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16 March 2020 20:51:58

Currently seeing small business owners going into actually meltdown on various platforms I use.

They are furious that the government have urged people to avoid premises to avoid insurance payouts.

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 

Absolutly disgusting decision with massive consequences. Many many small businesses will go to the wall and unemployment will skyrocket! What have the govt got to say about the mass bankruptcies, mortgage/rent defaults and potential increase in homelessness that all will occur because of this  `advise`The economy will now be laid to waste and I say now people will only tolerate this and go along with everything for now,but when millions start falling into money difficulties and can`t pay their bills or afford food there will be mass civil unrest and riots. Iam not scared of the virus but am very concerned at the economic fallout from this.

  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
16 March 2020 20:54:00

So all those people packing into large scale concerts over the weekend were sensible? 

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 

I was talking about today’s advice!

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
Saint Snow
16 March 2020 20:54:23


MM is rather susceptible to the line of the (mostly Tory) press on most matters.


Originally Posted by: xioni2 


'Rather susceptible' in the same way the coronavirus is a mild inconvenience?

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
16 March 2020 20:54:55


If your gf has it, then you'd have it too (unless you have sex in hazmat suits). Your symptoms will probably follow, the gastro stuff probably a coincidence.

You'll be fine and then probably immune to it. It'd be funny though if after all the extreme measures you had taken, you were the first person here to get it. I think Beast had predicted it!


Originally Posted by: xioni2 

I don't think the gastro stuff is a coincidence. Her mum has come down with something too. Similar symptoms, and even worse gastrointestinal stuff. Like really bad food poisoning bad.


Twitter: @QuantumOverlord (general), @MedicaneWatch (medicane/TC stuff)
2023/2024 Snow days (approx 850hpa temp):
29/11 (-6), 30/11 (-6), 02/12 (-5), 03/12 (-5), 04/12 (-3), 16/01 (-3), 18/01 (-8), 08/02 (-5)

Total: 8 days with snow/sleet falling.

2022/2023 Snow days (approx 850hpa temp):

18/12 (-1), 06/03 (-6), 08/03 (-8), 09/03 (-6), 10/03 (-8), 11/03 (-5), 14/03 (-6)

Total: 7 days with snow/sleet falling.

2021/2022 Snow days (approx 850hpa temp):

26/11 (-5), 27/11 (-7), 28/11 (-6), 02/12 (-6), 06/01 (-5), 07/01 (-6), 06/02 (-5), 19/02 (-5), 24/02 (-7), 30/03 (-7), 31/03 (-8), 01/04 (-8)
Total: 12 days with snow/sleet falling.
16 March 2020 20:55:11

Also, this article on the government website is somewhat clearer on social distancing.

Pretty horrendous for me. Life on hold for the next twelve weeks. I’m devastated this evening.

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 

It will pass , keep your health mate 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
16 March 2020 20:55:59

It's basically WW3 but with a Virus. 

Originally Posted by: Ally Pally Snowman 

Yes!  I think that’s exactly what it is!  

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
16 March 2020 20:57:05

They really need to shut schools asap. 1000s of children infecting each other every day. 

Originally Posted by: Ally Pally Snowman 

Most schools have a couple of weeks until Easter. I will be shocked if we don't shut after Friday. 

Today our head met us all after school detailing measures to set up a home learning platform via our school website. Many teaching resource websites, ones that require premium subscriptions, are either providing home learning packs to download for free or giving a month of free premium to download resources.

Our residential next week is in the balance and other more minor events have been postponed. It was a surreal day and I was surprised that our overall school attendance was quite good, though there were the usual coughs and sniffles going round as you can imagine! 

16 March 2020 20:57:17

 I don't think the gastro stuff is a coincidence. Her mum has come down with something too. Similar symptoms, and even worse gastrointestinal stuff. Like really bad food poisoning bad.


Originally Posted by: Quantum 

Perhaps it is food poisoning? Why doesn't your gf ring 111 and ask to be tested? If they refuse, she should mention she is your gf.


Maunder Minimum
16 March 2020 21:01:01

There is an article in The Times on the problems producing a vaccine:


From Australia to America, none of these advances — impressive though they are — is cause for much hope. The hope lies in the fact that all of them are happening together.

Making a new vaccine is not a race, it is a lottery. Each of these teams has brought a ticket and whether they win depends less on speed or even skill than on getting a lot of lucky numbers in a row. Does the drug behave as they predicted? Is it effective enough to make a difference? Is it safe? Can it be made at scale?

We will only know the answers to these questions and many more when each drug has passed three phases of human trials, together taking a minimum of 12 months. We do know that this is the period when the vast majority of drugs, historically, have failed.

Cepi was set up because the process of getting to this stage — to the stage of seeing if your numbers have won- was just taking far too long.

Now, sooner than most had wanted to hope, it is facing its first major test. And precisely because so many vaccines are in play, the world’s virologists are confident that at least one will win the drug testing lottery and enter production. “Our aspiration is to have millions of doses available in 12-18 months,” says Dr Saville.


New world order coming.
Ally Pally Snowman
16 March 2020 21:01:13


Most schools have a couple of weeks until Easter. I will be shocked if we don't shut after Friday. 

Today our head met us all after school detailing measures to set up a home learning platform via our school website. Many teaching resource websites, ones that require premium subscriptions, are either providing home learning packs to download for free or giving a month of free premium to download resources.

Our residential next week is in the balance and other more minor events have been postponed. It was a surreal day and I was surprised that our overall school attendance was quite good, though there were the usual coughs and sniffles going round as you can imagine! 

Originally Posted by: SJV 


It's just crazy to keep them open now with all the other restrictions in place.  

Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
Gavin D
16 March 2020 21:02:11

16 March 2020 21:02:12


This highlights an issue - coughs, colds, snizzles and tummy upsets are still doing the rounds as normal - how are people to know if they merely have a normal bug or if it is the start of COVID-19? - answer is that you have no idea.

The CMO in the press conference stated that the government really needs to test people to see if they have had COVID-19 and that such tests are now being produced. Without knowing who had it without knowing it, we are in the dark.

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

I wouldn't really think much of this if it wasn't for the fact that we have links to a confirmed positive case. The confirmed positive case's family also came down with something, again with gastrointestinal symptoms.


Twitter: @QuantumOverlord (general), @MedicaneWatch (medicane/TC stuff)
2023/2024 Snow days (approx 850hpa temp):
29/11 (-6), 30/11 (-6), 02/12 (-5), 03/12 (-5), 04/12 (-3), 16/01 (-3), 18/01 (-8), 08/02 (-5)

Total: 8 days with snow/sleet falling.

2022/2023 Snow days (approx 850hpa temp):

18/12 (-1), 06/03 (-6), 08/03 (-8), 09/03 (-6), 10/03 (-8), 11/03 (-5), 14/03 (-6)

Total: 7 days with snow/sleet falling.

2021/2022 Snow days (approx 850hpa temp):

26/11 (-5), 27/11 (-7), 28/11 (-6), 02/12 (-6), 06/01 (-5), 07/01 (-6), 06/02 (-5), 19/02 (-5), 24/02 (-7), 30/03 (-7), 31/03 (-8), 01/04 (-8)
Total: 12 days with snow/sleet falling.
Brian Gaze
16 March 2020 21:06:08


I am still going to visit the local down the road. But we live out in the sticks and there are no known cases round here.

The trouble with a government imposing blanket restrictions, is that those businesses which have no good reason to shut down would be affected as well as those in corona hotspots.

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

Sorry, but I also think you are being incredibly irresponsible. Same for anyone else who does this. 

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Chunky Pea
16 March 2020 21:07:03


I wouldn't really think much of this if it wasn't for the fact that we have links to a confirmed positive case. The confirmed positive case's family also came down with something, again with gastrointestinal symptoms.


Originally Posted by: Quantum 

I think you are worrying too much, and it does sound, like others have said, that you have caught a bug that is in all probability is total unrelated to the virus.  No harm in getting that confirmed though. 

Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
Maunder Minimum
16 March 2020 21:07:59



It's just crazy to keep them open now with all the other restrictions in place.  

Originally Posted by: Ally Pally Snowman 

Sweden is doing the same. All countries are flying in the dark on the approach to this virus. We have gone through all the issues surrounding school closure, so I won't rehearse them here, but they have to weight up whether the damage from closing them is worse than the problems caused by keeping them open - if children are asymptomatic and sent to their grandparents to look after while the parents go to their day jobs (which may be in the emergency services or NHS), then you are exposing the more vulnerable part of the population.

New world order coming.
Gandalf The White
16 March 2020 21:08:20


This highlights an issue - coughs, colds, snizzles and tummy upsets are still doing the rounds as normal - how are people to know if they merely have a normal bug or if it is the start of COVID-19? - answer is that you have no idea.

The CMO in the press conference stated that the government really needs to test people to see if they have had COVID-19 and that such tests are now being produced. Without knowing who had it without knowing it, we are in the dark.

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

Exactly so. In fact it would be beneficial to know who has had it: give them a certificate and encourage them to be out and about as they will help to reduce the spread.

Given the huge range in symptoms and severity and the range of other viruses in circulation it's next to impossible to know for certain if you have or have had it.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

16 March 2020 21:08:56


Perhaps it is food poisoning? Why doesn't your gf ring 111 and ask to be tested? If they refuse, she should mention she is your gf.


Originally Posted by: xioni2 

They are not testing people unless they go to hosptial.

Twitter: @QuantumOverlord (general), @MedicaneWatch (medicane/TC stuff)
2023/2024 Snow days (approx 850hpa temp):
29/11 (-6), 30/11 (-6), 02/12 (-5), 03/12 (-5), 04/12 (-3), 16/01 (-3), 18/01 (-8), 08/02 (-5)

Total: 8 days with snow/sleet falling.

2022/2023 Snow days (approx 850hpa temp):

18/12 (-1), 06/03 (-6), 08/03 (-8), 09/03 (-6), 10/03 (-8), 11/03 (-5), 14/03 (-6)

Total: 7 days with snow/sleet falling.

2021/2022 Snow days (approx 850hpa temp):

26/11 (-5), 27/11 (-7), 28/11 (-6), 02/12 (-6), 06/01 (-5), 07/01 (-6), 06/02 (-5), 19/02 (-5), 24/02 (-7), 30/03 (-7), 31/03 (-8), 01/04 (-8)
Total: 12 days with snow/sleet falling.
Saint Snow
16 March 2020 21:10:01

Not sure what Boris and his crew were playing at really " we advise you not to go to pubs etc" bloody idiot , wake up and live in the real world 

Originally Posted by: Gooner 


That's a massive crux of a point:

Bozo has never had to live in the real world. 

He's had a pampered and insulated upbringing of Eton and Oxbridge, of the Bullingdon Club and old school tie network. Where he knows that even when he f*cks up or is exposed as the liar and charlatan he is, he will always have a stinking rich chum ready with a 'bad luck, old boy, those damned plebs, eh? Never mind I have some contacts..'

His cabinet are mostly similarly privileged, and their attention has been preoccupied with their jolly wheeze of Brexit and whipping up sentiment of Empire and ruling the waves amongst their hatefully frenzied base of nationalists. 

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Maunder Minimum
16 March 2020 21:11:16


Sorry, but I also think you are being incredibly irresponsible. Same for anyone else who does this. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

OK - I won't go and support a local business. But I really do think the risk would be zero, since there are no reported cases round here and the pub is hardly heaving as it is.


New world order coming.
Brian Gaze
16 March 2020 21:11:26



Yes, this is a real issue with "self diagnosis".  It's perfectly possible  to have 2 things at the same time.  I have had low level cold systems for a  week or so now.  If I also developed Corona virus  the snotty nose and sneezing   could misleading  if I had developed both more coincidentally.


Originally Posted by: Bugglesgate 

It's also possible to convince yourself you have absolutely anything.

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
16 March 2020 21:11:42



That's a massive crux of a point:

Bozo has never had to live in the real world. 

He's had a pampered and insulated upbringing of Eton and Oxbridge, of the Bullingdon Club and old school tie network. Where he knows that even when he f*cks up or is exposed as the liar and charlatan he is, he will always have a stinking rich chum ready with a 'bad luck, old boy, those damned plebs, eh? Never mind I have some contacts..'

His cabinet are mostly similarly privileged, and their attention has been preoccupied with their jolly wheeze of Brexit and whipping up sentiment of Empire and ruling the waves amongst their hatefully frenzied base of nationalists. 

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

This isn't helpful. The govt policy is being informed by the scientific advisers. They may not have the approach, but it isn't Boris and 'the tories' that are doing this. And if this is the wrong approach, they should not be derided for simply using the literature to inform their response.

Twitter: @QuantumOverlord (general), @MedicaneWatch (medicane/TC stuff)
2023/2024 Snow days (approx 850hpa temp):
29/11 (-6), 30/11 (-6), 02/12 (-5), 03/12 (-5), 04/12 (-3), 16/01 (-3), 18/01 (-8), 08/02 (-5)

Total: 8 days with snow/sleet falling.

2022/2023 Snow days (approx 850hpa temp):

18/12 (-1), 06/03 (-6), 08/03 (-8), 09/03 (-6), 10/03 (-8), 11/03 (-5), 14/03 (-6)

Total: 7 days with snow/sleet falling.

2021/2022 Snow days (approx 850hpa temp):

26/11 (-5), 27/11 (-7), 28/11 (-6), 02/12 (-6), 06/01 (-5), 07/01 (-6), 06/02 (-5), 19/02 (-5), 24/02 (-7), 30/03 (-7), 31/03 (-8), 01/04 (-8)
Total: 12 days with snow/sleet falling.
Gandalf The White
16 March 2020 21:12:55
I heard it reported that as soon as China relaxed its measures the number of cases started to climb again. If that's correct then it does explain the government's approach.

There really isn't a right answer here. It seems all roads lead to the need for a vaccine as the only way of curbing this so a long period of disruption seems inevitable. It's all about scale and timing and dealing with the wider consequences.
Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Maunder Minimum
16 March 2020 21:13:51

His cabinet are mostly similarly privileged, and their attention has been preoccupied with their jolly wheeze of Brexit and whipping up sentiment of Empire and ruling the waves amongst their hatefully frenzied base of nationalists. 

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Oh come on - don't revert to type.

Look at Europe for heaven's sake  - borders going up faster than a teenage prick.

New world order coming.
Maunder Minimum
16 March 2020 21:15:25


This isn't helpful. The govt policy is being informed by the scientific advisers. They may not have the approach, but it isn't Boris and 'the tories' that are doing this. And if this is the wrong approach, they should not be derided for simply using the literature to inform their response.

Originally Posted by: Quantum 

Where they were ill advised was in two places - not getting production of ventilators ramped up at an early date and in not restricting travel very much at all.


New world order coming.
Chunky Pea
16 March 2020 21:15:34

Look at Europe for heaven's sake  - borders going up faster than a teenage prick.

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

I wonder how this would affect the Euro, a currency dependent on 'open borders'? 

Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
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