. Showers would be most prevalent early in the week and in the North and West while the longest dry spells are in the shelered South. Late in the week the weather gets warmer still in the South with a further surge of thundery weather likely to move North across Southern Britain by the start of next weekend.

In Summary tonight the pattern remains a little mixed. The main thing is that it is unlikely to be particularly cold anywhere with average temperatures at worst likely. For much of the time temperatures will be in excess of that with the South and East likely to see some very warm and potentially thundery conditions at times while the North and West are more likely to see some rather cooler air at times with Atlantic fronts bringing occasional rain. When taken as a whole I think a fair assessment is to say that the weather will be reasonable for most over the coming weeks. True the intense heat and clear blue skies of last week are not replicated in any output tonight but there will still be ample spells of very useable summer weather for most with some welcome rain to keep the dust settled and even some possibilities of big storms for the SE with very warm conditions never far away over the Channel.

Originally Posted by: GIBBY 

Thanks Martin.

I'm in Cornwall for two weeks from Friday. The outlook sounds pretty good for down there.

Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

24 July 2013 21:02:17

Why is there so much bashing of this Hugo guy?? From memory in the winter his post are very knowledgeable... One of the few in here that seem to have any idea of what is/ potentially is happening.

So what if he wants to twitter what his favourite model is showing, right or wrong he is no different to many others on here who change their forecast as often as the tides... they don't get bashed. What makes it worse is its actually others on here that are posting his tweets on here and not the man himself. I also suspect those who do this are selectively posting his tweets when it suits their own agenda in the process giving the guy an unfair bad name.

I think it's quite pathetic that this continued slating of a knowledgeable member is going on. Show the guy some respect.

Originally Posted by: picturesareme 

Totally agree.... we have lost a number of very knowledgeable and informative members over the years through this type of slating... Some came back but many have not.

You may not agree with his comments, his comments may end up wrong but at least they are based on model output......... which is what this thread is... Model output!!!

Show some respect.......😠 😠
Still Lurking.......

North Worcestershire
Matty H
24 July 2013 21:14:56
On topic please.
Rob K
24 July 2013 21:17:28 

A big LP over Benelux with 25C uppers feeding into the mixer. Even Folkestone might see a drop or two of rain from that!
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
24 July 2013 21:19:41

A big LP over Benelux with 25C uppers feeding into the mixer. Even Folkestone might see a drop or two of rain from that!

Originally Posted by: Rob K 


What an interesting chart, a long way off though. The heat doesn't want to end but the chance of further thunder looks almost a dead cert.

24 July 2013 21:20:38

I see nothing wrong with reporting the EC-32 day runs as Matt Hugo does. To be honest I just read what he writes, make a note of it somewhere in my mind and then move quickly on to other matters - that's how much time individual long range model runs are worth IMO.

If you look for signals and trends across many runs... well then you're in different territory with models like CFS. Even using that method, the EC-32 day model actually seems to be some way behind CFS lately - never thought I'd say that!

Now then, let's all get back on topic please as Matty just said

The 12z ECM op run doesn't have particularly good support from the other models, in fact no two models are alike in terms of how they handle the energy after day 6. While ECM fits in nicely with recent tendencies, there is far too much uncertainty to start dreaming of/worrying about a 2003-scale heatwave...! I really am starting to wonder though

If you have any problems or queries relating to TWO you can Email [email protected] 
2023's Homeland Extremes:
T-Max: 30.2°C 9th Sep (...!) | T-Min: -7.1°C 22nd & 23rd Jan | Wettest Day: 25.9mm 2nd Nov | Ice Days: 1 (2nd Dec -1.3°C in freezing fog)
Keep Calm and Forecast On
24 July 2013 21:20:45

Why is there so much bashing of this Hugo guy?? From memory in the winter his post are very knowledgeable... One of the few in here that seem to have any idea of what is/ potentially is happening.

So what if he wants to twitter what his favourite model is showing, right or wrong he is no different to many others on here who change their forecast as often as the tides... they don't get bashed. What makes it worse is its actually others on here that are posting his tweets on here and not the man himself. I also suspect those who do this are selectively posting his tweets when it suits their own agenda in the process giving the guy an unfair bad name.

I think it's quite pathetic that this continued slating of a knowledgeable member is going on. Show the guy some respect.

Originally Posted by: Roonie 

Totally agree.... we have lost a number of very knowledgeable and informative members over the years through this type of slating... Some came back but many have not.

You may not agree with his comments, his comments may end up wrong but at least they are based on model output......... which is what this thread is... Model output!!!

Show some respect.......Mad Mad

Originally Posted by: picturesareme 


TWO, for all its qualities has a dark side that subtly and cleverly pushes away those with worthy opinion. Bren and MVH are just two members that are no longer here as a result of this.



Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

24 July 2013 21:40:54

A big LP over Benelux with 25C uppers feeding into the mixer. Even Folkestone might see a drop or two of rain from that!

Originally Posted by: RavenCraven 


What an interesting chart, a long way off though. The heat doesn't want to end but the chance of further thunder looks almost a dead cert.

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

Rubbing the lens on my camera again and hope to be more prepared for it. That certainly has some interest speaking from a IMBY perspective, however I'm still going to allow for further fine tunings before I get too excited over it as I think this is the kind of set up that will bring heavy rain rather than thunder to our region, but at least the lawn will appreciate that. Nonetheless I will be keeping my eyes on this one - especially since a radio DJ did ask me what the weather is going to be like for a Kent music festival over the weekend and I had to be honest and say that waterproofs will be needed as it is going to be wet on Saturday night and into the early hours of Sunday morning but getting better into the day itself as the cloud and rain clears off.
Looking further ahead, it does seems that some real heat will be building up over the near Continent and I think we'll feel it's effect one way or the other over the next couple or so of weeks (yes, I'm moving away from my original idea of "normal type weather with average rainfalls and temperatures sticking close to average values but feeling warm whenever the sun does come out" etc, etc).

Folkestone Harbour. 
24 July 2013 21:50:28

The ECM maps for the near continent are frightening. I've not seen nearly 25C uppers over such a large area ever, not even in 2003. It would mean 40C+

Originally Posted by: TimS 

I just saw it and with so much heat over Europe my gut feeling we will tap in to 20-25C uppers anytime soon in a short notice and the models would eventually show it.  Also with intense heat over the continent and warmth persisting over the UK of 25C daily would prevent any 2007-2012 blocking type as that time NW Europe was very cool and wet that aid further northern blocking.

Matty H
24 July 2013 21:56:00

Why is there so much bashing of this Hugo guy?? From memory in the winter his post are very knowledgeable... One of the few in here that seem to have any idea of what is/ potentially is happening.

So what if he wants to twitter what his favourite model is showing, right or wrong he is no different to many others on here who change their forecast as often as the tides... they don't get bashed. What makes it worse is its actually others on here that are posting his tweets on here and not the man himself. I also suspect those who do this are selectively posting his tweets when it suits their own agenda in the process giving the guy an unfair bad name.

I think it's quite pathetic that this continued slating of a knowledgeable member is going on. Show the guy some respect.

Originally Posted by: Gusty 

Totally agree.... we have lost a number of very knowledgeable and informative members over the years through this type of slating... Some came back but many have not.

You may not agree with his comments, his comments may end up wrong but at least they are based on model output......... which is what this thread is... Model output!!!

Show some respect.......Mad Mad

Originally Posted by: Roonie 


TWO, for all its qualities has a dark side that subtly and cleverly pushes away those with worthy opinion. Bren and MVH are just two members that are no longer here as a result of this.



Originally Posted by: picturesareme 

Well I did say on topic, but I can't let this go. All I say is 6 or one... And that's me being diplomatic. Of course you could pm me for the facts.

Right. On topic. Any other rubbish will be deleted. Ta.
24 July 2013 22:11:02
Agree wholeheartedly with all that has been said by the people that matter! The 18z pushes the risk of the more heavier/violent stuff over Holland but that is one cauldron of instability over France so this may have legs yet, especially as this is just one run.

24 July 2013 22:13:48

Agree wholeheartedly with all that has been said by the people that matter! The 18z pushes the risk of the more heavier/violent stuff over Holland but that is one cauldron of instability over France so this may have legs yet, especially as this is just one run.

Originally Posted by: SnowyHythe(Kent) 

This weekend it very hit and miss type so I don't expect anything like 90's all nighter storms here.

Hungry Tiger
24 July 2013 22:16:10

A big LP over Benelux with 25C uppers feeding into the mixer. Even Folkestone might see a drop or two of rain from that!

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

Good heavens - It will sure be hot and humid with the likes of that.


Gavin S. FRmetS.
TWO Moderator.
Contact the TWO team - [email protected]
South Cambridgeshire. 93 metres or 302.25 feet ASL.

Rob K
25 July 2013 01:26:50 

40C for Hungary would be exceptional too. The record for Budapest is 40.7C, recorded on July 20, 2007. Does that date sound familiar to anyone...?

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
25 July 2013 06:47:54

Saturday is very warm

Could see some very heavy rain in places overnight


Temps still warm on Sunday

Still showery though

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Steam Fog
25 July 2013 06:57:13
Potentially very warm start to August too. Maxes of 28C on 1st and 2nd. 
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