Thanks for analysing the graphs; I was trying earlier to gauge the same thing visually. So, somewhere between tomorrow and Thursday (21-25 days).
As you may have read here, the daily reported deaths figures are actually not the previous day's total but include all sorts of catching-up from previous days and even weeks, so the key measure actually needs to be worked out and there's potentially quite a delay before the true position becomes clear.
I think the population density point has been discussed in here a few times. As I understand it the issue is the number of large population centres and the proportion of people living in them. Canada has several large population centres such as the GTA. I recall someone once said to me that Canada was in reality 3,000 miles wide but only about 100 miles deep.
I hope all is well in Burlington. My father is now in a care home in Hamilton, which has been under lockdown for several weeks now.
Is the QEW a much quiet road at the moment?
Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White