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Ally Pally Snowman
10 March 2020 14:49:14

I think the quarantining/banning of public events and school closures will start to slowly be brought in next week. 50 cases a day is still quite low for a 65 million population.  I think we are doing ok so far but its going to be a tough couple of months ahead.


Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
10 March 2020 14:50:39

 No serious cases for anyone under the age of 25....

Originally Posted by: speckledjim 

Wait until it mutates to a version of the 'spanish flu' virus.

Brian Gaze
10 March 2020 14:52:56
How many tests have been done in the UK during the last 24 hours?
Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Ally Pally Snowman
10 March 2020 14:53:15

On a personal level the company I work for said they will probably close their office soon because of the outbreak . I get about 60% of my work from them so I'm really hoping a mortgage amnesty happens.

Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
10 March 2020 14:54:03

How many tests have been done in the UK during the last 24 hours?

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

From what I can tell, it is 1301

10 March 2020 14:54:52

 Presumably, the 25/49 year old patients seriously affected had underlying conditions of some kind?

Originally Posted by: Lionel Hutz 

The death stats in Italy are remarkable though, 99% of deaths so far were people aged over 60! So I guess the message is that younger healthy people can have severed symptoms, but they make it.

1% 29-50yrs

10% 60-69yrs

31% 70-79yrs
44% 80-89yrs
14% over 90yrs

Brian Gaze
10 March 2020 14:55:56


From what I can tell, it is 1301

Originally Posted by: warrenb 

Thanks. So not many. 

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
10 March 2020 14:58:08

 Thanks. So not many. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

I believe the Aussies are doing drive thru testing.


Saint Snow
10 March 2020 14:58:23

For the first time, I'm starting to feel a little twitchy about this.

I must start spending less time in this thread.



Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
John p
10 March 2020 14:59:11


The death stats in Italy are remarkable though, 99% of deaths so far were people aged over 60! So I guess the message is that younger healthy people can have severed symptoms, but they make it.

1% 29-50yrs

10% 60-69yrs

31% 70-79yrs
44% 80-89yrs
14% over 90yrs

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

Also they're so overwhelmed they're having to triage and prioritising the young over the old, as they have more chance of pulling through.

I'd be interested in seeing the figures for those in critical care, rather than just infected vs deaths.

Camberley, Surrey
Maunder Minimum
10 March 2020 14:59:42

More from Europe:

All flights and trains from Italy will also be stopped from entering Austria.

Mr Kurz also revealed Austrians returning from Italy would have to self-isolate for two weeks.

He said: "Regarding Austrians in Italy, we are currently organising a repatriation of these Austrians.”

Switzerland is also said to be planning to close its borders with Italy

Meanwhile, Germany and Switzerland are locked in a dispute over Bern’s access to face mask in the fight against coronavirus. It comes after Angela Merkel’s Government blocked a truck carrying 240,000 face masks entering Switzerland from Germany at the German-Swiss border.


They are doing as I suggested over a week ago - of countries bordering Italy, that will leave only France and Slovenia not having closed their borders.

New world order coming.
10 March 2020 14:59:44

For the first time, I'm starting to feel a little twitchy about this.

I must start spending less time in this thread.



Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

You'll be fine, just avoid the Spanish tomorrow night 

Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
Gandalf The White
10 March 2020 15:00:46


We can agree to disagree, but I object most strongly to your use of the term "hysterical".

I was not "hysterical" about cruise ships as floating petri dishes and I have been right about the benefits of early intervention on travel from affected regions. The evidence speaks for itself - look at Taiwan for example.

Japan appears to be doing a decent job of containment too, despite an early pick up in cases.

Europe is now the regional hotspot and it is going down the same road China did in the early days of the outbreak there. It is abundently clear that if serious travel restrictions had been placed on Italy at the very outset, that the spread and depth of infection in other European countries would not now be so severe.

Yes, there is a balance to be had domestically - not closing schools too soon or shutting down sporting events too soon - I agree with that. My point has always been about international travel.

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

Well, I object strongly to your 'Dr Pangloss' labelling, which you've been doing for weeks, without any justification:  I'm not being glib.  

You were being hysterical when you argued that cruise ships shouldn't be sailing; you first aired that opinion at least a month ago when there was just a solitary ship.

You can advocate what you like but you're still not taking stock of the consequences of what you're advocating. Life isn't black and white; you need to reflect that in your rush to condemn and toss out your opinions.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Brian Gaze
10 March 2020 15:02:43


I believe the Aussies are doing drive thru testing.


Originally Posted by: xioni2 

Yes they are. The approach was pioneered in South Korea. We should be learning from those who have gone before us. Information is power. 

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
David M Porter
10 March 2020 15:02:52


We can agree to disagree, but I object most strongly to your use of the term "hysterical".

I was not "hysterical" about cruise ships as floating petri dishes and I have been right about the benefits of early intervention on travel from affected regions. The evidence speaks for itself - look at Taiwan for example.

Japan appears to be doing a decent job of containment too, despite an early pick up in cases.

Europe is now the regional hotspot and it is going down the same road China did in the early days of the outbreak there. It is abundently clear that if serious travel restrictions had been placed on Italy at the very outset, that the spread and depth of infection in other European countries would not now be so severe.

Yes, there is a balance to be had domestically - not closing schools too soon or shutting down sporting events too soon - I agree with that. My point has always been about international travel.

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

For me, restricting travel between the UK and other countries affected by the virus should have been one of the most obvious things for governments to do. While I get the point about the need to maintain a balance between protecting the well-being of the public and protecting the economy, I can't help but feel that if more restrictions had been put in place re travel between this country and others affected a while back, things may not have got to the stage they are at now.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
Saint Snow
10 March 2020 15:03:22


You'll be fine, just avoid the Spanish tomorrow night 

Originally Posted by: speckledjim 


It's not just about catching it (or, worse, my elderly parents catching it) but about the disruption and the economic cost of it.


Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Brian Gaze
10 March 2020 15:04:00

For the first time, I'm starting to feel a little twitchy about this.

I must start spending less time in this thread.



Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

I'm feeling twitchy about it. I'm 50, not overweight, don't smoke and have no underlying health conditions / treatment. 

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Gandalf The White
10 March 2020 15:05:12

Here is the problem:

British Airways has sent an email to all of its staff asking them to take voluntary unpaid leave, after cancelling all flights to and from Italy until 4 April

Other airlines have taken similar measures.

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

IIRC it was the same after 9/11 when bookings to North America fell off a cliff for a while.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

10 March 2020 15:07:03

 I'm feeling twitchy about it. I'm 50, not overweight, don't smoke and have no underlying health conditions / treatment. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

I hesitated for a second before posting the article about younger patients in Lombardy's ICUs, but as you say information is power.

Northern Sky
10 March 2020 15:11:35


Well, if the Corona virus does stop your promotion, then it's final proof that Don Revie was right about the gypsy curse. 


Originally Posted by: Lionel Hutz 


Brian Gaze
10 March 2020 15:12:19


I hesitated for a second before posting the article about younger patients in Lombardy's ICUs, but as you say information is power.

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

Yes it is scary stuff. 

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Gandalf The White
10 March 2020 15:13:14


I'm feeling twitchy about it. I'm 50, not overweight, don't smoke and have no underlying health conditions / treatment. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

I doubt you'd be hit too hard given you don't have the high risk factors. I think it is the sense of uncertainty and not being in control; do you feel the same way?

The milder variant must be in circulation because it's improbable that just the more severe version has made it here. 

If the milder variant confers protection against the other one that's actually very good news. If I'm going to get it there's no contest about which one is preferable.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Northern Sky
10 March 2020 15:13:55


I'm feeling twitchy about it. I'm 50, not overweight, don't smoke and have no underlying health conditions / treatment. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

That exactly describes me too Brian!

And yes, I'm a bit twitchy about it too.

10 March 2020 15:13:59

For the first time, I'm starting to feel a little twitchy about this.

I must start spending less time in this thread.



Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Me too. 60 YO T1 diabetic, allegedly off to Spain on the 21 st. At least little brothers place is halfway up a mountain many km from tourist traps. 

The Fenlands of Cambridgeshire
Gavin D
10 March 2020 15:19:09

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