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Solar Cycles
28 November 2017 08:45:08
Well the mornings output shows once again why you shouldn’t bother looking beyond +144hrs, another t*ts up cold spell appears to be fading fast with heights slowly drifting away SE over the UK allowing the Atlantic lows to gain the upper hand in what would be the usual dish of the day fayre.
Brian Gaze
28 November 2017 08:45:23

At least us enthusiasts, can just hide behind our various devices and wait for another day...think how embarrassed the professionals feel , standing in front of millions of people on TV , changing  the media releases and having to wipe the egg of their faces, I have said it before the moment the forecasters openly start saying they are confident this or that will happen, in fact the opposite occurs! 


Originally Posted by: PFCSCOTTY 

You'll find that away from the forums most aren't bothered at this time of the year. It's the summer that counts. An unexpected washout barbecue, festival or village fete in August is what gets the public grumbling about weather forecasts. 

Brian Gaze
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Polar Low
28 November 2017 08:47:47

I dont fees offended Neil that’s the way I feel I appreciate the education but not feeling of them feeling awkward about an unexpected weather change.

The weather does what it wants I’m not heart broken about it Life moves on.


Apologies if this offends, but that is bloody ridiculous. As professionals they have a duty to be accurate which they do to the best of their ability. And they get paid according to position and years of training and education to achieve that position. 

If you wish to throw toys from your pram find another nursery to do it in.

Originally Posted by: nsrobins 

Polar Low
28 November 2017 08:49:00

I dont feel offended Neil that’s the way I feel I appreciate the education but not feeling of them feeling awkward about an unexpected weather change.

The weather does what it wants I’m not heart broken about it Life moves on.


Originally Posted by: Polar Low 

28 November 2017 09:01:37


You'll find that away from the forums most aren't bothered at this time of the year. It's the summer that counts. An unexpected washout barbecue, festival or village fete in August is what gets the public grumbling about weather forecasts. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 


Brian yes that's a fair assessment, however there are those in the outdoor, farming , outdoor and fashion worlds that also listen to every word and when the word "Snow" is mentioned (just like on here) many ears prick up whatever the age of those watching, reading or listening and it does become a hot topic, at school in the workplace, or in the pub....and that is when the forecasters get slated, because they have people's attention and get noticed when it goes wrong. my opinion. 😀

Gandalf The White
28 November 2017 09:06:39



At least us enthusiasts, can just hide behind our various devices and wait for another day...think how embarrassed the professionals feel , standing in front of millions of people on TV , changing  the media releases and having to wipe the egg of their faces, I have said it before the moment the forecasters openly start saying they are confident this or that will happen, in fact the opposite occurs! 


Originally Posted by: PFCSCOTTY 

I accept you might be disappointed but this is an abysmal, unwarranted and rather ignorant attack.  What would you have them do and say? If the models show a strong signal that’s what they will reflect. If they didn’t then no doubt you’d be complaining that the forecasts were not reflecting the model output.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Gavin D
28 November 2017 09:10:13



At least us enthusiasts, can just hide behind our various devices and wait for another day...think how embarrassed the professionals feel , standing in front of millions of people on TV , changing  the media releases and having to wipe the egg of their faces, I have said it before the moment the forecasters openly start saying they are confident this or that will happen, in fact the opposite occurs! 


Originally Posted by: PFCSCOTTY 

This is why the extended forecasts every night are always fraught with danger as we all know only too well how the models can get consistent with cold for a number of runs only to suddenly back away without much warning

Maunder Minimum
28 November 2017 09:13:30

The sad thing for the UK is that the stellar winter charts rarely materialise and the crud ones invariably do. We always get downgrades and any upgrades if we get them, only ever occur in FI, later to be downgraded.

If you want snow, move somewhere it usually does snow. Given the rotten winters we continually experience in western Europe, even the Alps and much of Scandinavia are no longer reliable. Best snow possibilities are in the Rockies and for genuine cold, keep heading east until you reach it.

Yesterday, GFS showed a genuine Greenland HP a little over a week away, with -10 850s over Scotland. The scale of the reversal since ECM spoilt the party with yesterday's 12Z output, is shocking, but typical of its kind for the UK winter. All eyes on the next set of runs, but with any optimism for next week having vanished into mild air.

New world order coming.
28 November 2017 09:21:35
GFS up to its old tricks with perpetually dangling the carrot in FI
Saint Snow
28 November 2017 09:35:08

If you want snow, move somewhere it usually does snow. Given the rotten winters we continually experience in western Europe, even the Alps and much of Scandinavia are no longer reliable. Best snow possibilities are in the Rockies and for genuine cold, keep heading east until you reach it.

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 


I hear Greece is a good option.

Anyway, I'm sure the 6z GFS will get us back on the right track...

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
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Aneurin Bevan
28 November 2017 09:38:15
Forgive me if I am mistaken but my calendar says it is 28th November today.
There is an unbelievable amount of gloom and doom here today for no good reason. We are not seeing raging zonality that looks indefinite. This is not 2015 revisited.
This is a variation on a seasonal theme that is actually quite abnormal for late November.
As long as the longer term signals suggest a continued propensity for blocking in unusual places and a -AO and NAO I will remain upbeat. Winter doesn't even start until Friday....most decent wintry spells invariably don't get seen this side of Christmas.
I think a lot of people need to lighten up and realise the synoptics we are seeing are not normal and it's highly likely with the background signals that all models will struggle to get to grips with what lies ahead.

Witney, Oxfordshire
100m ASL
The Beast from the East
28 November 2017 09:38:46

The scale of the reversal since ECM spoilt the party with yesterday's 12Z output, is shocking, but typical of its kind for the UK winter. 

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

Actually, its quite a common theme now. When it goes pete tong it tends to do it in spectacular style. I said this a few days back, but I doubt I will ever see proper settling and lasting snow in lowland southern England again in my lifetime. Our climate has changed and we just have to accept it. 


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Maunder Minimum
28 November 2017 09:40:22

GFS up to its old tricks with perpetually dangling the carrot in FI

Originally Posted by: Russwirral 

That is a little unfair on GFS - we had all the main models, including ECM, dangling carrots aplenty. That is why yesterday's 12Z ECM was such a kick in the stomach. The amusing thing is that UKMO was late to join the party and it did so, just before everything went pear shaped. Personally, I blame the Express - the models must have known that it was going to run one of its winter destroying Snowmaggedon headlines. If only the Express could be shutdown, I am sure our winters would improve

New world order coming.
The Beast from the East
28 November 2017 09:44:23


 If only the Express could be shutdown,

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

Desmond is trying to flog it but nobody wants it. I think it will close soon. 

Anyway, back on topic and the 06z looks the same so far


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
28 November 2017 09:46:15
I shall quietly tip toe round and put the toys back in the pram. Carry On
Solar Cycles
28 November 2017 09:52:39


I accept you might be disappointed but this is an abysmal, unwarranted and rather ignorant attack.  What would you have them do and say? If the models show a strong signal that’s what they will reflect. If they didn’t then no doubt you’d be complaining that the forecasts were not reflecting the model output.

Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

Agree that they can only go off what the models show them, however the main problem remains much the same as it did 50 years ago in that we're still no nearer in producing an accurate forecasts beyond +144hrs.

noodle doodle
28 November 2017 09:57:33

Agree, anything longer than 4/5 days out you could have in a thread called Chicken Entrails Discussion

28 November 2017 09:57:54


That is a little unfair on GFS - we had all the main models, including ECM, dangling carrots aplenty. That is why yesterday's 12Z ECM was such a kick in the stomach. The amusing thing is that UKMO was late to join the party and it did so, just before everything went pear shaped. Personally, I blame the Express - the models must have known that it was going to run one of its winter destroying Snowmaggedon headlines. If only the Express could be shutdown, I am sure our winters would improve

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 


Its a good point though - the GFS does seem to hate the Express.. as soon as it takes the bait, it pulls the rug from under its feet.  


every time.



Rob K
28 November 2017 10:06:49

I do find it amusing the way people blame the models and talk about things "going wrong". The weather will do whatever it does, whether or not the computers churn out their pretty pictures or not. I think some people would do well to remember that.

You can't predict the weather more than a few days out, and I doubt if it will ever be possible. Even if you could somehow take a snapshot of the exact state of every air molecule in the entire atmosphere right now, you couldn't predict accurately where they will be in a day's time.


A case in point: the 06Z GFS is vastly different to the 00Z even at 144hrs.  

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
Gandalf The White
28 November 2017 10:13:07

Agree that they can only go off what the models show them, however the main problem remains much the same as it did 50 years ago in that we're still no nearer in producing an accurate forecasts beyond +144hrs.

Originally Posted by: Solar Cycles 

Yes. You've seen the verification stats: accuracy drops away quite quickly beyond the 3-5 day range. Indeed for precise detail we know that even reasonable accuracy can be limited to inside 24 hours.

When you consider the complexity of our atmosphere I still find it quite remarkable that the models can pick up trends as far ahead as they do. But not reliably.  We will never, I think, escape the proverbial butterfly flapping it's wings.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

28 November 2017 10:15:26
Oh goodness, it's not a happy place in here today. At first glance I thought the models looked rather uninspiring, but not THIS bad.
Home: Durrington, Worthing, West Sussex. (16 ASL)
Work: Canary Wharf, London
Follow me on Twitter @kmoorman1968
Rob K
28 November 2017 10:19:48
FWIW the 06Z seems keen to bring in a northerly again. Still high pressure to the south but -10C into northern Scotland by T174.

Very different pattern to the 00Z. Any forks that have been prematurely stuck in this cold spell may yet have to be removed.
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
28 November 2017 10:20:44
UKMO wobbled yesterday and improved today, now ECM has wobbled, GFS wobbled on the 0z runs, but now the 6z seems to coming back to where the UKMO is today. Swing and roundabouts are all part of models looking for the pattern.
28 November 2017 10:21:52

The sad thing for the UK is that the stellar winter charts rarely materialise and the crud ones invariably do. We always get downgrades and any upgrades if we get them, only ever occur in FI, later to be downgraded.

If you want snow, move somewhere it usually does snow. Given the rotten winters we continually experience in western Europe, even the Alps and much of Scandinavia are no longer reliable. Best snow possibilities are in the Rockies and for genuine cold, keep heading east until you reach it.

Yesterday, GFS showed a genuine Greenland HP a little over a week away, with -10 850s over Scotland. The scale of the reversal since ECM spoilt the party with yesterday's 12Z output, is shocking, but typical of its kind for the UK winter. All eyes on the next set of runs, but with any optimism for next week having vanished into mild air.

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum

With charts like this from ECM it looks like next weeks northerly blast is at least delayed if not eventually cancelled.In the meantime enjoy the next few days of sunny crisp weather.Lets hope that the Meto forecast sticks to its guns re return of northerlies.But bear in mind that for the southern half of the UK northerlies rarely produce any substantial snow.

Rob K
28 November 2017 10:34:46
Northerlies on their own rarely produce snow for the south, but a northerly pattern still can: either from low pressure approaching from the west and going along the Channel (as hinted at yesterday and again on the 06Z now) or (less risky) a system coming down from the North Sea a la Jan 2010.
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
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