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Justin W
15 March 2020 11:00:17


I had sweating and shivering on Friday night, although I do remember the temperature in my bedroom was exactly 20C - warmer than usual, but I didn't feel like faffing around to adjust the temperature. No idea if it was actually a fever as I don't have a thermometer. The earliest delivery dates for ones that don't cost a fortune on eBay and Amazon was Friday (or at least it was yesterday) which makes a mockery of the whole thing, as by the time they'd come you'll have recovered anyway.

(This is one of the flaws in the government's advice to self-isolate. If you live alone, think you might have a fever and don't have a thermometer, there's no way of finding out short of buying one, or imposing on a friend to come round with one.

Furthermore, the actual advice (via 111) is that you only need to self-isolate if you have a fever or a persistent cough. I don't have the latter and the fever was uncertain - if I had one, it's gone now. I honestly couldn't, in all good conscienceness, justify not going in based on that. Proof of a fever, maybe, but saying "erm, I felt a bit crap on Friday night and I don't want to come in" would go down like a lead balloon.)

Originally Posted by: Retron 

It is bloody hard to know what to do.

Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?
Brian Gaze
15 March 2020 11:01:11

I’m now at the point where are don’t know what is safe / advisable to do and what isn’t.
Case in point - we (myself, wife and kids) were scheduled to go for an overnight stay in a hotel in the New Forest next Fri into Saturday.

We wouldn’t be going out to crowded indoor areas, more like outdoor walks etc.
We would of course have to eat out in restaurants/ at the hotel etc.

What would be the advice in the above scenario? I think I can cancel up to the day before but not sure if that’s over reacting?

Originally Posted by: John p 

I wouldn't go and that's despite returning from Finland 3 days ago.

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Brian Gaze
15 March 2020 11:02:03

I think Brian is being alarmist above. A virus is a parasitic organism and all such biological phenomena end up in an equilibrium with its host population - it does a parasite no good to wipe out its hosts. So in time, humans will coexist with this new virus family in the same way we manage our relationship with influenza outbreaks. Even as the virus mutates like flu, vaccines will be modified each year to keep up - there will be an annual corona jab eventually.

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

I'm just parroting what experts are talking about in the ST. 

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Joe Bloggs
15 March 2020 11:02:06

I’m now at the point where are don’t know what is safe / advisable to do and what isn’t.
Case in point - we (myself, wife and kids) were scheduled to go for an overnight stay in a hotel in the New Forest next Fri into Saturday.

We wouldn’t be going out to crowded indoor areas, more like outdoor walks etc.
We would of course have to eat out in restaurants/ at the hotel etc.

What would be the advice in the above scenario? I think I can cancel up to the day before but not sure if that’s over reacting?

Originally Posted by: John p 

In my opinion, I think it would be an overreaction to cancel. 

Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

Justin W
15 March 2020 11:02:41

I think Brian is being alarmist above. A virus is a parasitic organism and all such biological phenomena end up in an equilibrium with its host population - it does a parasite no good to wipe out its hosts. So in time, humans will coexist with this new virus family in the same way we manage our relationship with influenza outbreaks. Even as the virus mutates like flu, vaccines will be modified each year to keep up - there will be an annual corona jab eventually.

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

Tell that to the indigenous peoples of South America!

Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?
15 March 2020 11:02:58

What would be the advice in the above scenario? I think I can cancel up to the day before but not sure if that’s over reacting?

Originally Posted by: John p 

You'd pretty much have the place to yourself, I'd expect!

Put it this way, if all went as planned yesterday I'd have checked into the Holiday Inn near the wolf centre without any qualms. I do have a pack of disinfectant wipes in the car (have done for years) and would have taken them in with me to wipe down door handles etc in the room. I may well have had Pringles and a petrol-station sandwich rather than a meal in the restaurant, although at the moment with just three cases in West Berkshire... the odds of getting it would have been near zero.

It may well be different in a few weeks, of course!

It is bloody hard to know what to do.

Originally Posted by: Justin W 

Indeed. It would be easier with a supportive employer, but realistically how many are going to say "Oh, you coughed a few times a couple of days ago? Stay away with our blessing"? Not many, I'd have thought.



Leysdown, north Kent
15 March 2020 11:03:39
Well the whole thing is a farce now. There is no coherent communication whatsoever with no single point for information.
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
15 March 2020 11:03:50

I’m now at the point where are don’t know what is safe / advisable to do and what isn’t.
Case in point - we (myself, wife and kids) were scheduled to go for an overnight stay in a hotel in the New Forest next Fri into Saturday.

We wouldn’t be going out to crowded indoor areas, more like outdoor walks etc.
We would of course have to eat out in restaurants/ at the hotel etc.

What would be the advice in the above scenario? I think I can cancel up to the day before but not sure if that’s over reacting?

Originally Posted by: John p 

Take a look at the BBC website for latest figures for the area - my sister & extended family live there and life is carrying on as usual. I' d go, eat in the hotel as you can more easily ask them to move tables apart and they'll keep a closer eye on the health of their other guests than a restaurant can

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
John p
15 March 2020 11:03:52


Reports around here that people have been stealing hand sanitiser from the local hospital.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

I just made my first batch of hand spritz, very proud of it too!

Trouble is, even the ingredients for that (including the plastic bottles) are now sold out everywhere .

I found some empty bottles on Amazon - 4 for £3.49.   A rip off, but to be expected in the current climate.  At the checkout - £26.99 for delivery and not until Apr 11th!


The number one advice remains hand washing, but we’re going to be unable to do that soon apart from the greedy [censored]hoarding or profiteering from this.

Camberley, Surrey
15 March 2020 11:06:08

I’m now at the point where are don’t know what is safe / advisable to do and what isn’t.
Case in point - we (myself, wife and kids) were scheduled to go for an overnight stay in a hotel in the New Forest next Fri into Saturday.

We wouldn’t be going out to crowded indoor areas, more like outdoor walks etc.
We would of course have to eat out in restaurants/ at the hotel etc.

What would be the advice in the above scenario? I think I can cancel up to the day before but not sure if that’s over reacting?

Originally Posted by: John p 

I’ve had a city break to Madrid cancelled (understandable) but am thinking a UK break instead. Don’t have an issue - you’re no ‘safer’ around your neighbourhood than around someone else’s and I reckon the hotel and tourist trade could really do with the effort right now.

I’m off out to the pub now for a Sunday carvery. I’m not going to lick the bottom of the plates or handshake the guy in the urinal next to me so roast lamb here we come!

Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
Maunder Minimum
15 March 2020 11:06:19


I am so mad this morning. Boris needs to address the nation and clear up this confusion.

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 

A one size fits all solution does not help. Was just talking to my daughter who is an NHS doctor and her husband who is a GP - currently there are only two cases in the whole of Worcestershire, so closing schools and isolating people here at this stage, would do more harm than good.

A big population centre like Birmingham has different issues to address.


New world order coming.
John p
15 March 2020 11:07:16


In my opinion, I think it would be an overreaction to cancel. 

Originally Posted by: Joe Bloggs 

Thanks (and to the others that replied).

I guess things may be looking completely differently by midweek so think I will decide then๐Ÿ‘

Camberley, Surrey
Justin W
15 March 2020 11:08:57


A one size fits all solution does not help. Was just talking to my daughter who is an NHS doctor and her husband who is a GP - currently there are only two cases in the whole of Worcestershire, so closing schools and isolating people here at this stage, would do more harm than good.

A big population centre like Birmingham has different issues to address.


Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

You've been ahead of the curve on this, Richard, but there is no getting round the fact that HMG’s handling of the epidemic has been a fiasco.

We need leadership and consistency.

Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?
Joe Bloggs
15 March 2020 11:09:26


Thanks (and to the other that replied).

I guess things may be looking completely differently by midweek so think I will decide then๐Ÿ‘

Originally Posted by: John p 

I think a UK break is absolutely ok, especially if you’re doing country walks etc - that’s pretty much the safest kind of holiday you can have at the moment. 

You will be absolutely fine. Have fun. :-) 

Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

Justin W
15 March 2020 11:11:00

Our nearest neighbour (very healthy woman in her late 40s) has come down with it and is isolating at home. Says she feels very poorly.

Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?
Brian Gaze
15 March 2020 11:11:58


I think a UK break is absolutely ok, especially if you’re doing country walks etc - that’s pretty much the safest kind of holiday you can have at the moment. 

Originally Posted by: Joe Bloggs 

I disagree. The "problem" is the hotel and restaurants. 


PS: I got an em yesterday from Limewood who operate upmarket hotels in England and a swish place in the French Alps (obviously now closed). It contained this:

We are closely monitoring the daily changing Government guidelines and following their instructions accordingly. Whilst there are no reported cases of the virus amongst either our guests or staff at present, here's what we are doing to ensure we can protect you as much as possible :

  • If you are not feeling great we ask you to postpone your visit with us until you’re feeling better.

  • Upon arrival our teams will let you know about our hygiene facilities that are on hand throughout your stay.

  • We will always extend a warm welcome to arriving guests, but for the time being this welcome won’t be accompanied by a handshake or any other physical contact.

  • We ask for your help in washing your hands thoroughly as often as possible. Every single member of our team have committed to wash hands thoroughly every 2 hours.

  • We are cleaning and sanitising all touched surfaces i.e. door handles, cloakrooms etc. every 2 hours.

  • In our restaurants and bars we are reducing density of tables with immediate effect, so there is greater distance between you and your neighbours.

  • We are taking the temperature of every employee before entering the building and starting work. We will continue to monitor their health closely. Any team member that presents symptoms, however mild, will not be entering the hotels for 7 days, we have increased our support to them via their sick-pay benefit. 

  • Team members will observe the 2 metre distance rule from guests and colleagues as much as possible, as recommended by the government


Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
15 March 2020 11:13:00

The number one advice remains hand washing, but we’re going to be unable to do that soon apart from the greedy [censored]hoarding or profiteering from this.

Originally Posted by: John p 

I did notice in my local Tesco last week (as I bought a pack of Imperial Leather bar soap, the same stuff I've used since the 90s) that there was plenty of the old-fashioned soap left, even though there were massive gaps in the "squirty" soap section. And, of course, no hand gel to be seen anywhere.

Oh, there was loads of shower gel too and I believe that works the same as soap.

Leysdown, north Kent
John p
15 March 2020 11:14:04

Our nearest neighbour (very healthy woman in her late 40s) has come down with it and is isolating at home. Says she feels very poorly.

Originally Posted by: Justin W 

Going back to something Brian mentioned, I rather like the idea of street Whatsapp groups to keep everyone updated without having to see them directly and risk spreading germs.

Anyone else thinking of similar when the stuff really starts hitting the fan?

Camberley, Surrey
Saint Snow
15 March 2020 11:15:48


 At the present time I would feel more comfortable with Douglas Hurd as PM than Boris.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 


I'd feel more comfortable with Thora Hird as PM than Bozo.

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Maunder Minimum
15 March 2020 11:16:05


I'm just parroting what experts are talking about in the ST. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

OK just reading the ST now - it is being as alarmist as a tabloid, although I was amused by the article about ISIS telling its adherents to avoid suicide bombing in Europe now, since it is too risky ๐Ÿ˜

New world order coming.
John p
15 March 2020 11:16:33


I did notice in my local Tesco last week (as I bought a pack of Imperial Leather bar soap, the same stuff I've used since the 90s) that there was plenty of the old-fashioned soap left, even though there were massive gaps in the "squirty" soap section. And, of course, no hand gel to be seen anywhere.

Oh, there was loads of shower gel too and I believe that works the same as soap.

Originally Posted by: Retron 

Yes I heard that too.  Even shampoo.  Basically anything that can be used as a degreaser (the germs sit on top of the greasy/oily layer of your skin and runs away once activated by the soap/shower gel under running water).

Camberley, Surrey
15 March 2020 11:16:33

Our nearest neighbour (very healthy woman in her late 40s) has come down with it and is isolating at home. Says she feels very poorly.

Originally Posted by: Justin W 

It'd be interesting to know whether she actually has it, or just a bad cold / regular flu - those, of course, are still going round even though nobody seems to be thinking of them now!

If she does have it, she might as well play the lottery while she recovers. The odds of having it - at the moment - are around 58,000:1.

Those odds will, of course, markedly shorten in the coming weeks.

Leysdown, north Kent
David M Porter
15 March 2020 11:16:39

I can only repeat what I posted earlier.

I think the communication from HMG is really appalling.  We’re getting soundbites and having to make sense, or nonsense of them, which is nothing short of dangerous.  Then we have social media taking them to different levels and people working up a fever!

We’ve made big news of ‘herd immunity’ but where did that come from?  No doubt it was talked about as part of the plan but not as a single move to a solution.  We had closure of schools that was supposed to happen last Friday, now it’s next Friday. Where did that come from?  No doubt discussed as a future plan. Now we’re sending over 70’s to Coventry!  

No doubt all, and more, have been mentioned and discussed as future possibilities, if and when the time is right, but none have been seen as stand alone solutions.  We need to be rational!

Originally Posted by: Caz 

Well said, Caz. You're always a calm, rational and reassuring voice on here when one is needed.


Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
John p
15 March 2020 11:17:50



I'd feel more comfortable with Thora Hird as PM than Bozo.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Camberley, Surrey
Justin W
15 March 2020 11:17:54


It'd be interesting to know whether she actually has it, or just a bad cold / regular flu - those, of course, are still going round even though nobody seems to be thinking of them now!

If she does have it, she might as well play the lottery while she recovers. The odds of having it - at the moment - are around 58,000:1.

Those odds will, of course, markedly shorten in the coming weeks.

Originally Posted by: Retron 

She has been tested, apparently.

I think the number of infected is far higher than the headline figure.

Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?
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