Some good points there but the opening sentence is just plain wrong. Pandora's box was already open because the Chinese visitors brought Covid-19 with them and somehow it became established in northern Italy unseen until it suddenly burst out.
I can understand the desire to play the political EU card but it's boll***s and completely fails to grasp the realities of the behaviour of this virus. If it was in northern Italy in mid-January it's inconceivable that it wasn't in other countries as well at around the same time. Chinese people didn't just visit Italy.
Ditto the comment about the US: banning flights from Europe hasn't contained their ballooning problem.
Sorry, but this annoys me: simplistic, ill-considered actions that don't reflect the evidence.
If we wanted to make certain of keeping Covid-19 out of the UK we needed to close the borders in mid-January. Did anyone ever think that was an appropriate response 10 weeks ago?
Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White