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01 September 2024 12:22:49
Given below are the final summer statistics for Edinburgh Gogarbank from all of the data which I have available which are:

Temperature (°C)

Lowest Minimum:                                                               3.00 (on 12/6/24)
Highest Minimum:                                                             15.60 (on 18/7/24)
Mean Minimum:                                                                10.62
Minimum Anomaly:                                                           +0.17

Lowest Maximum:                                                              13.30 (on 5/6/24)
Highest Maximum:                                                             24.70 (on 5/8/24)
Mean Maximum:                                                                18.85
Maximum Anomaly:                                                           +0.17

Lowest Average:                                                                 9.55 (on 5/6/24)
Highest Average:                                                               19.02 (on 28/7/24)
Average Temperature:                                                       14.73
Average Anomaly:                                                             +0.17

Lowest Diurnal Temperature Range:                                   2.67 (on 21/8/24)
Highest Diurnal Temperature Range:                                  15.71 (on 30/7/24)
Average Diurnal Temperature Range:                                 8.16

Other Temperature Statistics

Single Figures Minimum Temperatures:                              34
Double Figures Maximum Temperatures:                            59
Double Figures Minimum Temperatures:                             58
Maximum Temperatures Above 20°C:                                  33
Tropical Nights:                                                                     0
Maximum Temperatures Above 30°C:                                  0

Number of Frosts

Ground Frosts:                                                                       1

Rainfall (mm)

Total for summer:                                                                   151.0 (70.1% of 1991-2020 summer average)
Wettest Day:                                                                           16.2 (on 22/8/24)
Highest Hourly Total:                                                              4.8 (on 25/7/24 at 20:00)
Highest Ten Minute Total:                                                       2.8 (on 14/6/24 at 12:10)
Rain Days: 34                                                                           (100.9% of 1991-2020 summer average)
Dry Days:                                                                                 37

Longest Dry Spell                                                                     3 days (22/6 to 24/6, 28/7 to 30/7, 29/8 to 31/8)
Longest Non-Dry Spell                                                             6 days (1/7 to 6/7)
Most Consecutive Rain Days                                                    5 days (19/8 to 23/8)
Longest Period Without a Rain Day:                                        9 days (1/6 to 9/6)

Month with lowest rainfall total:                                              June 2024: 34.0 (49.4% of 1991-2020 June average)
Month with highest rainfall total:                                             August 2024: 68.2 (91.3% of 1991-2020 August average)

Month with fewest rain days:                                                   June 2024: 9 (80.8% of 1991-2020 June average)
Month with most rain days:                                                      August 2024: 15 (134.3% of 1991-2020 August average)

Wind Speed (mph)

Average Mean Wind Speed:                                                     9.1 (114.8% of 1991-2020 summer average)
Highest Mean Wind Speed:                                                      26.6 (on 4/7/24)
Highest Wind Gust:                                                                   46.3 (on 27/6/24)
Most Common Wind Direction                                                 WSW

Pressure (mb)

Lowest Pressure:                                                                        987.6 (on 22/8/24)
Average Pressure:                                                                      1010.1
Highest Pressure:                                                                       1029.4 (on 1/6/24)

Sunshine Total (hrs)

Total for summer:                                                                      258.1 (55.4% of 1991-2020 summer average)
Sunniest Day:                                                                            13.0 (on 31/7/24)
Sunless Days:                                                                             4
Most Consecutive Sunless Days:                                               2 days (10/7 and 11/7)

Month with lowest sunshine total:                                            June 2024: 2.5 (1.5% of 1991-2020 June average)
Month with highest sunshine total:                                           August 2024: 162.5 (111.5% of 1991-2020 August average)

Month with fewest sunless days: June 2024:                             0
Month with most sunless days: July 2024:                                 3


As far as the temperatures are concerned, it was a very much average summer but it was our coolest summer for some time and there were very few occasions when I actually felt all that hot. In addition to that, not a single temperature of 25°C or above was recorded at Edinburgh Gogarbank during the entire summer which is very disappointing even for here.

The beginning of the summer was particularly cool with even a ground frost being recorded on one occasion.

However, it was a substantially drier than average summer overall in terms of the actual rainfall amounts with June being a particularly dry month but in spite of that, the number of official rain days was actually very slightly above average during the summer.

In addition to that, it was also a substantially duller than average summer overall with August being its only sunnier than average month.

In all in, a very disappointing summer overall and for that reason, I can't give it any more than 3/10 in my books.

The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
  • NMA
  • Advanced Member
01 September 2024 12:46:12
Has to be an 8/10 summer for me. Plenty of useable weather. Not too hot and not too cool.
Garden likes it and my water bill will be less. I like the beach when it's not stuffed with paddleboarders, naturists and people setting fire to things... The weather helped here.
But I'm usually there late and early which also helps.

But 2 points off 10/10.

Point 1. I could count the days of dawn to dusk sunshine on one hand. No long-lasting anticyclone, one would associate with the all-time classics.
Point 2. French thundery imports. I can't recall one. 
I'm sure we used to get more in the past. France and the near continent seem to have had several but they just can't get across the Channel nowadays.

Vale of the Great Dairies
South Dorset
Elevation 60m 197ft
01 September 2024 17:58:21
I have used Kevin Bradshaw’s “Manchester Summer Index” formula to plot the summer indexes for 2024 and the previous 7 years 2017-2023 for both NW and SE England

This index combines Maximum Temperature, Sun Hours and Rain Days into an index value ranging from about 150-350 for the whole or part of a summer

There was a fair bit if debate this year about how different the summer felt between the north and south of the UK and this is borne out by the two graphs.

The NW England graph show that 2024 was almost bottom of the 2017-2024 summers for that area in terms of the index value whereas in the SE it was a fairly average summer being around the middle of the pack

The SE index is on average higher by about 75 due to average maxima being 3-4C higher (40% contribution) less rain days (40%) and more sun hours (20%) but this year the difference was about 95 in favour of the SE
Richmond, Surrey
Saint Snow
03 September 2024 08:23:36

I have used Kevin Bradshaw’s “Manchester Summer Index” formula to plot the summer indexes for 2024 and the previous 7 years 2017-2023 for both NW and SE England

This index combines Maximum Temperature, Sun Hours and Rain Days into an index value ranging from about 150-350 for the whole or part of a summer

There was a fair bit if debate this year about how different the summer felt between the north and south of the UK and this is borne out by the two graphs.

The NW England graph show that 2024 was almost bottom of the 2017-2024 summers for that area in terms of the index value whereas in the SE it was a fairly average summer being around the middle of the pack

The SE index is on average higher by about 75 due to average maxima being 3-4C higher (40% contribution) less rain days (40%) and more sun hours (20%) but this year the difference was about 95 in favour of the SE

Originally Posted by: lanky 

That's interesting about the respective WSI's.

My feelings about this summer is that it's frequently dangled a carrot, then quickly whipped it away again. We've not had any sustained summery weather - and I'm not talking temps up around 30c, just 2/3/4 weeks of sunny and dry with high-pressure over the UK. So many times the models have shown a spell of nice weather, only for that to get shortened and shortened once we're a couple of days away, so we end up with 1/2/3 days of summer then a breakdown.

Impossible to plan anything with any certainty, even a few days away.

I'd give this summer 4/10

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Saint Snow
03 September 2024 08:26:00
Oh, and another thing - this thread's been moved to this section of the forum way too early. It should sit in the main forum for a few weeks to allow more people to post their summaries of summer - not many will notice that it's in here and still active

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
04 September 2024 10:43:59

Oh, and another thing - this thread's been moved to this section of the forum way too early. It should sit in the main forum for a few weeks to allow more people to post their summaries of summer - not many will notice that it's in here and still active

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

I agree with that, so I shall also copy my summer ratings post with all of the various statistics into what should have just been the summer moaning thread on the main weather forum as others are doing.
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
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