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The Beast from the East
31 March 2020 08:14:56


Yeah, Stockholm is a great city and most women are hot.

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

Maunder says its overrun with Muslim migrants though?

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
The Beast from the East
31 March 2020 08:16:14

But no Wetherspoons!  

Originally Posted by: Caz 

Yes, the downside is bar prices are ridiculous in these countries and booze in shops is expensive. 

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
The Beast from the East
31 March 2020 08:18:18

Another reason why we must end the lockdown ASAP.


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Gandalf The White
31 March 2020 08:20:28

I think pubs, clubs and spectator sports will be the last things to re-start!    

Originally Posted by: Caz 

....especially in Croydon.


Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Maunder Minimum
31 March 2020 08:24:16


Perhaps you can email your MP? They would be relieved to receive an email from you which isn't about borders. 

I cannot email my MP as it's Chris Grayling, so he'd probably end up making a biological weapon of the above.

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

I have emailed my son-in-law about it - he may have the right contacts to push the message.

New world order coming.
31 March 2020 08:27:37


Around September then? :)

I can't see them re-opening for months.

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

They won`t be open for months,along with restaurants,hotels cinema`s,theartres etc. I work in the hospitality sector and word is this summer will be a complete write off and places won`t reopen until September/October, maybe August if we are very lucky! Many many businesses will go to the wall and there will be mass bankrupcies and unemployment by this time. Same applies for the travel, tourism and aviation industries.


  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
31 March 2020 08:28:12

Another reason why we must end the lockdown ASAP.


Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

Dunno whether it's a coincidence, but family of four found dead in their house a few miles from here. Police tight-lipped, but treating it as murder and 'not looking for anyone else'

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
31 March 2020 08:36:08

The good news is, I’ll be working from home assembling the PPE equipment I posted about yesterday.  Materials are being delivered to me this morning and as yet, I have no idea what it entails but I’m up for it whatever!  It’s my war effort!  

This is the company I work for.  It’s a family run SME and if they can diversify, others can!

Originally Posted by: Caz 

 That is good new,s especially as you can assemble the visor,s at home.

David M Porter
31 March 2020 08:38:50

I think one thing all of us here can agree on, regardless of what we think of the way our government and those in other countries responded to the coming of this pandemic, is that governments and people generally around the world must do everything they can in years to come to ensure that a disease pandemic such as this can never, ever happen again.

I know that we have we have no more right to tell the Chinese how to run their country any more than they have any right to tell us how to run the UK. That said, one way I believe that action can be taken against them is in the world of international trade and business. My own view is that the west has made a mistake in allowing so much manufacturing et al to be transferred to that country and allowing China to become as powerful as it has become, even though it is still considered to be a developing country.

If I was a person who was doing business of any description in China on a regular basis, my faith in the authorities in that country to look after people's best interests and their well-being would now have been destroyed for ever.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
31 March 2020 08:40:05

[quote=The Beast from the East;1198777]


Same thing happening in the Bible belt in the USA. Louisiana for example has a massive hotspot thanks to Churches still gathering and breaking the ban, and local Sheriffs agreeing with the sky fairy loons and not intervening. America will end up as the worst hit country in the world.

Perhaps that was China's plan all along

 Yup the Yank,s are going crazy.


Maunder Minimum
31 March 2020 08:43:47


Maunder says its overrun with Muslim migrants though?

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

They live in ghettos which can be avoided. Malmo is much worse than Stockholm however.


"must be avoided". Seriously, integration has not happened in Sweden and there are no-go districts best avoided.

New world order coming.
Justin W
31 March 2020 08:44:58


They live in ghettos which can be avoided. Malmo is much worse than Stockholm however.

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

Have you been to Malmo?

Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?
Maunder Minimum
31 March 2020 08:46:07


Have you been to Malmo?

Originally Posted by: Justin W 

Plenty of times - just across the way from Copenhagen.

Now you are going to tell me it is fine, the shopping areas etc are perfectly calm and peaceful. But as for Stockholm, there are districts best avoided.


New world order coming.
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
31 March 2020 08:48:42


Yes, I think Maunder might have a rather idealised image of countryside pubs in mind, but London (and some other city centres) is quite different. I could also imagine many people rushing back to restaurants, cafes and pubs as they had enough at home.

Btw, the WHO has criticised the term social distancing, they say we should use physical distancing :)

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

Yep, should be called anti-social distancing.

Country pubs with large gardens are one thing, town pubs with a small courtyard are another; but try drafting regulations that Wetherspoons won't bend to their advantage!

Same problem with country walks. I could take my car to the middle of nowhere and devise a walk where I'd see nobody - but the rule has to take into account people who only think of lay-bys next to the South Downs Way. Frustrating to be constrained by other people's lack of imagination.

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
31 March 2020 08:57:16


Yep, should be called anti-social distancing.

Country pubs with large gardens are one thing, town pubs with a small courtyard are another; but try drafting regulations that Wetherspoons won't bend to their advantage!

Same problem with country walks. I could take my car to the middle of nowhere and devise a walk where I'd see nobody - but the rule has to take into account people who only think of lay-bys next to the South Downs Way. Frustrating to be constrained by other people's lack of imagination.

Originally Posted by: DEW 

Yes, I'm sure the odious  Martin will show Uri Geller type  acumen in bending  'spoons .

Chris (It,its)
Between Newbury and Basingstoke
"When they are giving you their all, some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy banging your heart against some mad buggers wall"
  • NMA
  • Advanced Member
31 March 2020 09:01:12

 They won`t be open for months,along with restaurants,hotels cinema`s,theatres etc. I work in the hospitality sector and word is this summer will be a complete write off and places won`t reopen until September/October, maybe August if we are very lucky! Many many businesses will go to the wall and there will be mass bankruptcies and unemployment by this time. Same applies for the travel, tourism and aviation industries.


Originally Posted by: springsunshine 

I'm sure you are familiar with this quote Springsunshine. I feel really sorry for you in your predicament.

She said: “As a landlord, we are open to talking to tenants about issues they face in making their rental payments. In the current circumstances we are able to offer tenants the option to pay rent on a monthly basis instead of a quarterly one.” 

It's almost a kind of let them eat cake sort of thinking.

Which of course is not a lot of good if you are forced to close. I did wonder when I read this story if Cllr Vikki Slade really understands the situation.

Vale of the Great Dairies
South Dorset
Elevation 60m 197ft
Brian Gaze
31 March 2020 09:03:56

On days like this I'm even more pleased that I didn't buy a house in London 25 years ago. 

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
31 March 2020 09:05:26


They won`t be open for months,along with restaurants,hotels cinema`s,theartres etc. I work in the hospitality sector and word is this summer will be a complete write off and places won`t reopen until September/October, maybe August if we are very lucky! Many many businesses will go to the wall and there will be mass bankrupcies and unemployment by this time. Same applies for the travel, tourism and aviation industries.


Originally Posted by: springsunshine 

I'd agree with that , the last thing the Government can afford to lose is income from both Summer holidays and Xmas , they will aim for a slow return in August and September with a gradual release thereafter IMO 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

31 March 2020 09:08:50


Yep, should be called anti-social distancing.

Country pubs with large gardens are one thing, town pubs with a small courtyard are another; but try drafting regulations that Wetherspoons won't bend to their advantage!

Same problem with country walks. I could take my car to the middle of nowhere and devise a walk where I'd see nobody - but the rule has to take into account people who only think of lay-bys next to the South Downs Way. Frustrating to be constrained by other people's lack of imagination.

Originally Posted by: DEW 

Yup, and stop all the city pubs from opening and everyone will descend on country pubs packing them out. Beast and his mates will get their pints in one way or the other. Might need to limit the number of people going into pubs, only enough people allowed in to sit down at a table, no lingering in the bar etc? Going to be fun enforcing all that with more people wanting to  go to the pub than getting in.

Phil G
31 March 2020 09:09:25

One thing that has tickled me is we are now facing another oil crisis. This time it is because the world is running out of storage space for the stuff. I bet Jimmy Carter in 1979 never imagined he would live to see this day! The futility of predicting the future.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Prices on the forecourts are falling and so are profits. You can bet your bottom dollar the oil companies will make us pay heavily to rectify this in future!

31 March 2020 09:10:04

On days like this I'm even more pleased that I didn't buy a house in London 25 years ago. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Its not so bad, potted plants are growing with all this sunshine. There is wildlife too, with the overgrown ivy on our shed roof providing a fantastic place for the local fox to snooze during the day. Had a fly past of Parakeets yesterday too.

Maunder Minimum
31 March 2020 09:19:10


There will be massive consolidation in the aviation sector, since it will be depressed for years - people aren't going to start jetting around as soon as restrictions are relaxed - from the BBC:

"Passenger numbers in Germany’s Frankfurt airport - a major international hub - have dropped 90.7%  "

Plus, news from Denmark - the government announced yesterday that the internal lockdown will be relaxed from 12th April, but that external border controls will be maintained. One thing about the Danish Government is that they are playing it by the book so far - close borders, clean up internally and then relax internally, whilst keeping borders locked down.


New world order coming.
Gandalf The White
31 March 2020 09:23:34

I think one thing all of us here can agree on, regardless of what we think of the way our government and those in other countries responded to the coming of this pandemic, is that governments and people generally around the world must do everything they can in years to come to ensure that a disease pandemic such as this can never, ever happen again.

I know that we have we have no more right to tell the Chinese how to run their country any more than they have any right to tell us how to run the UK. That said, one way I believe that action can be taken against them is in the world of international trade and business. My own view is that the west has made a mistake in allowing so much manufacturing et al to be transferred to that country and allowing China to become as powerful as it has become, even though it is still considered to be a developing country.

If I was a person who was doing business of any description in China on a regular basis, my faith in the authorities in that country to look after people's best interests and their well-being would now have been destroyed for ever.

Originally Posted by: David M Porter 

I agree with the aspiration but it's simply not possible to prevent a future pandemic. We have seen enough in the last half century and, if anything, they are becoming more frequent.

Viruses are widespread in wild animals, particularly bats, monkeys and birds. They cannot be eradicated from their hosts and often don't cause disease or serious disease in their natural hosts. 

With nearly 8 billion humans on the planet and 2.5 billion of those in Africa and China and around half in Asia I'd say the chances of stopping another are close to zero. The best we can hope for is to be prepared and better contain the outbreaks; for that we are only as strong as the weakest link. The current weakest link is China but it could be anywhere across Asia or Africa where there is poverty, poor healthcare systems and people increasingly encroaching into wild areas.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

  • NMA
  • Advanced Member
31 March 2020 09:27:46


There will be massive consolidation in the aviation sector, since it will be depressed for years - people aren't going to start jetting around as soon as restrictions are relaxed - from the BBC:

"Passenger numbers in Germany’s Frankfurt airport - a major international hub - have dropped 90.7%  "

Plus, news from Denmark - the government announced yesterday that the internal lockdown will be relaxed from 12th April, but that external border controls will be maintained. One thing about the Danish Government is that they are playing it by the book so far - close borders, clean up internally and then relax internally, whilst keeping borders locked down.


Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

I've been thinking this too. Even if we aspire, things cannot return to the old ‘normal’ in twelve weeks, six months or even a year or more. The prohibitive costs of bringing back parked and mothballed aircraft may be too much for airlines to cover. Yes there will still be air transport but this will probably be mainly for freight rather than passengers and using the aircraft currently in operation. Getting rid of the lame birds to begin with will most likely happen. Which carriers will still be here in a years time? 

Vale of the Great Dairies
South Dorset
Elevation 60m 197ft
Maunder Minimum
31 March 2020 09:33:31


I've been thinking this too. Even if we aspire, things cannot return to the old ‘normal’ in twelve weeks, six months or even a year or more. The prohibitive costs of bringing back parked and mothballed aircraft may be too much for airlines to cover. Yes there will still be air transport but this will probably be mainly for freight rather than passengers and using the aircraft currently in operation. Getting rid of the lame birds to begin with will most likely happen. Which carriers will still be here in a years time? 

Originally Posted by: NMA 

Difficult to forecast, but I would anticipate that the charter flights jetting off to summer sun and winter ski resorts will be the worst affected going forward. I would imagine that business travel will pick up again first, which would suit carriers like British Airways and Lufthansa at the expense of low cost airlines.


New world order coming.
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