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24 December 2013 02:29:58

In your town Dougie:


Originally Posted by: Jive Buddy 

Right in front of Halifax, hope no broken glass to allow looters coming in.

24 December 2013 02:38:48
It's now started lashing down with rain and the wind's really howling - 5 minute mean is 46mph with a recent gust to 72mph. The house is creaking, the lights are still flickering and there was some ominous sounds which could well have been some tiles coming off... not going outside to check though!
Leysdown, north Kent
24 December 2013 02:39:14

In your town Dougie:


Originally Posted by: Jiries 

Right in front of Halifax, hope no broken glass to allow looters coming in.

Originally Posted by: Jive Buddy 

Its dangerous out there, I certainly would not want to try my luck.

Ha'way the lads
  • idot
  • Advanced Member
24 December 2013 02:48:25
U28986 about to attempt air wick gat port

24 December 2013 02:52:13
Router's throwing a wobbly at the moment, keeps disconnecting... I guess the overhead phone lines are taking a pounding. Not sure how much longer I'll have a connection!

The squall line's over central London now and barrelling eastwards at a rate of knots. That means another half hour to 40 minutes of this, then doubtless an almighty spell of wind as the squall line goes through. After that it'll calm down, but whether the Isle will still have power by then remains to be seen!

Meanwhile the next batch of strong winds are starting to affect westernmost areas. Good luck up there guys!
Leysdown, north Kent
Jive Buddy
24 December 2013 02:54:26

Router's throwing a wobbly at the moment, keeps disconnecting... I guess the overhead phone lines are taking a pounding. Not sure how much longer I'll have a connection!

The squall line's over central London now and barrelling eastwards at a rate of knots. That means another half hour to 40 minutes of this, then doubtless an almighty spell of wind as the squall line goes through. After that it'll calm down, but whether the Isle will still have power by then remains to be seen!

Meanwhile the next batch of strong winds are starting to affect westernmost areas. Good luck up there guys!

Originally Posted by: Retron 

Cheers Darren. I was toying with the idea of getting a few hours sleep, but if the squall's approaching that fast, I might just stay up for it.

It's not over, until the fat Scandy sinks.....

Location: St. Mary Cray, S.E. London border with Kent.
  • idot
  • Advanced Member
24 December 2013 02:57:26

Router's throwing a wobbly at the moment, keeps disconnecting... I guess the overhead phone lines are taking a pounding. Not sure how much longer I'll have a connection!

The squall line's over central London now and barrelling eastwards at a rate of knots. That means another half hour to 40 minutes of this, then doubtless an almighty spell of wind as the squall line goes through. After that it'll calm down, but whether the Isle will still have power by then remains to be seen!

Meanwhile the next batch of strong winds are starting to affect westernmost areas. Good luck up there guys!

Originally Posted by: Jive Buddy 

Cheers Darren. I was toying with the idea of getting a few hours sleep, but if the squall's approaching that fast, I might just stay up for it.

Originally Posted by: Retron 

Just past Portsmouth now on nw radar
Jive Buddy
24 December 2013 03:00:16

Router's throwing a wobbly at the moment, keeps disconnecting... I guess the overhead phone lines are taking a pounding. Not sure how much longer I'll have a connection!

The squall line's over central London now and barrelling eastwards at a rate of knots. That means another half hour to 40 minutes of this, then doubtless an almighty spell of wind as the squall line goes through. After that it'll calm down, but whether the Isle will still have power by then remains to be seen!

Meanwhile the next batch of strong winds are starting to affect westernmost areas. Good luck up there guys!

Originally Posted by: idot 

Cheers Darren. I was toying with the idea of getting a few hours sleep, but if the squall's approaching that fast, I might just stay up for it.

Originally Posted by: Jive Buddy 

Just past Portsmouth now on nw radar

Originally Posted by: Retron 

Which radar you using Tim? The last frame showing on raintoday is 02:15

It's not over, until the fat Scandy sinks.....

Location: St. Mary Cray, S.E. London border with Kent.
24 December 2013 03:05:39
Have woken up an hour ago, just peered through the curtain to see the wind howling away. Very unsettling but I do feel for those living along the Sandgate coastal strip, they must be terrified. Can't see any damage, yet, and thankfully mother is still asleep being blissfully unaware.

Okay, Kent climate, that's enough now, we get the message. You are not boring.
Folkestone Harbour. 
24 December 2013 03:06:20

Right, on via mobile phone tethering now - my landline ADSL connection has given up the ghost.

The squall's now visible on the high-res Netweather radar centred on Sheppey, as of 9 minutes ago the squall was over Dartford. It's coming soon!


(EDIT: That took several minutes to post, the mobile mast's connection seems to have dropped for a bit - as opposed to my connection to the mast, which is rock-solid).

Leysdown, north Kent
  • idot
  • Advanced Member
24 December 2013 03:08:47

Router's throwing a wobbly at the moment, keeps disconnecting... I guess the overhead phone lines are taking a pounding. Not sure how much longer I'll have a connection!

The squall line's over central London now and barrelling eastwards at a rate of knots. That means another half hour to 40 minutes of this, then doubtless an almighty spell of wind as the squall line goes through. After that it'll calm down, but whether the Isle will still have power by then remains to be seen!

Meanwhile the next batch of strong winds are starting to affect westernmost areas. Good luck up there guys!

Originally Posted by: Jive Buddy 

Cheers Darren. I was toying with the idea of getting a few hours sleep, but if the squall's approaching that fast, I might just stay up for it.

Originally Posted by: idot 

Just past Portsmouth now on nw radar

Originally Posted by: Jive Buddy 

Which radar you using Tim? The last frame showing on raintoday is 02:15

Originally Posted by: Retron 

It's net weather jive

24 December 2013 03:14:28
Mmmm, 10 minutes on and the squall line has barely moved - it's a heavy line of rain that's surging NE'wards, the easterly motion seems to have slowed. Most annoying, as I just want to get it over and done with!

(Lights flickering more frequently here btw, don't be surprised if I stop posting due to a power cut!)
Leysdown, north Kent
Jive Buddy
24 December 2013 03:14:40

Okie Darren/Tim - Cheers.

Ian - go back to sleep. Nothing to see here, move along

It's not over, until the fat Scandy sinks.....

Location: St. Mary Cray, S.E. London border with Kent.
24 December 2013 03:27:04
Dartford's really copping it - the squall line is still there and it's intensified somewhat. Meanwhile the wind keeps increasing here... there's a roar in the background now and it's eerily reminiscent of 1987. I've not heard that sort of roar since then, it's a bit scary.
Leysdown, north Kent
24 December 2013 03:27:34

Wind has subsided quite a lot recently, but heavy rain continues with hail mixed in.

Ha'way the lads
24 December 2013 03:28:19

Stay safe all.

Really does feel a world away here on a warm and still Christmas Eve afternoon in Sydney.

24 December 2013 03:33:57

Drat it, the squall line is now completely stationary. The good news is that it's weakening somewhat now.

EDIT: Really frustrating - it's been stuck over Dartford for half an hour now. At this rate the trough following behind will catch it up. I cannot understand why it's ground to a halt?

EDIT2: That explains it, a wave has formed on the front. The new cold front has appeared right at the western edge of the NW radar map... the countdown starts all over again then. :/

EDIT3, delayed as the mobile tower is having problems with its uplink: The squall line is definitely moving eastwards again and it's intensified again. Dartford's about to get another pounding!

EDIT4: And another kink, the squall line stalls yet again. Lights have started flickering again here after a relatively stable spell. The wind is still howling away outside and TBH I just want this hellishly long night to be over...

EDIT5: The squall line has reached Gravesend. However yet another kink has developed and it's still no closer to ending this spell of gales here.

EDIT6: It now looks like the squall line is dissipating, breaking up... it's still stuck tantalisingly 30 miles or so to my west but I've a funny feeling it won't actually make it here as anything other than a slightly heavier burst of rain. The wind, at long last, seems to be easing slightly. It remains to be seen whether the remnants of the squall line have any squalls associated with them!

Leysdown, north Kent
24 December 2013 04:44:50

Drat it, the squall line is now completely stationary. The good news is that it's weakening somewhat now.

EDIT: Really frustrating - it's been stuck over Dartford for half an hour now. At this rate the trough following behind will catch it up. I cannot understand why it's ground to a halt?

EDIT2: That explains it, a wave has formed on the front. The new cold front has appeared right at the western edge of the NW radar map... the countdown starts all over again then. :/

EDIT3, delayed as the mobile tower is having problems with its uplink: The squall line is definitely moving eastwards again and it's intensified again. Dartford's about to get another pounding!

EDIT4: And another kink, the squall line stalls yet again. Lights have started flickering again here after a relatively stable spell. The wind is still howling away outside and TBH I just want this hellishly long night to be over...

EDIT5: The squall line has reached Gravesend. However yet another kink has developed and it's still no closer to ending this spell of gales here.

Originally Posted by: Retron 

Annoying innit? But it does appear to be trying to taper away and while it is still gale force, it has become a SW so that hilly bit is providing a windbreak.
At least the roof is still in one piece and as far as I know, damage has been kept to a minimum around the town. Helped that the trees are now bare anyway, unless it's an evergreen.

Well, won't forget this one in a hurry.
Folkestone Harbour. 
  • POD
  • Advanced Member
24 December 2013 04:48:25

Heavy rain again now, 20.2mm since midnight

Pat, Crawley Down, West Sussex.
24 December 2013 04:51:54

Heavy rain again now, 20.2mm since midnight

Originally Posted by: POD 

I think you've had almost double the rainfall up there! 

A second tree down now...

24 December 2013 04:58:52

The wind's getting up again now, much to my disappointment - it was supposed to ease off by now!

EDIT: The "good riddance" trough is now moving across London. The remnants of the squall line are still pretty much stationary near Gravesend.

EDIT2: Remnants are now approaching Medway. ETA here - around 20 to 25 minutes. And then, at long last, it should be over. Incidentally the temperature is rising now, it's up to 11.6C. Funny how there always seems to be a boost in temperatures just before a marked cold front!

Leysdown, north Kent
Rob K
24 December 2013 05:14:00
Well the only thing that woke me up was my daughter about 4.15. I think the squall probably woke her up but I didn't hear it (I usually sleep through anything!) Havin said that I also slept through the 1987 storm when our garden fence and gate totally disappeared!

When I went to bed around 11.30, though, the wind was far far louder than anything from the St Jude gales. It's a totally different order of magnitude - I don't know why the media leapt on that one so much while this storm, so much more powerful and destructive, got relatively little attention beforehand?

Oddly looking up the peak gusts at Odiham they were 78mph on Oct 28 but only 71mph today. I think the difference is that St Jude only had a short spell of strong gusts whereas this one just kept on blowing for hours.
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
24 December 2013 05:16:05

Oddly looking up the peak gusts at Odiham they were 78mph on Oct 28 but only 71mph today. I think the difference is that St Jude only had a short spell of strong gusts whereas this one just kept on blowing for hours.

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

Not only that, but around here at least the sustained wind speeds were (are) around 10 MPH higher than the St Jude storm - that had one or two really strong gusts but aside from that was barely a gale. The current system, on the other hand, is a full gale, something which is remarkably uncommon around here.

Leysdown, north Kent
Rob K
24 December 2013 05:26:00

Oddly looking up the peak gusts at Odiham they were 78mph on Oct 28 but only 71mph today. I think the difference is that St Jude only had a short spell of strong gusts whereas this one just kept on blowing for hours.

Originally Posted by: Retron 

Not only that, but around here at least the sustained wind speeds were (are) around 10 MPH higher than the St Jude storm - that had one or two really strong gusts but aside from that was barely a gale. The current system, on the other hand, is a full gale, something which is remarkably uncommon around here.

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

Yes certainly sounded that way here too. Noisiest sustained winds I can remember.

A brief look outside suggests no damage that I can see, fortunately. The fence I put up 8 years ago is still standing as far as I can tell!

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
24 December 2013 05:31:38

The temperature's started falling at the other end of the Isle and it's coincided with a large gust of wind... it's close now. :)

EDIT: Here we go - a "whoosh" and some heavy rain splatting against the window. And now it's absolutely lashing it down, it's whipping around under the streetlights like a wet version of a snowglobe.

Leysdown, north Kent
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