In the reliable part of the models we're chilly or cold, although not overly cold. There's a mild blip to get over tomorrow before we settle back in to chilly and unsettled with more chances of snow for some although a diminishing risk the further south you are.
I guess it doesn't need to be mentioned as it's been rather painstakingly remarked upon lately but in the South the colder air aloft isn't enough to stop daytime temps lifting up to 'meh' average ish levels but under clear skies night time temps will be noticeably more below average, leading to a colder than average CET return
The flip side to the less impact down South of course being the North is always at a higher risk of colder temps and snow, although I'd guess even here height is an important factor. (Must admit not checked too much about impacts further up the country, feel free to correct!)
Other than the odd outlier sadly there's no sign of any prolonged spring warmth in the models - as outliers go though I do like the GFS Op - settled and fairly warm would be lovely if unlikely set against the model output as a whole. (Not to mention deep FI to boot).
Home: Tunbridge Wells
Work: Tonbridge