It's not hoping, it's simply looking at all the available output. Just basing things on operational runs isn't a good way to look at things! The 0z ECM op, for example, was again at the top 10% from 156 onwards to the end of its run. The control run showed typical zonality with mild days interspersed with colder weather. By the end of the run (which is Christmas Day as it happens) there's a chilly westerly and NW'ly flow over the UK.
You missed last month's models then! There were several days last month where the ensembles, both ECM and GEFS, were showing not even a single cold straggler.
The point this time is that there are still cold runs, a cluster of them in fact, in both ECM and GEFS. All the time they're present there's uncertainty in the outlook.
That's without going into the stratosphere, 500hPa patterns, jet stream alignment etc...
Originally Posted by: Retron