We do seem to have a bit of a disconnect between very nice looking synoptic charts and 850s for the next few days, and rather poor actual temperature and sunshine forecasts. I assume this will be one of those weeks where cloud and blue sky battle it out for supremacy, and it's at times like this reality and forecasts can be far apart.
For example today: BBC this morning said 24C at Wimbledon, sunny until afternoon then clouding over. The automatic outputs range from cloudy 22C on the iPhone app and BBC website to 24C quite sunny on weatheronline. Actually it's been 21C (probably 22C at a push), cloudy all day but clearing in the afternoon. All under the same general pattern.
Next few days: as someone pointed out GFS suggests moderate amounts of cloud around and maxes pegged back into the mid 20s. Arpege, with exactly the same overall synoptics, has a much cloudier but still warmish Saturday, and a much brighter Sunday with maxes hitting 29C. We have the BBC weather website and some very miserable looking weather presenters showing a cloud fest and modest temperatures for the next 7 days, and so do most of the automated sites. Yet the pattern midweek just looks hotter than what they are suggesting.
We did have a bit of this in 2003: in early July there was what looked like it ought to be a settled sunny spell but was extremely cloudy, with one day seeing the sun peak out and temperatures soar to 29C. Then a cold front, a new ridge and a clear few days with a peak of 33. Let's see.
Brockley, South East London 30m asl