This one was different from the outset - personally, I was not at all alarmed that Ebola would spread globally for all kinds of reasons and with SARS it did not take long to work out that although deadly, it was not a virus which spread that easily. From the outset of the outbreak in China, it was clear that this corona virus was able to spread with astonishing speed - seeing the reaction and the way China started building new hospitals with massive urgency, drove that point home - that was why I cancelled my March trip to Copenhagen in January.
Health officials across Europe acted with astonishing complacency, instead of immediately restricting travel and freedom of movement. A stitch in time saves nine - if they had not been so complacent then, Europe might not be now in the dreadful mess we now see - the economic costs of restricting travel and screening at ports, would have been as nothing, compared to the devastating economic impacts of the current lockdowns.
Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum