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Lionel Hutz
29 March 2020 20:25:37

Lionel, I don’t dispute anything you say.  But it’s that people think that our way has to be enforced on others of different cultures that I object to!   The Chinese have already said they are clamping down on illegal trading.  They know the eyes of the world are upon them and it’s up to them to do something about it!  I’m quite sure they’ve got the message, if not, they will when the rest of the world starts restricting trade with them.  

It’s odd that we’ve been happy to take cheap Chinese labour for granted and we’ve been happy to pay peanuts for goods made in Chinese sweatshops.  The reason we pay peanuts, is because they’re paid peanuts!  So can we really complain that they try to make a living through a dangerous black market?  We can’t keep getting away with double standards!  In fact, it seems we are currently NOT getting away with it!


Originally Posted by: Caz 

Hopefully you're right and the Chinese will clean up their market. The rights and wrongs of the world economic system are probably something for another thread. However, creating a world pandemic goes a bit beyond discussion of world terms of trade. They've had more than one lesson in the fact that their markets are a global health risk so regardless of trade terms, they need to deal with it. 

No doubt many in China work for peanuts as you say. But this isn't 1985. China is now a global economic giant. It's not Bangladesh. As a nation, it now has choices. If some of its workers work for peanuts, that's China's decision. There are many other ways to earn a buck in China than selling live bats. We wouldn't allow it here? China isn't a poor country anymore. Why should they allow it?

Lionel Hutz
Nr.Waterford , S E Ireland
68m ASL

  • RobN
  • Advanced Member
29 March 2020 20:33:09




Bloody barbarous and  dangerous to the whole world community to boot.   People stop being entitled to their own cultures when  those cultures  start impinging on Billions of other people and causing the death of Millions - enough already 

Originally Posted by: Bugglesgate 

It's just so easy to attack Johnny Foreigner.

Has everyone currently laying into the Chinese forgotten "Mad Cow Disease"?

The UK was an international pariah for years after feeding ground up nerve tissue to animals which passed into the human food chain causing vCJD.


In the flatlands of South Cambridgeshire 15m ASL.
Lionel Hutz
29 March 2020 20:39:32


It's just so easy to attack Johnny Foreigner.

Has everyone currently laying into the Chinese forgotten "Mad Cow Disease"?

The UK was an international pariah for years after feeding ground up nerve tissue to animals which passed into the human food chain causing vCJD.


Originally Posted by: RobN 

I wouldn't reduce it to attacking Johnny Foreigner. Just as UK(and not just the Uk) had to change certain practices in the past, so the Chinese need to change their practices. Sometimes, it's reasonable to ask Johnny Foreigner to change. 

Lionel Hutz
Nr.Waterford , S E Ireland
68m ASL

Rob K
29 March 2020 20:42:54


It's just so easy to attack Johnny Foreigner.

Has everyone currently laying into the Chinese forgotten "Mad Cow Disease"?

The UK was an international pariah for years after feeding ground up nerve tissue to animals which passed into the human food chain causing vCJD.


Originally Posted by: RobN 

And we were rightly condemned for it and pressured to change our ways. And we did. The same needs to happen to other cultures that do disgusting things. It’s a very patronising white-guilt attitude that avoids calling out barbarism just because it’s carried out by “other cultures”. (See also the bizarre reluctance of many liberals to speak out about misogyny and homophobia, which they would ordinarily deplore, when it is done in the name of Islam. “Because brown people”, I assume.)

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." β€” Jerome K. Jerome
29 March 2020 20:45:01



You're not wrong. 

My own alcohol consumption has pretty much doubled. My morning commute now consists of clumping down the stairs at 8.50, then logging on to remote working and getting a couple of basic emails out, before having 30-60 mins of trying to gather my wits, sometimes with my head on the dining room table.

I'm finding a daily excuse to shop for 'essential' items. There's always loads of fresh fruit & veg reduced to clear. I cooked rhubarb for the first time ever, half in a crumble. Made an apple and blackberry crumble as well which we ate tonight (really nice!). Fruit for all cost the grand total of 45p.

The mates in our WhatsApp group are struggling with the isolation. We're all making jokes at the moment about how shitty it is, and reminiscing - but it's not been even a week. 

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

I'm an anti social ol' barsteward but it's even hacking me off - I already yearn for one of The Star's juicy streaks washed down with a pint or to of Ol' Rosie -  It's only been  a week tomorrow since I started working from home.

I have a pretty hands on job normally and admin , I guess, forms about 1/3 of it.  I'm  updating manuals and doing odds and sods.  If we get many months of this I think all of us   will be really struggling to find stuff to do !



My rhubarb cost £0.0 - I just picked it from the garden



Chris (It,its)
Between Newbury and Basingstoke
"When they are giving you their all, some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy banging your heart against some mad buggers wall"
Rob K
29 March 2020 20:46:29


I reckon that I'll need something like that this evening. I've been outdoors for much of the day and there's a cold dry wind out there today. I can feel the dryness in my knuckles. It really comes to something when we're swapping hand moisturising tips on TWOπŸ™‚

Originally Posted by: Lionel Hutz 

It’s got to the point where my phone fingerprint reader no longer recognises my fingers! Not helped by the fact I’ve been doing lots of digging in the garden too. 

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." β€” Jerome K. Jerome
29 March 2020 20:49:38


And we were rightly condemned for it and pressured to change our ways. And we did. The same needs to happen to other cultures that do disgusting things. It’s a very patronising white-guilt attitude that avoids calling out barbarism just because it’s carried out by “other cultures”. (See also the bizarre reluctance of many liberals to speak out about misogyny and homophobia, which they would ordinarily deplore, when it is done in the name of Islam. “Because brown people”, I assume.)

Originally Posted by: Rob K 



Mad cow disease was  the result of rank stupidity.  The UK needed to change, and it did - but it was on a completely different scale  in terms of impacting world health and  world economic systems to this.

Chris (It,its)
Between Newbury and Basingstoke
"When they are giving you their all, some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy banging your heart against some mad buggers wall"
Gavin D
29 March 2020 20:54:57

Spain final update of the day combining the 24hr period 


They've reported 6,796 new cases with 820 new deaths

New cases have fallen by 720 whilst new death have fallen by 24

Lionel Hutz
29 March 2020 20:55:27


It’s got to the point where my phone fingerprint reader no longer recognises my fingers! Not helped by the fact I’ve been doing lots of digging in the garden too. 

Originally Posted by: Rob K 


At least for me it's only been my knuckles. You're on a different level entirely πŸ˜‰.

One good thing about this crisis is that we have more time to spend in the garden. I have been digging too. After all, if things get as bad as some say, we may be relying on our garden vegetables for survival come the autumn 😳

Lionel Hutz
Nr.Waterford , S E Ireland
68m ASL

Gandalf The White
29 March 2020 20:55:51


It's just so easy to attack Johnny Foreigner.

Has everyone currently laying into the Chinese forgotten "Mad Cow Disease"?

The UK was an international pariah for years after feeding ground up nerve tissue to animals which passed into the human food chain causing vCJD.


Originally Posted by: RobN 

Do you not see an ocean of difference between the traditions and customs of a country and an ill-considered misstep by the agricultural sector?

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Gandalf The White
29 March 2020 21:04:17




Mad cow disease was  the result of rank stupidity.  The UK needed to change, and it did - but it was on a completely different scale  in terms of impacting world health and  world economic systems to this.

Originally Posted by: Bugglesgate 

Exactly so. Arguably driven by that pursuit of cheaper and cheaper food, irrespective of how it's achieved.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

  • RobN
  • Advanced Member
29 March 2020 21:11:56


Do you not see an ocean of difference between the traditions and customs of a country and an ill-considered misstep by the agricultural sector?

Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

It was an "ill considered misstep" which even when pointed out, our government spent years denying. This is little different to the Chinese government's reaction to the wild animal "wet market" issue over recent years. I'm hopeful the China may now have a "Road to Damascus"  moment just as our government eventually did.

It seems that this extreme xenophobia is unjustified when we have made similar mistakes ourselves. At the time of the vCJD saga no one really knew what the consequences would be because of the long lead time before symptoms appear. Some estimates suggested that there thousands of truly horrible deaths. Fortunately this has turned out not to be the case. We dodged a bullet, but by good luck rather than good judgement.

In the flatlands of South Cambridgeshire 15m ASL.
Chunky Pea
29 March 2020 21:14:02


I don't think you'll find that "stinging your hands" is a good microbiological measure of how effective it is. Check and see if has over 70% alcohol. 

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

It is 60% alcohol. Maybe 'stinging' was too strong a word. More like a sticking your hands in an ice bucket. Odd effect, but alcohol is apparently a good cleanser. So is white spirits, but that might be taking it to the extreme. 

Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
Gandalf The White
29 March 2020 21:20:58


It was an "ill considered misstep" which even when pointed out, our government spent years denying. This is little different to the Chinese government's reaction to the wild animal "wet market" issue over recent years. I'm hopeful the China may now have a "Road to Damascus"  moment just as our government eventually did.

It seems that this extreme xenophobia is unjustified when we have made similar mistakes ourselves. At the time of the vCJD saga no one really knew what the consequences would be because of the long lead time before symptoms appear. Some estimates suggested that there thousands of truly horrible deaths. Fortunately this has turned out not to be the case. We dodged a bullet, but by good luck rather than good judgement.

Originally Posted by: RobN 

I accept your opinion but I disagree. As I said, in the case of the Chinese it's a matter of culture and tradition and therefore very much more difficult to eradicate.

I see no evidence of xenophobia at all. What I see is a perfectly understandable fury at the havoc unleashed by a combination of dubious habits and corrupt and incompetent bureaucracy.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

29 March 2020 21:32:25


Hi Caz,

I was pondering whether there's some psychology involved in that announcement. Assuming things go well perhaps the restrictions will start to be eased in the summer, when some sensible 'social distancing' should be a little easier to achieve and well inside the six months.

I'm still more concerned about what we face come the back end of the year; the traditional virus season.

Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

Don't think this virus is sticking to tradition. 

S.Essex, 42m ASL
Lionel Hutz
29 March 2020 21:34:49


I accept your opinion but I disagree. As I said, in the case of the Chinese it's a matter of culture and tradition and therefore very much more difficult to eradicate.

I see no evidence of xenophobia at all. What I see is a perfectly understandable fury at the havoc unleashed by a combination of dubious habits and corrupt and incompetent bureaucracy.

Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 


Xenophobia is an irrational fear or hostility to foreigners. That's not what's at play here. People have identified a genuine health risk in China. They want that risk dealt with. I would react no differently if there was a similar health risk in Co.Cork. Come to think of it,  they've got some funny eating habits in that neck of the world πŸ™ƒ

Lionel Hutz
Nr.Waterford , S E Ireland
68m ASL

29 March 2020 21:38:01



Absolutely right.

We pussyfoot around condemning some of the cultures and practices within certain countries that are downright the actions of 'savages'. Just to avoid accusations of imperialism. 

Buy we should never shy away from speaking out against practices that are just plain wrong, especially when they create a game of Russian roulette that gambles with the lives of hundreds of thousands (or even millions) and lays waste to economies around the world. 

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

I agree, but people are quicker to do that with other cultures than their own. People are talking about not trading with China because of this. Are we considering not trading with the US because they have a culture that thinks it's ok to allow people to have unlimited guns to facilitate mass killings and cause as many deaths of innocents as the virus?

S.Essex, 42m ASL
29 March 2020 21:39:52

Lionel, I don’t dispute anything you say.  But it’s that people think that our way has to be enforced on others of different cultures that I object to!   The Chinese have already said they are clamping down on illegal trading.  They know the eyes of the world are upon them and it’s up to them to do something about it!  I’m quite sure they’ve got the message, if not, they will when the rest of the world starts restricting trade with them.  

It’s odd that we’ve been happy to take cheap Chinese labour for granted and we’ve been happy to pay peanuts for goods made in Chinese sweatshops.  The reason we pay peanuts, is because they’re paid peanuts!  So can we really complain that they try to make a living through a dangerous black market?  We can’t keep getting away with double standards!  In fact, it seems we are currently NOT getting away with it!


Originally Posted by: Caz 


S.Essex, 42m ASL
Phil G
29 March 2020 21:46:45


I agree, but people are quicker to do that with other cultures than their own. People are talking about not trading with China because of this. Are we considering not trading with the US because they have a culture that thinks it's ok to allow people to have unlimited guns to facilitate mass killings and cause as many deaths of innocents as the virus?

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

I reckon govt's around the world will put pressure on China to cease with this kind of activity, certainly in markets. After a generation however, you can see these 'delicacy's' being revisited again by traders and available.

  • RobN
  • Advanced Member
29 March 2020 21:50:45



Xenophobia is an irrational fear or hostility to foreigners. That's not what's at play here. People have identified a genuine health risk in China. They want that risk dealt with. I would react no differently if there was a similar health risk in Co.Cork. Come to think of it,  they've got some funny eating habits in that neck of the world πŸ™ƒ

Originally Posted by: Lionel Hutz 

It just seems to me a "selective xenophobia" (I'll avoid the use of the term racist) when some bang on about China so much.

HIV is thought to have originated from non-human primates in Africa. The estimate for trade and local and regional consumption of wild animal meat in Central Africa alone is >1 billion kg per year.

It's a global problem!



In the flatlands of South Cambridgeshire 15m ASL.
Maunder Minimum
29 March 2020 21:54:53


I accept your opinion but I disagree. As I said, in the case of the Chinese it's a matter of culture and tradition and therefore very much more difficult to eradicate.

I see no evidence of xenophobia at all. What I see is a perfectly understandable fury at the havoc unleashed by a combination of dubious habits and corrupt and incompetent bureaucracy.

Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

Ignore RobN - for some bizarre and inexplicable reason, he puts any criticism of China down to xenophobia or racism.


New world order coming.
Maunder Minimum
29 March 2020 21:58:29
From the BBC:
"A Spanish Air Force plane carrying medical supplies donated by the Czech Republic has landed in Madrid.

The aircraft, which touched down at TorrejΓ³n air base on Sunday, was stocked up with 10,000 protective medical suits and 90 respirators.

The delivery was organised by Nato at the request of Spain, which has the second highest death toll from the virus in the world.

Another delivery of a similar number of Czech medical suits will be made to Italy on Monday.

Nato, a transatlantic military alliance, thanked the Czech Republic for its "generous bilateral aid", describing its contribution as "solidarity in action"."

Interesting that this was instigated by NATO and not the EU.

New world order coming.
29 March 2020 21:58:55

Just watched the News which is probably not a good idea at the moment. It's getting a bit like Groundhog Day now with the interviews in the care homes showing them with no PPE and the Government saying they are being sent out now. They said that two weeks ago. I fear the Government are starting to lose control and don't really know what the true picture is, like the rest of us.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
Lionel Hutz
29 March 2020 22:02:31


I agree, but people are quicker to do that with other cultures than their own. People are talking about not trading with China because of this. Are we considering not trading with the US because they have a culture that thinks it's ok to allow people to have unlimited guns to facilitate mass killings and cause as many deaths of innocents as the virus?

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

Two points. The reality is that we will continue trading with China and the US. Both are far too important for us to do otherwise. Short of sacrificing babies, they can do as they wish, we won't interfere.

Secondly, US gun legislation doesn't affect me. A US shooter isn't going to get me or my family. By contrast, my firm could go to the wall this year. I will overlook what's going abroad so long as it doesn't affect me. Chinese wet markets have possibly brought me financial ruin. Hence, I hope that they resolve the problem. That's not racism or xenophobia. That's just basic common sense. 

Lionel Hutz
Nr.Waterford , S E Ireland
68m ASL

Gavin D
29 March 2020 22:07:39

Updated trajectory. UK, France and Italy pretty much on the same track. Spain still the odd on out.


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