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03 December 2019 18:58:33

Unusual synoptics being shown with the jet plunging South but with nothing in the way of Northern blocking - treat with extreme caution.


From December 27th 2020, zonality will be banned from mixing with the UK. We appreciate that this may come as a shock to younger people and old Uncle Barty. This ban will last for a minimum of ten days.
03 December 2019 19:02:03

Unusual synoptics being shown with the jet plunging South but with nothing in the way of Northern blocking - treat with extreme caution.


Originally Posted by: Shropshire 

stop ramping

03 December 2019 19:07:22

Unusual synoptics being shown with the jet plunging South but with nothing in the way of Northern blocking - treat with extreme caution.


Originally Posted by: Shropshire 

I think many on here have been let down enough over the years to treat the current cold output with caution. I think this forum is pretty good for not going OTT with ramping up a cold spell that hasn't materialised yet.

We have two of the 'big three' singing from the same hymn sheet with the jet diving south allowing sliding lows to delver increasingly wintry outbreaks from the north. UKMO flatter but not a million miles away.

I'm sure you can see why some are getting excited about the prospects of cold and snow, though. These aren't outliers after all - the trend whichever way you look at it is increasingly cold as next week progresses. Perhaps the phrase 'cautious optimism' is about right? 

03 December 2019 21:28:55

Unusual synoptics being shown with the jet plunging South but with nothing in the way of Northern blocking - treat with extreme caution.


Originally Posted by: Shropshire 



London E4
03 December 2019 21:58:12


I admire your commitment to giving upbeat views but you’re being a tad premature as the charts only get to mid-month at the moment.

Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

I wonder how many LRF are going to change pretty soon,if the current output continues.

03 December 2019 22:00:02

 I wonder how many LRF are going to change pretty soon,if the current output continues.

Originally Posted by: Argyle77 

I admire your optimism given your location. :)


Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

03 December 2019 22:04:00


I admire your commitment to giving upbeat views but you’re being a tad premature as the charts only get to mid-month at the moment.

Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

Yes; understand why thoughts might go that way. but best wait a while for the longer call, given the MetO longer view.

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
Retire while you can still press the 'retire now' button.
03 December 2019 22:26:57
Pretty quiet in here this evening. Probably because the Pub run is not delivering. On to tomorrow.
Witney, Oxfordshire
100m ASL
03 December 2019 22:30:27

Pretty quiet in here this evening. Probably because the Pub run is not delivering. On to tomorrow.

Originally Posted by: moomin75 

No, that is actually incorrect. It (the 18z GFS operational run) is a very similar pattern to other output so far. The details, as expected at the time of interest day 9 or so, will change with each run.

Here is Election Day:


03 December 2019 22:31:35


No, that is actually incorrect. It (the 18z GFS operational run) is a very similar pattern to other output so far. The details, as expected at the time of interest day 9 or so, will change with each run.

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

Fair comment. Was slightly knee jerk on my part, but some differences but nothing major at the moment.

Witney, Oxfordshire
100m ASL
White Meadows
03 December 2019 22:32:13
03 December 2019 22:34:01
The small changes in details at this range willlead to the previous run’s snowmageddon turning into a a drizzle fest or dry cool conditions on the next run etc. I would nit focus on any specifics at this range and, in addition, continual tweaks could leave us wondering what the fuss was about in a few days time!
03 December 2019 22:42:10

The small changes in details at this range willlead to the previous run’s snowmageddon turning into a a drizzle fest or dry cool conditions on the next run etc. I would nit focus on any specifics at this range and, in addition, continual tweaks could leave us wondering what the fuss was about in a few days time!

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

History dictates this is the likely outcome.

It should really be engrained into the ‘pyschi’ of even the most fervent model fanatic that taking a couple of OP runs in isolation of its ensemble is often bad for your health.

Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
White Meadows
03 December 2019 22:43:23

Widespread snow is so flipping rare before Christmas. We were utterly spoiled 9 and 10 years ago I fear those memories will remain never equalled.

I’m taking the current output as entertainment and nothing more. As long as it’s dry for a while longer I’ll be happier.


edit: this pub run is an absolute sh** show. Look at the difference between 252 and 264

Brian Gaze
03 December 2019 22:45:13


History dictates this is the likely outcome.

It should really be engrained into the ‘pyschi’ of even the most fervent model fanatic that taking a couple of OP runs in isolation of its ensemble is often bad for your health.

Originally Posted by: nsrobins 

Quite. Even the stellar runs looks marginal for southerners. 

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
David M Porter
03 December 2019 23:27:03

Widespread snow is so flipping rare before Christmas. We were utterly spoiled 9 and 10 years ago I fear those memories will remain never equalled.

I’m taking the current output as entertainment and nothing more. As long as it’s dry for a while longer I’ll be happier.


edit: this pub run is an absolute sh** show. Look at the difference between 252 and 264

Originally Posted by: White Meadows 

Maybe, although I imagine that those people who were here to experience December 1981 said broadly the same thing for years afterwards.

Back in the autumn of 2010 I for one didn't envisage that heavy & widespread snow would strike again before Xmas virtually nationwide and at an even earlier time than it did in 2009, but that's exactly what happened. Before 2009 the odds on a lengthy cold and snowy spell commencing just before and then lasting right through the festive season must have been pretty long; the odds on a month-long freeze happening for a second year in succession must have been even greater.

If we had believed what a certain individual who posts on this forum was trying to tell us a decade or so ago about such severe and long-lasting cold spells being a thing of a past and that, in his view, they couldn't happen again under any circumstances, this thread would be like a ghost town in the winter months.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
04 December 2019 04:12:50

Quite. Even the stellar runs looks marginal for southerners. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Yup, not even enough to raise an eyebrow for me!

I look for several indicators, bearing in mind I'm looking for proper snow down here, rather than a sleety shower for a few minutes:

  • Ice days

  • -10C at 850 (which gives wriggle room for the inevitable downgrade)

  • A 50th percentile chance of snow on the ground on EPS

Taking the latest EPS, 1 of 52 members shows an ice day for London, none show -10C 850s and the 50th percentile is for no snow. Figures from

GEFS, on the other hand, has a few ice days in the last 4 runs, one member (out of 88) getting to -10C at 850 and snow chance wise (as opposed to snow on the ground wise), averaged across the 4 runs, no higher than 15%. Figures from Meteociel, which allows you to superimpose the last 4 GEFS runs.


Leysdown, north Kent
04 December 2019 06:18:56

Not impressed this morning , GFS backing down from its recent extremes - very early days of Winter though

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

04 December 2019 06:56:43
No complaints about the GFS either the 18z or 00z. Yes both are showing no snow for southern UK except maybe if you live on a high moor, however it’s winter weather with a cool flow that will give some gales and rain as well as hail showers and a raw sit by the fire feel.
As a added bonus it wouldn’t take much for it to turn very wintery.
Germoe, part of the breakaway Celtic Republic.
Brian Gaze
04 December 2019 07:07:55

Based on the overnight GEFS I'll stick to what I said the other day. Flooding could be the main weather concern in the approach to Chrimbo.

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Rob K
04 December 2019 08:17:59
My wife told me yesterday that her friends were saying it’s going to snow next week. Don’t know where that idea came from but I had to say it was one computer model and it was extremely unlikely to happen. Not sure she believed me but never mind. I blame the phone app showing a snow symbol for next Thursday. (Back to rain now of course!)
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
04 December 2019 08:19:23

Reading the comments in this thread in the run up to winter is like having food poisoning.

Every time you think it's safe to get up out of bed it starts all over again.  Up and down up and down.  Four months or more  of it so.

There is a huge difference in'really really' wanting something so badly, and reality.

I do not have the Model reading skills and expertise of most of the guys in here, but what is the point if they are treated like antibiotics in the far east ? 


Seasons greetings.

Located in West London

"Everything in life is our fault, but that's not our fault!"
Anonymous friend of Quentin Crisp
04 December 2019 08:21:44
Surely The Express wasn’t a little premature with it’s forecast of blizzards on Election Day? It’s normally so reasoned and reserved.

To me the outlook can be summed up in the well-used phrase: changeable. Wet, windy, a quieter day, mountain snow. Much like the UKM extended text in fact.
Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
Maunder Minimum
04 December 2019 08:22:35

My wife told me yesterday that her friends were saying it’s going to snow next week. Don’t know where that idea came from but I had to say it was one computer model and it was extremely unlikely to happen. Not sure she believed me but never mind. I blame the phone app showing a snow symbol for next Thursday. (Back to rain now of course!)

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

It is completely my fault Rob - I was foolish enough to tell my wife that it was going to turn wintry next week based on the MO from yesterday - naturally, it jinxed it completely. Should have enough model output scars on my back to avoid that by now - so sorry.

New world order coming.
Gandalf The White
04 December 2019 08:27:06

Surely The Express wasn’t a little premature with it’s forecast of blizzards on Election Day? It’s normally so reasoned and reserved.

To me the outlook can be summed up in the well-used phrase: changeable. Wet, windy, a quieter day, mountain snow. Much like the UKM extended text in fact.

Originally Posted by: nsrobins 

Yes, and that’s been the underlying theme for about a week now: cool to cold zonality with no reliable sign of blocking.

As for the Express, perhaps they were lining up “Johnson landslide thwarted by blizzards”.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

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