No sleepwalking at this end
Glad to see ECM step in line with GFS and GFSP with the way the western N. Atlantic low behaves in 4-5 days time. We then see a far better attempt at keeping the flow of low heights aligned NW-SE to keep undercutting the block, though it does still falter days 9-10 as the subtropical jet wakes up a bit - lows running up from west of the Azores interfere with the NW-SE jet alignment. Looks like that'll be the next hurdle to overcome, but we can get to that on a later date, after sorting out the potential snow events beforehand
Just glancing through the GFSP 00z run for central southern England (i.e. the last place to see snow) and there is some snow potential overnight 14th/15th, evening of 15th (very slight), briefly on 16th (band of showers could be snow though maybe not near coasts), afternoon of 17th (large area is now shown to cross England and Wales on Saturday - a new feature compared to previous runs so hold the champagne), morning of 18th (another area moving SE across the UK but is rain across Devon and Cornwall), and for much of 19th (slider low to SW... struggles to make enough inroads though!)
For the SE it's a similar story, precipitation generally less evident for 15th and 16th but quite substantial on 17th. Largely dry the following two days but then the flow turns easterly with snow streamers becoming possible.
Phew... not been able to write the s word that many times in a summary since 2010! All done taking GFSP at face value so massive caveats with that, especially given how marginal the ones prior to Saturday are.
With the Saturday one it's more a case of will there be anything falling from the sky in the first place?
I see Euro4 has snow falling all around me 3-6am but rain overhead. Would not be surprising as the Avon Valley up to Salisbury tends to hang on to less favourable conditions for snow both falling and settling until quite a bit later than the surrounding area.
- though actually, a look at the precipitation rates shows close to zero for that period anyway so that could be the reason (slight precip. is never shown to be snow). Whatever, I'm not expecting much - better opportunities to come this weekend and next week from the looks of things
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[email protected] 2023's Homeland Extremes:
T-Max: 30.2°C 9th Sep (...!) | T-Min: -7.1°C 22nd & 23rd Jan | Wettest Day: 25.9mm 2nd Nov | Ice Days: 1 (2nd Dec -1.3°C in freezing fog)
Keep Calm and Forecast On