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15 March 2020 16:19:50

 Why is political capital not being made of the shambolic performance by this government and Bozo's 'invisible man' thing (following his similarly couldn't-give-a-toss approach with the floods)

A Labour government performing this badly would be ripped apart. 

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

It's not just party politics, the opposition parties have a duty to the people of this country to criticise the government if they think it's doing something wrong. I haven't watched it, but I heard Lisa Nandy was scathing on Marr this morning about HMG's shambles. 

Maunder Minimum
15 March 2020 16:20:50


I do not believe that it will be possible to control this disease without an Italian style lockdown. While I am reasonably optimistic about how things will pan out, it will not simply burn out all by itself. Like a fire, it needs to be starved of fuel.

I am also sure that the world economy will bounce back. No doubt, there will be some casualties but this will not be apocalypse now either. There will be unprecedented world wide government action to stimulate the economy. However,  there is a possibility that that stimulus will itself store up problems a little down the track. 

Originally Posted by: Lionel Hutz 

But the only way to starve it of fuel, is via herd immunity. The vast majority just get ill and then recover.


New world order coming.
Heavy Weather 2013
15 March 2020 16:22:03


But the only way to starve it of fuel, is via herd immunity. The vast majority just get ill and then recover.


Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

Are you seriously advocating herd immunity as a good idea. This could mean the loss of thousands of lives. 

Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
Brian Gaze
15 March 2020 16:22:39


But the only way to starve it of fuel, is via herd immunity. The vast majority just get ill and then recover.


Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

Check your messages - central office have ditched that strategy. 

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
15 March 2020 16:22:56

 It's not just party politics, the opposition parties have a duty to the people of this country to criticise the government if they think it's doing something wrong. I haven't watched it, but I heard Lisa Nandy was scathing on Marr this morning about HMG's shambles. 

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

Forgot to add though that the Labour party is still being led by someone that even this highly contagious virus would find a waste of time.

15 March 2020 16:24:32

 But the only way to starve it of fuel, is via herd immunity. The vast majority just get ill and then recover.


Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

This is clearly wrong as so many Asian countries are demonstrating.

Maunder Minimum
15 March 2020 16:24:52

The Guardian reports that the Netherlands is going to close schools. That's interesting as they've been following a similar strategy to us so far. Ireland, Germany (second link), France, Belgium, Greece, Poland, Denmark... all of those have or will soon close theirs.

The last link contains this map - red is where all schools have closed as of Friday, yellow where some are closed and grey is where they're still open. My school has been expecting they'll be ordered to close this coming Friday for the past 2 weeks... they could well be right!


Originally Posted by: Retron 

Interesting that Sweden has not closed schools - their rate of infection is similar to ours.

New world order coming.
Maunder Minimum
15 March 2020 16:26:13


This is clearly wrong as so many Asian countries are demonstrating.

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

No it isn't - if you have no herd immunity, you are at risk of developing a recurrence, unless you lockdown indefinitely.


New world order coming.
15 March 2020 16:26:39


Forgot to add though that the Labour party is still being led by someone that even this highly contagious virus would find a waste of time.

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

😜😜😜 I had a nightmare last night that the Labour leadership contest had to cancelled due to CV, so Jezza remains as leader...I told you it was a nightmare! 

Rob K
15 March 2020 16:27:08

We've got 30,000 people to repatriate from the French ski resorts. This will turn into another massive fiasco I expect.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

It’s a proper shambles. The resorts were still telling people to travel yesterday morning. Thousands of people arriving at French airports and having to turn straight round again. Some were even told at check-in that the resorts were going to shut but they couldn’t cancel. 

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
15 March 2020 16:29:53


No it isn't - if you have no herd immunity, you are at risk of developing a recurrence, unless you lockdown indefinitely.


Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

We're not going down the herd immunity route though. Our risk of secondary infection will be high.

15 March 2020 16:29:57



Brian Gaze: I dread to think the impact on the economy if we go for 60% infection in the next 12 to 18 months to get herd immunity. That's on top of the several hundred thousand body bags which will need processing.

Arcus: Brian there's going to be 60% infection anyway no matter what we do.

Brian Gaze: Not if a vaccine is available within 18 months.

 Arcus: Absolute nonsense. You're trying to juggle jelly.


Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Yes...and? For the UK that's a realistic assumption no matter what action is taken. Germany's government have said the same. Unless you a querying the 18 months for a vaccine? If so, this may help:

"“Like most vaccinologists, I don’t think this vaccine will be ready before 18 months,”


Nr. Easingwold, North Yorkshire
30m asl
15 March 2020 16:30:20

 No it isn't - if you have no herd immunity, you are at risk of developing a recurrence, unless you lockdown indefinitely.


Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

What on Earth are you talking about? Most of the Asian countries have not initiated 'lockdowns', they have slowed down the epidemic to a trickle, they haven't had significant numbers of deaths and they didn't harm their economies. They seem ready to fight new waves of the epidemic too. We need to look to their examples and not Europe!

Maunder Minimum
15 March 2020 16:31:16


It’s a proper shambles. The resorts were still telling people to travel yesterday morning. Thousands of people arriving at French airports and having to turn straight round again. Some were even told at check-in that the resorts were going to shut but they couldn’t cancel. 

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

Sorry, but they were bloody idiots to go in the first place. Utterly bonkers. Puerile, brain-dead twats!


New world order coming.
Brian Gaze
15 March 2020 16:32:43


Yes...and? For the UK that's a realistic assumption no matter what action is taken. Germany's government have said the same. Unless you a querying the 18 months for a vaccine? If so, this may help:

"“Like most vaccinologists, I don’t think this vaccine will be ready before 18 months,”


Originally Posted by: Arcus 

You said 60% infection in the UK to achieve herd immunity was our only option:

Brian Gaze: I dread to think the impact on the economy if we go for 60% infection in the next 12 to 18 months to get herd immunity. That's on top of the several hundred thousand body bags which will need processing.

Arcus: Brian there's going to be 60% infection anyway no matter what we do.

Brian Gaze: Not if a vaccine is available within 18 months.

Arcus: Absolute nonsense. You're trying to juggle jelly.


Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Maunder Minimum
15 March 2020 16:33:38


What on Earth are you talking about? Most of the Asian countries have not initiated 'lockdowns', they have slowed down the epidemic to a trickle, they haven't had significant numbers of deaths and they didn't harm their economies. They seem ready to fight new waves of the epidemic too. We need to look to their examples and not Europe!

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

They were quick to bring in travel restrictions as we should have done - that makes all the difference. However, Malaysia is now seeing an uptick in numbers and some like Indonesia were providing false figures all along.


New world order coming.
Brian Gaze
15 March 2020 16:33:49


Sorry, but they were bloody idiots to go in the first place. Utterly bonkers. Puerile, brain-dead twats!


Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

They were stupid to go in the last few days. The bigger problem could be the number of new cases we import back into the UK.

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
15 March 2020 16:33:49


Sorry, but they were bloody idiots to go in the first place. Utterly bonkers. Puerile, brain-dead twats!


Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

Presumably if they had cancelled themselves they would have lost all their money.

At least it will be mild!
15 March 2020 16:35:05

New thread starting in 2 minutes... 

"Life with the Lions"

TWO Moderator
15 March 2020 16:36:22


No it isn't - if you have no herd immunity, you are at risk of developing a recurrence, unless you lockdown indefinitely.


Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

The risk of a second wave doesn't depend on the herd immunity to the extent you might like to believe. Mutation is also a risk.

The facts are these. Growth in cases is now exponential. Projecting this forward implies that this wave will peak in the UK in April because it will simply run out of people to infect. At that point, a vaccine will still be 12-18 months from mass production on a sufficient scale.

In the end, the choice will be down to each individual and modified by the circumstances they find themselves in. Lock yourself away if you can but how many people will be able to do that for 18 months until a vaccine is available?

"As soon as we abandon our own reason, and are content to rely on authority, there is no end to our troubles." - Bertrand Russell 
Maunder Minimum
15 March 2020 16:36:26


Presumably if they had cancelled themselves they would have lost all their money.

Originally Posted by: westv 

What would you prefer given the choice? Lose a few hundred quid, or visit the epicentre of a viral epidemic?

New world order coming.
15 March 2020 16:36:39

 They were quick to bring in travel restrictions as we should have done - that makes all the difference. However, Malaysia is now seeing an uptick in numbers and some like Indonesia were providing false figures all along.


Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

As usually, you are just ignoring evidence or you don't know what you are talking about. Just look at what Singapore and S.Korea have done.


15 March 2020 16:37:56

Sorry, but they were bloody idiots to go in the first place. Utterly bonkers. Puerile, brain-dead twats!

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 


Say what  you're thinking why don't you 

The problem is, this is an precedented situation.  We have had years of  "do what you like, have what you like, go where you like".  It  takes (some) people time to process the reality  of where we are.  having  Social Media blaring all kind of half truths and downright "porkies" at them  won't help get a  rapid grounding of what's now going on.

To be honest it's all pretty surreal - like living in a Stephen King  movie plot .... and we  are still in the preamble.



Chris (It,its)
Between Newbury and Basingstoke
"When they are giving you their all, some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy banging your heart against some mad buggers wall"
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