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23 January 2014 20:50:51
ECM mean charts are better viewing this evening...
23 January 2014 21:10:05

get your shovels ready !!!



23 January 2014 21:15:55

ECM a real warm outlier in it's ensemble set for next week.....




23 January 2014 21:17:27

get your shovels ready !!!



Originally Posted by: nickl 

my shovel is locked away in the shed and i can confidently predict i shant be using it any time soon

shine on you crazy diamond
192.104 m / 630.262 feet ASL
23 January 2014 21:19:16

Interesting.The operational and the control were the warmer of the runs.

Originally Posted by: stophe 

Those actually are quite interesting in the mid-  to long-. 

Nr. Easingwold, North Yorkshire
30m asl
Hungry Tiger
23 January 2014 21:19:48

get your shovels ready !!!



Originally Posted by: nickl 

Gavin S. FRmetS.
TWO Moderator.
Contact the TWO team - [email protected]
South Cambridgeshire. 93 metres or 302.25 feet ASL.

23 January 2014 21:26:12

Happy to be corrected but not too sure the De Bilt ens are massively useful in a situation where the UK is on the borderline between cold enough for snow and warm enough for rain - it may well be cold over there but considerably warmer over here. I haven't looked at the ECM ens for Reading so feel free to shoot this comment down

That aside LPs wandering South East and potentially pulling in low dew points from the continent with 850's sat a little bit below freezing is an intriguing mix (if it happens) and a classic forecasting nightmare. A tweak one way and there's a big, if temporary and slushy snow fall somewhere unexpected, a tweak the other way and it's drab, wet and miserable with no end in sight.

Whilst I'm heartily sick of getting cold and/or wet (mostly the latter this winter) on the cycle in to work I'd put up with more unsettled weather if I managed at least a little bit of snow

Being a coldie biased optimist I'm still not convinced about the FI output showing a declining HP to the East and more of an Atlantic influence - imo we're going to be teased by the Scandi HP for a while yet with a low chance of a decent cold spell setting in if the Atlantic does decide to wind down towards the middle of February.

Or if you're a mildie then the FI output isn't a million miles away from a declining Scandi block and strong jet helping the Azores HP to push over Southern Britain at least, with some nice quiet mild and dryish stuff. (other than Scotland and Northern England in that Scenario where it'd probably be wet and fairly windy. But it is supposed to be grim up North)

Middle ground would of course be chilly and wet for the forseeable

Home: Tunbridge Wells
Work: Tonbridge
23 January 2014 21:26:48

ECM a real warm outlier in it's ensemble set for next week.....




Originally Posted by: GlenH 


A big trend colder, although it has been heading that way for the last few runs. The synoptics of the op run were a consisderable improvement too, so a small tweek here and there and we really could find ourselves in a very interesting set-up, although for the time being the chance of lowland snow in the bulk of England and Wales seems remote....

D.E.W on Dartmoor. 300m asl
Ally Pally Snowman
23 January 2014 21:34:45

ECM a real warm outlier in it's ensemble set for next week.....




Originally Posted by: GlenH 

Stunningly cold best of the winter. 

Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
23 January 2014 21:37:44

Happy to be corrected but not too sure the De Bilt ens are massively useful in a situation where the UK is on the borderline between cold enough for snow and warm enough for rain - it may well be cold over there but considerably warmer over here. I haven't looked at the ECM ens for Reading so feel free to shoot this comment down

That aside LPs wandering South East and potentially pulling in low dew points from the continent with 850's sat a little bit below freezing is an intriguing mix (if it happens) and a classic forecasting nightmare. A tweak one way and there's a big, if temporary and slushy snow fall somewhere unexpected, a tweak the other way and it's drab, wet and miserable with no end in sight.

Whilst I'm heartily sick of getting cold and/or wet (mostly the latter this winter) on the cycle in to work I'd put up with more unsettled weather if I managed at least a little bit of snow

Being a coldie biased optimist I'm still not convinced about the FI output showing a declining HP to the East and more of an Atlantic influence - imo we're going to be teased by the Scandi HP for a while yet with a low chance of a decent cold spell setting in if the Atlantic does decide to wind down towards the middle of February.

Or if you're a mildie then the FI output isn't a million miles away from a declining Scandi block and strong jet helping the Azores HP to push over Southern Britain at least, with some nice quiet mild and dryish stuff. (other than Scotland and Northern England in that Scenario where it'd probably be wet and fairly windy. But it is supposed to be grim up North)

Middle ground would of course be chilly and wet for the forseeable

Originally Posted by: Hippydave 

I would agree with most of that - said a similar same thing myself last week. But hey, those ECMs are quite interesting...

Nr. Easingwold, North Yorkshire
30m asl
23 January 2014 21:48:49
Temperature here in Leicester is up and down like a yo-yo last couple or three hours +6c to +3c to +2c to +4c to +2.6c presently (21:44) only slight drizzle at times that did not copy the temp drops/ups....
Did have a little ice pellet shower (2-3mins)
These temp fluctuations must be the erratic front movement perhaps. Nature is really needing some deep frosts for stratification to take place....
Karl Guille
23 January 2014 22:00:40
Been said already but just back in from birthday meal so wanted to echo other comments that ECM ensembles are the best offering that I have seen and are indicating a potential for three to four ice days for Holland and hopefully something half decent for the UK.

P.S. Happy Birthday Caz. 🙂
St. Sampson
Chiltern Blizzard
23 January 2014 22:21:45

get your shovels ready !!!



Originally Posted by: nickl 


Why, how do you know next door's cat going to crap on my lawn again this evening?

Rendlesham, Suffolk 20m asl
Whether Idle
23 January 2014 22:25:00



Those ECM ens for De Bilt are interesting, as are the mean charts for the 12z ECM.  Probably just another model tease, though if the op and control are both mild (as they are tonight) then maybe the ens will flip that way tomorrow. Remaining sceptical of anything more than cold or cool zonality and a bucketful of rain.  Model watching just got more interesting though.

Dover, 5m asl. Half a mile from the south coast.
Chiltern Blizzard
23 January 2014 22:27:23

get your shovels ready !!!



Originally Posted by: nickl 


Seriously though, if the ECM ensembles are near the mark, we may just be needing them a week from now!   What with it being a long way off in model, no consistency across runs/models for such a dramatic temperature drop - yet -  and the Op and Control not joining in, the nail is definitely still in the toolbox, and the toolbox is definitely still in the garage. 


Rendlesham, Suffolk 20m asl
23 January 2014 22:31:32

Well the 18z GFS op run isn't following along with the other models from day 4, while on the broad scale, it's managed to simultaneously take the Russian block further east and back the U.S. trough further west... crazy model!


Despite the strange modelling of the block to our NE, the situation at 168 hours has energy going SE and more ridging through the Pole from the Pacific... so this is actually the run where GFS stops sending that westerly burst  straight to the NE - which coming from that model is quite a big deal!

A 220mph jet raging south through the UK and on to somewhere way down in Africa... an impressive feat!

The westerly burst upstream is a mighty on though, with a bit of a bomb flying in from the west at 180h. Reassuringly, the jet is barely being steered NE at all and looks keen on blasting on into the continent... under the Russian Block?

If you have any problems or queries relating to TWO you can Email [email protected] 
2023's Homeland Extremes:
T-Max: 30.2°C 9th Sep (...!) | T-Min: -7.1°C 22nd & 23rd Jan | Wettest Day: 25.9mm 2nd Nov | Ice Days: 1 (2nd Dec -1.3°C in freezing fog)
Keep Calm and Forecast On
23 January 2014 22:42:21

The trough is elongated NW to SE and energy is heading well into the Continent - big moves in the right direction from GFS, but the disrcepency with the other models out to day 6 regarding how close the Russian block is to our shores means that we can't take the actual charts all that seriously right now.

Combine the trend from 12z to 18z with corrections towards ECM and UKMO regarding that block, and you're onto a winner...! Ironically, the 12z GFS op had the block further west out to day 6 - if only the 18z had kept it that far over

Good to see energy heading well into Europe out to day 12, but it really is hapless when it comes to blocking to our NE - so much support from beneath, yet barely a ridge west to be seen!


Today has seen very good trends from a cold perspective. Will tomorrow take the baton and run with it...? I really hope so - we've been through so much while waiting and look to have quite a bit more to endure in the next 5 days.

If you have any problems or queries relating to TWO you can Email [email protected] 
2023's Homeland Extremes:
T-Max: 30.2°C 9th Sep (...!) | T-Min: -7.1°C 22nd & 23rd Jan | Wettest Day: 25.9mm 2nd Nov | Ice Days: 1 (2nd Dec -1.3°C in freezing fog)
Keep Calm and Forecast On
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
23 January 2014 22:58:22

Been said already but just back in from birthday meal so wanted to echo other comments that ECM ensembles are the best offering that I have seen and are indicating a potential for three to four ice days for Holland and hopefully something half decent for the UK.

P.S. Happy Birthday Caz. 🙂

Originally Posted by: Karl Guille 

Happy Birthday Karl!  Hope your birthday meal was good.  I'm going out for a meal with hubby on Saturday when we both have time off work.

No birthday snow but we did have a sleety downpour here this morning.  At least the charts are interesting and keeping us guessing for next week!

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
23 January 2014 23:00:34

Been said already but just back in from birthday meal so wanted to echo other comments that ECM ensembles are the best offering that I have seen and are indicating a potential for three to four ice days for Holland and hopefully something half decent for the UK.

P.S. Happy Birthday Caz. 🙂

Originally Posted by: Caz 

Happy Birthday Karl!  Hope your birthday meal was good.  I'm going out for a meal with hubby on Saturday when we both have time off work.

No birthday snow but we did have a sleety downpour here this morning.  At least the charts are interesting and keeping us guessing for next week!

Originally Posted by: Karl Guille 

Happy Birthday to the both of you!  The models almost managed to get the present through on time, but you know how it is these days 

At least the rain mostly falls tomorrow and Sunday, leaving Saturday as a more showery affair 


If you have any problems or queries relating to TWO you can Email [email protected] 
2023's Homeland Extremes:
T-Max: 30.2°C 9th Sep (...!) | T-Min: -7.1°C 22nd & 23rd Jan | Wettest Day: 25.9mm 2nd Nov | Ice Days: 1 (2nd Dec -1.3°C in freezing fog)
Keep Calm and Forecast On
23 January 2014 23:21:07

get your shovels ready !!!



Originally Posted by: colin46 

my shovel is locked away in the shed and i can confidently predict i shant be using it any time soon

Originally Posted by: nickl 

So can I matey they will be washed away this weekend, you best get out Monday for some more

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

23 January 2014 23:27:22  

early ensembles going the way of the ECM group, with an increasing number developing a full blown E/NEly with some offering very tasty synoptics. Encouraging news, albeit (as with the ECM ens) without the control and op for now. Trends - that is all. 

23 January 2014 23:54:57

ECM 32 day update is crap unfortunately.

doctor snow
24 January 2014 00:11:45
Cold enough 4 snow in s east at 177hrs if 12z gfs is right dew point down to 0c anyone got any straws
24 January 2014 00:19:02

Anyone got any thoughts on the fax 120?.

Everything seems to be going West or South?.

Link below.

doctor snow
24 January 2014 00:37:37

Anyone got any thoughts on the fax 120?.

Everything seems to be going West or South?.

Link below.

Originally Posted by: AIMSIR 

Looks like that low being pushed back west and south to me
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