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24 January 2022 23:32:30

GFS op run looks a treat tonight if you like mild

Originally Posted by: ballamar 


meanwhile cold air and snow in south Eastern Europe.

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

25 January 2022 06:46:53
The typical easing of colder 850s is underway in earnest as the projected whiff of a NWly next week becomes a brief waft.
It really is a bleak outlook at the moment for anyone looking for a ‘winter’.
At least we’ve got a few weak fronts to look forward to 😉
Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
Heavy Weather 2013
25 January 2022 06:57:04

The typical easing of colder 850s is underway in earnest as the projected whiff of a NWly next week becomes a brief waft.
It really is a bleak outlook at the moment for anyone looking for a ‘winter’.
At least we’ve got a few weak fronts to look forward to 😉

Originally Posted by: nsrobins 

When I saw you had posted when I logged on, my excitement built. Alas, nothing to see here. 

Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
25 January 2022 07:28:23

 WX summary shows temp distribution virtually static over the next two weeks, with virtually all of Europe away from the Med having above average temps. Pptn mainly in N Atlantic, a bit over C Europe week 1 and E Med week2, but very dry for SW Europe incl UK except extreme NW

Jet -  Some activity around the N/NE of the UK this weekend otherwise the jet runs out of steam in mid-Atlantic. 

GFS - HP continues over or close to the UK, until Wed 2nd tending to be to the SW with W/NW winds, then to the SE with S/SW-lies and troughs closer to Ireland from Tue 8th. Meanwhile the 552dam line clears N Scotland  but dips relentlessly S to Greece and Turkey.

GEFS - ens members agree on temp approaching seasonal norm to Tue 1st (fairly steady in the S, more up and down in Scotland with a cold day or two ca 30th Jan); the mean then stays near norm but with wide variation between members, op & control amongst the mildest. A little rain in some runs from the 1st in the SE, rather more in the far NW.

ECM - similar though the W/NW-lies referred to are stronger


Plenty to amuse the cherry-pickers delving into the postage stamps in FI e.g. P29 produces  ice days for all the 2nd week of February 

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
25 January 2022 08:15:29
It really says it all when I find that the last frame of the ECM this morning is probably the most interesting on that model (for UK cold potential) that I have seen so far this year.
25 January 2022 08:20:37

It really says it all when I find that the last frame of the ECM this morning is probably the most interesting on that model (for UK cold potential) that I have seen so far this year.

Originally Posted by: UncleAlbert 

problem is not massively different from GFS at same time just holding up better against Atlantic. Hoping ECM has it correct as it is getting later for a decent cold spell.

25 January 2022 11:11:42
Sunday has a small amount of interest about it for Northerners... ECM has ideas... other models not far behind

25 January 2022 11:15:14
Sums up winter when you see the outer reaches of GFS and you look how marginal the snow chances are on a low that doesn’t slide far enough south!
25 January 2022 12:15:08
Control goes into Feb 91 mode
Saint Snow
25 January 2022 12:23:25

Sunday has a small amount of interest about it for Northerners... ECM has ideas... other models not far behind

Originally Posted by: Russwirral 


I'm 50 on Sunday  

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Gandalf The White
25 January 2022 12:29:06



I'm 50 on Sunday  

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Ask Boris for ideas on appropriate celebrations….

Happy birthday.  It’s only a number, remember. Until it gets too large to ignore…

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Gandalf The White
25 January 2022 12:34:30

Control goes into Feb 91 mode

Originally Posted by: ballamar 

The control plus at least two of the ensemble suite also build a Scandi high (21 & 24) but not a lot of support for that. But the signal appears to be for coolish conditions to persist.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

25 January 2022 13:07:04

The control plus at least two of the ensemble suite also build a Scandi high (21 & 24) but not a lot of support for that. But the signal appears to be for coolish conditions to persist.

Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

was hoping for more support as ECM hints at this scenario, see if it becomes a trend over next few days

Windy Willow
25 January 2022 13:16:29



I'm 50 on Sunday  

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Happy Birthay for Sunday, hope you get to celebrate this milestone in style 

South Holland, Lincs 5m/16ft ASL

Don't feed the Trolls!! When starved of attention they return to their dark caves or the dark recesses of bridges and will turn back to stone, silent again!
25 January 2022 14:04:53
How many snowy birthdays can you remember then?

Have a great day anyway whatever the weather!
25 January 2022 14:05:31

That falling cluster (850s) on the 0600 GEFS along with the ECM this morning plus the amplitude that has been indicated by the later frames of a fair few GFS runs in the last 72 hrs does give my eyebrows a teeny weeny bit of inclination.  Hope springs eternal-😁

25 January 2022 16:20:06


Ask Boris for ideas on appropriate celebrations….

Happy birthday.  It’s only a number, remember. Until it gets too large to ignore…

Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

Yes, Happy Birthday. I think you're probably allowed a Work Meeting to celebrate :-)

S.Essex, 42m ASL
25 January 2022 16:55:32
At a guess this op run should be better for first week of Feb
25 January 2022 16:59:52
not sure what to make of FI. on one hand theyre very different to what we currently have - maybe more unsettled? on the other hand, still o realy wintryness to speak of - bar the odd clip of cold air

no doubt we will be starved of HP in the coming months and will look back at this January with envious eyes
Brian Gaze
25 January 2022 18:01:05

Forget* mountain torque, SSWs, ENSO et al. This is a far more useful piece of data to start from: 


* Well don't forget them, but don't overlook the basics which are far more telling!

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Gandalf The White
25 January 2022 18:42:44

Forget* mountain torque, SSWs, ENSO et al. This is a far more useful piece of data to start from: 


* Well don't forget them, but don't overlook the basics which are far more telling!

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Extrapolating, there are likely to be none at all below the 1961-90 average in the decade from 2041-2050.

A sobering slap in the face about what’s ahead.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

  • Sasa
  • Advanced Member
25 January 2022 19:20:23
All I can say Asia, Scandinavia and Americas have all experienced heavy snowfalls and record cold and in the UK I have not seen a snow flurry. At least I can enjoy watching Greek and Turks enjoy snow.

We have been locked into this boring patern since the summer although there were a few excpetions to these broing grey skies have continued throughout winter and not looking to change any time soon. At some point I would suspect this will change and I just hope we will not have to endure another poor summer.

As to what happens between 2041 - 2050 is anybodies guess.
Kingston Upon Thames
25 January 2022 19:41:19

It didn't take long ( one run ) for the strat forecast to drop the idea of split. I have seen this happen before and then the warming and split appears at an earlier time frame a few days later. I am far from confident though that this will happen. 

It is hard to believe that you can go through nearly two months of winter and not even see a decent northerly toppler or any synoptics that are capable of dropping -5c  850 temps down to the south coast. Roll on the collapse of the Beaufort gyre and perhaps then we may see a half decent cold spell. 

The wait goes on. 










































25 January 2022 20:17:01


Extrapolating, there are likely to be none at all below the 1961-90 average in the decade from 2041-2050.

A sobering slap in the face about what’s ahead.

Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

 Depressing for us coldies, but the evidence was there from the 90s - comparing stats and obs from my parents and grand-parents, but the Ostriches and the deniers - (how much were they paid by Saudi Arabia and Russia), and the disrupters, (as per the film “The Trick”) served to distract the worlds nations politicians and policy makers from acting on the inconvenient truth. The cost to us is the prospect of drought, biodiversity crisis, children who never grow up to know the beauty and magic of a snow day, snow balls, snow men or a white Christmas. That is a major cultural shift and massive loss of what makes up a part of our culture, history and Britishness. We pin our hopes now on the Gulf Stream shut down, just to take us back to the 90s for a decade.

Brecklands, South Norfolk 28m ASL
some faraway beach
25 January 2022 21:25:47


Extrapolating, there are likely to be none at all below the 1961-90 average in the decade from 2041-2050.

A sobering slap in the face about what’s ahead.

Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

January 2011 to Dec. 2021, eh? A pity the cut-off point isn't one month earlier. Because that was "a sobering slap in the face" if there ever was one.

 ... it was the second-coldest December in the narrower Central England Temperature (CET) record series which began in 1659, falling 0.1 °C short of the all-time record set in 1890.[1] Although data has never officially been compiled, December 2010 is thought to be colder than December 1890 over the United Kingdom as a whole, as Scotland was up to 2 °C warmer than England. Hence, it is thought to be the coldest December across the UK as a whole since before 1659.[2]

2 miles west of Taunton, 32 m asl, where "milder air moving in from the west" becomes SNOWMAGEDDON.
Well, two or three times a decade it does, anyway.
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