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Ally Pally Snowman
16 March 2020 21:16:06


Sweden is doing the same. All countries are flying in the dark on the approach to this virus. We have gone through all the issues surrounding school closure, so I won't rehearse them here, but they have to weight up whether the damage from closing them is worse than the problems caused by keeping them open - if children are asymptomatic and sent to their grandparents to look after while the parents go to their day jobs (which may be in the emergency services or NHS), then you are exposing the more vulnerable part of the population.

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 


A skeleton staff can look after key workers children at the schools. The only way to slow the virus is complete and utter lockdown . Otherwise we are completely fu##ked.

Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
16 March 2020 21:17:45

 This isn't helpful. The govt policy is being informed by the scientific advisers. They may not have the approach, but it isn't Boris and 'the tories' that are doing this. And if this is the wrong approach, they should not be derided for simply using the literature to inform their response.

Originally Posted by: Quantum 

For weeks you've been saying that HMG should throw everything towards containment and you kept emphasising how well South Korea has been doing with its testing etc. Now you fully believe that govt policy is being informed by scientific advisers, how do you know that HMG policy isn't partly political too? How do you know that they are not choosing to prioritise the economy?

European governments are throwing everything at it and they take extreme social distancing measures, but suddenly you don't seem very keen on this.


Gavin D
16 March 2020 21:18:00


Tentative signs that the Lombardy region may be starting to see a slowdown following the lockdown last week they need to wait another 3 or 4 days to be sure



Coronavirus, Fontana: "There is no more exponential progression"


According to the Lombard governor "it will be necessary to wait another 3-4 days to understand if the numbers can begin to prove us right. The only way to arrive at the solution is to prevent the virus from continuing to circulate" "We can begin to say that perhaps there is no longer that violent progression that was in recent days - explained the governor -, it is still progressing but no longer exponentially which we are moderately pleased with". 

In the late afternoon, Fontana went to the pavilions of the Fiera di Milano where he plans to open a hospital with 500 intensive care units for Coronavirus patients. "I had a meeting with Dr. Bertolaso ​​and his technicians, there is the maximum availability to build this structure, on the horizon there are the conditions to arrive at a positive solution and a quick solution".

"In 3-4 days we will understand if the numbers prove us right"

According to Fontana, "it will be necessary to wait another 3-4 days to understand if the numbers can begin to prove us right. The only way to arrive at the solution is to prevent the virus from continuing to circulate". For the Lombard governor, "it is clear that the more restrictive measures there are, the sooner we reach the conclusion" and "if it closes with even greater vigor, there are more possibilities that the times of circulation of the virus will slow down. 


Saint Snow
16 March 2020 21:19:52


Oh come on - don't revert to type.

Look at Europe for heaven's sake  - borders going up faster than a teenage prick.

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 


My point is that whilst this crisis was developing in China, and experts were warning of the need for other countries to build up their ventilator capacity, Bozo, Rasputin and their cabal of spivs and privileged toffs were obsessing about Brexit and giving each other reach-rounds for pulling off the biggest con job in history.

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Brian Gaze
16 March 2020 21:20:06

Schools will obviously have to close sooner rather than later if some of the (official?) reports about the virus spreading much more quickly than expected are true. The NHS is already close to collapse it seems. I expect a majority of parents will be keeping their kids at home within a couple of days if the government doesn't  close the schools.

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Gandalf The White
16 March 2020 21:20:12

There is an article in The Times on the problems producing a vaccine:


From Australia to America, none of these advances — impressive though they are — is cause for much hope. The hope lies in the fact that all of them are happening together.

Making a new vaccine is not a race, it is a lottery. Each of these teams has brought a ticket and whether they win depends less on speed or even skill than on getting a lot of lucky numbers in a row. Does the drug behave as they predicted? Is it effective enough to make a difference? Is it safe? Can it be made at scale?

We will only know the answers to these questions and many more when each drug has passed three phases of human trials, together taking a minimum of 12 months. We do know that this is the period when the vast majority of drugs, historically, have failed.

Cepi was set up because the process of getting to this stage — to the stage of seeing if your numbers have won- was just taking far too long.

Now, sooner than most had wanted to hope, it is facing its first major test. And precisely because so many vaccines are in play, the world’s virologists are confident that at least one will win the drug testing lottery and enter production. “Our aspiration is to have millions of doses available in 12-18 months,” says Dr Saville.


Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

Just for persp drive, globally the over 65s and at risk groups total between 750 million and 1 billion. That's the scale of the challenge. A few million doses hardly covers the UK demand.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

16 March 2020 21:20:28


Two guinea pigs now.

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

Three. Germany as well. And not guinea pigs, just those that accept what is going on and have said as such. Not policy, just practicality.

Your quote earlier was salient - the numbers of silent infections. We can't test on antibodies yet.


Nr. Easingwold, North Yorkshire
30m asl
16 March 2020 21:21:00


OK - I won't go and support a local business. But I really do think the risk would be zero, since there are no reported cases round here and the pub is hardly heaving as it is.


Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

Only 1 confirmed case in Co. Durham... but I know there is a kid 2 miles away who has it. He's not the confirmed case.

[email protected]
Chunky Pea
16 March 2020 21:21:37

European governments are throwing everything at it and they take extreme social distancing measures, but suddenly you don't seem very keen on this.


Originally Posted by: xioni2 

How well do you think the EU itself is dealing with this, say in comparison to China, the US and other big entities? 

Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
Saint Snow
16 March 2020 21:21:43

My point is that whilst this crisis was developing in China, and experts were warning of the need for other countries to build up their ventilator capacity, Bozo, Rasputin and their cabal of spivs and privileged toffs were obsessing about Brexit and giving each other reach-rounds for pulling off the biggest con job in history.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 


Not forgetting that 10 years of Tory running down of the NHS has resulted in barely any spare capacity for when the crap hits the fan.


Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
16 March 2020 21:22:25

 That's a massive crux of a point:

Bozo has never had to live in the real world. 

He's had a pampered and insulated upbringing of Eton and Oxbridge, of the Bullingdon Club and old school tie network. Where he knows that even when he f*cks up or is exposed as the liar and charlatan he is, he will always have a stinking rich chum ready with a 'bad luck, old boy, those damned plebs, eh? Never mind I have some contacts..'

His cabinet are mostly similarly privileged, and their attention has been preoccupied with their jolly wheeze of Brexit and whipping up sentiment of Empire and ruling the waves amongst their hatefully frenzied base of nationalists. 

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

The boy who wanted to become King all his life and used Brexit to achieve it. The boy who got away with everything all his life. Let's see if life has the last word. 

Brian Gaze
16 March 2020 21:23:04


Only 1 confirmed case in Co. Durham... but I know there is a kid 2 miles away who has it. He's not the confirmed case.

Originally Posted by: NickR 

I think Saint said something similar earlier today about where he lives. It really does not inspire confidence at all.

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Ally Pally Snowman
16 March 2020 21:27:20

It's just dawning on the western world that the only way to slow the virus significantly is too do a Wuhan. Everybody has to stay at home apart from key workers. No one goes out not even to work. This will happen here probably with in two weeks.


Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
16 March 2020 21:27:23

 Three. Germany as well. 


Originally Posted by: Arcus 

I think you are wrong on Germany? Merkel announced extreme social distancing measures tonight, the most severe in the 70-year history of the federal Republic. All stores will close except from the following: supermarkets, delivery services, pharmacies, medical supply stores, petrol stations, banks, post offices and wholesalers.

16 March 2020 21:28:52

It's just dawning on the western world that the only way to slow the virus significantly is too do a Wuhan. Everybody has to stay at home apart from key workers. No one goes out not even to work. This will happen here probably with in two weeks.


Originally Posted by: Ally Pally Snowman 

I'm not sure it will , be huge u turn 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Gavin D
16 March 2020 21:29:39

Only 1 confirmed case in Co. Durham... but I know there is a kid 2 miles away who has it. He's not the confirmed case.

Originally Posted by: NickR 


Only 2 confirmed cases in Darlington as well and both of those are not actually residents of the town they were admitted to the memorial as it's the closest hospital.

Brian Gaze
16 March 2020 21:32:30

The sheer bloody ignorance of Hancock and Johnson shines through again. It illustrates that they think manufacturing is easy and less skilled:

How Dyson and Rolls Royce could make VENTILATORS: Experts say converting production lines to build life-saving equipment for coronavirus pandemic will take 'many months'

British manufacturing giants such as Dyson and JCB face months of arduous preparation before they are able to convert their factories to build ventilators.

Experts warn the appeal of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson for businesses to turn their production lines into ventilator conveyor belts may not be realistic.

The firms may need to overhaul their entire supply chain and have to hastily train their staff to make and check the critical life-support devices.


Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
16 March 2020 21:34:14

 How well do you think the EU itself is dealing with this, say in comparison to China, the US and other big entities? 

Originally Posted by: Chunky Pea 

If by the 'EU' you mean Europe, then I think they have been complacent and disorganised. I don't know if the extreme measures they are taking now will work better compared to our more cautious approach. I am surprised though that countries like Switzerland are taking so extreme measures, they are are usually very cautious and quite adverse of the federal govt imposing restrictions on the cantons.


The Beast from the East
16 March 2020 21:35:48
Currently in the Witherspoon and still open and normal and busy. Manager says advice from head office is to stay open until ordered by law not to. Then they can claim insurance
"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
The Beast from the East
16 March 2020 21:37:37

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
16 March 2020 21:37:45

Currently in the Witherspoon and still open and normal and busy. Manager says advice from head office is to stay open until ordered by law not to. Then they can claim insurance

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

And people will keep using them 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Brian Gaze
16 March 2020 21:38:49

Jesus wept. It appears the NHS is already down to the "useless" masks because FFP3s are running out. At least it took the Italians several weeks to reach this state.

'Not fit for purpose': UK medics condemn Covid-19 protection

Doctors and nurses warn shortages of appropriate equipment may put NHS staff’s lives at risk

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
16 March 2020 21:39:02


I think you are wrong on Germany? Merkel announced extreme social distancing measures tonight, the most severe in the 70-year history of the federal Republic. All stores will close except from the following: supermarkets, delivery services, pharmacies, medical supply stores, petrol stations, banks, post offices and wholesalers.

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

Germany has all along accepted majority infection - up to 70%. 

The evidence on models and now being somewhat backed up by Chinese evidence is that there's a potentially massive cohort of relatively asmyptomatic cases that were not tested but still capable of transmission. There is not a test currently that can identify that antibody positive population (those that had it without symptoms), so there's no way of knowing how many people in any country are negative testers on current protocol.


Nr. Easingwold, North Yorkshire
30m asl
16 March 2020 21:39:44

The sheer bloody ignorance of Hancock and Johnson shines through again. It illustrates that they think manufacturing is easy and less skilled:

How Dyson and Rolls Royce could make VENTILATORS: Experts say converting production lines to build life-saving equipment for coronavirus pandemic will take 'many months'

British manufacturing giants such as Dyson and JCB face months of arduous preparation before they are able to convert their factories to build ventilators.

Experts warn the appeal of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson for businesses to turn their production lines into ventilator conveyor belts may not be realistic.

The firms may need to overhaul their entire supply chain and have to hastily train their staff to make and check the critical life-support devices.


Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Which implies it was never feasible in the first place no matter how early in the piece. They'd have been better off selling the brief up front to innovation companies who may have devised a way to make these things in a more straightforward/quick way.

The Beast from the East
16 March 2020 21:39:51

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
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