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13 December 2016 18:19:38


But last December Scottish highlands did have some snow in December right!?


Originally Posted by: tallyho_83 

Probably but you were asking about Aberdeen?

13 December 2016 22:13:13

I see Turkey braced for more heavy snow.

Medway Towns (Kent)
The Weather will do what it wants, when it wants, no matter what data is thrown at it !
Medlock Vale Weather
13 December 2016 22:21:00

I see Turkey braced for more heavy snow.

Originally Posted by: Jonesy 

Probably Greece too

Alan in Medlock Valley - Oldham's frost hollow. 103 metres above sea level.
What is a frost hollow? 
13 December 2016 22:34:40

I see Turkey braced for more heavy snow.

Originally Posted by: Jonesy 

Unsurprising. Parts of Turkey are climatically much colder and snowier than the UK. The area around the capital is colder and snowier than most of Scotland on average.

13 December 2016 22:55:28


Unsurprising. Parts of Turkey are climatically much colder and snowier than the UK. The area around the capital is colder and snowier than most of Scotland on average.

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

Indeed and quite a contrast across the country, 18*c down on Med and potentially recording break lows to the North East / East

It'll be interesting to see the snowfall totals 

Medway Towns (Kent)
The Weather will do what it wants, when it wants, no matter what data is thrown at it !
Saint Snow
14 December 2016 12:12:43

Jeez, it's been a few days of awful weather IMBY - dull, damp, drizzly & mild.

The absolute worst

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
14 December 2016 12:21:01

It's Spring.  What do you all expect?  Endless days of record breaking heat? 

Winter came and went 2 weeks ago .....   At least we had one this year!

Evesham, Worcs, Albion - 35m asl
Weather & Earth Science News 

Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job - DNA
Saint Snow
14 December 2016 12:34:07

It's Spring.  What do you all expect?  Endless days of record breaking heat? 

Winter came and went 2 weeks ago .....   At least we had one this year!

Originally Posted by: Essan 


Point of order: the sun's out and temps are comfortably into double figures. That means it's summer. If today's stormy NWP comes off, we'll have autumn in a week or two.

And we all know that after autumn comes......






















....more autumn!!

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
14 December 2016 12:46:03

Just had a skeg (© Sevendust) through the models . . . and oh look, quelle surprise, the Atlantic looks like properly waking up in time for the festive period . . . Now, there's a turn up for the books (!) as I was kinda hoping for Winter (read as Autumn) to be as short and painless as possible. Aaaaaaaanyway, it IS a long way off in forecasting terms and today is being a lovely near spring-like day here at Folkestone. This time last year we were on our fourth or fifth named storm, this year we're still on "A".

Folkestone Harbour. 
14 December 2016 13:05:59

Are we having fluffy lambs instead of hairy deer this festive season due to mild weather..... Nor right for cold lovers anywhere.....

Some people walk in the rain.
Others just get wet.
I Just Blow my horn or trumpet
Brian Gaze
14 December 2016 13:09:46
I'm refusing to cut the grass but I may have no choice. If it keeps growing like this it won't be possible to see out of the downstairs windows by Christmas. What a complete joke of a winter this is turning into!
Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
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14 December 2016 13:21:19


Unsurprising. Parts of Turkey are climatically much colder and snowier than the UK. The area around the capital is colder and snowier than most of Scotland on average.

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

Very true. I went on holiday to Turkey in February a few years ago. Amazing contrasts with deep powder snow inland and -12C temps and warm (well 16/17C) coastal temperatures with well advanced spring plant growth. The light levels were much higher than the UK at this time of year too. Coming back to Britain was a journey into the heart of darkness. No wonder the Romans left.


Vale of the Great Dairies
South Dorset
Elevation 60m 197ft
14 December 2016 13:28:38
I have a climbing rose on a sw facing wall- still flowering. Another farce of a winter upto now, mind you at least we have had a frost or two. The hope of November looks to be fading fast, upstream conditions now look to be favouring a spell of zonality. For how long we don't know, but it sure don't look good if it's cold and snow your after.
Chunky Pea
14 December 2016 14:38:17

Finally recorded a rain rate that was above 2.0mm/h this month with a peak rate of 46.9mm/h registered at 3.47am. Looking at the maps, it must have been down to a passing cold front.

Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
14 December 2016 15:35:49

I have a climbing rose on a sw facing wall- still flowering. Another farce of a winter upto now, mind you at least we have had a frost or two. The hope of November looks to be fading fast, upstream conditions now look to be favouring a spell of zonality. For how long we don't know, but it sure don't look good if it's cold and snow your after.

Originally Posted by: JACKO4EVER 

A rose flowering in winter is not really a reflection in winter. It's normal for roses to still flowering throughout winter. 

Brian Gaze
14 December 2016 15:42:06


A rose flowering in winter is not really a reflection in winter. It's normal for roses to still flowering throughout winter. 

Originally Posted by: picturesareme 

Jeez! Talk about putting a dampner on a good whinge. 

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Tim A
14 December 2016 15:48:48


A rose flowering in winter is not really a reflection in winter. It's normal for roses to still flowering throughout winter. 

Originally Posted by: picturesareme 

I would agree and think it has something to do with the type of rose.   I cut my roses back last week as I was sick of them still flowering.  They had endured a cold November with frost , 3 days of snow cover and sub zero temperatures yet they still kept flowering.  

NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
14 December 2016 18:07:19

What kind of winter is it when my Hot Lips continues to flower in mid December

If it didn't lighten my heart every time I saw it I would definitely start moaning

I would moan about modern winters, the Met office, LRFs and anyone who made a forecast that was wrong.

I would take my innermost ire and spew it out in a trolling fashion on this forum. Much much easier to moan then reflect on why a forecast being wrong is SO UPSETTING

14 December 2016 18:40:13


A rose flowering in winter is not really a reflection in winter. It's normal for roses to still flowering throughout winter. 

Originally Posted by: picturesareme 

LOL a sanders white rose normally doesn't flower in December, it's a rambler 


Whether Idle
14 December 2016 19:27:23

Just a 4 days cold snap.  That's now the level of my expectations/ hopes.  Being able to remember February 1978, Dec 1978, Jan and Feb 1979, December 1981, January 1982, February 1983, January, February and March 1985, November 1985, February 1986, January and March 1987, from my child-early adult hood, it is galling to have to tolerate the crud that is being served up at present. 

Dover, 5m asl. Half a mile from the south coast.
14 December 2016 20:46:14

Your turn now Richard?! How's the weather in Aberdeen - is this December worse that last December so far?!

Originally Posted by: tallyho_83 

Yes, it’s worse than last December. Just beyond awful. Last December did not feature incessant rain and storms - that was the first third of January. Only the last week, or so, of December 2015 was wet and that was punctuated by sunny days, so far preferable to the incessant gloom being endured at the moment. The first half of last December was dull and very mild, but dry. This month has been the same but even milder and duller.

Today was the most depressing start yet with thick murk and drizzle first thing accompanied by a moderate to strong SE wind and a temp of 9C. All the boxes ticked under the heading of ‘Winter Filth’. It’s like winter weather on Bodmin Moor not the NE of Scotland.

Here’s my data for the first fortnight of December 2016 with 1st-14th December 2015 figures in brackets:

Mean Max: 8.4 (7.8)
Mean Min: 3.7 (3.0)
Mean: 6.1 (5.4)
Air Frosts: 1 (1)
Snow Falling: 0 (1)
Snow Lying: 0 (1)
Sunshine: 16.6hrs (23.1hrs)
Rainfall: 14.6mm (27.4mm)

Essentially it’s the same as 2013 and 2015, and in both cases the weather got even more repulsive into January with ZERO spells of decent winter weather in either season and there is no reason to assume the same won’t happen again. It’s going to need a big turnaround for this not to end up as the worst winter month, in my 11-year records, for cold as well as the worst for lack of sun.

Getting these conditions two years on the trot, as well as in 2013, is the equivalent, at the other end of the scale, to getting three December 2010’s in four years. That would never happen as, like I’ve said so many times, we are living in the worst era for weather in recorded history where we have to suffer a glut of utter garbage that is never balanced out by the equivalent at the other end of the spectrum

Aberdeen: The only place that misses out on everything

2023 - The Year that's Constantly Worse than a Bad November
2024 - 2023 without the Good Bits
14 December 2016 21:23:47

Just had a skeg (© Sevendust) through the models . . . and oh look, quelle surprise, the Atlantic looks like properly waking up in time for the festive period . . . Now, there's a turn up for the books (!) as I was kinda hoping for Winter (read as Autumn) to be as short and painless as possible. Aaaaaaaanyway, it IS a long way off in forecasting terms and today is being a lovely near spring-like day here at Folkestone. This time last year we were on our fourth or fifth named storm, this year we're still on "A".

Originally Posted by: idj20 

No suprises there then,it is bound to at some point soon,been too quiet for too long! Late December.January could well be a very stormy and soggy affair.I remember two weeks ago how everyone was getting excited about the models showing/hinting mid December could see things turning increasingly colder with a decent cold spell developing.What happened The complete opposite has happened,winter is here and the weather warms up!! December could very well end up being warmer than November.

The modern winter eh

Medlock Vale Weather
14 December 2016 22:39:04

Getting a bit fed up with the wild goose chase of hunting proper cold charts 10 days out for them to never get closer. Same old story since the middle of November. Such promising signs coming into Winter for it to fall flat on it's face. Just wasting my time model watching, think I will give it a break for a week or so.

Alan in Medlock Valley - Oldham's frost hollow. 103 metres above sea level.
What is a frost hollow? 
15 December 2016 01:52:33


Yes, it’s worse than last December. Just beyond awful. Last December did not feature incessant rain and storms - that was the first third of January. Only the last week, or so, of December 2015 was wet and that was punctuated by sunny days, so far preferable to the incessant gloom being endured at the moment. The first half of last December was dull and very mild, but dry. This month has been the same but even milder and duller.

Today was the most depressing start yet with thick murk and drizzle first thing accompanied by a moderate to strong SE wind and a temp of 9C. All the boxes ticked under the heading of ‘Winter Filth’. It’s like winter weather on Bodmin Moor not the NE of Scotland.

Here’s my data for the first fortnight of December 2016 with 1st-14th December 2015 figures in brackets:

Mean Max: 8.4 (7.8)
Mean Min: 3.7 (3.0)
Mean: 6.1 (5.4)
Air Frosts: 1 (1)
Snow Falling: 0 (1)
Snow Lying: 0 (1)
Sunshine: 16.6hrs (23.1hrs)
Rainfall: 14.6mm (27.4mm)

Essentially it’s the same as 2013 and 2015, and in both cases the weather got even more repulsive into January with ZERO spells of decent winter weather in either season and there is no reason to assume the same won’t happen again. It’s going to need a big turnaround for this not to end up as the worst winter month, in my 11-year records, for cold as well as the worst for lack of sun.

Getting these conditions two years on the trot, as well as in 2013, is the equivalent, at the other end of the scale, to getting three December 2010’s in four years. That would never happen as, like I’ve said so many times, we are living in the worst era for weather in recorded history where we have to suffer a glut of utter garbage that is never balanced out by the equivalent at the other end of the spectrum

Originally Posted by: richardabdn 

Interesting stats! Another horrible day here too....but 13c instead of 14c for a change but there was still a spit of drizzle in the air but so dully and murky and just gloomy. Mild too! So unseasonal. Nothing really to report. Lack of cold or extreme - same old and so much for the colder pattern returning from mid-month - looks like next week we will see a change from mild and overcast and duller to mild and unsettled! We have had almost a week of 13 to 14c even 15c by day and night with little or no change. Spits of rain or drizzle bore and can frustrate many people. It's just on and off. If it's going to rain then let it rain and heavy (no floods). It's like we are stuck in the rut'? have I used this term right?

I remember when I lived in Calgary back in 2005 there were countless days of -18c where it would just be light snow crystals and flakes followed by flurries or snow grains but no substantial snowfall - Only dustings totalling 0.5cm, but then again there would be a Chinook wind and temperatures would rise and the sun would come out and -5c felt pleasant.

The lack of extreme, be it cold, snow, frost or general weather is getting to me - Forecasters must feel bored forecasting the same old.

Simon Keeling not only got the dates wrong but he did mention sleet and snow at least 4 times. - The fact is neither will materialise looking at the models - even all those hints of blocking and easterlies as seen in Gav Christmas updates with a good 7/10 which favoured drier or colder than average conditions - one or two with severe easterlies! NOW look all incorrect because it would be wetter and windier now. Obviously not Gavin's fault but out of all those charts and updates showing so many cold options and setups it's so frustrating not to have one cold spell in a winter month...that's all we need is just one but instead we have a flip for the worse. - Mild, wet and windy! YUCK!

My friend has gone to Atlanta, Georgia - they are expecting clear and cold conditions with -5c tomorrow night and a daytime max of +4c with frost early morning and late and just two days later they will get temperatures of 18c with thunderstorms and the following day temperatures will fall back to a maximum of +6c with some rain and sleet!

See the difference and how much more volatile and interesting the weather is over there?

Obviously, I know why! But still.

I was just speaking to a friend in Istanbul - there has been snow there and Ankara has had -13c and there has been snow there too and daytime maxes of -3c. This is the worst climate to be in if you want anything interesting. I thought the weather in Vancouver was very boring and overcast - same for Cork, Ireland but this really tops it so far.


Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

15 December 2016 02:59:20
So Given the current and persistent, dismal, gloomy, mild and mucky weather, I wonder if they should re-open the bemusement park Dismaland!? 

I do value their artists - very creative indeed.

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

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