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14 February 2012 01:00:26

On a more serious note (or perhaps not), big rumours that Eden Hazard has agreed to join Spurs in the summer.

Now that would be a sensational signing.

Originally Posted by: Romfordman 


Oh dear don't fall into that trap, he is going one place this Summer....................................Spain

With Redknapp, Jordan, Allen , Bond , Wingnut , Modric and VDR off you really don'r think he would consider the pretenders do you?

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

I'll wager you a virtual tenner on this. He's coming to England - just a question of where. Probably United or City - maybe the Chavs.

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

I would have thought he would have more sense than to go to City as presumably he would prefer to play and to be a big star as opposed to being one of many, therefore any of the other top 4 clubs would be a good choice!

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

Hazard has reportedly agreed personal terms, but I'm sure his agent willl be quite happy with developments, given he'll be hoping it will flush out the usual suspects such as Shiteh, Arsenal, the Chavs, Real and on and on and on.

14 February 2012 09:59:54
So Carlos Tevez is coming back to City claiming he was treated like a dog, Suarez refuses to shake hands even when he tells his manager he will....2 clubs where the tail wags the dog. Either the managers will leave at the end of the season or the players but what is certain is that the status quo is not an option....
Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
14 February 2012 10:08:50

On a more serious note (or perhaps not), big rumours that Eden Hazard has agreed to join Spurs in the summer.

Now that would be a sensational signing.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 


Oh dear don't fall into that trap, he is going one place this Summer....................................Spain

With Redknapp, Jordan, Allen , Bond , Wingnut , Modric and VDR off you really don'r think he would consider the pretenders do you?

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

I'll wager you a virtual tenner on this. He's coming to England - just a question of where. Probably United or City - maybe the Chavs.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

Typical yid, a virtual tenner ( times hard eh? lol) I will post it to you if im wrong.,..............doubt it though

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

14 February 2012 10:11:48

On a more serious note (or perhaps not), big rumours that Eden Hazard has agreed to join Spurs in the summer.

Now that would be a sensational signing.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 


Oh dear don't fall into that trap, he is going one place this Summer....................................Spain

With Redknapp, Jordan, Allen , Bond , Wingnut , Modric and VDR off you really don'r think he would consider the pretenders do you?

Originally Posted by: Romfordman 

I'll wager you a virtual tenner on this. He's coming to England - just a question of where. Probably United or City - maybe the Chavs.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

I would have thought he would have more sense than to go to City as presumably he would prefer to play and to be a big star as opposed to being one of many, therefore any of the other top 4 clubs would be a good choice!

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

Hazard has reportedly agreed personal terms, but I'm sure his agent willl be quite happy with developments, given he'll be hoping it will flush out the usual suspects such as Shiteh, Arsenal, the Chavs, Real and on and on and on.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

Arsenal tried in the Summer but as usual they fee they offered fell short of what was wanted, didnt want to pay the wages either, which is where Spurs and Arsenal will lose out

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

14 February 2012 10:16:00

On a more serious note (or perhaps not), big rumours that Eden Hazard has agreed to join Spurs in the summer.

Now that would be a sensational signing.

Originally Posted by: Gooner 


Oh dear don't fall into that trap, he is going one place this Summer....................................Spain

With Redknapp, Jordan, Allen , Bond , Wingnut , Modric and VDR off you really don'r think he would consider the pretenders do you?

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

I'll wager you a virtual tenner on this. He's coming to England - just a question of where. Probably United or City - maybe the Chavs.

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

Typical yid, a virtual tenner ( times hard eh? lol) I will post it to you if im wrong.,..............doubt it though

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

 I'm awaiting Bill's outrage any moment now



14 February 2012 10:20:55

On a more serious note (or perhaps not), big rumours that Eden Hazard has agreed to join Spurs in the summer.

Now that would be a sensational signing.

Originally Posted by: Gooner 


Oh dear don't fall into that trap, he is going one place this Summer....................................Spain

With Redknapp, Jordan, Allen , Bond , Wingnut , Modric and VDR off you really don'r think he would consider the pretenders do you?

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

I'll wager you a virtual tenner on this. He's coming to England - just a question of where. Probably United or City - maybe the Chavs.

Originally Posted by: Romfordman 

I would have thought he would have more sense than to go to City as presumably he would prefer to play and to be a big star as opposed to being one of many, therefore any of the other top 4 clubs would be a good choice!

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

Hazard has reportedly agreed personal terms, but I'm sure his agent willl be quite happy with developments, given he'll be hoping it will flush out the usual suspects such as Shiteh, Arsenal, the Chavs, Real and on and on and on.

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

Arsenal tried in the Summer but as usual they fee they offered fell short of what was wanted, didnt want to pay the wages either, which is where Spurs and Arsenal will lose out

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

We shall see. Could prove interesting:

"The transfer is still pending. I have not signed anything yet, but I hope it will happen in the near future."

14 February 2012 10:29:02

On a more serious note (or perhaps not), big rumours that Eden Hazard has agreed to join Spurs in the summer.

Now that would be a sensational signing.

Originally Posted by: wallaw 


Oh dear don't fall into that trap, he is going one place this Summer....................................Spain

With Redknapp, Jordan, Allen , Bond , Wingnut , Modric and VDR off you really don'r think he would consider the pretenders do you?

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

I'll wager you a virtual tenner on this. He's coming to England - just a question of where. Probably United or City - maybe the Chavs.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

Typical yid, a virtual tenner ( times hard eh? lol) I will post it to you if im wrong.,..............doubt it though

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

 I'm awaiting Bill's outrage any moment now

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

whoops what have I done

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

14 February 2012 12:08:30
Bringing it back to what some might deem purely footballing matters, what would be the impact financially and in terms of survival for Rangers of this: 
[email protected]
14 February 2012 20:34:35

On a more serious note (or perhaps not), big rumours that Eden Hazard has agreed to join Spurs in the summer.

Now that would be a sensational signing.

Originally Posted by: Romfordman 


Oh dear don't fall into that trap, he is going one place this Summer....................................Spain

With Redknapp, Jordan, Allen , Bond , Wingnut , Modric and VDR off you really don'r think he would consider the pretenders do you?

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

I'll wager you a virtual tenner on this. He's coming to England - just a question of where. Probably United or City - maybe the Chavs.

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

I would have thought he would have more sense than to go to City as presumably he would prefer to play and to be a big star as opposed to being one of many, therefore any of the other top 4 clubs would be a good choice!

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

Anyway, potentially a good 'signing' this evening. For a CB, this guy has got pace.

14 February 2012 21:30:52

So, Luis Suarez..any thoughts...?



(runs away laughing)

14 February 2012 21:31:01

On a more serious note (or perhaps not), big rumours that Eden Hazard has agreed to join Spurs in the summer.

Now that would be a sensational signing.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 


Oh dear don't fall into that trap, he is going one place this Summer....................................Spain

With Redknapp, Jordan, Allen , Bond , Wingnut , Modric and VDR off you really don'r think he would consider the pretenders do you?

Originally Posted by: Romfordman 

I'll wager you a virtual tenner on this. He's coming to England - just a question of where. Probably United or City - maybe the Chavs.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

I would have thought he would have more sense than to go to City as presumably he would prefer to play and to be a big star as opposed to being one of many, therefore any of the other top 4 clubs would be a good choice!

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

Anyway, potentially a good 'signing' this evening. For a CB, this guy has got pace.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

Are we that short of defenders, I don't think I have noticed us sign loan players before at this point in the season.

Or do we think Arry is lining up for a big push at the title, (bit late IMO) The comment by the player seemed a little odd too.

"Tottenham have this squad renewing project so they asked me to join the team so that I will be fit to make my way in the next season"

35m asl
No matter who you vote for the government always gets in
14 February 2012 22:07:05

On a more serious note (or perhaps not), big rumours that Eden Hazard has agreed to join Spurs in the summer.

Now that would be a sensational signing.

Originally Posted by: Romfordman 


Oh dear don't fall into that trap, he is going one place this Summer....................................Spain

With Redknapp, Jordan, Allen , Bond , Wingnut , Modric and VDR off you really don'r think he would consider the pretenders do you?

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

I'll wager you a virtual tenner on this. He's coming to England - just a question of where. Probably United or City - maybe the Chavs.

Originally Posted by: Romfordman 

I would have thought he would have more sense than to go to City as presumably he would prefer to play and to be a big star as opposed to being one of many, therefore any of the other top 4 clubs would be a good choice!

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

Anyway, potentially a good 'signing' this evening. For a CB, this guy has got pace.

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

Are we that short of defenders, I don't think I have noticed us sign loan players before at this point in the season.

Or do we think Arry is lining up for a big push at the title, (bit late IMO) The comment by the player seemed a little odd too.

"Tottenham have this squad renewing project so they asked me to join the team so that I will be fit to make my way in the next season"

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

He can't play for us this season. One for the future. Just as Caulker is.

Anyway, if you want to go and have a laugh take a look at Ade on Twitter giving some bitter Arsenal fans serious siht as I type.

Snow Hoper
15 February 2012 21:36:18

I think I may have found out why Torres isn't scoring anymore.

He's been seen moonlighting for the Sun Newspapers Dear Deidre's photo casebook.....


Going to war over religion is like killing each other to see who has the better imaginary friend.

Home : Thorndon, Suffolk.
16 February 2012 08:37:18


Woeful from Arsenal, when I saw the Milan line up for me there was just one result likely, thebig surprise was they didnt score more, miles behind in the PL and blasted out of the CL Wenger and the board surely have to realise the squad just aint good enough, you do wonder why A O C  didnt start.

Have to feel sorry for the 5000 fans that made the journey

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

16 February 2012 11:13:36
Absolutely they were shocking, Van Persie was feeding off scraps, and the less said about Ramsey the better! Difficult times for Arsenal. Even the occasional crushing win in the league (ie, the 7-1 win vs B'Burn) isn't enough to paper over the cracks.
16 February 2012 12:19:27

I didn't see the game, although I gather even Wenger was contrite, which is almost unheard of.

16 February 2012 13:07:29

I didn't see the game, although I gather even Wenger was contrite, which is almost unheard of.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

I did wonder why there was a lack of posts from your good self They were horrendous, A Ramsey done himself no favours by probably having his worst performance of the season.

As has been posted and I did mention this that the 7-1 home win did paper over the cracks in what is turning out to be a very very poor season

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

16 February 2012 13:20:53

I didn't see the game, although I gather even Wenger was contrite, which is almost unheard of.

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

I did wonder why there was a lack of posts from your good self They were horrendous, A Ramsey done himself no favours by probably having his worst performance of the season.

As has been posted and I did mention this that the 7-1 home win did paper over the cracks in what is turning out to be a very very poor season

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

LOL, well Wenger certainly won no plaudits from Spurs fans (not that he ever would, or care less about) with some of his pre-match comments, especially the one where we beat Milan last year, despite, so he claimed, being dominated. Nothing could have been further from the truth.

If I were an Arsenal fan, I honestly wouldn't know where to start. Yes you have Song (when he puts his mind to it) and obviously Wilshere, when he comes back; but your midfield needs seeing to. I'm not convinced by Ramsey, nor Gervinho (not that he was available  last night). Arteta is a good player, but not a great game changing one. I needn't mention RVP, because you already know the script should he get crocked.

All teams probably always need a couple of players to improve. But if you look at Arsenal, they probably need five or six.

It still amazes me how Wenger and the powers-that-be have allowed the club to get to the state it is.

Snow Hoper
16 February 2012 14:06:47

I didn't see the game, although I gather even Wenger was contrite, which is almost unheard of.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

I did wonder why there was a lack of posts from your good self They were horrendous, A Ramsey done himself no favours by probably having his worst performance of the season.

As has been posted and I did mention this that the 7-1 home win did paper over the cracks in what is turning out to be a very very poor season

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

LOL, well Wenger certainly won no plaudits from Spurs fans (not that he ever would, or care less about) with some of his pre-match comments, especially the one where we beat Milan last year, despite, so he claimed, being dominated. Nothing could have been further from the truth.

If I were an Arsenal fan, I honestly wouldn't know where to start. Yes you have Song (when he puts his mind to it) and obviously Wilshere, when he comes back; but your midfield needs seeing to. I'm not convinced by Ramsey, nor Gervinho (not that he was available  last night). Arteta is a good player, but not a great game changing one. I needn't mention RVP, because you already know the script should he get crocked.

All teams probably always need a couple of players to improve. But if you look at Arsenal, they probably need five or six.

It still amazes me how Wenger and the powers-that-be have allowed the club to get to the state it is.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

S'alright, we'll be talking about the Chelsea spanking this time next week so it'll all get forgotten

Going to war over religion is like killing each other to see who has the better imaginary friend.

Home : Thorndon, Suffolk.
16 February 2012 16:07:47

I didn't see the game, although I gather even Wenger was contrite, which is almost unheard of.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

I did wonder why there was a lack of posts from your good self They were horrendous, A Ramsey done himself no favours by probably having his worst performance of the season.

As has been posted and I did mention this that the 7-1 home win did paper over the cracks in what is turning out to be a very very poor season

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

LOL, well Wenger certainly won no plaudits from Spurs fans (not that he ever would, or care less about) with some of his pre-match comments, especially the one where we beat Milan last year, despite, so he claimed, being dominated. Nothing could have been further from the truth.

If I were an Arsenal fan, I honestly wouldn't know where to start. Yes you have Song (when he puts his mind to it) and obviously Wilshere, when he comes back; but your midfield needs seeing to. I'm not convinced by Ramsey, nor Gervinho (not that he was available  last night). Arteta is a good player, but not a great game changing one. I needn't mention RVP, because you already know the script should he get crocked.

All teams probably always need a couple of players to improve. But if you look at Arsenal, they probably need five or six.

It still amazes me how Wenger and the powers-that-be have allowed the club to get to the state it is.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

I totally agree ...sadly.

As I was explaining to the wife last night, Wenger MUST, repeat MUST know that this squad is a zillion miles away from the RECORD BREAKING side that went all season unbeaten. And when compared against previous sides

Bergkamp, Pires, Henry , Petit , Big Patrick,  Overmars , 'The back 5'  they were superb players and they had to fight to win what they did, so how hard will it be for this lot, I'll tell you, impossible . Wenger must realise that he probably has 1 maybe 2 players that might push for a place within those players I have mentioned, he isn't stupid, SO you have to ask yourself why hasn't he purchased some decent players?.............................It has to be because of restrictions from the board with regards wages and transfer fees.

Very frustrating.

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

16 February 2012 21:00:34

I only hold out hope of Champions League football next season because both Chelski and the Goons have to come to Anfield yet. The inconsistencies of the teams chasing fourth place is ridiculous.

I suppose the fact that we have drawn 8 at home so far destroys my point but hey...let me clutch at straws!

17 February 2012 11:59:04

AEG reported back in the frame again for a takeover at Spurs

Supposedly for £450 mill

35m asl
No matter who you vote for the government always gets in
17 February 2012 12:04:24

I didn't see the game, although I gather even Wenger was contrite, which is almost unheard of.

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

I did wonder why there was a lack of posts from your good self They were horrendous, A Ramsey done himself no favours by probably having his worst performance of the season.

As has been posted and I did mention this that the 7-1 home win did paper over the cracks in what is turning out to be a very very poor season

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

LOL, well Wenger certainly won no plaudits from Spurs fans (not that he ever would, or care less about) with some of his pre-match comments, especially the one where we beat Milan last year, despite, so he claimed, being dominated. Nothing could have been further from the truth.

If I were an Arsenal fan, I honestly wouldn't know where to start. Yes you have Song (when he puts his mind to it) and obviously Wilshere, when he comes back; but your midfield needs seeing to. I'm not convinced by Ramsey, nor Gervinho (not that he was available  last night). Arteta is a good player, but not a great game changing one. I needn't mention RVP, because you already know the script should he get crocked.

All teams probably always need a couple of players to improve. But if you look at Arsenal, they probably need five or six.

It still amazes me how Wenger and the powers-that-be have allowed the club to get to the state it is.

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

I totally agree ...sadly.

As I was explaining to the wife last night, Wenger MUST, repeat MUST know that this squad is a zillion miles away from the RECORD BREAKING side that went all season unbeaten. And when compared against previous sides

Bergkamp, Pires, Henry , Petit , Big Patrick,  Overmars , 'The back 5'  they were superb players and they had to fight to win what they did, so how hard will it be for this lot, I'll tell you, impossible . Wenger must realise that he probably has 1 maybe 2 players that might push for a place within those players I have mentioned, he isn't stupid, SO you have to ask yourself why hasn't he purchased some decent players?.............................It has to be because of restrictions from the board with regards wages and transfer fees.

Very frustrating.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

Reported in a few papers today that AW threw an absolute wobbly and about half the team are set to be sold.

Sounds like a desperate attempt on his part to hold onto his job.

Be interesting to see how the team behaves on its next outing, if some of the players were told play better, or your being sold.

35m asl
No matter who you vote for the government always gets in
18 February 2012 18:01:44

Looking at Wenger on the touchline, he seems to be a man who has simply given up.

18 February 2012 20:34:30

I didn't see the game, although I gather even Wenger was contrite, which is almost unheard of.

Originally Posted by: Romfordman 

I did wonder why there was a lack of posts from your good self They were horrendous, A Ramsey done himself no favours by probably having his worst performance of the season.

As has been posted and I did mention this that the 7-1 home win did paper over the cracks in what is turning out to be a very very poor season

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

LOL, well Wenger certainly won no plaudits from Spurs fans (not that he ever would, or care less about) with some of his pre-match comments, especially the one where we beat Milan last year, despite, so he claimed, being dominated. Nothing could have been further from the truth.

If I were an Arsenal fan, I honestly wouldn't know where to start. Yes you have Song (when he puts his mind to it) and obviously Wilshere, when he comes back; but your midfield needs seeing to. I'm not convinced by Ramsey, nor Gervinho (not that he was available  last night). Arteta is a good player, but not a great game changing one. I needn't mention RVP, because you already know the script should he get crocked.

All teams probably always need a couple of players to improve. But if you look at Arsenal, they probably need five or six.

It still amazes me how Wenger and the powers-that-be have allowed the club to get to the state it is.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

I totally agree ...sadly.

As I was explaining to the wife last night, Wenger MUST, repeat MUST know that this squad is a zillion miles away from the RECORD BREAKING side that went all season unbeaten. And when compared against previous sides

Bergkamp, Pires, Henry , Petit , Big Patrick,  Overmars , 'The back 5'  they were superb players and they had to fight to win what they did, so how hard will it be for this lot, I'll tell you, impossible . Wenger must realise that he probably has 1 maybe 2 players that might push for a place within those players I have mentioned, he isn't stupid, SO you have to ask yourself why hasn't he purchased some decent players?.............................It has to be because of restrictions from the board with regards wages and transfer fees.

Very frustrating.

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

Reported in a few papers today that AW threw an absolute wobbly and about half the team are set to be sold.

Sounds like a desperate attempt on his part to hold onto his job.

Be interesting to see how the team behaves on its next outing, if some of the players were told play better, or your being sold.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

Only half? 4 or 5 seasons too late .

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

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