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  • RobN
  • Advanced Member
28 March 2020 09:45:53

On the subject of "to work or not to work" Vladimir Putin has ordered a "non-working week" 

"Russians are not in lockdown, they're just not working

The Kremlin's spokesman has insisted that Russia has "de facto no epidemic" and yet President Vladimir Putin has ordered a "non-working week" starting on Saturday. Latest reports suggest a rise of 228 new cases in the past 24 hours, so that means 1,264 reported cases and at least three deaths. What exactly does a "non-working week" mean? "

In the flatlands of South Cambridgeshire 15m ASL.
Tim A
28 March 2020 09:46:41

I fully agree Neil. There seems to be an endless supply of people online ready to judge everyone on their (sometimes perceived) actions. The reality is that most people (admittedly not everyone) will try to do their best to protect themselves and others. That does not mean that everyone will interpret the guidelines in the same way, but it should also not mean that people should be roundly condemned by others who do not know their circumstances.

For clarity I don’t mean the groups of people socialising in public, I mean the couple seen walking down the street or in the local park etc. I’m also not explicitly referring to this forum as people are much much more judgemental elsewhere online.

Originally Posted by: doctormog 


I have also see people getting abuse in public which is uncalled for. Last weekend: 

  1. I observed a mum park up directly outside a butchers and pop inside for no more than 45 seconds. She left her toddler in the car but was no more than 3 metres from the car which was in plain site of her.  When she came out another lady shouted at her for leaving a toddler in the car.

  2.  The next day in another shop a man made a snide comment about a women who had brought a baby into the shop with her.

You cannot win.


NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
28 March 2020 10:02:14

I have also see people getting abuse in public which is uncalled for. Last weekend: 

  1. I observed a mum park up directly outside a butchers and pop inside for no more than 45 seconds. She left her toddler in the car but was no more than 3 metres from the car which was in plain site of her.  When she came out another lady shouted at her for leaving a toddler in the car.

  2.  The next day in another shop a man made a snide comment about a women who had brought a baby into the shop with her.

You cannot win.

Originally Posted by: Tim A 

It does seem to be the case that everyone has suddenly become an expert on what everyone else should be doing.

We're staying in the house, going out only for solitary exercise at quiet times and observing the distance rules. I do wish that people would take this a bit more seriously.

On the upside, I successfully ran our friday night quiz over facebook for the second week at 9pm last night. It worked really well.

"As soon as we abandon our own reason, and are content to rely on authority, there is no end to our troubles." - Bertrand Russell 
28 March 2020 10:07:11

You're missing the point I am making. There are some people working out there in "non-essential" jobs who feel pressured to work when they are fearful of getting infected. This isn't all about social distancing either, it's about surface contact transfer and taht message appears to be being lost on some that I have come across

Polar Low
28 March 2020 10:10:57

A question on many people's minds is how long until a vaccine for coronavirus can be developed.

Prof Sarah Gilbert, who is leading a team developing a UK vaccine at the University of Oxford, says they are looking at ways to speed up the process, which usually takes 12-18 months.

She has told the BBC they are trying to "go much faster than that" by overlapping phases of the trials, but adds: "It’s very important to know that the vaccine is both safe and that it really does work before we start planning to roll it out on a wider scale.”

"Unfortunately vaccine development does take some time. With this pandemic, vaccine development is going faster than it ever has before but we can’t miss steps out," she said.

The university is also looking at expanding its ability “to make large quantities of the vaccine” when it becomes available.

28 March 2020 10:10:58

You're missing the point I am making. There are some people working out there in "non-essential" jobs who feel pressured to work when they are fearful of getting infected. This isn't all about social distancing either, it's about surface contact transfer and taht message appears to be being lost on some that I have come across

Originally Posted by: Sevendust 

For clarity Dave my reply was in no way connected to your point it was a general observation (similar to Tim’s) based on observations elsewhere. Ideally no-one should be going out to work as normal unless it is vital/there are no alternative. Re. collecting a new car, If precautions are followed the risk is probably at worst negligible and certainly less than going to the supermarket.

28 March 2020 10:12:27

You're missing the point I am making. There are some people working out there in "non-essential" jobs who feel pressured to work when they are fearful of getting infected. This isn't all about social distancing either, it's about surface contact transfer and taht message appears to be being lost on some that I have come across

Originally Posted by: Sevendust 

Valid point Dave

I have just sent a invite to the MD and HR for a Skype meeting , we are in manufacturing and do supply to the construction industry , if we shut our competitors Dulux / Crown / Remmer's etc will start supplying our customer base and you can imagine the damage that will do ?


BUT several members of staff are now concerned about coming into work - rock and a hard place 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

28 March 2020 10:12:54
True although we're not getting the funny looks we used to when we wipe down trolley handles and door handles with anti-bac wipes.
"As soon as we abandon our own reason, and are content to rely on authority, there is no end to our troubles." - Bertrand Russell 
Brian Gaze
28 March 2020 10:15:08

My view as a non-expert is:
The tougher the lockdown is the sooner restrictions can be relaxed. We can then attempt to return to contact tracing. Tightening the screw now will save money in the long run and may prevent the daily death total rising above 300 in the UK.

The government's approach:
Having just finished reading The Times I understand the government expects UK deaths to peak at 250 per day. If that is what happens we will have done "well" compared to some other countries. The government could reasonably argue they pitched the lockdown at the right level and made the best of a bad situation. 

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
28 March 2020 10:17:12

For clarity Dave my reply was in no way connected to your point it was a general observation (similar to Tim’s) based on observations elsewhere. Ideally no-one should be going out to work as normal unless it is vital/there are no alternative. Re. collecting a new car, If precautions are followed the risk is probably at worst negligible and certainly less than going to the supermarket.

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

Cheers Michael

Today is a strange day for me as I don't work weekends so I have to make a brief shopping trip and other than that it will be a long walk in the late evening.

I might have to do some gardening 

Brian Gaze
28 March 2020 10:17:35


Agreed. There is absolutely no point in squeezing the economy to a trickle if it can be avoided. I’m collecting a new car next week as booked in January - all important paperwork done online, dealer is open with two staff only to administer new car business (already previously arranged) and I’m on my own. 
They get some income and no one is put at risk. 
You could argue it’s non essential but if challenged I will argue it’s no greater risk than going round three shops for supplies (which I will do on the way).

Originally Posted by: nsrobins 

An interesting one. I'm not saying you are wrong and I am right, but I would postpone collection.

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
28 March 2020 10:17:36

My view as a non-expect is:
The tougher the lockdown is the sooner restrictions can be relaxed. We can then attempt to return to contact tracing. Tightening the screw now will save money in the long run and may prevent the daily death total rising above 300 in the UK.

The government's approach:
Having just finished reading The Times I understand the government expects UK deaths to peak at 250 per day. If that is what happens we will have done "well" compared to some other countries. The government could reasonably argue they pitched the lockdown at the right level and made the best of a bad situation. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

I wager it gets above that after what yesterdays numbers were 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
28 March 2020 10:22:57

You're missing the point I am making. There are some people working out there in "non-essential" jobs who feel pressured to work when they are fearful of getting infected. This isn't all about social distancing either, it's about surface contact transfer and taht message appears to be being lost on some that I have come across

Originally Posted by: Sevendust 

I wasn’t replying to your post and I specifically said if people could work without risk.  What I do object to is people being judge and jury.  For some people it is safe to work and for others it isn’t but we all work under different circumstances and don’t all fit into one box!  

It’s a case of individual risk assessment which should be done by employers.  Although I suspect there will be a few industrial tribunals arising from this and possibly a return to trades unionism. 

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
Heavy Weather 2013
28 March 2020 10:24:05


I wager it gets above that after what yesterdays numbers were 

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

I agree. There seems to have been some optimism pumped into the some of the media overnight from government sources. I am all for positive news, but  we also need more realistic messaging.

I fear you will be correct. I can’t see death numbers peaking at a max of 250. I fear it will be significantly more based on yesterday’s numbers and the number of new cases we have reported in the last three days alone.

Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
28 March 2020 10:27:37

Tory MP Laura Trott on LBC: Non-essential workers are still able to go to work if they can't work remotely as long as they maintain social distancing. This is because the government is very mindful of the economy.

Personally I would extend the lock-down to stop these workers going to work.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

We cannot completely trash the economy and wreck millions of lives.Doing so makes the cure worse than the disease!!

28 March 2020 10:29:26


An interesting one. I'm not saying you are wrong and I am right, but I would postpone collection.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Indeed I did call the dealer yesterday and I got the impression they are doing all they can to adhere to 2m isolation. When I suggested the collection was non essential she got genuinely emotional - I think many areas of business are really feeling the pinch and my approach is to try to carry on as normally as possible within the strict guidelines and this particular transaction can adhere to those guidelines. I won’t stop at any services - I’m not sure they’re open anyway?

Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
Brian Gaze
28 March 2020 10:31:00


We cannot completely trash the economy and wreck millions of lives.Doing so makes the cure worse than the disease!!

Originally Posted by: springsunshine 

Read my post above. I expect the economic costs of an extended but less strict lockdown to be greater than a shorter but more stringent one. Like other posters here I am offering an opinion and nothing more.

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
28 March 2020 10:33:52


Read my post above. I expect the economic costs of an extended but less strict lockdown to be greater than a shorter but more stringent one. Like other posters here I am offering an opinion and nothing more.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

And that's a fair shout 

Surely a short(er) sharp shock to the economy is better than a long drawn out moderate one ?

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
28 March 2020 10:41:02

True although we're not getting the funny looks we used to when we wipe down trolley handles and door handles with anti-bac wipes.

Originally Posted by: Ulric 

We’ve just got back from shopping in Morrison’s and it wasn’t at all unpleasant.  They were letting people in at a good distance apart and there were only a dozen in the queue, so we got in quickly.  In the foyer there were rolls of paper wipes and cleaning spray to wipe basket and trolley handles, which I think they should provide all the time!

All shelves looked well stocked, even loo rolls, which I don’t need and haven’t bought at all during the panic frenzy.  I generally buy such items in bulk and already had enough.  There were quite a few reduced items in the fresh food isles as well.  Wine was restricted to 3 bottles, so I got 3 bottles of Rioja.  Although at the checkout, the woman said the restriction has now been lifted. 

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
Brian Gaze
28 March 2020 10:42:01

All shelves looked well stocked, even loo rolls, which I don’t need and haven’t bought at all during the panic frenzy.  I generally buy such items in bulk and already had enough.  There were quite a few reduced items in the fresh food isles as well.  Wine was restricted to 3 bottles, so I got 3 bottles of Rioja.  Although at the checkout, the woman said the restriction has now been lifted. 

Originally Posted by: Caz 

A pleasing choice if I may say so. 

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
  • RobN
  • Advanced Member
28 March 2020 10:44:34

Interesting piece from Aljazeera

Coronavirus: Why are deaths rising so quickly in Spain?

Experts say large elderly population, social behaviour and weak healthcare system have contributed to high fatalities.

In the flatlands of South Cambridgeshire 15m ASL.
28 March 2020 10:44:38

We’ve just got back from shopping in Morrison’s and it wasn’t at all unpleasant.  They were letting people in at a good distance apart and there were only a dozen in the queue, so we got in quickly.  In the foyer there were rolls of paper wipes and cleaning spray to wipe basket and trolley handles, which I think they should provide all the time!

All shelves looked well stocked, even loo rolls, which I don’t need and haven’t bought at all during the panic frenzy.  I generally buy such items in bulk and already had enough.  There were quite a few reduced items in the fresh food isles as well.  Wine was restricted to 3 bottles, so I got 3 bottles of Rioja.  Although at the checkout, the woman said the restriction has now been lifted. 

Originally Posted by: Caz 

Indeed! I did my weekly shop last night and everyone was very respectful. It got a little busier during my shop but they were controlling the numbers with a queue outside that was being respected by everyone, and at a safe distance, too.

Inside it was a similar picture with a reasonable amount of stock, except for pasta. Directional arrows on the floor were well observed and people were kept at a safe distance from tills. At the checkout, the woman that served me loved the system and said it was working really well, I had a lovely chat with her when packing my food.

28 March 2020 10:45:40

We’ve just got back from shopping in Morrison’s and it wasn’t at all unpleasant.  They were letting people in at a good distance apart and there were only a dozen in the queue, so we got in quickly.  In the foyer there were rolls of paper wipes and cleaning spray to wipe basket and trolley handles, which I think they should provide all the time!

All shelves looked well stocked, even loo rolls, which I don’t need and haven’t bought at all during the panic frenzy.  I generally buy such items in bulk and already had enough.  There were quite a few reduced items in the fresh food isles as well.  Wine was restricted to 3 bottles, so I got 3 bottles of Rioja.  Although at the checkout, the woman said the restriction has now been lifted. 

Originally Posted by: Caz 


  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
28 March 2020 10:53:07


A pleasing choice if I may say so. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

 Campo Viejo either Rioja Tempranillo or Rioja Garnacha, from Morrison’s at £8.25.  It’s very often on offer at 2 for £12 but nothing’s on offer at the moment!  

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
28 March 2020 10:53:10

Just back from  my permitted exercise  for the day.  I extended my perambulation somewhat to a tad under  7KM (circa 4.3 Miles)

After yesterdays debacle  I purposely chose a  route  that didn't involve going anyway near the centre of the village.    I met 3 blokes (2 with  dogs) and a couple.   Everyone  was  observing social distancing well.  A part of my route was on a minor road that  I usually avoid  as it's a death trap for walkers and cyclists.  I saw 2 vehicles on  my 1 mile walk along it and one of those was a Royal Mail delivery van.

A much more satisfactory experience  all round than yesterday but I'm assuming there is still Muppetry occurring  closer in to the village !

Chris (It,its)
Between Newbury and Basingstoke
"When they are giving you their all, some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy banging your heart against some mad buggers wall"
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