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15 January 2019 11:40:52

Here are the GEFS06z (that's the earliest they've ever appeared on TWO).


Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

NOT LOOKING GOOD - Mean stays above -5c @ 850hpa once this weekend is out of the way!?

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

Rob K
15 January 2019 11:41:35

Ultra blocking showing up quite widely in the GEFS06z. Looks like a big shift, but don't know whether 850s will reflect it.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Yes the odd hint of northern blocking trying to nose in here and there 

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
15 January 2019 11:43:12

More colder runs for my location in the GEFS than in the 00Z run. From the 24th, seems to be more runs in the -5 to -11 850hpa range than there was previously


Location: Yaxley, Suffolk
Arbroath 1320
15 January 2019 11:46:19



To the north generally. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Interesting. The 6z GFSP is out to t210 and the jet is raging over the top of the the Azores/UK ridge up into Svalbard. From that run at least, there appears no obvious route to Northern blocking in the foreseeable future!

Solar Cycles
15 January 2019 11:50:20
Well still no clear route to HLB as of yet and given this winter so far you wouldn’t rule out heights just parking up on top us again.
15 January 2019 11:51:18

Look at the 06z para  @ 240 with LP directly over the N. Pole:

LP approaching Greenland and Iceland etc..!?

The only good thing is that the azores is no longer there!!

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

15 January 2019 11:53:02

Well still no clear route to HLB as of yet and given this winter so far you wouldn’t rule out heights just parking up on top us again.

Originally Posted by: Solar Cycles 

So no hard frosts either!


For Low pressure to go around the high and topple over and then dive down into central Europe and give them the snow when they have already had weeks of it? hmm!! Brexit - Weather doesn't want to include us and really is making us feel like we have left already!

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

Rob K
15 January 2019 11:53:21 

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
Saint Snow
15 January 2019 12:14:59

To the north generally. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 


Well that's alright, then.


Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Saint Snow
15 January 2019 12:18:05

Snow Rows show less snow forecast in Scotland (more a case of it being drier, rather than too mild), increases in the SE.


City6z 15/01/190z 15/01/19Change


Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Rob K
15 January 2019 12:28:48
London snow row is 94 on the 06Z, or are you only counting certain days?
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
Saint Snow
15 January 2019 12:32:57

This is the point where I tend to embarrass myself...

The big split on the GEFS begins on the 22nd/23rd. Most Ens members show the low sinking S or SE over the UK, albeit with slight variations on the tracking options. With GFS, it's the next low steaming out of Newfoundland and how that is modelled. Most Ens members force it through over the top of the mid-North Atlantic ridge, which topples the high, initially over the UK.

ECM, on the other hand, also has the low sinking S'wards on the 22nd, but then doesn't develop the Newfoundland low to anything like the same extent. The result is that the mid-North Atlantic ridge develops into a more cut-off high directly north of the UK by 216.

Take the ECM to 240 and there's actually some [what looks like the beginnings of] retrogression, as a low to the UK's ENE builds and extends SW'wards.


Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Saint Snow
15 January 2019 12:35:06

London snow row is 94 on the 06Z, or are you only counting certain days?

Originally Posted by: Rob K 


I'm going off the TWO chart:


Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Rob K
15 January 2019 12:41:34



I'm going off the TWO chart:


Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Hmm, my fingers must have malfunctioned 

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
Saint Snow
15 January 2019 12:43:36


Hmm, my fingers must have malfunctioned 

Originally Posted by: Rob K 


S'ok, I double-checked when I did it, got a different figure from my first, checked again and got another figure entirely. Twas then I cranked up the old abacus.


Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
15 January 2019 12:48:01

London snow row is 94 on the 06Z, or are you only counting certain days?

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

102 the current record Rob, 06z Sunday.

Home/Work - Dartmoor
240m/785 ft asl

Winter 22/23:

Snow falling days - 3
Snow lying days - 3
15 January 2019 12:49:42

Snow Rows show less snow forecast in Scotland (more a case of it being drier, rather than too mild), increases in the SE.


City6z 15/01/190z 15/01/19Change


Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

So indicative of HP to our north and if this is the case then the ECM @ 240 could be the most accurate of all models? I look forward to seeing what the ECM has to say on the 12z run!

How do you gtet the data?

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

Saint Snow
15 January 2019 13:04:53


So indicative of HP to our north and if this is the case then the ECM @ 240 could be the most accurate of all models? I look forward to seeing what the ECM has to say on the 12z run!

How do you gtet the data?

Originally Posted by: tallyho_83 


From the main TWO site -

Select the 'GEFS' option, then click on each individual location and count up the snow rows for each. The old fashioned way

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
15 January 2019 13:07:00
The blocking to north/north east and east increased again in 06z - maybe another growing pattern of a change coming. Positive for cold .
Greasby, Wirral.
15 January 2019 13:08:27
Can not fathom discussing model output that is quite likely flawed. Makes no sense surely. It would be like waiting for blood tests to come back knowing samples were contaminated or tampered with in the first place.
Thats my 2 penny worth anyway.
White Meadows
15 January 2019 13:21:59
Really measley 850’s all the way when you know what’s really needed for notable cold & snow.
Probably some fun next week up north however... All the signs are pointing to ‘north of the Cheshire gap’ scenarios.
Saint Snow
15 January 2019 13:23:25

Can not fathom discussing model output that is quite likely flawed. Makes no sense surely. It would be like waiting for blood tests to come back knowing samples were contaminated or tampered with in the first place.
Thats my 2 penny worth anyway.

Originally Posted by: DPower 


Erm... it's the Model Output Discussion thread.



Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
marco 79
15 January 2019 13:48:27
AO looks set for some dramatic changes 
Home : Mid Leicestershire ...135m ASL
Rob K
15 January 2019 13:55:18

AO looks set for some dramatic changes

Originally Posted by: marco 79 


Are the forecasts there based on the GFS ensembles? Surprised to see the AO tanking that much based on GFS output.

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
15 January 2019 14:02:42

AO looks set for some dramatic changes

Originally Posted by: marco 79 

Here is the Caveat - it's the NAO:

Generally Looking to stay positive to me

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

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