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The Beast from the East
23 February 2018 22:25:51
Probably being too progressive but consistent theme from gfs
"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
23 February 2018 22:25:52

It’s all reminding me of March 1891

Originally Posted by: squish 

Did you ride through the snow on your penny farthing? 

Rob K
23 February 2018 22:27:41

It’s all reminding me of March 1891

Originally Posted by: squish 

You don't look a day over 110!


That GFS is a minor tweak away from being epic for everyone. 

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
23 February 2018 22:28:03

It’s all reminding me of March 1891

Originally Posted by: squish 

bloody hell you are a lot older than I thought - what do you make of the potential milder incursion?

23 February 2018 22:28:36

It’s all reminding me of March 1891

Originally Posted by: squish 

I’m not sure I remember that one - must have been just before I started keeping records. 

Messy on the 18z GFS op run in the medium to longer term 

That could go either way and should really be viewed in the context of the ensemble data later.

23 February 2018 22:28:46

It’s all reminding me of March 1891

Originally Posted by: squish 

This may be a good moment to plug a topic I started today called "Classic snowstorms of the past", of which I identified the 1891 blizzard as being one:

In 1891, though, I don't think the milder air ever made landfall in the UK.

Cranleigh, Surrey
Brian Gaze
23 February 2018 22:29:57

GFS18z brings a mix of rain, sleet and snow next Friday and Saturday. Not a big fan of this evolution at all.

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Rob K
23 February 2018 22:31:56
March 1891. A tweak here and there and this could be a repeat. 

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
Rob K
23 February 2018 22:39:57
Truly bizarre synoptics by 222 hours with a NE to SW flow across the entire Atlantic. I think GFS is losing the plot.
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
23 February 2018 22:41:22

Truly bizarre synoptics by 222 hours with a NE to SW flow across the entire Atlantic. I think GFS is losing the plot.

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

Let's hope so. I'm not fond of it's FI, not after the joy of ECM's earlier!


edit: Bermuda High get to the Media Thread, man! 

Rob K
23 February 2018 22:42:52
GFS has been worryingly consistent though, three runs in a row it has done this with the low pressure. ECM has also been pretty solid too.

This is one situation when a "halfway house" would be spot on!
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
23 February 2018 22:46:25

GFS has been worryingly consistent though, three runs in a row it has done this with the low pressure. ECM has also been pretty solid too.

This is one situation when a "halfway house" would be spot on!

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

Yes a battleground setting up between GFS and ECM. I hope GFS progressive tendencies and underestimation of the stubbornness a coldpool can provide let it down here.

UKMO 168 probably a little closer to GFS but hard to say given the orientation of that chart.

Chiltern Blizzard
23 February 2018 22:47:26

GFS has been worryingly consistent though, three runs in a row it has done this with the low pressure. ECM has also been pretty solid too.

This is one situation when a "halfway house" would be spot on!

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

Yes, a blended solution normally means we get something drab and unremarkable... This time it could make for something very special. The 12z Op was far more progressive with the mild incursion that almost all other perturbations, including the control.  Interesting... but even it itndoes gonthe way of the 18z Op, it will have been a special spell, albeit short.

Rendlesham, Suffolk 20m asl
23 February 2018 22:50:23
There's always some sort of hurdle to get over when we look forward to cold spells. Usually we fall flat on our faces at some point, or at the very least we twist an ankle and limp over the finish line. One final hurdle is this low on Friday - let's hope GFS is out on its own and backtracks in the days to come.
Brian Gaze
23 February 2018 22:54:33


Yes a battleground setting up between GFS and ECM. I hope GFS progressive tendencies and underestimation of the stubbornness a coldpool can provide let it down here.

UKMO 168 probably a little closer to GFS but hard to say given the orientation of that chart.

Originally Posted by: SJV 

Have we established if the so called MetO 168 is actually that or is it the MOGREPS control run? 

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Rob K
23 February 2018 22:56:23

There's always some sort of hurdle to get over when we look forward to cold spells. Usually we fall flat on our faces at some point, or at the very least we twist an ankle and limp over the finish line. One final hurdle is this low on Friday - let's hope GFS is out on its own and backtracks in the days to come.

Originally Posted by: SJV 

To be fair plenty of people in the more northern and western parts would be quite happy with that epic snowstorm. 


FWIW my automated forecast on my phone has just flipped colder for the weekend. Now shows snow on Friday Saturday and Sunday!

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
23 February 2018 23:00:43


To be fair plenty of people in the more northern and western parts would be quite happy with that epic snowstorm. 


FWIW my automated forecast on my phone has just flipped colder for the weekend. Now shows snow on Friday Saturday and Sunday!

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

High risk high reward definitely! Up here we'd get plenty of snow from it too but I'm greedy and I want the whole month of March to be cold 

Brian - no idea if it's MOGREPS control or not, I'm just calling it what everyone else calls it!

Rob K
23 February 2018 23:09:55
Looks like a bit of a shift towards the op run solution in the GEFS. Mean is two degrees higher by T156 in London, more members bringing in milder air.
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
23 February 2018 23:16:32

Looks like a bit of a shift towards the op run solution in the GEFS. Mean is two degrees higher by T156 in London, more members bringing in milder air.

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

So the breakdown commences? 😂😂 Winter is over 😚😭😉

Witney, Oxfordshire
100m ASL
Arbroath 1320
23 February 2018 23:22:47

Looks like a bit of a shift towards the op run solution in the GEFS. Mean is two degrees higher by T156 in London, more members bringing in milder air.

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

Generally, I always feel the GFS model is good at picking up pattern changes, but it does seem to be a bit eratic at times and has a tendency to overdo Atlantic progressions. However, nailing the Northerly extent of the advancing low which is almost a week away, must be subject significant error. 

I'd take a punt at GFS being right in terms of the general pattern, but there's no need to worry too much at this stage about the detail. At least 4 to 5 days of deep cold and snow looks pretty much nailed on now.


Gandalf The White
23 February 2018 23:24:03

ICON 18z UK snow depths at t+120:

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

I wonder if ICON is malfunctioning?  I've noticed that it keeps showing the precipitation as rain, even with 850s down at -12c.  Then there's the way it shows showers in the North Sea not penetrating far inland In East Anglia, eastern Scotland and a few other areas. Here's the cumulative precipitation chart. Given the wind direction and strength that just doesn't look right.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

23 February 2018 23:24:14

It’s all reminding me of March 1891

Originally Posted by: squish 

I won't ask how old you are then?

Interesting how both Wednesday and Thursday are showing maxes of -2c in many areas yet the BBC fail to come up with any warnings and over cook temps and show +2c But anyway back on topic.,

Looking unusually cold for mid afternoon this Wednesday and Thursday: I wonder what the windchill would make it feel like -10c? seeing as the BBC can't talk about this?


Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

23 February 2018 23:24:43
Control has the mother of all snowstorms at t180. Takes the low even further north than the op but it's colder, too.
23 February 2018 23:32:50

Control has the mother of all snowstorms at t180. Takes the low even further north than the op but it's colder, too.

Originally Posted by: SJV 

Yes subtle difference between control and Op. 

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

23 February 2018 23:38:26


So the breakdown commences? 😂😂 Winter is over 😚😭😉

Originally Posted by: moomin75 

WELL it would be March the 1st ;)

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