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10 December 2016 22:04:35

I am sick to death of yet another rotten lousy winter that is beyond depressing. This month is the absolute pits - not just for the lack of snow and frost but mainly the extreme gloom.

Where the hell is the sunshine that was promised today? Clear at dawn but now it is yet more dismal grey muck totally obscuring the sky just like the last two weekends. Yet even with the clear skies the temperature got no lower than 4.2C.

If there had been as much sunshine as forecast this month we would be sitting on about 30 hours rather than the pitiful 9 hours. It is just grim and depressing - worse than 2013 and 2015. 5 days already with a big fat ZERO sunshine. Average number of sunless days in December over the last 10 years for the whole of December has been 6.8 with a range from 2 in 2011 to 12  in 2012 which puts in to perspective how awful this winter has been so far.

This month on course to be even milder than last December and two consecutive December’s with a mean over 6C would be unprecedented. Not to mention the mean of 5.6C in 2013. It’s been a truly dire run. It's not just a case of little snow, as there was in the 90s, but there is exceptionally little frost too and an inordinate amount of horrifically wet and unpleasant weather. February 2011, December 2012, Winter 13/14, first half of 15/16 and now this: all intolerable, insufferable and depressingly bad periods that rank amongst the worst winter weather on record.


Originally Posted by: richardabdn 

Isn't pretty much every month/season in existence the worst on record for you, Richard?

Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
Saint Snow
10 December 2016 22:18:50


No it's not crap, it reflects the reality of the modern British Winter!

Originally Posted by: Andy Woodcock 


Oh crap, it's catching!

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
10 December 2016 22:56:09

I wil have my strong opinon about winter at the end of winter and I will speak my mind that's my moad for now,

11 December 2016 02:52:22
Our seasons appear to be mixed up just now, and I have seen cooler maximum temperatures during the middle of summer, than what most of us have being seeing in recent days, and I can even recall that it was only last year (2015) that there was snow on the Cairngorms on the day of the SUMMER (yes, I do mean summer) solstice instead of that snow coming to us just now at the very time that we would expect to at the very least, start to be getting that snow.

On top of that, Richard from Aberdeen is actually quite right when he expresses just how crap our weather seems to be for most of the time, and I certainly wouldn't knock him for stating exactly how he feels about that (this is a moaning thread, after all). In many ways, it really is just the same old weather that we get throughout the year and because of that, our seasons seem to be becoming increasing indistinguishable with increasingly similar temperatures all year round and on top of that, our winters tend to be dark, dismal, mild and virtually snowless whilst our summers tend to consist of almost constantly grey skies.

That appears to be quite a depressing scenario and yet, that is the 'modern era' for you, which is mentioned so much on these forums.

The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
11 December 2016 22:42:01

At least we don't have to worry about this here at the UK:

Saving grace every cloud has a silver lining and all that.

Folkestone Harbour. 
12 December 2016 08:05:04

At least we don't have to worry about this here at the UK:

Saving grace every cloud has a silver lining and all that.

Originally Posted by: idj20 

lol Ian,there is however a notable rise here in U.K. This winter of "Mild mouldy manhood" 

Medlock Vale Weather
12 December 2016 17:04:08

It would be nice to get some sun, been dull for days on end - it's getting like Aberdeen!  cannot remember when there was some sunny spells.

Alan in Medlock Valley - Oldham's frost hollow. 103 metres above sea level.
What is a frost hollow? 
doctor snow
13 December 2016 00:09:25
I blame myself the last three years iv had snow tyres on me car .yep bugger all snow i think i will sell them bound to snow then it all my fault
13 December 2016 00:32:01

Our seasons appear to be mixed up just now, and I have seen cooler maximum temperatures during the middle of summer, than what most of us have being seeing in recent days, and I can even recall that it was only last year (2015) that there was snow on the Cairngorms on the day of the SUMMER (yes, I do mean summer) solstice instead of that snow coming to us just now at the very time that we would expect to at the very least, start to be getting that snow.

On top of that, Richard from Aberdeen is actually quite right when he expresses just how crap our weather seems to be for most of the time, and I certainly wouldn't knock him for stating exactly how he feels about that (this is a moaning thread, after all). In many ways, it really is just the same old weather that we get throughout the year and because of that, our seasons seem to be becoming increasing indistinguishable with increasingly similar temperatures all year round and on top of that, our winters tend to be dark, dismal, mild and virtually snowless whilst our summers tend to consist of almost constantly grey skies.

That appears to be quite a depressing scenario and yet, that is the 'modern era' for you, which is mentioned so much on these forums.

Originally Posted by: johncs2016 

This year in particular has been very dull and boring weatherwise. Apart from the storms and rain in January and a few warm days in July I can't remember any weather events this year. Not even had a thunderstorm. I'd rather the raging active zonality of last winter than this nothingness. And I see we're being teased with more LRFs hinting at "blocked" weather next month. Tired of these wild goose chases with charts that are always 2 weeks away. Unless agreement within +144hrs I'm not interested anymore and even then I'll believe it when I see it. I've been around the block way too much over the years.

13 December 2016 00:52:15
At least November was interesting with a good mix of cold, frost, rain, sun and thankfully calm - in these parts 0 and calm feels so much better than 10 and windy and looks better too. BUT as the saying goes:
"If November ice will bear a duck, the winter will be slush and muck." I reckon the ice around here in Northumberland would have borne a good sized Swan! I rest my case.....
13 December 2016 03:39:25

"If November ice will bear a duck, the winter will be slush and muck." I reckon the ice around here in Northumberland would have borne a good sized Swan! I rest my case.....

Originally Posted by: Foghorn 

In which case, we should be in for blizzards beyond all compare down here - two frosts in November, that was it. There wasn't enough ice to support a flea, let alone a duck!

Leysdown, north Kent
Solar Cycles
13 December 2016 08:42:32


In which case, we should be in for blizzards beyond all compare down here - two frosts in November, that was it. There wasn't enough ice to support a flea, let alone a duck!

Originally Posted by: Retron 

Same here, two frosts and three days of below average temps all standard November fayre around these parts. All eyes are now on the garden path for the Xmas period and beyond, are we being led up it again or should I be stocking up on supplies for the forthcoming "big" freeze. 😜

13 December 2016 10:54:03

As winter progresses the north must surely get its act together and give the models conditions that they are progged to run with? As it stands its almost as though the deeper you get into the run the more the models try to pull things in a direction that they are prog'ed to see in the N.Hemisphere? Sadly we've been seeing some pretty 'extreme' behaviours across the north?

My greatest concern is what we see the eastern seaboard spawning as they have been our bain over winters since 07'? Our Flood Alleviation schemes are only half complete and though they might cope better with a Boxing Day 2016 scale event we would still see extensive flooding in areas still repairing from last year?

If things stay as they are with low solar driving Atlantic blocking for us then I am content even if it only means a worse Arctic summer in 2017 as next winter will see solar in a similar phase keeping the Atlantic at bay no matter how extreme it has become by then?

ko.yaa.nis.katsi (from the Hopi language), n. 1. crazy life. 2. life in turmoil. 3. life disintegrating. 4. life out of balance. 5. a state of life that calls for another way of living.
13 December 2016 12:54:52

It's becoming yet another overcast damp dull and dark muggy warm day with temperatures 0f 14c.

If this was summer we would be seeing a week or two of extreme heat and thunder etc. Just a big pity we never get the right set up in the right month. - We had a week of easterlies in October which could have brought cold and snow if this occurred now and now winter is here we get a perfect set up for a summers chart with southerly winds.

Just a horror show really - not to mention.. very unseasonal.

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

13 December 2016 12:56:46

Whenever I have a long and hot shower which naturally makes it steamy in the bathroom, I then leave the two windows and a wall vent open afterwards to air the room out. That usually does the trick where the room is dried out within the hour and thus kept free from mould.

On this occasion, I had a shower fours hours ago and did the venting routine but the walls are still wet with heavy condensation, the 95% outside humidity is what preventing evaporation from taking place indoors.

Yuk. No wonder why houses in the north suffers with mildew and mould.  

Folkestone Harbour. 
Brian Gaze
13 December 2016 14:37:53

Can the weather get any worse than it is today? No! Temps +11.0C, calm conditions and persistent drizzle accompanied by unremittingly overcast skies. Utterly dire. This is the dreaded Zonal Bartlett in action and personally if we can't get cold or storms I hope we'll switch to a full Bartlett.

Brian Gaze
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"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Chunky Pea
13 December 2016 14:55:01

Can the weather get any worse than it is today? No! Temps +11.0C, calm conditions and persistent drizzle accompanied by unremittingly overcast skies. Utterly dire. This is the dreaded Zonal Bartlett in action and personally if we can't get cold or storms I hope we'll switch to a full Bartlett.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Welcome to my world!

Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
13 December 2016 14:56:24


In which case, we should be in for blizzards beyond all compare down here - two frosts in November, that was it. There wasn't enough ice to support a flea, let alone a duck!

Originally Posted by: Retron 

tbh looking at the charts at the moment even slush would be a bonus !

Gavin D
13 December 2016 15:23:00

Can the weather get any worse than it is today? No! Temps +11.0C, calm conditions and persistent drizzle accompanied by unremittingly overcast skies. Utterly dire. This is the dreaded Zonal Bartlett in action and personally if we can't get cold or storms I hope we'll switch to a full Bartlett.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

I suppose last year was worse with the severe flooding - albeit this was more for the northern half of the UK admittedly 

13 December 2016 15:28:34

It's becoming yet another overcast damp dull and dark muggy warm day with temperatures 0f 14c.

If this was summer we would be seeing a week or two of extreme heat and thunder etc. Just a big pity we never get the right set up in the right month. - We had a week of easterlies in October which could have brought cold and snow if this occurred now and now winter is here we get a perfect set up for a summers chart with southerly winds.

Just a horror show really - not to mention.. very unseasonal.

Originally Posted by: tallyho_83 

You make a very valid point re never getting the right set up in the right month.

13 December 2016 16:42:24


In which case, we should be in for blizzards beyond all compare down here - two frosts in November, that was it. There wasn't enough ice to support a flea, let alone a duck!

Originally Posted by: Retron 


Being stuck out on the east side of the Isle of Sheppey is not really representative though is it, especially in November (sea still very warm in relative terms) and with the 'type' of cold nights this November (clear and still) as opposed to truly cold air stream. 

In Horley, Surrey (and backed by the official Gatwick stats close by) a total of 9 frosts in November 2016.

(and indeed expecting slush and muck most of this winter )




  • TomC
  • Advanced Member
13 December 2016 17:29:00
I heard a pop song from the 80s last night, it went 'They said there would be snow at Christmas. They said there would be peace on earth. Instead it just kept on raining......' You see the Met office have always got the blame for everything.
13 December 2016 18:08:08

This can't get any worse - not to mention unseasonal or boring! Absolutely nothing here now - just another day of 14c with overcast skies spits of drizzle and dull or gloomy.

I am a little frustrated - we saw so many colder ensembles charts on the GFS A week ago including on Gav Christmas video updates - and now it looks like not one will materialise NOT one!! All we need is a cold spell ...just one.

Also, I thought because we have lower solar activity with fewer sunspots, a weak La Nina to Enso neutral, more hurricanes in the Atlantic (this fall) as well as a rapid build-up of Siberian snow-cover increases chances of blocking and colder air to come our way!? Why isn't this the case!? I am not criticising any Gav's video updates but we have had all of the above except a tri-pol yet we still fail to get any proper cold continental air or wintry weather so far and won't have any for the rest of the month now. Is this winter going to be another poor one or am I being too pessimistic!? 

At least December 2015 brought a good amount of snow to some parts of Scotland /mountains. This winter there has been little if any snow so far for Scotland and this looks set to continue. What a dire start!

Your turn now Richard?! How's the weather in Aberdeen - is this December worse that last December so far?!

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

13 December 2016 18:14:44
No it is nowhere near as bad as the incessant rain and damaging storms of last December and I certainly hope it will not develop into that at any stage this winter. Wintry it is not but better than last year? Without the shadow of a doubt! It's also not overly exciting or interesting, just rather benign.
13 December 2016 18:17:15

No it is nowhere near as bad as the incessant rain and damaging storms of last December and I certainly hope it will not develop into that at any stage this winter. Wintry it is not but better than last year? Without the shadow of a doubt! It's also not overly exciting or interesting, just rather benign.

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

But last December Scottish highlands did have some snow in December right!?


Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

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