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18 January 2017 22:41:13
Well, after 3 near perfect meteorological set-ups, end of Nov, Dec and early Jan it has all come to naught...and although it is only mid Jan by the way the charts are looking and model outputs I feel that this winter is slowly slipping away from us, and to rub salt into the wound we see news reports of countries bordering the Med that are experiencing sub zero temps and heavy depressing the past 3 winters have been in the UK...
18 January 2017 22:59:06


Topsy turvy for sure... and now even the uk  has a small scale 'back to front'  with the clear south east at -2 or 3 deg c and the murky North west of Scotland  at 8 or 9 deg c ...but hey that's not that the bulk of the cold is still the other side of the channel.

Originally Posted by: chiversa56 

All to do with Brexit for sure!! Our punishment! - The UK goes it alone.


Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

18 January 2017 23:40:21
My only complaint about the weather recently is that it's been pretty boring. Wouldn't mind the odd Atlantic storm roaring through actually just to spice things up a bit. Still, I'm thankful I'm not getting those severe frosts that those in the south are getting though.
Blackrod, Lancashire (4 miles south of Chorley) at 156m asl.
My weather station 
Andy Woodcock
19 January 2017 09:01:11
Another day of 'Blade Runner' weather, thick cloud, drizzle and semi darkness, if you weren't depressed before this current spell of weather you will be now!

This is fast becoming the most tedious miserable winter for Decades, reminds me very much of 1991/92 although at least that winter had a few colder spells and wasn't quite as gloomy as January is turning out.

When forecasts of a cold winter first came out in November I was afraid that despite good background signals the winter would downgrade into the anticyclonic gloom type with a persistent UK High and so it has proved.

Scenes of snowy beaches from Crete to the Costa Del Sol have only heightened the feeling of betrayal, loss and disappointment. On purely practical terms this winter is still better than last year because I hate wind and rain but it will still go down as one of the worst and most depressing winters of my 55 years on planet Earth.

And please spare me the 'there is still time it's only late January' replies, any pattern change will only bring the Atlantic back so a cold spell is a million miles away. Check the CET record and you will see a mild December and January is NEVER followed by a cold February. The cast is set and the only relief from this miserable excuse for a winter will be the arrival of spring in 6 weeks time.

I often thought about moving to Lanzarote for my retirement but now that escape has gone due to bloody Brexit, the U.K. feels on its own these days in more ways than one.

Andy Woodcock

Altitude 535 feet

"Why are the British so worried about climate change? Any change to their climate can only be an improvement" John Daley 2001
snow 2004
19 January 2017 09:12:59



I know. Anyone would think it was summer!


Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 


I was just coming to this thread to moan about the drizzle. Still some in the air this morning. This is now day 4! 0.0 hours of sun so far since Monday. 


We also had a few days a drizzle before Christmas if I remember. Least it was sunny over Christmas: 

Glossop Derbyshire, 200m asl
19 January 2017 09:18:23

Check the CET record and you will see a mild December and January is NEVER followed by a cold February.


Originally Posted by: Andy Woodcock 

Depends how cold?

Winter 1993-94?

Winter 1980-81?

Winter 1872-73?

Winter 1852-53?



Timelapses, old weather forecasts and natural phenomena videos can be seen on this site
19 January 2017 09:19:58
FOUR days of dire coma inducing maggot infested crap, another day of overcast drizzle with temperatures stuck at 4C. No sun, just grey vomit inducing misty dampness, the smell of rot and mildew in the garden briefly waking me from this continuing winters nightmare.
Roll on Spring......
19 January 2017 09:29:08


Depends how cold?

Winter 1993-94?

Winter 1980-81?

Winter 1872-73?

Winter 1852-53?



Originally Posted by: KevBrads1 

Winter 2011-12 was  a mild winter overall with a cold spell in the CET area during first half of February. A bit like was happened exactly  100 years previous to this. The very mild second half of that February stopped it being a cold February overall.

Timelapses, old weather forecasts and natural phenomena videos can be seen on this site
  • RobR
  • Advanced Member
19 January 2017 09:33:31

I'm usually fine with quiet weather as it is usually sunny, but this is so depressing. Since Sunday we've not had an ounce of sunshine and it has been semi-dark since. The heavy rain of Sunday is still lingering in the air as the air is so moist and the ground has gone from dry to sodden in the space of a few days (considering how dry it was before this hasn't taken much doing!).

I feel sorry for those with SAD on days like this. I'd actually take some wind over this dank, dark, thick moist air.

Winter 23/24 in Nantwich
Days Snow Falling: 4
Days Snow Lying: 1
Deepest Snowfall: 3rd December 23 (2cm)

Winter 22/23 in Nantwich

Days Snow Falling: 4
Days Snow Lying: 2
Deepest Snowfall: 10th March (3cm)
Latest Snowfall: 10th March

Winter 21/22 in Nantwich

Days Snow Falling: 3
Days Snow Lying: 1
Deepest Snowfall: 28th November (3cm)
Latest Snowfall: 31st March

Winter 20/21 in Solihull

Days Snow Falling: 21
Days Snow Lying: 8
Deepest Snowfall: 24th January (9cm)
Latest Snowfall: 12th April

Winter 19/20 in Stoke

Days Snow Falling: 5
Days Snow Lying: 2
Deepest Snowfall: 10th Feb (5cm)

Winter 18/19 in Stoke

Days Snow Falling: 6
Days Snow Lying: 6
Deepest Snowfall: 29th Jan (3cm)

Winter 17/18 in Stoke

Days Snow Falling: 27
Days Snow Lying: 24
Deepest Snowfall: 18th March 2018 (10cm)
Brian Gaze
19 January 2017 09:34:34

Glorious weather here for the last few days. Frosty mornings and chilly (but not cold) afternoons. 

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
19 January 2017 09:35:48

Glorious weather here for the last few days. Frosty mornings and chilly (but not cold) afternoons. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Am I allowed to remove an email by the site owner for trolling the moaning thread? 

[email protected]
Andy Woodcock
19 January 2017 09:39:15


Depends how cold?

Winter 1993-94?

Winter 1980-81?

Winter 1872-73?

Winter 1852-53?



Originally Posted by: KevBrads1 


Lol, 300 years of records and that's the best examples Kev?

The cold Februaries of 1981 and 1994 weren't really that cold and the easterlies that did occur were weak with only transient snowfalls, also the pattern in the preceding December and January was better than this year with several cold spells in each month.

Anyway thanks for looking!



Andy Woodcock

Altitude 535 feet

"Why are the British so worried about climate change? Any change to their climate can only be an improvement" John Daley 2001
Brian Gaze
19 January 2017 09:58:27


Am I allowed to remove an email by the site owner for trolling the moaning thread? 

Originally Posted by: NickR 

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Saint Snow
19 January 2017 10:21:34


Winter 2011-12 was  a mild winter overall with a cold spell in the CET area during first half of February. A bit like was happened exactly  100 years previous to this. The very mild second half of that February stopped it being a cold February overall.

Originally Posted by: KevBrads1 


I don't recall much of the 2005/6 winter (so it can't have been particularly remarkable!) but there was a cold spell in late Feb/March. It was initially created from blocking to our north, bringing a NE'ly, flow, which gave heavy snow showers to favoured areas, before the high retrogressed into more of a Greenland High to allow low pressure to move in from the NE shifting the flow more to a N'ly and more north-facing areas got snow (North Wales was a winter wonderland), before the flow moved briefly NNW'ly (I got snow!!). The high then looked to topple, but made a last stand as a smallish Scandinavian High that allowed trough disruption as the Atlantic moved in. Western Scotland, Cumbria, North Wales all got plastered (12-18" of snow widely) but we were just too far east to get anything other than light snow for around 4 hours that gave about 2" level depth.


Quick change, too. Went from this 'no hope' set-up on the 15th Feb:

To this just 10 days later

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Chunky Pea
19 January 2017 10:32:40

Woke up to blue skies this morning. Quite a shock to the system and still taking me a while to adjust.

Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
19 January 2017 10:38:01

Perhaps instead of thinking of a 'Scandi High' or a 'Greeny High' or 'Uncle Barty' as features of British winters, we should be thinking of a 'UK high' which could be christened 'Uncle Brexit' as it sounds like the state of mind of current politicians.

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
19 January 2017 14:17:15

Havn`t seen any sunshine here since last Friday, just grey,dark skies with occasional drizzle. Very depressing, I think even our cat is depressed as she usually enjoys sunbathing in the back garden.



Eric. Cheadle Hulme, Stockport.
Solar Cycles
19 January 2017 15:25:40

Woke up to blue skies this morning. Quite a shock to the system and still taking me a while to adjust.

Originally Posted by: Chunky Pea 

I've almost forgot what blue looks like........ The colour blue that is. 😂

Saint Snow
19 January 2017 16:25:04

I've almost forgot what blue looks like........ The colour blue that is. 😂

Originally Posted by: Solar Cycles 


Just look at that rosette you wear come election time

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
19 January 2017 16:39:29



Lol, 300 years of records and that's the best examples Kev?

The cold Februaries of 1981 and 1994 weren't really that cold and the easterlies that did occur were weak with only transient snowfalls, also the pattern in the preceding December and January was better than this year with several cold spells in each month.

Anyway thanks for looking!



Originally Posted by: Andy Woodcock 

1872-73, I wrote an article on that a couple of years ago about the long wait

December 1872 CET: 5.3C
January 1873 CET: 5.2C
February 1873 CET: 1.8C

21st December 1872-18th January 1873 had a CET of 7.8C


Timelapses, old weather forecasts and natural phenomena videos can be seen on this site
Andy Woodcock
19 January 2017 16:44:20


1872-73, I wrote an article on that a couple of years ago about the long wait

December 1872 CET: 5.3C
January 1873 CET: 5.2C
February 1873 CET: 1.8C

21st December 1872-18th January 1873 had a CET of 7.8C


Originally Posted by: KevBrads1 


Oh well Kev after 130 years we must be due a rerun of 1872/73!

Actually all it would take is for the next European block to locate 1000 miles further north and the U.K. Would be very cold, not impossible and the MetO rank the chances as low but hey you never know.

It's not enough however to stop my countdown to spring.


Andy Woodcock

Altitude 535 feet

"Why are the British so worried about climate change? Any change to their climate can only be an improvement" John Daley 2001
Medlock Vale Weather
19 January 2017 21:35:24

A poor Winter once again with only a couple of inches of snow at most. February will have to deliver big time to save this Winter. And this never ending anticyclonic gloom can do one! such a snooze fest.

Alan in Medlock Valley - Oldham's frost hollow. 103 metres above sea level.
What is a frost hollow? 
20 January 2017 10:46:18
So far this has been about the most uninteresting winter I can recall, or at least since 1988/89. On a positive note for you southerners, the normally clement Home Counties are at least catching some of that freezing continental air now, after the disappointment of last week's alleged arctic blast.
Livingston, West Lothian 148m (485 ft) asl
Winter 2016-17 to date: 10 days with falling snow, 5 days with lying snow, 1 ice day.
20 January 2017 16:18:49
First sun today since last Saturday, that's five full days of grim bog trotting anticyclonic vomit inducing garbage masquerading as winter. Roll on spring when I can sit in my greenhouse and enjoy the ever increasing power of the sun
20 January 2017 17:49:59

This putrid run of winters has given us one of the wettest December’s on record (2012), one of the wettest January’s on record (2014) and the wettest January on record (2016).

No close to record breaking wet February so I’ve been thinking that perhaps we’ll get one of those, since getting anything remotely decent now appears impossible, and low and behold absolutely horrific charts like these start to appear 

Who knows whether that will transpire but what is clear is that this dire month joins December and a shedload of recent January’s as a total write-off month. It was unreal just how bad January was between 1988 and 2004 with few heavy snowfalls but since 2005 it has sunk to a whole new level of awfulness. Just three of the past 13 January’s have produced more than 2cm of snow. There are no words to describe how ridiculous this is. At least before 2011 December and February often delivered but since then they’re all in the same sinking boat of despair

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