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24 November 2019 14:11:57


As a general observation this is fine but I’ve not seen anyone commenting on something that’s not in the model output - have you?   There has been perhaps more emphasis on the GFS trending towards a sharper cold spell but nothing more.  The ensembles - both GFS and ECM - have a clear signal for it to turn milder but we’ve all seen the ensembles flip just as much as the operational, so I would emphasise the uncertainty after a short, not unusual, cold spell.

Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

A good reminder, that; clustering isn't Gospel so we needn't be discouraged, even by a clear group in the Ps trending one way or other, beyond the relatively certain range.

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
Retire while you can still press the 'retire now' button.
24 November 2019 14:43:03

Actually, looking at the 06z GFS Ens, 9 members now have sub -5 850s out to 4th December. I might have got this wrong, but that looks like a day's extension compared to earlier runs? P6 then goes off on a happy one.

Bertie, Itchen Valley.
Retire while you can still press the 'retire now' button.
Steve Murr
24 November 2019 15:28:40

Extreme ICON to start the afternoon almost a full blown GH at 144 - ❄️🌲

Whether Idle
24 November 2019 15:38:31

Extreme ICON to start the afternoon almost a full blown GH at 144 - ❄️🌲

Originally Posted by: Steve Murr 

Ive started my winter model watching on Saturday and I must say I was thinking yesterday evening  we are potentially on the cusp of something here if those LPs can dig SE into Europe and the jet stays to our south.  Encouraging signs from ICON.  Id say its currently (ahead of 12zs) a 40/60 as to whether in a weeks time we are in a cold spell. Certainly no better odds than that.  A damn sight better than staring down the barrel of certain raging zonality, which we may well be in one week if the milder options win out and pattern flattens.

This evening's full suite of operational and ensembles will be interesting to contemplate, and maybe we will be 50/50 or possibly down to a 20/80.  We shall see. 

Dover, 5m asl. Half a mile from the south coast.
24 November 2019 15:38:47

Extreme ICON to start the afternoon almost a full blown GH at 144 - ❄️🌲

Originally Posted by: Steve Murr 

It will be interesting to see which if any of the other models go for the ICON scenario!

24 November 2019 15:42:42

Extreme ICON to start the afternoon almost a full blown GH at 144 - ❄️🌲

Originally Posted by: Steve Murr 

Yes better than the 00z with a stronger Atlantic ridge helping matters 

24 November 2019 15:59:10
Usual backtrack from gfs coming up I think.

How much further west will the cold air get,and will it want to be so quick of getting rid of the cold air.
24 November 2019 16:06:05
Actually the influence of the Greenland High is more extensive on the 12z op run than on previous runs by day 5. Who knows what will be shown for early December though!
24 November 2019 16:38:19
and gfs corrects itself west.A poor model,surprised so many swear by it,including the professionals.
Steve Murr
24 November 2019 16:42:19
Noted in the PM runs UKMO / GEM / GFS all release faster CAA into the UK at 96 - this could influence the type of PPN that crosses the UK Sat >> More Wintry.
ENS watch how many -10s can we scoop up for EA - The Operational was -8c with -10 a quick hop over to debilt -
Brian Gaze
24 November 2019 16:56:15

GFS 12z looks consistent with recent updates. A cold snap looks likely and some places could see sleet or snow. Milder conditions return quite quickly in early December. Not set in stone yet of course. Worth noting this is at odds with the Met O 30 dayer.

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Gandalf The White
24 November 2019 16:58:37

and gfs corrects itself west.A poor model,surprised so many swear by it,including the professionals.

Originally Posted by: Argyle77 

The reason is that there are four runs each day and a lot more information available - unless you use the US site mentioned by Darren, which has a huge amount of ECM data.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

24 November 2019 16:59:31 

Expect large uncertainty on the ensembles from around the 2nd of December once again.

Brian Gaze
24 November 2019 17:01:51

Yes, the GFS 12z goes on to develop another blister high in the North Atlantic and we get another cold shot.

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
David M Porter
24 November 2019 17:04:42

The pattern shown on the GFS 12 op run to me looks rather reminiscent of what was commonplace during the 2017/18 winter until mid-Feb 2018; a cold blast from the N/NW, then milder for a time, then another cold shot from the north or north-west.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
Steve Murr
24 November 2019 17:30:17

GFS mean now moving to phase 2 of longevity of this cold spell- @168 The alignment of the jet goes SE through the block which is crucial
NB PTB 3 & 4 for example.

I wonder if the mean is sub zero for the 3/4th yet for London !

24 November 2019 17:47:58

GFS mean now moving to phase 2 of longevity of this cold spell- @168 The alignment of the jet goes SE through the block which is crucial
NB PTB 3 & 4 for example.

I wonder if the mean is sub zero for the 3/4th yet for London !

Originally Posted by: Steve Murr 

Still chaos beyond 2nd Dec but before then very good agreement (this is for Aberdeen):


Ally Pally Snowman
24 November 2019 18:20:29

Definitely getting colder and more prolonged,  significant upgrade so far today.









Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
24 November 2019 18:31:43
Not far off ICON 


(Good evening all btw...been a long time 😉. )

D.E.W on Dartmoor. 300m asl
24 November 2019 18:33:44

The weekend continues to trend colder and more settled.

Its very possible that Saturday's programmed disturbance across the south will trend further south leaving many cool and dry.

Wintry showers near eastern coasts if the uppers level out at circa -8c.

The strength of the Greenland High and its associated ridging will dictate the longevity of the cold snap.

A toppler followed by an atlantic flow is still favoured by day 10, however, these types of  SE'ward ridging Greeny blocks can be stubborn little fella's to break down once established and I'm not as confident of a warm up this evening compared with yesterday.


Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

24 November 2019 18:36:35

ECM going for a GEFS P03

Interesting stuff. Much yet to resolve, but the trends are there.

Nr. Easingwold, North Yorkshire
30m asl
Steve Murr
24 November 2019 18:37:01
ECM 168 not far off the holy grail 2010 vertical advection.
Whether Idle
24 November 2019 18:53:59

A thoroughly fascinating weekend of model watching has culminated in a superb early winter run from the ECM and the GEFS also indicate much of interest, not least the control.  Yesterday's charts showed that something was potentially brewing and todays runs have further amplified that potential, a cold snap now seems likely.

Dover, 5m asl. Half a mile from the south coast.
24 November 2019 19:34:52

Some nice synoptics for a couple of days before the topple ( why 2010 is being banded about I have not a clue) although at t168 range can be liable to change. Phase two of cold snap is certainly wishful thinking at this stage. Snow showers a possibility further north with wintry showers perhaps further south. Still nowt set in stone colder or milder options for next weekend still on the table.

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