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27 July 2013 16:44:41

The ol' AM radio is crackling away like mad (continuous), but whether the actual stuff does get here is still debatable.

Folkestone Harbour. 
27 July 2013 16:49:58

What I shall call 'ponderous rain' here, on and off, large rain drops. Still remarkably warm, holding up into the 20's although only just.

Looking at the raintoday radar, the MCS is developing a vast bow-echo signiture. This is the level-3 scale event that ESTOFEX predicted.

It's clear to see how the continental heat is fuelling a line of intense thunderstorms over N France, from which there is this huge plume of convective rainfall extending out across the Channel.

isleofwightweather's lightning tracker is showing a few inter-cloud strikes close to the IOW now.

There's only one proper thunderstorm over the Channel and that's currently NE of the Brest Peninsula and tracking towards the SE of England.

From the radar situation, the centre of the shallow trough could be just south of Bayeux...? It might track a little bit west of the model projections.

If you have any problems or queries relating to TWO you can Email [email protected] 
2023's Homeland Extremes:
T-Max: 30.2°C 9th Sep (...!) | T-Min: -7.1°C 22nd & 23rd Jan | Wettest Day: 25.9mm 2nd Nov | Ice Days: 1 (2nd Dec -1.3°C in freezing fog)
Keep Calm and Forecast On
  • Gaz
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
27 July 2013 16:52:29
Don't you think the stuff exploding I mid France will take the energy away?

90's style it isn't.
Gary, Torquay, Devon. 85 Meters / 279 Feet ASL

Thunderstorms in 2013: 28th September 3.30am - 8.00am Storm that lasted over 4 Hours
Thunderstorms in 2013: 17th June 6.30pm. bright Lightning out at sea - Deep Bass Thunder
Thunderstorms in 2012: 11th August 10:30pm. bright Lightning - Deep Bass Thunder
Thunderstorms in 2012: 28th June 2:00am From Spainish Plume. 5 sec lightning flashes
Thunderstorms (Flickering Lightning) in 2012: 26th May 2:30 From Spainish Plume

27 July 2013 16:53:45
Suddenly very wet and windy here.
Southmoor or Harwell, Oxfordshire
27 July 2013 16:54:23

<---- Slaps hands on lap. "C'mon Storm, come here, c'mon, there's a good boy".

Folkestone Harbour. 
27 July 2013 17:00:07
Interesting to see some intensification in the MK area, and sferics being picked up as well.
Nr. Easingwold, North Yorkshire
30m asl
27 July 2013 17:01:12
Moderate rain here. I didn't think the next batch of heavy stuff leaving France would get here but it seems to be expanding as it moves NNE. Makes a pleasant change from dying as it moves accross the Channel. Fingers crossed.
27 July 2013 17:01:18
Been heavy, thundery rain here since 3:30. Started very heavy, almost as a line squall and has been continuous ever since, no electrification though. I suppose this is what is meant by the term thundery rain...rain from thunder type clouds without the thunder.
Martin G
Kilmersdon Radstock Bath Somerset

Look up my New Facebook Weather Page  for all the latest up to the minute weather stories as they happen
27 July 2013 17:08:14

Interesting to see some intensification in the MK area, and sferics being picked up as well.

Originally Posted by: Arcus 

reports on NW indicate that that cell pretty much just appeared out of nowhere.

Whitkirk, Leeds - 85m ASL.
27 July 2013 17:08:14

Scattered heavy showers breaking out across parts of the East Midlands on net radar.

Very convective sky's here and very humid, 24c!

Loughborough, EM.

Knowledge is power, ignorance is weakness.

27 July 2013 17:12:07

Surface and lower winds are turning easterly here as shown by the movement of lower level cloud under increasing rain. Very much what was expected wrt LP development, in this case a huge MCS with most of the sferic activity on the eastern side. Could be a very good call and the rain will be very welcome here

Nick Gilly
27 July 2013 17:14:16
Is this system likely to produce any supercell activity? It's been years since I've seen anything like that.
27 July 2013 17:18:01

Even in the past half hour I've noticed a considerable change in the direction of cloud movement from N'ward to near E'ward as Dave just reported.

Rain is still rather variable here, ranging from sparse to breifly more intense. Seems I'm right on the edge of that column of precipitation moving up through Dorset. Some model ouputs have had me getting two glancing blows, first from the stuff to my west, then from the stuff to my east.

Right now that looks like it could well happen but with the exception of some small areas of particularly intense precipitation currently arriving onshore over and near to Bournemouth. One observation of lightning so far

If you have any problems or queries relating to TWO you can Email [email protected] 
2023's Homeland Extremes:
T-Max: 30.2°C 9th Sep (...!) | T-Min: -7.1°C 22nd & 23rd Jan | Wettest Day: 25.9mm 2nd Nov | Ice Days: 1 (2nd Dec -1.3°C in freezing fog)
Keep Calm and Forecast On
27 July 2013 17:21:29
Looks like a line of cells developing in a NW direction across the Midlands and into South Yorkshire.. quite dark to the south with turbulent looking skies..
Whitkirk, Leeds - 85m ASL.
27 July 2013 17:24:54

There's some thunderstorms way to the S/SE of here with Net radar picking up a fair bit of lighting from them over parts of Northhaptonshire.

Loughborough, EM.

Knowledge is power, ignorance is weakness.

27 July 2013 17:25:34
For only the second time in 6 years, my Orgeon weather station's forecast is "Storm". I wonder what triggers that to pop up...

There's some distant lightning over here near the wolf centre, with lights flickering in the hotel. Could be a noisy night and not just because a coachload of guests has arrived!
Leysdown, north Kent
27 July 2013 17:26:34

IMO it's unlikely that there will be any major thundery activity away from areas SE of a line roughly from Southamton to the Wash. The rain is far too widespread and not really very convective now on this Western end and will clear steadily away North later this evening as winds settled towards WSW. The far SE though is far more likely to see the potential for some powerful thunderstorms for a time in the coming few hours as over there the amount of forcing is far greater, closest to the hot plume, though even here things will moderate quickly overnight as the rain moves further North towards NE England and clearer fresher air feeds in from the SW.

Martin G
Kilmersdon Radstock Bath Somerset

Look up my New Facebook Weather Page  for all the latest up to the minute weather stories as they happen
Polar Low
27 July 2013 17:27:09

its been a long time since ive seen a radar pic like this from south not losing any energy either at mo



27 July 2013 17:29:05
Very dark now 23.8c looks like rain fore sure
Polar Low
27 July 2013 17:30:02

Thanks Martin just told partner running around like headless chicken again


IMO it's unlikely that there will be any major thundery activity away from areas SE of a line roughly from Southamton to the Wash. The rain is far too widespread and not really very convective now on this Western end and will clear steadily away North later this evening as winds settled towards WSW. The far SE though is far more likely to see the potential for some powerful thunderstorms for a time in the coming few hours as over there the amount of forcing is far greater, closest to the hot plume, though even here things will moderate quickly overnight as the rain moves further North towards NE England and clearer fresher air feeds in from the SW.

27 July 2013 17:33:33
i had 2 rumbles of thunder just before rain started then nothin grrr.
Polar Low
27 July 2013 17:35:31

massive strikes just to south its just a matter of time

27 July 2013 17:45:13
Rain stopped here. All quiet again
Southmoor or Harwell, Oxfordshire
27 July 2013 17:48:19
I'd agree with that Martin, as per UKMO latest warnings, chance of sever thunderstorms this evening now reduced in most areas away from the SE
27 July 2013 17:48:40

Coming over dark and threatening with undulatus cloud filling in the sky. It's starting to look good (or bad depending how you look at it) storm-wise.

Folkestone Harbour. 
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